HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-27-79 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L.L. K R I STOF,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416) 263-2231 TO: Chairman & Members of the REPORT NO. P-27-79 Planning & Development Committee DATE: February 14, 1979 SUBJECT: Application for Rezoning Number Z-A-1 -7-3. Part of Lot Concession 1 , Darlington, William Watson 1 . PURPOSE OF APPLICATION On August 23, 1978, an application was submitted requesting an amendment to the Darlington Zoning By-law to permit the development of a 17.217 acre parcel of land situated in part of Lot 31 , Concession 1 , Darlington for Industrial purposes. (This application was completed in December of 1978, when the applicant submitted the requested Soils Consultant's Report to the Durham Health Unit) . The applicant proposes nine industrial lots on the site, to which would be occupied by low water use industries. 2. OFFICIAL PLAN PROVISIONS The subject site lies within the sector of Darlington Township designated for Industrial uses in the Durham Official Plan. Sect-ion of the Plan would permit the development of the site for industries of a "dry" nature, under certain conditions. The proposed rezoning appears to comply with the provisions of this designation. _ 2 - 3. ZONE PROVISIONS The site is zoned "Agriculture" in the Darlington Zoning By-law. Industrial uses are not included for the permitted uses of this zone. If this application is granted, provisions should be included in the amending By-law to regulate the waste water produced on the site and to enable the municipality to control development through the provisions of a development agreement imposed under Section 35 (a) of the Planning Act. 4. CIRCULATION OF APPLICATION The application was circulated to the following agencies for comments: 1 . Durham Planning Department 2. Durham Works Department 3. Durham Health Unit 4. Bell Canada 5. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 6. Ministry of Transportation and Communiciations 7. Newcastle Works Department B. Chief Building Official - Newcastle Building Department a. Newcastle Fire Department 10. C. P. Rail Industrial Developments 11 . Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food The Newcastle Fire Department and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food did not reply and were assumed to have no comments. Bell Canada, The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Ontario Hydro, The Regional Works Department, and the Chief Building Official advised that they had no objections to the proposed rezoning. Other comments are i - 3 - summarized below: 1 . The Durham-Planning Department advised as follows: Further to your request for comments, please be advised that the above subject site is designated "Industrial " in the Durham Regional Official Plan. In industrial areas where piped services are not anticipated, uses which are of a dry nature are permitted. In such cases, an engineering report is required indicating that there is an adequate supply of potable water, the method to be used for adequate fire protection, and that the soil conditions shall permit the installation of a waste disposal system which complies with the standards of the Ministry of the Environment as amended from time to time and as administered by the Medical Officer of Health or otherwise. In addition, an agreement may be entered into between the applicant and the Town of Newcastle. " 2. The Durham Health Unit submitted the following comments: "Soil conditions in the area of this proposed industrial subdivision are deemed unsatisfactory for the installation of private sewage disposal systems due to poor permeability and high water table levels. The tentative approval of the Durham Regional Health Unit of the proposal is thus subject to the following: 1 ) At least 5 feet of suitable granular fill will be required on tile bed areas before any Certificates of Approval can be issued. 2) Individual drilled wells or a piped supply from a single drilled well must be provided. 3) Only "dry" type industries should locate in the area so as minimal amounts of wastes are involved. 4) Individual plot plans will be required before any approvals for sewage systems can be granted and such plans should indicate location and size of buildings, parking areas, type of industry and number of employees. 5) Individual assessment of each lot will have to be carried out at the appropriate time in order to ascertain size and location of private sewage disposal systems required. " I I - 4 - 3. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications submitted the following comments: "Please be informed, we have had a reply from our functional Planning Office in Toronto. As to - 1 . No Objection to Rezoning 2. No Direct access to Hwy #401 3. All access to be by Baseline Road When applicant begins construction Land Use Application from M.T.C. should be completed. 4. The Newcastle Works Department submitted the following list of requirements : "The Public Works Department has no objections to the rezoning, but because the lands will be separated by the Land Division Committee, we make the following comments. I . That the owner enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town, subject to approval of this Department. 2. That all works It constructed to the satisfaction of the Public Works in accordance with the Town's Design Criteria, and Standard Drawing. 3. That any easements as required by the Public Works Department for drainage purposes and/or utilities, be granted free and clear of all encumbrances. 4. That the owners grant to the Town a 10 foot road widening allowance along the north side of the Baseline Road. 5. As according to Town policy, the owners will pay to the Town, their share of constructing Trull 's Road, and will pay one-half of the cost of the construction for the frontage of their land along Trull 's Road. 6. We are also concerned with the access onto the Baseline Road, as this land will eventually be a major arterial road, and we feel that access should be provided as in the Industrial Subdivisions from a road with the subdi- vision itself. Serious consideration should be given to this proposal . Secondary access for office parking, etc. , may be allowed onto the Baseline Road. " 5 - 5. C. P. Rail advised that they have no objections to the proposed rezoning subject to the following conditions : "l . that the developer ensure there is no increase or change of direction in the flow of natural surface drainage which would adversely affect the railway right-of-way. Any modification or addition to the existing drainage pattern would be the responsibility of the developer. 2. Any proposed utilities under or overcrossing our right- of-way to serve the development must be designed in accordance with our specifications, receive our approval and be covered by our standard agreement or permit. " (We note that these concerns could be resolved in a development agreement. ) 5. COMMENTS Since the site is designated "Industrial " in the Durham Official Plan, and since the applicant proposes "dry" industrial uses, we have no objection to the subject application. Concerns raised by the agencies listed above could easily be accommodated through imposition of proper zoning controls and through the provisions of a development agreement. We note, however, that the area designated "Industrial " in the Durham Official Plan encompasses a much large area than that proposed by this application from the number of industries which have located in this area, and the number of enquiries we have received, it appears that there is a substantial demand for unserviced industrial land in this location. However, it is often difficult to accommodate the industrial uses proposed under the existing Darlington Zoning By-law. The lands designated "Industrial " in the Durham Official Plan are zoned "Light Industrial , 011 )", "Open Storage Industrial ,(M2)" and "Agriculture" in the Darlington Zoning By-law. _ 6 - The following problems are encountered in the application of the existing By-law: 1 . Land which is proposed for a specific industrial use may be zoned "Agriculture", or may be included within an industrial use which does not permit the use proposed. These industrial uses may not be willing or able to wait six to eight months for a zoning by-law amendment application to be processed, and may be forced to seek other sites, possibly outside of the Town of Newcastle. 2. The existing By-law does not differentiate between high and low water use industries and does not restrict this area to the low water use industries which could be serviced by wells and septic tanks. 3. The Courtice Industrial District would be an ideal location for uses such as heavy equipment sales and service, or a farm imple- ment dealership. Neither of the existing Industrial zones in the Darlington Zoning By-law would permit this type of use. 4. The existing zoning By-law has no mechanism to permit the municipality to require a development agreement under Section 35 (a) of the Planning Act. The only control mechanism at present is the imposition of this requirement as a condition of severance or rezoning. For these reasons, we feel that a zoning by-law amendment is required not only for this site but for the totalarea designated "Industrial " in the Durham Official Plan. 7 - 6. RECOMMENDATION It is, therefore, recommended: 1 . That application for rezoning number Z-A-1-7•-3 be approved; 2. That the zoning by-law amendment for the subject site be incorporated into an amendment for the whole Courtice Industrial District; 3. That a public meeting be held to obtain the views of the area residents on the attached By-law; 4. That the attached By-law be forwarded to Council for approval , together with the results of the said public meeting. Respe tfully submitted, NJF:lb Leslie L. Kristof, M.C.I Director of Planning & �velopment PART OF LOT 31. CON. I DARLING70N TWSP. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AI A M C. P. R. c0 i 17 O� �• If f7 �--�I S.'_N---• 3123.60' R. O.W. 0� LOT 7 50• — ----i i— 1.34 ACRES i O i 1 I I I i mT 8 i Wi l34 ACRES 3! LOT 1 LDT 2 �- LOT 3 LOT 4 1 LOT 5 , LOT 6 �Ul 2O5_ACRES i 2.1 ACRES ACRES 1 2.18 ACRES ; 2.25 ACRES 2.43 ACRE12-15 LOT 9 1 ` 1.34 ACRES f < I t I� L464-9VS 164.99 16499' 164.99'° ! .-�.r.. 154.99' 164,99' cr BASELINE ROAD _ Subject Lands THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-law Number 79 -- A By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111 , as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle DEEMS it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111 , as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1 . Section 2 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by adding after subsection (a) the following subsection (a) (1 ) : "(a) (1 ) BULK STORAGE TANK shall mean a tank for the bulk storage of petroleum, petroleum products, chemicals gases or similar substances. This definition shall not include a storage tank which is accessory to another use on the lot where such tank is located. " 2. Section 2 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by adding after subsection (g) the following subsection (g) (1 ): "2 (g) (1 ) FACTORYOUTLET means a building or part of a building, accessory to a permitted industrial use, where the products manufactured by that industry are kept for wholesale or retail sale. " - 2 - 3. Section 2 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto, after subsection (j) , the follow- ing subsection (j ) (1 ) : "(j) (1 ) GARAGE, COMMERCIAL means an establishment or premises where vehicles owned by the general public are repaired or maintained." 4. Section 2 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto after subsection (j) (1 ) , the following subsection (j) (2) : "(j) (2) GARAGE, MAINTENANCE means an establishment or premises where vehicles owned or leased by the occupant of such premises are repaired or maintained." 5. Section 2 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto, after subsection (t) (2) , the following sub- section (t) (2) (a) : "(t) (2) (a) FLOOR AREA, NET shall mean that portion of the gross floor area of a building which is used by a Non- Residential use defined herein but excluding: i ) any part of such building used by another Non- Residential use which is defined herein; ii ) any part of such building used for the parking or storage of motor vehicles; iii ) any part of such building used for equipment to heat such building or a portion thereof; and iv) the thickness of any exterior walls of such building. " - 3 - 6. Section 2 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto, after subsection (t) (2) (a) , the following subsection (t) (2) (b) : "(t) (2) (b) OPEN STORAGE AREA shall mean land used for the outside storage of equipment, goods or materials. This definition shall not include a storage use in a building, a salvage yard, a delivery space or a parking space." 7. Section 2 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto, after subsection (v) (1 ) , the following subsection (v) (2) : "(v) (2) PLANTING STRIP means a row of trees or a continuous unpierced hedgerow of evergreens or shrubs, not less than five feet high, immediately adjacent to the lot line or portion thereof along which such planting strip is required, the remainder of which is planted with shrubs, flower beds, or a combination thereof." 8. Section 4 (n) of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting the words "Industrial Buildings - 1 space i per 1000 square feet of floor space", and replacing same with the following: "Industrial buildings i ) business office - 1 for each 200 square feet of net floor area or portion thereof. ii ) commercial garage - 1 for each 50 square feet of gross floor area or portion thereof. i I - 4 - iii ) other uses - 1 for each 750 square feet of net floor area or portion thereof." 9. Section 4 (v) of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby deleted and replaced with the following subsection (4) (v) : "(4) (v) LOTS ADJACENT TO HIGHWAY NO. 401 No person shall within any Restricted Industrial (M1 ) or General Industrial (M2) Zone use any Lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any non-residential purpose within 500 feet of the right-of-way of the MacDonald-Cartier freeway (Highway 401 ) except in accordance with the following provisions: i ) the minimum ground floor area of any building shall be 10,000 square feet. ii ) all plans and specifications for all buildings and structures shall be prepared by a registered archi- tect and bear his stamp. iii ) the exterior of the wall or walls of any building or structure facing Highway Number 401 and the ad- joining two side walls of such building or structure shall be of brick, stone or glass construction pro- vided that the following facing materials may be used to a maximum of 40% of the total surface of each wall : stainless steel decorative glazed terra cotta ceramic veneer - 5 - precast stone or concrete panels aluminum bronze steel with protective glazed enamel or porcelain finish of glass construction wood doors, frames and fascias. " 10. Section 4 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following subsection (x) : "(x) DEVELOPMENT OR REDEVELOPMENT OF LAND a) General Conditions The provisions of Section 35a of The Planning Act, R.S.O. , 1970, Chapter 349, as amended and as set out in this Section for the development or redevelopment of land, shall apply to any land or buildings in the following zones: Ml Restricted Industrial M2 General Industrial Council may as a condition of development or redevelopment of land or buildings within such zones prohibit or require the provision, maintenance and use of the following facilities and matters or any of them and may regulate the maintenance and use of such facilities and matters: (i ) widenings of highways that abut on the said land that is being developed or redeveloped; (ii ) subject to The Public Transportation and Highway Improve- ment Act, R.S.O. 1970, facilities to provide access to and from the said lands such as access ramps and curbings including the number, location and size, of such facilities and the direction of traffic thereon; b (iii ) off-street parking areas and loading areas and access driveways, including the surfacing of such areas and driveways; (iv) walkways and all other means of pedestrian access; (v) removal of snow from access ramps, driveways, parking areas-, and walkways; (vi) grading or change in elevation or contour of the said lands and the disposal of storm, surface and waste water from the said lands and from any buildings or structures thereon; (vii ) conveyance to the Corporation, without cost, of ease- ments required for the construction, maintenance or improvement of any existing or newly required watercourses, ditches and land drainage works on the said lands; (viii ) floodlighting of the said lands or of any buildings or structures thereon; (ix) walls, fences, hedges, trees, shrubs, or other suitable groundcover to provide adequate landscaping of the said lands or protection to adjoining lands; (x) vaults, central storage and collection areas and other facilities and enclosures as may be required for the storage of garbage and other waste materials; (xi ) plans showing the location of all buildings and structures to be erected on the said lands and the location of the other facilities required by this By--law; (xii ) perspective drawings and plans showing building elevations and cross sections of industrial and commercial building I and any Residential buildings containing 25 or more dwelling units. - 7 - b) Development Agreement When any of the facilities and matters listed above in subsection (a) are required by the Council , the Council may require that the owner of the land enter into one or more development agreements with the Council dealing with such facilities and matters. The issuance of building permits may be prohibited until the plans referred to in subsection (a) (xi ) and (a) (xii ) have been approved by the Corporation and until the develop- ment agreements have been entered into. c) Registration of Agreement The Corporation shall require that such development agree- ment be registered against the lands to which it applies. The Corporation shall enforce the provisions of the develop- ment agreement against the owner of the said lands and, subject to the provisions of The Registry Act and The Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1970, any and all subsequent owners of the said lands. d) Risk, Expense and Default The facilities and matters required in a development agreement shall be provided and maintained by the owner of the said lands, at the sole risk and expense of the owner and to the satisfaction of the Corporation. Should there be any default in fulfilling the requirements of the development agreement, the provisions of Section 469 of The Municipal Act shall apply. e) Conveyance for Park Purposes i ) As a condition for the development or redevelopment of land for residential purposes, as per Section 35b of - 8 - The Planning Act, the Corporation may require the owner of such lands to convey to the Corporation for park purposes and without cost, 5% of the lands proposed for development or redevelopment or to convey to -the Corporation money to the value of any lands required to be conveyed in lieu of such conveyance. ii ) The provisions of clause (i ) of this subsection shall not apply to land that is within an approved plan of subdivision if land in such plan or money in lieu of land, already has been conveyed to the Corporation for park purposes pursuant to a Minister's condition of approval of such plan. " 11 , Section 8 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby deleted and replaced by the following Section 8, entitled "Restricted Industrial Zone" : "SECTION 8 RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL (M1 ) ZONE 1 . PERMITTED USES No person shall within any Restricted Industrial (Ml ) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the follow- ing uses, namely: a) RESIDENTIAL USES prohibited b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES an assembly plant a business office accessory to a permitted use an equipment storage building I - 9 - a factory outlet a maintenance garage accessory to a permitted use a manufacturing plant a parking 'lot a warehouse 2. ZONE PROVISIONS No person shall within any Restricted Industrial (M1 ) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 12, and the following provisions: a) PROPERTY ABUTTING RAILWAY Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the contrary, where any lot line or portion thereof abuts a railroad right-of-way, no interior side or rear yard shall be required along that portion of such lot which so abuts the railroad right-of-way. b) PLANTING STRIP LOCATION A 10 foot wide planting strip shall be required along any portion ofa_s de lot line or rear lot line abutting a lot having a residential use situated thereon within 1000 feet. c) OUTSIDE USES PERMITTED Save and except parking, all permitted uses and other operations incidental thereto, including storage, shall be carried on within the confines of a building. A storage area with roof but without side walls may be permitted up to the ground floor area of the main building on the lot, .ti - 10 - provided that such storage area shall be so located that it is not visible from any public road. d) PERFORMANCE STANDARDS All permitted uses shall observe the following standards of performance: TYPE OF EMISSION MAXIMUM EMISSION PERMISSIBLE (a) Noise Imperceptible at any point on any lot line (b) Odours, Toxic or Nil Corrosive Gases (c) Vibration Imperceptible outside the building (d) Glare and Heat Imperceptible outside the building (e) Electromagnetic Imperceptible outside the building e) NOXIOUS TRADE No use shall be permitted which from its nature or the materials used therein is declared to be a noxious trade, business or manufacture under The Public Health Act or regulations thereunder. f) UNSERVICED LOT REQUIREMENTS Every use in an Ml Zone which is located on a lot which is not served by a public water system and a sanitary sewer system shall comply with the following requirements : i ) No more than 10,000 gallons of water per day shall be taken from any stream, well , or reservoir. ii ) No water taken from any stream, well or reservoir and and utilized in any way in the manufacturing process shall be discharged in such manner that it flows out- ; I side the boundary of the lot either above or below ground level ; iii ) No privately owned sewage disposal system shall dis- charge effluent in such manner that it flows outside the boundary of the lot either above or below ground level . (iv) The number of persons employed on the lot shall not exceed the regulations of the Durham Health Unit and shall be subject to the approval of the Durham Health Unit. " 12. Section 9 of By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby deleted and replaced with the following Section 9, entitled "General Indus- trial Zone" : "SECTION 9 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (M2) ZONE 1 . PERMITTED USES No person shall within any M2 zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely: a) RESIDENTIAL USES prohibited b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES an assembly plant a bulk storage tank a business office accessory to a permitted use a commercial garage a contractor's yard a factory outlet - 12 - a farm implement dealership a heavy equipment sales and service outlet a maintenance garage accessory to a permitted use a manufacturing plant an open storage area a parking lot a radio or television transmission establishment a warehouse 2. ZONE PROVISIONS No person shall within any General Industrial (M2) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 12 and the following provisions: a) PROPERTY ABUTTING RAILWAY Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the contrary, where any lot line or portion thereof abuts a railroad right-of-way, no interior side or rear yard shall be required along that portion of such lot which so abuts the railroad right-of-way. b) PLANTING STRIP LOCATION A 10 foot wide planting strip shall be required along abutting a lot any portion of a side lot line or rear lot line having a residential use situated thereon within 1000 feet. (, c) NOXIOUS TRADE No use shall be permitted which from its nature or the materials used therein is declared to be a noxious trade, business or manufacture under the Public Health Act or regulations thereunder. I i - 13 - d) OPEN STORAGE AREA REGULATIONS No open storage area shall be permitted in accordance with the following provisions: i ) no open storage area shall be permitted in a front yard or an exterior side yard. ii ) no open storage area shall be permitted in a rear yard adjacent to a rear lot line of such lot which abuts a lot having a Residential use situated thereon within 1000 feet; iii ) no open storage area shall be permitted in a side yard adjacent to a side lot line of such lot which abuts a lot having a Residential use situated thereon within 1000 feet; (iv) every open storage area or lot having an open storage area situated thereon shall be enclosed by a wall or fence not less than 6 feet in height and constructed of uniform material ; and (v) no portion of any open storage area for combustible I materials shall be located closer than 20 feet to any lot line. e) UNSERVICED LOT REQUIREMENTS Every use in an M2 Zone which is located on a lot which is not served by a public water system and a sanitary sewer system shall comply with the following requirements: i ) No more than 10,000 gallons of water per day shall be taken from any stream, well , or reservoir; i 14 - ii ) No water taken from any stream, well or reservoir and utilized in any way in the manufacturing process shall be discharged in such matter that it flows outside the boundary of the lot either above or below ground level ; iii ) No privately owned sewage disposal system shall dis- charge effluent in such manner that it flows outside the boundary of the lot either above or below ground level . iv) The number of persons employed on the lot shall not exceed the regulations of the Durham Health Unit and shall be subject to the approval of the Durham Health Unit. 3. SPECIAL PROVISIONS a) M2-1 , Part of Lot 32, Concession 1 Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-law to the contrary, that parcel of land located in Part of Lot 32, Concession 1 , and designated "Ml-1 " on schedule "A" hereto may be used for the following purposes: a) one only automobile repair shop b) an accessory single family dwelling c) an accessory used car lot Provided that - the cars offered for sale on the lot shall have been repaired on the lot, - only 4 cars shall be displayed for sale on the lot at any time, - any cars ,under repair or awaiting repair i shall be stored behind a fence according to the development agreement required by Section 4 (x) above. " 13. Section 12 of By-law 2111 , as amended is hereby further amended by deleting the rows commencing with the words "M1 Industrial Commercial ", "Ml Residential " and "M2 Open Storage" and replacing therefor the following: MINIMUM MINIMUM YARDS FLOOR AREA MAXIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM INTERIOR EXTERIOR BUILDING LOT LOT 'LOT LOT HEIGHT AREA FRONTAGE DEPTH COVERAGE FRONT SIDE SIDE REA tE USE TYPE sq. ft. ft. ft. % ft. ft. ft. ft. sq.ft. ft. INDUSTRIAL --- 43,560 150 -- 50 35 15 35 35 35 INDUSTRIAL 43,560 150 '-- 50 35 15 35 35 35 14. Key Maps 21 , 22, 25 and 26 of Schedule A to By-law 2111 , as amended, is hereby further amended by changing, to "Ml ", `M2" and "G" respect- the zone designations of the lands designated "ZONE CHANGE to M1 ", "ZONE CHANGE TO M2" and "ZONE CHANGE TO G" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 15. This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ a first time this day of , A.D. 1979 BY-LAW READ a second time this day of , A.D. 1979 i i _ 16 _ BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this day of A.D. 1979. (seal ) G. B. Rickard, Mayor J. M. McIlroy, Clerk i i i TO BY - LAW 79--- , DATED THIS OF ._f-. f' fri�:i == G • 111 fiw•,.v •,...J 2Li iIII G t 1f h.•u+. 1I ,1 1 ad�./I•. D G 1 ` i` D I ~ D -" D f C4 ��dtr _ � _:1t.�.z._,.� sue!_ 1.�.• ,�' b�` F�� �'� u T r.n YY fI . awwrer .�. �� � � w.n►ins y`� 4 ,, I �`cr,•;r t! t , 2` s '' :-iiY t:`• e :',`.•• {,•}f'�r rt ° ' rte~',' =Yt _._.._ -- - :•a•.�4�-•a Xui:�?.'s'z:.�:��'..,:.......:,..,:��Jf� '' •••'� ,r-�r.r^�}�y;� ,,��},:n,,�•d+ 1...� �:`�" LOT 35 LOT 3q 17T 3n LEI 29 r y 1 ^ « .7 C .« «. n h• q. t'_'f,'d`:`III' i D) ,Rt-!NGIGN UJOKSAi, RANKING COr WAN'5 4'. C= Y" MAP 2 l Wo r. Zone change to 'M 21 fN1 Zone change to �G� ( u'",' JW DRAFT OF SCHEDULE �X' TO BY-LAW Z9- ,DATED THIS _ OF _,A.D.:11970" couRrIcr -: � l � I _ ,� �- _. _._.._9 I { �`! •~ice' , A- 1 • ♦i •� •�•ii• ti 1 ti�;a, }{; }'{T'{}1i.•.•�'�{:{:i{ :::'••4'+••4�'��••''�{v:+i••+:•:•;ti;�ti:{':•:•:•i:'.}.•1 a�/ {.;.•�.;}�,:}}:.•: �:. v y;S:}i .'<; :$t:}•.is•.Pr'ti:{•�:{;iv:•{ >v�+{r�"'{r.�v:','l �:�,yti;{ti:;:, r LDr 28 LOr 27 LO T 2( t 0 T to r 24 1 or 23 Lor "ICA,[ IN ►cc, I04� dS1l1) OF DARt GTtt4 ry acme 0 •ro � an r>.K rr Y .,, r i Zone change to 'M21 ' 7onn rhrnnne 4o 1C,1 r."1 5 DRAFT OF SCHEDULE X TO BY L AW 79-- DATED THIS _ OF A.D. 1979. ,g t� ZI zor3J LOr.34 !_Or 33 LorM L0r.31 tor,v torzq ml ml • � i / ^� ` •fit �;'v'•'S� :v:) + r e � I' •'tom`."/� ' �% N NI all > k MO.Y2Ii nNM r.l(•ra1 q / T i 04 rgvf r• Zone change to 'M I Zone change to �G d WADI IN rttt TOWNSHIP OF DARLING" StRftL PLARN06 Wk*&TANTS 00 LTD KEY MAP 25 Veyerr f.•a fial �y. DRAFT OF SCHEDULE 'X� -, TO BY-LAW 79-- DATE THIS DAY OF ,A.D. 1970. s. ,ls f �3 22 wrz8 CAPp? �> L® P a"8 SAP ?.i tor ?4 LOT ,?3 [©r 22 S „- •laid �!� ,...e.a. r�ira.� _ ... ... ... . r' �3 • • lit Y K` 27 mi I Al t# ml .^� //I-ems._.♦-._. _ ��A it � xt Zone change to ;. '7 XA49 IN FEE T WAK"L KW O" cc> U&TANTS co LTD KEY MAP Iii t- n•�r.