HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-30-79 If Ga CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L.L. KRISTOF,M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1,10 TEL. (416)263-2231 TO: Chairman & Members of the REPORT NO. P-30-79 Planning & Development Committee DATE: February 27, 1979 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment - Bowmanville Official Plan O.P.A. 148, Wilswar Enterprises Ltd. Regional File: 77-30 Town File: 0-A-2-4-2 Comments: In October 1977 the above noted application was circulated to the Town for comments. The application was circulated to various agencies by the Town and Region in order to solicit comments or objections. The following represents a brief summary of the responses to that circulation. (i ) Ministry of the Environment - no objection, subject to provisions of noise control measures. (ii ) Ministry of Natural Resources - no objection. (iii ) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authori�y - cannot re- commend approval due to flood susceptibility of a portion of the site. (iv) Regional Works Department - no objection to amendment, i however, any rezoning or subdivision appli- cation would be considered premature due to lack of sewage capacity in Bowmanville pla}�t. - 2 - (v) School Boards - no objection. (vi) Town Works Department - no objection. (vii) Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission - no objection subject to future concerns regarding overhead wires. Having reviewed the concerns of the various agencies relative to this application, we wish to make the following comments. The Bowmanville Official Plan designates the site for Indus- trial uses while the Durham Regional Official Plan shows a residential designation. To the west of Waverly Road the lands are designated for industrial uses in both Official Plans, while the lands south of the Baseline are designated for highway commercial uses and special purpose commercial in the respective plans. The lands immediately to the north of the site have been developed for residential purposes. The proposal for the residential development of these lands does not appear to be consistent with the neighbourhood design since there are no provisions for pedestrian movement from this site, north through the residential neighbourhood, to either of the school sites I or the local commercial uses. This could create a potentially hazardous situation for children walking to schools, since the shortest route would expose them to the traffic of Waverly Road and the Baseline. The application I also proposes residential frontages along the Baseline, which could further compound the traffic situation, and is in conflict with the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan respecting access to a Type B arterial road. i i - 3 - Two further concerns with respect to residential development on this site are the potential noise problems and the site's intrusion within the Bowmanville Creek floodplain. The Ministry of the Environment identified the potential noise problems created by Highway 401 , the C.N. Railway, the hydro substation and noise from the two arterials abutting the site. Noise Levels from these sources would exceed accepted guidelines unless proper noise attenuation features were incorporated into the development. The staff of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, i have indicated that a portion of the site is flood susceptible which restricts both the developable area and access to the site unless the Authority's concerns can be adequately resolved. Based on the foregoing, the proposed amendment does not appear to be consistent with the intent of the Bowmanville Official Plan to create an industrial-commercial node at this location. Insofar I as the Durham Regional Official Plan is concerned, the present industrial designation is a permitted use within a residential area, subject to the inclusion of appropriate designations within the respective district i plans. Inasmuch as the Bowmanville Official Plan remains in force until i such time as a District Plan has been approved, it is our interpretation that the present designation of this site does not offend the intent of the Durham Regional Official Plan. Recommendation: Based on the foregoing, we recommend the following: "That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle objects to the proposed amendment to the Official Plan for the former Town of Bowmanville, File i - 4 - 77-30 (Former File O.P.A. 143), and that it is our intent to retain the present designation of these i lands, for inclusion in that portion of the Newcastle District Plan dealing with Bowmanville. " I Respec fully submitted, i � I , I I TTE:lb Leslie L. Kristof, M.C. I.P Director of Planning & Dev lopment i i I I I Y ,r 1p .. .L 3 S K 1=� s 'hta. x fi V, P IjE t S/ NT/Al- j <ry RESIDENTIAL ' >;• ;rf* i 3, 1 - - ff , HA,`j Nf 6.1.i ¢rtlA I _ I COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL � i f IO, 14 li 11 9 0 LOT 7 W.rYARatj NVIDR) ANA("ICE 1 NW`�itIYR I }f HHfli Y i (All t � LOHO ILAIH KAIIC SCHIOI li 6 ° �f 4� 9/ �4 l\ �L 114 P�L j e.renaaR 1 .r` 1![9131 NT �,✓ flttlft ,�1 y MtT 1 $ G� too M SOWMAV ILL t P F T IIIBN 11IKKI $� � Il T YPtlt.FMi MA}I •�I! ,` �j;,� 14A[l It SC�T � j [+, + - .F 1 fi,...}. M SITE i Me N Z. t 3 Hi CON cr(tJ �`1 ST 41ARY'8 CEMENT i 1 IFNIHAL BOWA1ANVILLE t I FIAt I4AI.l,COURT HOUSE 1110 F 0,A1*4 B POET O1iiCE ' 1 IOISH HAfI , iN MII I I/'1 I '. )ilUSF OM A LIBRARY - /1 i/4 1 4 CENYRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL ���B Jwg�y�����yYy �y,3sp 1 {���yFIy� 1 RI B10NA1. Ht ALTH V41T OW t3 ANVIRL�BIEe3 3 Ilfl}aiTAi .\