HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-01-79a 4 9 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L.L. KRISTOF, M.C.I. P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416) 263-2231 TO: Chairman and Members of the REPORT NO: P-1-79 Planning & Development Committee DATE: January 31, 1979 SUBJECT: Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, By-law Number 78-85, Mrs. Mickle 1. Background The attached By-law Number 78--85, amended the Darlington Zoning By-law by changing the zoning of Part of Lot 14, Concession 8, from "Greenbelt" to "R3". This By-law was approved by Council on September 8, 1978. Ontario Municipal Board regulations require that such a zoning By-law amendment be circulated to the owners -of properties lying within 400 feet of the subject property, and that these owners be given 21 days to file an objection to the By-law. A list of property owners was pre- pared, using roll numbers obtained from the assessment mapping, and the By-law was circulated by the Clerk's Department. No objections were received within the stipulated 21 day time period, and the By-law was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on November 1, 1973. After the By-law had received Ontario Municipal Board approval, it was discovered that the owners of two properties immediately adjacent to the land to be rezoned were not included in the circulation list. -2 - (This omission occurred as a result of the Assessment Mapping prepared by the Provincial Assessment Department, which did not identify these two parcels as separate properties but rather showed them as forming part of the lands to the north.) One of these property owners advised the Ontario Municipal Board that she had not received notification of the proposed By-law amendment, and that she would have objected had she been so notified. Because the Municipality had not circulated the By-law in accord- ance with its regulations, the Ontario Municipal Board, on November 28, 1973, rescinded the order approving the By-law. A hearing has been scheduled for February 28, 1979 to hear the residents' objections to the By-law. 2. Comments The subject lands were zoned "Greenbelt" in the Darlington Zoning By-law before the actual extent of the flood plain had been determined. The floodplain mapping prepared for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority revealed that a portion of this property was indeed outside of the floodplain of the Bowmanville Creek. We assume that, had this mapping been available at the time the Darlington Zoning By-law was under preparation, the portion of the site lying above the flood line would have been zoned "R.3". We also note that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority did not object to By-law 78-85. Since the By-law conforms with the Durham Official Plan and is outside of the flood plain, we see no reason why the By-law should not be approved. N -3- 3. Recommendation It is recommended that Planning staff and the Town Solicitor be authorized to appear at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing of February 23, 1979, in defense of By-law 73-35. Respectful y submitted, NJF:lb Leslie L. Kristof, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning &D elopment 7 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 78- 85 A By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington WEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Map 9 of Schedule "A" to By-law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to R3 the zone desig- nation of the lands indicated as "ZONE CHANGE TO R3" oh the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2, This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ a first time this..1.1.*,day of.., sep,tember,,,......... A.D. 1978 BY-LAW READ a second time this. Jlt�...day of Sep,treAb x ............. A.D. 1978 BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this.. ?af.day of septe;nber.,,, „ 0 (Seal) G. B. RICKARD,/Mayor C L J. M. MCI)toy, Clerk SCHE DUL F tt x It N CONCESSIONS 7 and 9 mZone change to R .3' THIS IS SCHEDULE X To BY-LAW78_ THIS —17ch DAY OF' _tet:A . - -i PASSE() •�• 1978. j Scale in feet 1$i= 50' C. 0'' 20- 40 60`60 80 G.B. RICKAR, Mayor J M. M_C1 LRC (.itrk__.._ 70135 Ontario Municipal Board IN THi', jNIATTE1 OF oll 35 of The Planning Ict (R.S.O. I T1 : C, - 3 97 - and - IN THE J,1ATTL,R OF an. by The Goriaration of tho Town of "Cwco: tic For nalwoval of ALs HostrIctud Arca my -mw 78-8,'j APPOINTMENT FOR HWING