HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-182-83 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB UO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 1983 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 i SUBJECT: COURTICE REVIEW APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAN OF SUBDIVISION NOZDRYN - PART OF LOT 30, CONCESSION 2 TWP. OF DARLINGTON - FILE: 18T-82011 l APPLICATION FOR REZONING AND TO AMEND DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN - E. POLLARD PART LOT 29 & 30, CONCESSION 3 TWP. OF DARLINGTON - FILE: DEV 83-22 & 83-34/ND RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the i following: 1 . That Report PD-182-83 be received; and 2. That Council approve the proposed amendment and request the Region of Durham to amend the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington, as proposed by Attachment #1 to Staff Report PD-182-83, as follows : a) Schedules 1 ,2,3 and 4 be amended to reduce the area included within the Courtice Urban Area and to amend the boundary of the Urban Area accordingly; and i b) Schedule 1 be further amended to amend the population allocations for Neighbourhoods 3A,38 and 3C; and . . .2 ( �� REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 2 c) Schedule 4 be further amended to modify the proposed alignment of Adelaide Avenue through the Courtice Urban Area; and d) Section 6.1 .2iv)c) be amended to incorporate a revised policy regarding High Density Residential Development; and 3. That Council further request the Region of Durham to undertake the appropriate amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan to implement the requested amendments to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington; and 4. That Council approve Amendment #1 to the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbour- hood 3A, amending Schedule 2 - Population as proposed by Attachment #2 to Staff Report PD-182-83; and 5. That Council receive for their information and consideration, the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C, as proposed by Attachment #3 to Staff Report PD-182-83, and further that Council refer the said Neighbourhood Development Plans back to Staff for further review, circulation and report; and 6. That Council receive for their information and consideration the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-82011 submitted by Mr. & Mrs. W. Nozdryn ; and further that Council refer the said subdivision application back to Staff for further consideration and report following the review of the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B; and . . .3 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 3 7. That Council receive for their information and consideration the applications for Official Plan Amendment (File: 83-34/ND) and Rezoning (File: DEV 83-22) submitted by Mr. E. Pollard, and further that Council refer the said applications back to Staff for further consideration and report followingthe review of the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B; and 8. That Council advise the Region of Durham that the Town of Newcastle will provide recommendations on proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-82011 and Official Plan Amendment Application 83-34/ND at such time as a Neighbourhood Development for Neighbourhood 3B has been approved; and 9. That Council request the Region of Durham to approve forthwith the staging policies for the Courtice Urban Area (File: 80-35/ND) as approved by Town Council on September 20, 1982. i REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 4 BACKGROUND: On October 4, 1982, Council considered a letter from the Honourable James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications, inviting Council and Senior Town Staff to Queens ' Park on October 7 , 1982 to hear an announcement out- lining an Inter-Regional Rapid Transit Strategy for the Go Transit Service Area. On October 7, 1982, the Minister announced that the Go Rail Commuter Transit System would be extended east from Pickering to the City of Oshawa , with the proposed terminus for the extension to be in vicinity of the Holiday Inn on Bloor Street, immediately west of the Oshawa/Newcastle Townline. At its meeting of October 12, 1982, the General Purpose and Administration Committee, noting that the proposal could have a substantial impact upon landuses within the Courtice Urban Area, adopted resolution (Resolution #GPA-1142-82) endorsing the Minister's Rapid Transit Strategy and j requesting the Director of Planning to begin a review which shall address, among other things, the impact of the proposed extension of Go Rail upon landuse in the Courtice Urban and Industrial Areas. Council subsequently endorsed this resolution on October 18, 1982 (Resolution #C-817-82) . The Courtice Urban Area Plan (Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington), which was approved by Council on October 9, 1979, and subsequently approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on June 6, 1980, defines landuse designations and policies for the Courtice Urban Area, and allocates population guidelines for each of the residential neighbourhoods. The Plan . . . 5 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 5 also identifies large portions of the urban area as being environmentally sensitive and notes that, upon completion of an environmental impact analysis for these areas, it may be necessary to reassess the landuse designations and policies in the Plan, and adjust the population guidelines to reflect the environmental sensitivity of any given area. An environmental impact analysis for the Courtice Urban Area was finalized by Gartner Lee Associates Limited in April , 1981 , and adopted by Council in November, 1981 . The analysis identified a large portion of Courtice north of Nash Road and east of Farewell Creek as being environment- ally sensitive and not suitable for urban development. As a result of Council ' s direction and the findings of the Environmental Impact Study, staff are now submitting this report, which presents a review of landuse policies and designations in Courtice. COMMENTS: The Courtice Urban Area Plan divides the Courtice Urban Area into three distinct neighbourhoods based on the natural division created by the Black and Farewell Creek systems, and assigns population guidelines for each neighbourhood, with the target population for the entire urban area being 20,000 persons. Neighbourhood 3 (Courtice North) encompasses the area north of Black Creek and east of Farewell Creek and is divided into three sub-neighbourhoods-3A,3B and 3C, with the population allocation for these sub-neighbourhoods being 2,300, 2,100, and 1 ,900 persons respectively. The total population allocation for Neighbourhood 3 is 6,300 persons. . . .6 REPORT NO. : PO-182-83 Page 6 Both the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Courtice Urban Area Plan identify large portions of Neighbourhood 3, in particular the area north of Nash Road, as being environmentally sensitive. The Courtice Urban Area Plan states that any site identified as being environmentally sensitive shall be examined through an Environmental Impact Analysis to be prepared to the satisfaction of the Town and other agencies, including the Region of Durham. The Plan further states that, based on the recommendations of the analysis , landuse defined within the urban area and subsequent neighbourhood development plans shall be reassessed and alternative landuse concepts analyzed. Policies in the Durham Regional Official Plan also require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Analysis for an area identified as being environmentally sensitive prior to approving any development applications. The consulting firm of Gartner Lee Associates Limited was retained in October, 1980 to conduct an Environmental Analysis of the Courtice Urban Area. Their final report , which was submitted to the Town in April , 1981 , examined the evironmental sensitivity of Neighbourhood 3. The report noted that, for the most part, the Courtice Urban Area occupies a local ground water recharge area and that the water table lies close to the surface over much of the area. The report presented a planning concept on which environmentally sensitive areas and areas capable of supporting urban development were presented. These latter areas were identified as being located primarily in j Neighbourhoods 3A and 3B, and between Nash Road and Black Creek in all the neighbourhoods . i The consulting firm submitted its final report to the Town in April , 1981 . The report was forwarded to the Region of Durham for their review and, in September, 1981 , Regional Council adopted a resolution advising the Town that the . . .7 i REPORT NO. : PO-182-83 Page 7 Environmental Study provided a reasonable basis for the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans. On November 2, 1981 , Newcastle Council resolved to accept the final report of the Environmental Impact Analysis and adopted the study for use in preparing Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neighbourhoods 3A, 3B & 3C, in evaluating specific development proposals in Courtice, and in evaluating the landuse designations and policy provisions of the Regional Official Plan and the Courtice Urban Area Plan with the view to recommending possible amendments to these documents. Following thereon, on April 2, 1982 the Planning Department was circulated an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision submitted by William and Anastasia Nozdryn. The application was to permit a high density residential development on a 6.2 hectare (15.3 acre) parcel of land within the Courtice Community Central Area and Neighbourhood 3B. The Planning Department subsequently notified the applicant and the Region, that the Courtice Urban Area Plan contains policies which require the preparation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan prior to approval of Plans of Subdivision, and that the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan for Neighbourhood 3B was not included in the Planning Department 's 1982 Work Program. On May 17, 1982, the General Purpose and Administration Committee considered Staff Report PD-80-82. The Report presented a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood j 3A for approval , noting that the planning concepts proposed by the Plan reflected in large part, the findings of the Environmental Impact Analysis and input provided by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Region . The report noted that the northern portion of the neighbour- hood was identified by the environmental analysis as being REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 8 very sensitive. The report also noted that severe environ- mental sensitivities exist along the alignment of Adelaide Avenue within Neighbourhood 3B as proposed by the Region. The Staff Report recommended that the Neighbourhood Development Plan be approved and that -the Region be requested to amend their Official Plan and the Courtice Urban Area Plan to delete the northern portion of Neighbour- hood 3A from the Urban Area. The report also recommended that the Region be advised that due to environmental concerns, the Town believes the extension of Adelaide Avenue through Neighbourhood 3B is inappropriate, and that the Town will , within the context of a Neighbourhood Plan for Neighbourhood 3B, give this matter further consideration. Committee resolved (Resolution #GPA-646-82) to adopt these recommendations. Subsequently, on May 2.5, 1982, Council resolved to endorse Committee's approval . As noted earlier, the Minister of Transportation and Communications announced the Go Train Extension on October 7, 1982, and on October 18, 1982, Council directed staff to begin a review of Planning in Courtice. The Courtice Review was included in the 1983 Work Program for the Planning Department and staff proceeded with the review. On August 27, 1983, the Planning Department received an application from Mr. Elmer Pollard to rezone a 25.75 hectare (63.6 acre) parcel of land in Part Lots 29 & 30, Concession 3, in Courtice to permit a high density development. A revised rezoning application was submitted on September 27, 1983. On October 13, 1983, the Region advised the Town that they had received an application from Mr. Pollard to amend the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington (Courtice Urban Area Plan) to redesignate the parcel subject to the rezoning application from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential . REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 9 At its meeting of November 7, 1983, the General Purpose and Administration Committee considered Staff Report PD-166-83. The Report advised Council that, on October 25, 1983, the GO/ALRT Technical Advisory Committee had selected a preferred final route alignment and station location for the GO Train Extension for approval and implementation. This preferred alignment indicates the terminus of the extension being located south of 61oor Street just west of the Townline. Committee resolved (Resolution #GPA-872-83) to advise the Minister of Transportation and Communications that the Town concurs and supports this proposed route alignment and station location. On November 14, 1983, Council resolved (Resolution #C-820-83) to endorse Committee's resolution. On September 13, 1982, prior to the Courtice Review being initiated, the General Purpose and Administration Committee considered an amendment to the Courtice Urban Area Plan. The primary purpose of the amendment was to give a priority to the Courtice Community Central Area and residential neighbourhoods adjacent to the Community Central Area with respect to the staging of development in Courtice. Committee resolved (Resolution #GPA-1019-82) to adopt the amendment and request the Region to approve the amendment and forward it to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval . Council subsequently endorsed this resolution on September 20, 1982 (Resolution #C-732-82) . Recent discussions with Regional Planning Staff however, indicate that the Region will be withholding approval of the amendment until the Courtice Review has been completed and Town Council has approved a strategy for Courtice. As well , Town staff feel a review of the amendment would be in order to take into consideration the results of the Courtice Review. . . .10 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 10 Therefore, as part of this Study, staff will be presenting the following items for Council 's consideration : - Proposed amendments to the landuse and transporation designations and policies in the Courtice Urban Plan resulting from the findings of the Environmental Impact Study, and the consequent amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan ; and - Proposed Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C and the consequent amendment to the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3A; and - Development proposals for High Density Residential Development submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Nozdryn and Mr. E. Pollard. I AMENDMENTS TO THE COURTICE URBAN AREA PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 . That Council approve the proposed amendment and request the Region of Durham to amend the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington , as proposed by Attachment #1 to Staff Report PD-182-83 as follows : a) Schedules 1 ,2,3 & 4 be amended to reduce the area included within the Courtice Urban Area and to amend the boundary of the Urban Area accordingly; and b) Schedule 1 be further amended to amend the population allocations for Neighbourhoods 3A,3B & 3C; and . . .11 I REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 11 c) to modify the proposed alignment of Adelaide Avenue through the Courtice Urban Area, and d) to incorporate a revised policy regarding High Density Residential Development. 2. That Council further request the Region of Durham to undertake the appropriate amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan to implement the requested amendments to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington. The primary purpose of the Environmental Impact Study required by the Courtice Urban Area Plan was to identify those areas within Neighbourhoods 3A,3B & 3C which are environmentally sensitive, and to develop a planning concept which reflects the environmentally sensitive nature of the area. The Environmental Impact Study found that most of Courtice occupies a local ground water recharge area, with ground water resources being unconfined and therefore very vulnerable to contamination. It also found the water table to be close to the surface over much of the area, and that extensive drainage and/or the addition of fill would be necessary if the area was to be fully developed. The study further noted that "modification of shallow water table areas within the unconfined aquifer may cause ground water quality and quantity interference some distance away and alter year-round base flow to nearby streams." The study identified these environmentally sensitive areas as . . .12. i i REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 12 occupying the most northerly portion of Neighbourhood 3A, the northern half of Neighbourhood 3B, and most of Neighbourhood 3C north of Nash Road, and suggested that generally, the urban development of these areas. should not be permitted. The study found that areas of "high - and - dry" sand and till plains located primarily in Neighbourhoods 3A and 3B, and between Nash Road and Black Creek in all the Courtice North Neighbourhoods , offer the best opportunity for urban development. Most of the existing development in Courtice North is located on the sand and till plains. Based on the findings of the Environmental Impact Study, staff feel that it would be appropriate to remove these environmentally sensitive areas from the urban area. As noted earlier, Council requested the Region, at the time it approved the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbour- hood 3A, to remove the most northerly portion of the Neighbourhood from the Urban Area due to its environmentally sensitive nature. Staff has now prepared for Council 's consideration Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C. These Plans, which will be discussed later in this report , propose that urban development only be permitted on those areas identified by the Environmental Impact Study as being suitable for such development . Staff therefore recommend that Council request the Region to amend Schedules 1 ,2,3 and 4 of the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington to remove these environment- ally sensitive areas from the Courtice Urban Area and to amend the boundary of the Urban Area accordingly, as proposed by Attachment #1 to this Report. . . .13 REPORT NO. : PO-182-83 Page 13 The Courtice Urban Area Plan allocates a total of 6,300 persons to Courtice North, with 2,300, 2,100 and 1 ,900 persons being allocated to Neighbourhoods 3A,3B and 3C respectively. The Plan notes however, that these population guidelines are based on the potential development of these lands without detailed review of environmental sensitivity and that, upon completion of environmental studies, it may be necessary to adjust these population figures to reflect the sensitivity of any given area. The Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3A already takes the environmental sensitivity of the northern portion of the neighbourhood into account when determining population guidelines. However, staff are proposing that the area of Neighbourhood 3C and, to a lesser extent the area of Neighbourhood 3B, be significantly reduced. Staff therefore feel it is necessary to reassess the population allocations for each of the Courtice North Neighbourhoods. Currently, 1 ,900 persons are allocated to Neighbourhood 3C by the Urban Area Plan. The substantial reduction in the area being proposed by staff would make the achievement of this target impractical . Staff have reviewed the extent of existing development and the potential for future development and, based on that review, propose that the population target for Neighbourhood 3C be reduced to 1 ,000 persons. However, in order for Courtice North to reach its population guideline of 6,300 persons, it will also be necessary to adjust the population guidelines for Neighbour- hoods 3A and 3B. Staff therefore propose that the population guidelines for Neighbourhoods 3A and 3B be increased to 2,700 persons and 2,600 persons respectively. These higher population allocations will allow for the possibility of new development in these neighbourhoods to . . .14 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 14 proceed at a higher density. The Courtice Urban Area Plan states that minor deviations from the population guidelines which do not alter the intent of the Plan or the Durham Regional Official Plan may be permitted without an amendment. However, the revised population allocations as proposed by staff deviate substantially from that presently permitted. Therefore, staff recommend that Council request the Region to amend Schedule 1 of the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington to indicate population guidelines for Neighbourhoods 3A, 3B and 3C of 2,700 persons , 2,600 persons and 1 ,000 persons respectively. Schedule 4 - Transportation Network of the Courtice Urban Area Plan indicates the proposed extension of Adelaide Avenue as following the existing northern boundary of the urban area east to Regional Road 34 (Courtice Road). However, the amendments to the Urban Area Plan as proposed by staff would result in the development pattern being oriented towards Nash Road and Hwy. 2, with the majority of the population in Courtice North being concentrated in Neighbourhoods 3A & 3B. Therefore, the need for the extension of Adelaide Avenue east of Trull 's Road is questionable. As well , the Environmental Impact Study indicated that severe environmental sensitivities exist along the proposed alignment of Adelaide Avenue within Neighbourhood 3B. At the time the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3A was approved, Council also approved a recommendation advising the Region that, due to environmental concerns, the Town believes the proposed extension of Adelaide Avenue through Neighbourhood 3B is inappropriate and that the Town would give the matter further consideration within the context of a Neighbourhood Plan for Neighbourhood 3B. i . . .15 REPORT NO. : PO-182-83 Page 15 Based on the above considerations , staff feel the proposed alignment of Adelaide Avenue should be amended to be compatible with the previous amendments relating to area, boundary and population allocation proposed by Staff. It is therefore recommended that Council request the Region to amend the Official Plan of the former Township of Darling- ton, specifically Schedule 4 to the Courtice Urban Area Plan, to bring the alignment of Adelaide Avenue south through the northern portion of Neighbourhood 3A and terminating at Trull 's Road, as proposed by Attachment #1 to this Report. As staff noted earlier, the increase in the population allocations to Neighbourhoods 3A and 3B will allow for the possibility of new development in these neighbourhoods to proceed at slightly higher densities. Currently, the Courtice Urban Area Plan states that high density residential developments shall not exceed a density of eighty (80) units per net residential hectare. However, the Official Plan of the Bowmanville Urban Area, which was approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 7, 1983, permits proposals for higher density development to be considered, provided that the servicing capacity exists and the proposal does not lower the development potential of other vacant residential lands in the neighbourhood. Staff feel that the policy regarding high density developments in the Courtice Plan should be consistent with the policy in the Bowmanville Plan. Staff therefore recommend that Council request the Region to amend the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington to incorporate a revised policy regarding high density develop- ments, as proposed by Attachment 1 to this report. . . .16 i REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 16 II NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLANS RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 . That Council approve Amendment #1 to the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3A, amending Schedule 2 - Population, as proposed by Attachment #2 to Staff Report PD-182-83; and 2. That Council receive for their information and consideration the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C, as proposed by Attachment #3 to Report PD-182-83; and further 3. That Council refer back to staff for further review circulation and report the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C. In the previous section addressing amendments to the Courtice Urban Area Plan, staff recommended that Council request that the Region approve a number of amendments to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington. One of these amendments would revise the population allocations for Neighbourhoods 3A, 3B and 3C. Staff note that Schedule 2 to the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3A indicates a population distribution throughout the Neighbourhood based on the existing population target. Should Council approve the Official Plan amendment related to population allocation, Schedule 2 will also require amending in order to bring the Neighbourhood Development j Plan into conformity with the Official Plan. Therefore, it is recommended that Council approve an amendment to Schedule 2 of the Neighbourhood 3A Development Plan, as indicated by Attachment #2 to this Report . .. .17 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 17 Staff note that the population allocation has only been increased on one development parcel , since a majority of the neighbourhood is occupied by Plans of Subdivision that are either draft approved or recommended for draft approval by the Town. It is important to emphasize however, that the revised figure for this development parcel only represents the maximum population permitted, and should not be taken as Town approval of a particular density for this parcel . Proposed Plans of Subdivision will be reviewed when submitted within the context of this revised population schedule. Staff is also submitting for Council 's consideration, a proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhoods * 3B and 3C (see Attachment #3) . The proposed plans incorporate the revised urban area boundary as proposed by staff and reflect the findings of the Environmental Impact Study. As well , the plans have been developed to reflect existing development proposals submitted to the Town - specifically, the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications submitted by Mr. E. Pollard for a high density residential development north of Nash Road, and the proposed Plan of Subdivision submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Nozdryn for a high density residential development south of Nash Road in the community central area. The Courtice Urban Area Plan indicates that high density Residential development shall be located within the commun- ity central area or residential areas adjacent to arterial roads. Staff have therefore proposed that the parcel south of the community central area and west of Courtice Road also be designated for higher density development. The urban i area plan also indicates the location of a community park within the community central area ; this has been reflected in Neighbourhood 3B. . . .18 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 18 As previously stated, staff have prepared the Neighbourhood Plans to reflect the two proposals for high density development submitted to the Town. These two proposals are discussed in greater detail later in this report. However, staff wish to emphasize that the incorporation of these proposals into the proposed Neighbourhood Plans does not imply staff will be recommending approval of these particular applications. Rather, the Neighbourhood Plans have been prepared in this manner in order to demonstrate to Council and the public the relationship of these proposals to other land uses within the context of the entire neighbourhood. As well , staff note that the proposed Neighbourhood Plans have not yet been circulated to other agencies for their comment and input, a step required by existing Official Plan policy. Staff therefore recommend that Council receive the proposed Neighbourhood Plans for their information and consideration and, after hearing the public 's input at the Public Meeting, refer the plans back to staff for circulation and further review in light of comments provided by the public. III APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - WM. AND ANASTATIA NOZDRYN, PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 2 DARLINGTON - FILE: 18T-82011 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 . That Council receive for their information and consideration the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-82011 submitted by Mr. & Mrs . W. Nozdryn and further that Council refer the said subdivision application back to staff for further consideration and report following the i review of the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B. . . .19 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 19 2. That Council advise the Region of Durham that the Town of Newcastle will provide a recommendation on proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-82011 at such time as a Neigh- bourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B is approved. BACKGROUND: As indicated earlier in this report , the Region advised the Town on April 2, 1982 that it had received an application for approval of a Plan of Subdivision submitted by Mr. & Mrs. W. Nozdryn. The proposal related to a 6.2 hectare parcel of land in Part of Lot 30, Concession 2, in Neighbourhood 3B and would permit high density residential development. Staff advised both the applicant and the Region that a Neighbourhood Development Plan was not in place for the neighbourhood, and that the Town would not be in a position to make a recommendation on the subdivision application until such time as a Neighbourhood Plan is approved. The application was circulated to various agencies by the Region and the Town. The most significant concern identi- fied through the circulation related to the proximity of the proposed development to the forested valley of the Black Creek. Both the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources requested that the valley lands be specifically protected through the zoning by-law, and that the applicant provide a Drainage Report demonstrating how erosion and sedimentation would be controlled. COMMENT: Staff note that the proposed Plan of Subdivision is located within the Courtice Community Central Area and lies adjacent to Nash Road. The urban area plan states that high density residential development shall be located within the . . .2.0 i i i REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 20 community central area or residential neighbourhoods adjacent to arterial roads. The subject application would therefore conform with the Official Plan with respect to location . The urban area plan also states that a high density residential development shall not have a density exceeding eighty (80) units per net residential hectare and that it shall be located in such a manner that there is a transition of medium density residential uses between high density and low density residential areas. Staff note that the applicant has proposed a density of eighty (80) units per net residential hectare for all of the development blocks within the subdivision. However, low density development lies adjacent to the proposed subdivision along Trull 's Road and across Nash Road. To comply with the Official Plan 's policy regarding the transition of densities, those development lots lying closer to the low density development would have to be developed at medium density. In order to permit an overall average density of eighty (80 units per net residential hectare over the entire site, the site would have to be specifically designated for high density development. Staff are therefore proposing that a high density symbol be indicated for the site in the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3R. Staff also note that to achieve this average density over the entire site and still provide a medium density buffer, the easterly development blocks would have to be developed at a density of greater than eighty units per net residential hectare. . . .21 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 2.1 In a previous section of this report, staff recommended that Council refer the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C back to staff for further review and circulation. Staff feel it would be premature to make a recommendation on the Plan of Subdivision submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Nozdryn prior to a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B being approved by Council . We therefore recommend that Council receive the proposed Plan of Subdivision for their information and consideration, and that the application be referred back to staff for further consideration through the review of the proposed Neighbourhood 3B Development Plan. At such time as Council has approved a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B, staff would be prepared to bring forward a favourable recommendation and conditions of approval on the proposed Plan of Subdivision. IV APPLICATION TO AMEND OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON - FILE: 83-34/ND APPLICATION FOR REZONING & SITE PLAN APPROVAL FILE: DEV 83-22, E. POLLARD, PART LOTS 29 & 30 CONCESSION 3, TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATION: 1 . That Council receive for their information and consideration the applications for Official Plan Amendment (File: 83-34/ND) , Rezoning (File: DEV 83-22) submitted by Mr. E. Pollard; and further 2. That Council refer the said applications back to staff for further consideration and report following the review of the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B; and . . .22 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 2.2 3. That Council advise the Region of Durham that the Town of Newcastle will provide a recommendation on Official Plan Amendment application file: 83-34/ND at such time as the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B has been finalized. On September 6, 1983, Mr. E. Pollard submitted an application for rezoning and site plan approval for a 2.5.75 hectare (63.63 acres) parcel of land in Part Lots 29 & 30, * Concession 3, in Neighbourhood 3B (see Key Map, Attach. #5). Revised plans were submitted on September 27 , 1983. The application proposed a Senior Citizens Complex, with one hundred and thirty-eight (138) apartment units in two-storey walkups, four bachelor apartments, and three hundred and ten (310) units in three apartment buildings , for a total of four hundred and fifty-two (452) apartment units. The applicant is proposing to locate the entire development on a 3.4 hectare (8.4 acre) site in the southern portion of the 25.75 hectare parcel subject to the rezoning application, with the remainder of the parcel being retained as Private Open Space. On September 28, 1983, the Planning Department advised the applicant that an amendment to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington to indicate a high density designation would be required. The Region advised the Town on October 13, 1983 that Mr. Pollard had submitted an Official Plan Amendment application. The Planning Department circulated the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications concurrently. Two major issues of concern were highlighted. The Building Department noted that the applicant proposed only one parking space for each 3.79 units , for a total of only one hundred and nineteen (119) on-site parking spaces for the four hundred . . .23 REPORT NO. : PO-182-83 Page 2.3 and fifty-two (452) units proposed. The Public Works Department noted that a collector roadway would be required to handle the traffic volume generated by the proposed development, and that the existing residential streets adjacent to the proposal are not constructed to that standard. The Public Works Department indicated that a traffic study would be necessary to determine the traffic volumes and assess the necessary improvements to area roads. The applicant has been requested to prepare such a study. Staff note that the Region has not yet provided the comments it has received through their circulation of the Official Plan Amendment. COMMENT: The subject parcel is currently designated "Residential " by the Courtice Urban Area Plan and the Regional Official Plan. This designation permits low and medium density residential development. The parcel is zoned "D-Deferred Development" which does not permit urban density development . Staff note that the rezoning application as submitted would i result in the entire 25.75 hectare parcel being rezoned, with all of the development concentrated on a 3.4 hectare site. This would result in an average density figure for the entire parcel of approximately 17.5 units per net residential hectare, a figure within normal limits for low density development. However, staff have recommended that the environmentally sensitive lands north of the Black Creek i tributary in Neighbourhood 3B be removed from the Courtice Urban Area. Therefore, the proposed rezoning as it relates to the 3.4 hectare site to remain within the urban area , would have a density of approximately one hundred and j I .. .24 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 2.4 thirty-three (133) units per net residential hectare, fifty-three (53) units per hectare greater than that permitted at present by the Official Plan. Staff also note that although the applicant has proposed that the development be used as a retirement community for Senior Citizens, the Town cannot legally zone the lands to require that the units only be rented to persons in a certain age group. This would have to be accomplished through a suitable development agreement. As well , senior citizens tend to rely heavily on public transit and the nearest transit route is GO Transit on Hwy. 2, almost one (1 ) kilometre walking distance from the proposed development , an undesirable situation for a senior 's development. This leaves open the possibility that the development may not remain exclusively for senior citizens if it is to be viable or alternatively, pressure will mount for the provision of public transit. Therefore, staff feel that it is necessary to evaluate the proposal as if it were a standard high density residential development. Since providing the requisite public notice, staff have been made aware of a great deal of concern among area residents with respect to the proposed development, particularly the proposed density, the provision of parking, traffic volumes generated, and the potential draw down of the water table impacting adjacent wells. Staff wish to emphasize that, should a higher density proposal be approved by Council , the Town can exercise some control over matters related to the development through the zoning by-law and site plan approval . i A petition containing ninety (90) signatures of the residents of the area in the vicinity of the proposed . . .25 i REPORT NO. : PO-182-83 Page 25 development, was submitted to the Director of Planning on * November 22, 1983 (see Attachment #5) . The petition stated that the residents strongly objected to the proposed high density development for the following reasons : the subject parcel was designated for low density development at the time homes were purchased, lowered property values , lowered water table, increased traffic, reduced privacy, and reduced quality of life. Prior to formulating a final recommendation on the rezoning and official plan amendment application, staff wish to obtain the public 's input on the development proposal submitted by Mr. Pollard. This input, as well as Council ' s comments on this matter, will have a significant bearing on the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B and other development applications. It is recommended that Council refer the applications together with the public 's comments, to staff for further consideration in the context of our review of the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C. It is further recommended that the Region be advised that the Town will provide a recommendation on the Official Plan amendment application at such time as the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Neighbourhood 3B has been approved. V COURTICE STAGING POLICIES - AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: 80-35/ND RECOMMENDATION: 1 . That Council request the Region of Durham to approve forthwith the staging policies for the Courtice Urban i Area Plan (File: 80-35/ND) as approved by Town Council on September 20, 1982. . . .26 REPORT NO. : PD-182-83 Page 26 The Courtice Urban Area Plan as approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on June 6, 1980 stated that policies in respect of the staging of developments in the urban area shall be incorporated into the plan by amendment and that , in considering such policies , the Town shall consider development of the Courtice Community Central Area as a first priority. On July 28, 1980, Council approved By-law 80-104 which introduced detailed policies for staging urban development within the Courtice Urban Area. The amendment required Council to consider the development of the community central area as a first priority. The amendment also required Council to promote the development of Neighbourhoods 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B and 3A as a first priority, with the development of Neighbourhoods 2C, 3B and 3C as a second priority, except where development will further the development of the community central area. On January 20, 1982, the Regional Planning Department advised the Town that, with the slow growth of the economy, they considered it impractical to restrict development in areas where water and sewer services are available. The Town was requested to review the staging policies adopted by Council with a view to deleting them. On September 13, 1982, the General Purpose and Administration Committee considered Staff Report PD-141 -82. This report recommended that Council amend the staging policies in the Courtice Urban Plan. The amendment * (Attachment #7) suggested by staff basically stated that Council shall consider the development of the community central area and residential neighbourhoods adjacent to the community central area as a priority in the development of . . .27 i REPORT NO. : PO-182-83 Page 27 the Courtice Urban Area. Committee resolved (#GPA-1019-82) to endorse the recommendations in the report. Subsequently, on September 20, 1982, Council resolved (#C-732-82) to adopt the amendment. Staff note that, by giving priority to the community central area and adjacent neighbourhoods, the amendment had the effect of postponing consideration of development proposals in other areas until proposals in the priority areas were considered. With the approval of Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C, the Town will be in a position to approve development proposals within the community central area and adjacent areas in Neighbourhoods 3B and 3C. As well , Neighbourhood Development Plans will then be in place for the entire Courtice Urban Area. The Region recently advised the Planning Department that it would withhold recommending approval of the amended staging policies until such time as the Courtice Review had been completed. In staff's opinion , the amended staging policies are compatible with and reinforce the revised planning policies being suggested by staff through the Courtice Review. It is therefore recommended that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle requests that the staging policies for the Courtice Urban Area Plan as approved by Council on September 2.0, 1982 now be approved . Respectf ed, a „ I i lx T.T. Edwards, M.C. I.P. Director of Planning JAS*TTE*jip November 22, 1983 *Attach. C i ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT PD-182-83 AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON, NOW PART OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. Purpose of Admendment The purpose of this amendment is to amend the boundary of and the area contained within the Courtice Urban Area, to amend the population allocations for Neighbourhoods 3A, 3B and 3C, to amend the alignment of the proposed Adelaide Avenue, and to introduce a revised policy regarding High Density Residential Development. Basis of Amendment This amendment to the Official Plan of the former Planning Area of the Township of Darlington is based upon a review of the environmental sensitivity and development potential of land within the Courtice North Neighbourhood, and is also intended to bring the policy regarding High Density Residen- tial Development into conformity with the policy in the Official Plan of the Bowmanville Urban Area. Location of Amendment The area subject to this amendment is defined as the Courtice Major Urban Area as delineated by Schedule 1 to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington . Actual Amendment The Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington is hereby further amended by: 1 . Amending Schedules 1 ,2,3 & 4 to reduce the area contained within the Courtice Major Urban Area and to amend the boundary of the Courtice Major Urban Area accordingly, as indicated on Appendices A through D to this Amendment ; and 2. Further amending Schedule 1 to amend the population allocations for Neighbourhoods 3A, 3B & 3C, as indicated by Appendix A to this Amendment ; and 3. Further amending Schedule 4 to revise the alignment of the proposed Adelaide Avenue, as indicated by Appendix D to this Amendment; and i 4. Deleting in its entirety, Section 6.1 .2 iv)c) ; and . . .2 i I I Attachment #1 to Report PD-182-83 (Continued) 5. Inserting the following Section 6.1 .2 iv)c) : "6.1 .2.iv)c) High Density Residential - shall , in general , have a density greater than 40 and up to 80 units per net residential hectare; - shall be located within the Community Central Area or residential neighbourhoods adjacent to arterial roads ; and - shall be located in such a manner that there is a transition of Medium Density Residential uses between High Density and Low Density residential areas . Proposals for higher density residential development may, in some situations , be considered by Council to be in conformity with this Plan provided that the Region of Durham ascertains that servicing capacity exists and provided that the proposed higher density does not lower the development potential of other vacant residential lands in the Neighbourhood" . I ATTACHMENT #7 TO REPORT PD-182-83 AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON, NOW PART OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. Purpose of Admendment The purpose of this amendment is to introduce detailed policies for staging urban development within the Courtice Major Urban Area. Basis of Amendment This amendment to the Official Plan of the former Planning Area of the Township of Darlington is based upon a review of development proposals within the Courtice Major Urban Area and the need to ensure the orderly progression of that development. Location of Amendment The area subject to this amendment is defined as the Courtice Major Urban Area as delineated by Schedule 1 to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington. Actual Amendment The Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington is hereby further amended by: 1 . Deleting in their entirety, Sections 6.8.2 iii ) and 6.8.2 iv) ; and 2. Inserting the following Sections 6.8.2 iii ) and 6.8.2 iv) : 6.8.2 iii ) a) The Council of the Town of Newcastle shall consider the development of the Courtice Community Central Area and Residential Neighbourhoods adjacent to the Community Central Area as a priority in the development of the Courtice Major Urban Area. This shall be accomplished through such means as the approval of development proposals, the provision of public works and the provision of community facilities . .. .2 Page 2 of ATTACHMENT #7 TO REPORT PD-182-83 b) Town Council may monitor the rate of residential development to ensure that such development is both in keeping with the financial and administrative capabilities of the Town and is within the Town 's capability to provide and maintain the required services. c ) The timing and phasing of development within the various neighbourhoods will be determined through the consideration of plans of subdivision and the negotiation of development agreements and will be based on the logical use and extension of services reinforcing the Community Central Area and other applicable policies of the Official Plan. 6.8.2 iv) Council shall require that the development or redevelopment of land within the Courtice Major Urban Area have regard for the findings and recommendations of the Courtice Storm Water Management Study and shall be in accordance with the policies of Council with respect to storm water management. i i -- --------- Appendix A to Attachment 1 KEY - Urban Area Boundary 1—J ' Y Residentiol-High Density H H — 1 ,�'�,� �r' Residential Area .,�°r4�,•4r'��. Community Central Area im_—j Y. I ON Commercial Component Of Community Central Area J :! 7 Special Purpose y 1 Commercial Node i M Open Space System r- 'a3;�' .:;':a'l°= '.«M' " �r`f '.:w:'7 ;h� . With Hazard Land min AP Hazard Land � ,ems } � •� r Community Park C k may if 1000 4t�, Neighbourhood Park N 0 a4 e� Existing And Proposed - , ' '�• Elementary School n.`.'i�.4Y" ► - "�' :'r' -�+' Existing And croposed 4 , , Y Secondary School 1b r cc Transportation Network _ i'a aw`'• 'qme g, `. ' a Road network is generalized rT ''• y '�,=� '= `' j r1 see schedule 4 for details Nn v„ ,• � � *lntersection Impovement Required 1 r — :; Neighbourhood Boundary ....... 28 COURT I CE MAJOR 1 ' TO BE DELETED FROM URBAN AREA URBAN AREA I - ADELAIDE AVE. REALIGNED AS SPECIFIED -URBAN BOUNDARY ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY LAND USE STRUCTURE -NEIGHBOURHOOD POPULATION AS SPECIFIED - TRANSPORTATION NETWORK ADJUSTED AS i PER SCHEDULE 4 1 I I BSt. , SCHEDULE ioa� t n — iw A ;�,, rrra•i "MINIMEM `' `� \gg' MW \0\0 \1,� SENSITIVE AREAS i� y� si— — '' { ►rte - - - . i� _ _ , mil'-�,� - -"�� --_ - • 4,t 1 �• I�'1` --.1 f F _..—...V y�P�f''����'_.�s�.�•4-E*a�+af..ai��L*''��o r, r•. � ,,'s _' � 1 i r i�� I iI=Wl1 y pII'' i I ry r �I nJ Z !!!1wr�a. 'f, ", �)�� ti' i -!�I(tt-.�c�'ya' _ 'I�� ^'•1� DIY '� g' Iq 1Sj'� •1 R i li t • • � I.v1i+.' i' c�iorxn `. - ..��E'�;:.r-:.iF.`t. � ��" .� --�.s-r-3+-�'� ~;r•�, `s'i 'p' ;�'w--, ;� 'd, nom#¢ •T. 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IR Wilk ASA ,�.� is ov i�9�yia� a� t 1 � 3.. .mss, k•, ?� R � �'��..�,. -� �`� - � \\ • . . +::..x ' • .f Ls i Iv t I, C I if III 'I •d: 'c � I'� R r r • � 1 F. ,,,�;;� it n• r 'OR STREET-. it 0 Attachment 2 to Report PD- 182-83 200 i I � I j 1290 �• 865 I 1 i •� I 1 345 j `''`•`.��•� TOTAL 2700 COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD 3A '°° Z°° '°°m POPULATION d b° S° ° zoo ,°° no 1200ft. SCHEDULE 2 ,pp ,o I i I :. � I . R NO }Yi�,�,� •1'S�� 'v%' �G.O�.rY:Fb{�X<'�hl:s j; i'�. N "W"51�n ME ,•��` � � std«°=<� �s�s : �: 3' I'M / jam :. / © jj/ia�a�;iyiaii fii rrroiii�l MISS /,✓ PH " Nil M1 "2nr COURTICE NORTH • •• LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN 0 M SCHEDULE I NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY.. MINOR OPEN SPACE. RESIDENTIAL a MAJOR OPEN RESIDENTIAL DENSITY. © • LANDS. RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL POLICY AREA. ARTERIAL ROAD-TYPE SCHOOL ELEMENTARY %© ARTERIAL ROAD-TYPE SECONDARY SCHOOL MINOR COLLECTOR ROAD. . .............. %Q COMMUNITY %O • •.• NEIGHB PARK OURHOOD Attachment 4 to Re ort PD- 182--831 KEY MAP FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON LOT ' LOT ' LOT (( ' LOT ' LOT ' LOT LOT ' LOT I LOT I LOT LOT �_ 33 U�/ ( 31 ( 30 29 I _ 27_ 1 26 _I_ 25_ 24 i i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I to I I I I I I I < .NASH I ROAD J1 © I I I I kBIEC I I I I tiwY. N. 1 2 E I BjACK I I I I I I I I I I coot o I I I I i a l I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o I I I ( I I I I I I I I i I i I I I • I � I o I i I W I I IItCGIONAL I I ROAD I Ml. __ I I I I I I I z I I ( I 0 250 500 1000M 500 100 i Attachment 5 to Report PD- K EY MAP FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON LOT ' LOT ' LOT (( ' LOT ' LOT ' LOT LOT ' LOT I LOT i LOT LOT 4 33 A ( 31 I 30 I 29 I _ 27_ 1 26 _I_ 25_ _24 I I I i I I I I I I I I I i I I q I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ( I I I I � I I OWNED BYll I I I I APPLICANT I I I 3 1 SUBJECT I I I SITE� I I w .NASH I ROAD © 1 I I I i I I I HwY. N 2 ( I e��cK I I I I I I I I cou"ICE I ( w I ( i I 1 i I s I I I I I 1 I I I i i o i I I i I I I I o l I I I I o I I I I i W I I I411,001AL i I ItOA0 1 I I I I I I I i 1 I I i 1 I i i I j I 1 o f I I I w I i 0 250 500 1000M 500 100