HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-29-79 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L.L. KRISTOF,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 TO: Chairman & Members of the REPORT NO. P-29-79 Planning & Development Committee DATE: February 27, 1979 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment - Official Plan for former Township of Darlington, O.P.A. 70, Brooks, Lovell and McLellan Regional File: 75-29 Town File: 0-A-1-1-2 Comments: In November 1975 the above noted application was forwarded to the Town for processing under the old Regional procedures. It was circulated to various agencies for input in February 1976. A staff report, No. 227, outlining the circulation and comments received, was presented to the November 22, 1976 meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee. That report, which recommended approval of the residential proposal subject to certain conditions, was adopted by Committee resol- ution P-99-76 and subsequently by Council resolution C-76-1397. Further action on this matter was dependant upon the applicant resolving the imposed conditions. This, apparently, has not been done j i to date, since the Regional Planning Department has requested updated i comments. However, discussions with staff of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority have indicated that the Authority has an immediate All i - 2 - i interest in the acquisition of the referred to lands. This has a bearing on the approval of this application since a division of the land could make acquisition much more difficult. i i Recommendation: Inasmuch as there has been no further action on this application and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has expressed an interest in acquiring the subject lands, we recommend I the following: "That it be recommended to the Region of Durham that no further approvals be given, related to this appli- cation to amend the Official Plan for the former Town- ship of Darlington, File 75-29 (Former File O.P.A. 70) , pending the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority' s proposed acquisition of the subject lands. " I Respectfully submitted, TTE:lb Leslie L. Kristof, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning & Deve men i i Y:N ._...�.._._._._ _..._.. ._. ._... I :SIX 111 1,IN LOT 7 L.OT 6 LOT 5 L.UI 3 i } LOT 2 l o`r I -- � i I I • N I W `pT it II II �- I iI TAUNTON ROA I PROPOSEp Y) SUBDIVISION 1 tx LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT I 4 G FOURTH LIWE I '`. SC/LE IN F=EE T TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON t 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L.L. KRISTOF,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL. (416)263-2231 TO: Chairman & Members of the REPORT NO. P-43-79 Planning & Development Committee DATE: March 12, 1979 SUBJECT: Application for Rezoning Number Z-A-1-11-5, Proposed Re- designation of Road Allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Concession 10, Darlington. 1 . Purpose of Application An application has been submitted requesting an amendment to the Darlington Zoning By-law to change the designation of the road allowance between lots 12 and 13, Concession 10, Darlington, from Class "B" Public Street to Class "A" Public Street. The pro- posed rezoning would permit the erection of buildings and structures on lots fronting on the subject road allowance, provided that all other requirements of the By-law could be complied with. 2. Background i We have been advised by the Town of Newcastle Works Department i that the subject road allowance was physically improved in 1970 and 1971 . However, because the Council of the former Township of Darling- ton did not amend the Zoning By-law to recognize these improvements, the road retained its designation as a Class "B" Public Street. Since Section 4(f) of the Darlington By-law prohibits the erection of any building or structure on lots abutting a Class "B" Public Street, - 2 - building permits have not been available for these lots. The proposed redesignation was considered by the Town of Newcastle Works Committee at its meeting of February 6, 1979, and the following recommendation was submitted to Council , and subsequently adopted: "THAT, conditional upon clarification being received from the Town Planning Department regarding the matter of i Zoning and possible development, By-law 2111 be amended and the road allowance in question be designated as ' improved' . " 3. Comments i Because the road allowance has already been physically upgraded, and because the proposed redesignation has been authorized by the Town of Newcastle Works Committee, we have no objections to the proposed amendment to the Darlington Zoning By-law. 4. Recommendation i It is, therefore, recommended that application for rezoning number Z-A-1 -11-6 be approved, and that the attached amending by-law bp-,forwarded to Council for approval . Respectf lly su mitted, A NJF:lb Leslie L. Kristof, M.C. I .P. Director of Planning & Developme t.