HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-127-83 !� �J0. I1 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1,10 TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 1983 REPORT NO. : PD-127-83 SUBJECT: Durham Region Official Plan Amendment Application - 83-9/D Energy Conservation Amendment RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended 'that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-127-83 be received; and 2. That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to Official Plan Amendment application 83-9/D, a proposal submitted by the Region of Durham addressing Energy Conservation; and 3. That a copy of Staff Report PD-127-83 and Council 's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham. i I REPORT NO. : PD-127-83 Page 2 �(d) BACKGROUND: On July 28th, 1983, the Region of Durham forwarded to the Town of Newcastle a proposed amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan , along with a request for comments. The proposed amendment, which relates to Energy Conservation , was prepared by the Region as a result of a study funded through the Provincial Government 's "Energy Conservation Through Land Use Planning" program. The purpose of the study, which was conducted by the Region in 1982, was to identify measures to improve energy efficiency and to propose appropriate amendments to the Durham Region Official Plan. Area municipal staff, including the Town of Newcastle, were given some opportunity to comment on the study prior to its being presented to Regional Council . The study, which was entitled "Energy Conservation : A Municipal Planning Study", was presented to Regional Council at its meeting of March 2nd, 1983. At that time, the Council authorized Regional staff to bring forward an appropriate amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan related to energy conservation. i The Region has prepared an amendment proposal based on the conclusions of the Energy Conservation Study and, as noted earlier, is now requesting the Town 's comments. It is as a result of this request for comments that staff are now bringing this report forward for Council 's consideration. j COMMENTS: The main thrust of the Energy Conservation Amendment * proposal , a copy of which is attached to this report for the . . .3/ i REPORT NO. : PD-127-83 Page 3 Committee's information , is to incorporate energy conservation measures into the Durham Region Official Plan by adding policies or by amending existing policies in appropriate places within the Plan. Planning Department staff have reviewed the proposed amendment and note that it addresses many aspects of energy conservation such as the retrofitting of existing housing, district heating, solar access and transportation. Staff also feel that the proposed amendment provides sufficient opportunity for energy conservation to be dealt with in more detail by the area municipalities in their District Plans. In staff's opinion, there is much merit in incorporating policies to ecourage energy conservation into the Durham Region Official Plan. It is therefore recommended that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the proposed Engergy Conservation Amendment. Respec 1 m' , T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning TTE*j i p *Attach. AMENDMENT NO. TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of the Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan is to incorporate energy conservation policies into the Plan. BASIS: The period of relatively inexpensive energy costs ended in the mid-1970 's and requirements for energy-efficient transportation and urban form became more apparent. Conservation of energy was an element considered during the preparation of the Durham Regional Official Plan. Recent developments in energy pricing and supply make it appropriate, however, to review policies contained in the Durham Plan, and, where reasonable, amend the Plan to conserve energy in Durham Region. On December 14, 1981, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing provided a grant to the Regional Municipality of Durham to prepare a study under the "Energy Conservation Through Land Use Planning Program". This study was presented to Regional Council on March 2, 1983 in a report entitled Energy Conservation: A Municipal Planning Study. This Study provides the basis for the proposed Amendment. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Durham Regional Official Plan is hereby amended by: i ) Adding a new Section 2.2.7 as follows: "2.2.7 Regional Council shall encourage the production of new energy efficient housing and the retrofitting of existing housing to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and increase the use of renewable energy sources. " Adding a new Section 2.3.3 as follows : "2.3.3 The conversion of larger single-family detached dwellings into smaller units may be permitted subject to such conditions and/or provisions as determined in the respective district plans and/or zoning by-laws. In doing so, the Council of the respective area municipality shall have regard for: a ) living area requirements b) parking requirements c ) access to transit d ) access to parks and community facilities e) other matters deemed appropriate." iii ) Adding a new Section 7.1.2 as follows : � "7.1.2 To encourage the development of Settlement Areas to minimize energy consumption and utilize renewable energy resources. " I - 2 - iv ) Delete the provisions of Section 7.2.6 which reads as follows: "7.2.6 The development of all Settlement Areas shall be based on good principles of urban design and shall be compatible with the surrounding environment." and replace it with the following: "7.2.6 The development of all Settlement Areas shall be based good principles of urban design and where possible energy efficiency and shall be compatible with the surrounding environment. " v) In Section 7.2.7, after the words "the efficiency of the use of land", add "to reduce energy consumption," such that Section 7.2.7 reads as follows: "7.2.7 It is the intent of Regional Council to work in conjunction with the Council of the respective area municipality to investigate ways and means of increasing the densities of new residential developments within the major Urban Areas, so as to reduce the per capita cost of public transportation facilities, to increase the efficiency of the use of land, to reduce energy consumption, and to encourage the development of multi-functional areas." vi ) Adding a new Section 7.2.9 as follows; "7.2.9 Regional Council , in conjunction with Ontario Hydro and the Councils of the respective area municipalities, shall investigate the district heating opportunities related to the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Generating Stations and the Ajax Steam plant." vii ) In Section, after the words "transit route shown on Map 'B ' ", add "and in the vicinity of transit facilities"; and after the words "integration with the proposed transit route", add "and facilities " such that Section reads as follows: 'Aa) - 3 - "8. 1.3.2 Residential uses approaching the maximum floor space index permitted in this Plan shall be encouraged in Residential Areas adjacent to the major transit route shown on Map 'B ' and in the vicinity of transit facilities. More detailed studies as to the distribution of various uses and their integration with the proposed transit route and facilities shall be undertaken by the Region in consultation with the respective area municipality, with a view to incorporating appropriate policies in the appropriate official plans and/or restricted area by-laws." viii ) In Section, add a new subsection (b) "Energy efficiency in community design"; and adjust the remaining subsections accordingly such that Section reads as follows: "In the preparation of district plans, the Council of the respective area municipality shall have regard for: a ) Locational , density and other criteria for all types of housing; b ) Energy efficiency in community design; C) Landscaping and parking requirements and the percentage of such parking to be underground and/or covered as it relates to all housing types where applicable; d ) Architectural treatment and site plan control ; e) The distribution of park standards in accordance with Section; and f) Defining and delineating residential communities. " ix ) Add a new Section as follows : " In the design of new residential development, the Councils of the areas municipalities shall be encouraged to ensure access to direct sunlight during winter daylight hours for the maximum number of dwellings reasonably possible." I - 4 - x) Add a new Section as follows : " Existing shopping facilities in Main and Sub-Central Areas are encouraged to redevelop with a fuller array of Central Area uses, particularly residential , by increasing the intensity of development in these areas. " xi ) Add a new Section as follows: " Industrial uses centrally located in urban areas shall be encouraged to remain in these locations provided any adverse impacts, including traffic considerations, are suitably mitigated." xii ) Add a new Section 13.1.2 as follows : "13.1.2 To encourage the reduction in the consumption of non-renewable fuels for transportation purposes ." xiii ) Add a new Section 13.2.27 "13.2.27 In considering development proposals, Council shall consider the phasing of development as it relates to the completion of arterial roads required to provide connections for transit service to new development." xiv) Add a new Section 13.2.28 as follows: "13.2.28 In the consideration of all commercial development and redevelopment on arterial roads, the Council having jurisdiction shall require the applicant to minimize access points wherever possible. xv) Add a new Section 16.6.7 as follows: "16.6.7 The Councils of the area municipalities shall be encouraged to review the respective zoning by-laws with regard to standards affecting direct and embodied energy consumption. " IMPLEME14TATION: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this amendment.