HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-131-83 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 1983. REPORT NO. : PD-131-83 SUBJECT: BY-LAW NUMBER 46-83: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-131-83 be received; and 2. That By-law Number 46-83 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: By-law Number 46-83 of the Township of Scugog was forwarded to the Planning and Development Department on September 7, 1983. The subject by-law amendment changes the zoning of a parcel of land located in Part of Lot 11 , Concession 1 , Township of Scugog abbutting the former Township of Darling- ton (Town of Newcastle). The by-law amendment changes the zoning of this parcel of land from "RU Rural " to "RU-12 Rural Exception Twelve" in order to allow the property owner . . .2/ �iJ Report No. : PD-131-83 Page 2 to construct a second dwelling for farm employees. The nature of this by-law amendment and the area in which it covers would have no detrimental effect on the Town of Newcastle, and therefore, no further action on this amendment is required. However, we note that the last date for filing objection is September 23, 1983. Respectfu i ed, T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning EP*TTE*j i p September 9, 1983 NOT-ICS OF THE PASSING of A' BY--LAOS SCR., BY 'THE C{?RPORA't`ION:OF THH 4OWN991P OF .SCUGOG TO RE(MATB. LA#b US$• P'iiR SUANT TQ SECTION 39 OR THE PLANNYW 1.OW Or ACT. PC.A T TAKE. NOTICE. that the Council of the Corporation.- of the. To�r�-; ahi :of'Scugag has passed BY-Law 46-33 on: the "-..2nd day : Air9ust:;: 19$3pursuanx'"to the provisions; of .section 39 of,the Planning Act. The''.fallowing Schedules are. attached hereto: 1. Schedule- 1 , being a`, copy of. By-Law 2. Schedule Z, consisting of the following; Ra ezplanati.on of the .,Purpose .aad. effect`:of. the By-Lava (f i) A key .map. which shows • the -location' of -th-e , Yattd= to which. the .B•y�Law applies; 3. Schedule 3, being •a statement of the Chief Plannin8 !Officer. of th-e RegionaI .Municipality .of Durham •in which :the. and to which the By-haw applies 'is situate: ANY PERSON I-NTERESTED MAY.,• within twenty-one- (21) days :"after`•" the date •of..the wailing-; personal .service, or publie"atib%` of this notice, file - Wit-h. the Clerk— of, the .Township" of 8eugot not-ice of an objection to "the approval, of the said' Ry_Lar ;or part thereof together with• details of all ar that port:fog of the :By-'Law to which. thers 'is• objection and detailed .:reasans. then eo f.' ­ " . ANY PERSON' wishing to.. support the application • for approval of '. the-:By-Law may, within twenty-one .(2'1) days after the. date of. the' mailing, personal service or publication of -this no.tiCe, file with -.the Clerk of the Township of Scugog, noires. of -support. of the application for approval of -the said By-Law. If no notice of objection- has been :filed with the Clerk"•of the,Mun,i:cipality within .the time provided, -the By-.Law 'thereupon comes rata effect and does .not require the. 'approval of 'the Ontario -Municipal Board. If a notice of objection -has been filed with,%the -Clerk: *.`f the," ; Municipality, •within the:•time .provided • , tha: By-Law shal'1 be sub Bitted to the Ontario Municipal Board..and. the:,By-rtaw does not come into effect until , approved by the' Ontario letuun#eipal Board. THE LAST DATE FOR FYLING 09JECTIONS will be September 23, 1983. -THE OBJECTION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS HATE IN ORDER'TO :9$ - VALID. DATED at the Township of..Scugog this .2nd day of September, (SIGNED) Earl S: Cuddie . &A.C.T. , C.M.C. Clerk-Administrator" Township of -Scugog 181 Perry St. P:O. Box 209 PORT PERRY, Ontario ° LOB. lNO* SCffEDULE 1 The following- is a copy of By-Law No. 45-83 of The Corporation of the Township of Scugog r . THE CORPORATIW OF THE TOWNSHIP 'OF SCUGOG RESTRICTED AREA -BY=LAW NO.. .46-83 BEING. A B'Y-LAW TO AMEND - ZONING BY-LA*W:. NO.:: .. !i 75-80 - PART LOT 11 , CONC. 1 , WARD IV. WHEREAS the Council of the. Corporation of the Township Of Scugog has received a request to amend Restricted Area By- Law No . 75-80 insofar as is necessary to allow the owner to construct a second dwelling for farm employees, located in part of Lot 11 , Conc. 1 , Ward IV. AND WHEREAS. the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog, has given due cons-ideration to th-is matter and further considers it to be desirable to amend Restricted Area By-Law. No. 75.-80 so as to .allow for the development of the i' aforementioned proposal . i; AND WHEREAS' the materials herein set. forth :are consideredi to be in conformity with the Official Plan of the Township of stugog; NOW THEREFORE THE . COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE tOWNSHIP . OF SCUGOG* Enacts As, Follows : 1 . That Schedule "A3" , the- Zone Map attached to and forming part of Restricted Area By-Law No. 75-80, be and the same, is hereby further amended by rezoning those, lands forming part of Lot 11 , Con-c. 1 , Ward IV, as delineated on the Zone Map. attached .her.eto as Schedule. "A": and forming part of this By-Law from the Rural (RU) Zone to the Rural Exception Twelve (RU-12) Zone. . 2. That Section 4.2: 5, the Rural (RU) Zone sp.ecifica.1.1y. the Special Zone Categories, of Restricted Area By-Law No. 75-80, as otherwise amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto a new .subsection which shall read as follows : "4. 2. 5. 12 RURAL EXCEPTION TWELVE (RU-12) ZONE. Notwithstanding the .provisions of the Rural (RU) Zvne as set forth under Section 4. 2 .2 (h) hereof. which restrict the maximum number of dwelling houses per lot to one to the contrary, within the Rural Exception Twelve (RU-12) Zone as delineated on 'the Zone Map attached hereto as Schedule "A1" and forming part of this By-Law., the .maximum number of in dwell 9 houses per lot shall be two provided such .dwellings tt '! are separated by at least 10 metres . In all other respects , the provisions of the Rural (RU) Zone shall apply and be i r complied with. „ 2 — s; 2. That .th.is By-Law .shall become effective on. the date of passing hereof. by the Council of the .Corporation of the (I Township of Scugog subject to notice hereof .being circulated ;1 in accordance with the provisions of Section 39(26) of The Planning Act, R.S.O. , 1980, c. 379, -as .amended, and, if required as a result of such circulation , the. o.btaining of j� 'approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. i j� Read a First , Second and Third time and finally passed this 2nd day of August , 1983 . I !1 i �j Ij - ii MAYOR ;j I ii ?� CL RK= DMINISTR } { is i ii Ij ik �i .j I� I� t, �i ;I l l? SCHEDULE KEY MAP •r4 era[ ER RU ; RU Rp �' oil.0 RU` TLE FOF _-y AREA! r - � T- -• . L.LI._.= >_ _ Imo. �a Ept`J 1 _ l' RU I ! DETAi1E • t�-i iF2l11 h-N&ST; .ETON EP F�° - 5T .tiARER p RU RU IEP RU i — ' iRR_ I I . �Ep ( ��� , { f EP: l C' � � 1 Z ``,Rc1 RU Ru ALI RU FT RU bK3 tff :Nr s y ,. EP DETAIL OFi c - y E?SLACKSTOCK! i ( _ REA if U EP j ! �i ' ! I RU IL t EP iJ ! _ RU ter' lrak p/ EP RU R V. — { ' —RU;Ep r y A I r yes '— M4 RU RU r .4 • i3 ti rn d tT e , LOCATIOM OF LANDS AFFECTED BY THIS ti BY—LAW. Schedule: 3 STATEMENT OF CONFORMITY TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM I, Mofeed Michael , the Chief Planning Officer of The Regional Municipality of Durham, have reviewed Sy-law 46-83 of the Township of Scugog.- I am of the opinion that .,this By-law is in conformity with the Official Plan. in effect for the Durham Planning Area. Dated this .30th day of August, 1583 . Dr. M. Michael , M.C: I . P .. CoMmissioner of Planning This Schedule 3 is issued to the Township of Scugo-g for By-law 46-83 pursuant to Ontario Regulation 78/80, a regulation, made under the Planning Act. 'fir SCHEDULE A" . TO BY L. Cy3 'ZONE MAP TOWNSHIP 0.F SCUGOG 3• .1•a •.a - r♦p iN h N p0•"'18% n s R&i2 n A ^ jvt � •... �� o W-12 u. v m m (. .7 4 n m - �c -3 1 v O Areu- 62.654 Ac. M•1 N• a 1 � s � . h Z y SOY/.IfI.�LIIIII tl� C - Rai , .. ^� .� •. r• ..l� 4,Zvw ENO © rw7Tv rolYNSHIPS` OF LEGEND LANDS TO BE REZONED FROM RURAL (RU) ZONE TO RURAL EXCEPTION TWELVE (R.0-12) ZONE HI'S IS SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 46-83 PASSED THIS 2NDr DAY OF AUGUST , 1983. MAYOR : CLERK : - t SC.HEDULl_ - 2 (i } EXPLANATORY NOTE Restricted Area By-Law No. 46-83 has the following purpose .and effect , namely: to allow the owner to construct a second dwelling for farm employees . (ii ) Key Map - Refer to the following page. .