HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-085-03 " . ~ REPORT # 8 CJ!J!-!lJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: Monday, June 23,2003 Report #: PSD-085 -03 File #: RE 16.10 By-law #: Subject: KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD SURPLUS PROPERTY SALE LORD ELGIN PUBLIC SCHOOL-140 HIGH STREET, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-085-03 be received; 2. THAT the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board be advised that the Municipality has interest in purchasing a portion of the Lord Elgin Public School property for expansion of Lord Elgin Park; 3. THAT staff be authorized to investigate the options to finance the purchase of the property and report back to Council upon determination of the asking price and funding; and 3. THAT the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board be notified of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed bY:O ~~ ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer vi . Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Director, Planning Services IUDC/df 16 June 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 , , REPORT NO.: PSO-oS5-03 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On February 12, 2003, the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board notified staff that a review committee had been established to examine the possible closure of the Lord Elgin Public School, located at 140 High Street, Bowmanville (Attachment 1). The letter stated that the committee had requested that the Municipality be contacted in regards to the possibility of selling the adjacent Lord Elgin Park to the Board so that the school site could be enlarged. On April 24, 2003, the Board approved a motion to close the Lord Elgin Public School effective June 30, 2003. In a letter dated May 23, 2003, they requested that the Municipality notify the Board in writing if the Municipality wished to express an interest or decline an interest in the acquisition of the properly (Attachment 2). The offer is valid for 90 days from the date of their letter. On June 12th the Board informed staff as of that date no other agency had expressed an interest in acquiring the properly. 1.2 The Provincial Ministry of Education dictates the rules and procedures for the sale of surplus school properties within Ontario. In keeping with Ontario Regulation 444/98, when a school site is to be sold it must be offered at no cost to all English and French school boards in the area, and the Ontario Realty Corporation. At the same time it is offered for fair market value to Durham College, Trent University, the Region of Durham, the Municipality, and Public Works and Government Services Canada (The Crown in Right of Ontario). Should neither of these agencies have an interest in the properly it is then listed for sale on the open market. 1.3 The school is a one floor - split level masonry building constructed in 1960 with an addition in 1964. It totals 1622 sq. metres and is located on a 1.92 hectare lot with full municipal services. The offer from the Board is included includes the following information: · a brief description of the building · a site plan · a floor plan and roof plan · the number of rooms and their square footage · a brief report from the Board's Asset Management Co-ordinator No structural reports were available. An asbestos survey and assessment report has been completed and is being forwarded to staff. A properly appraiser has been engaged to determine the fair market value. As of the writing of this report the appraisal has not been finalized. Staff have requested a copy of the appraisal upon submission. ~ -'" REPORT NO.: PSD-085-03 PAGE 3 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 Staff have reviewed the Municipality's parkland requirements for the Lord Elgin neighbourhood and have concluded that there is a parkland deficiency in this area. The Lord Elgin Neighbourhood is bounded by Longworth Avenue, Liberly Street, the CN Railway line, and Bowmanville Creek. The population target for the neighbourhood is 4000 persons which includes the potential for intensification and the redevelopment of industrial lands to residential use. The Clarington Official Plan's standard for neighbourhood parks is to provide 0.8 hectares per 1000 persons. Assuming there is limited intensification, a population of 3500 was utilized for the land requirement analysis. On this basis, 2.8 hectares of parkland would be required to meet the Official Plan policies. Lord Elgin Park is 1.05 hectares in size resulting in a deficiency of 1.75 hectares. It is assumed that Argent Park, on the north side of Longworth Avenue, is used by some of the Lord Elgin residents but there is still insufficient parkland for the neighbourhood's use. 2.2 The notice of the sale of school properly has been circulated to various Departments for comments. Community Services Department advised that they did not have any immediate needs for the school building for indoor recreation programming. The Engineering Services Department expressed an interest in acquiring a portion of the properly to expand the existing Lord Elgin Park. If the school closed, the acquisition would enable the existing recreation facilities to be maintained (e.g. ball diamond and tennis courts). A portion of the site would need to be redeveloped to provide a parking area, improve landscape buffers, etc. 2.3 Although the Official Plan provides a standard for neighbourhood park facilities, this is mainly targeted at the development of new neighbourhoods. There is currently no program to address deficiencies in older neighbourhoods. In many instances, there are few opportunities to address parkland deficiencies without extraordinary and costly actions. The closure of the Lord Elgin Elementary School is a unique opportunity to address the parkland deficiency in this neighbourhood. 2.4 A total of 1.25 to 1.5 ha would be sufficient for park purposes but the School Board is currently offering the entire properly for sale. This acquisition would be in excess of Municipal requirements. Staff want to explore the possibility of acquiring a portion of the site with the School Board. 2.5 Parkland deficiencies were not accounted for in the land acquisition financing strategy and consequently, there are no funding sources currently identified for this purpose. In addition to the acquisition costs, there will be expenditures required for the demolition of the school, estimated from $150,000 to $250,000 due to the hazardous materials in the building. Once acquired, additional funding will be required for park development purposes. Only the latter item would be eligible as a development charges project. ... 1< REPORT NO.: PSD-085-03 PAGE 4 2.6 On June 11, 2003, the Mayor, Ward Councillors and members of staff met with a group of residents from Lord Elgin neighbourhood. Andrew Rice, Mary Ann Martin, Marlene Buttery and Howard Sturrock advised of the resident's concern first with losing the school and now with the prospect of a substantially reduced park area (since some of the park facilities are located on school board lands). The residents advised that in the early years, residents were involved in the development and maintenance of the park. The resident's group was informed of staff's intention to recommend that the lands be acquired subject to developing a financing strategy and successful negotiations with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 Staff support the acquisition of all or a portion of the Lord Elgin Elementary School since Lord Elgin Park is deficient in size and does not meet the neighbourhood's needs. It is recommended that the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board be notified of the Municipality's interest. 3.2 This report has been reviewed by the Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Finance who concur with the recommendations to Council. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - School Board Offer Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Doug Wilson Asset Management Coordinator Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board 1994 Fisher Drive P.O. Box 719 Peterborough, ON K9J 7A1 '. J!=~ -0 (f) - - ~ SAWMILL C" . ?i~ ~----- ~ n L:i w \'~~-~~. j'-!~ \ ~~ 0,---' - '(\ ..-- ~ 1----_ ~r;:,~O~'\~y~ _ z CLAm \..0 Y1 I-- _ 0 ~>.. DALEY AVE ~ V 8- - 0 j( oc A I " ~ - /1 ~~ V~ L I= 1%~ ---\ . ~ ~-~ _ ~f-~'- ----fCRT. - \'SUNICREST /" -/ J ~ o ~ (" ---I CRESCENT ATTACHMENT 1 CLA VANSTONE I tJ- ~- 1/ = SUMMERFIELD ~RT. I /' ~ I I I I STREET - - - z_ -('3 _0- I_ ~ I BOULEVARD - I [ tJ w OC f- (f) I ~ h MEADOWVIEW I '\ I I ,/ ,1r81 I ~- (f)_ f-- ~- 0..- (f) o oc 0.. I I - FOURTH II tJ w z w ~ OC -tn (f) - CD ::; _z :5 0 I I -l w THIRD STREET I I . LANDS OFFERED FOR SALE (RE 16.10) Roll Number: 020-020-01501 . Address:140 High Street, (Lord Elgin Public School) Site Area: 1.918ha (4.74ac) Intended Use: Neighbourhood Park _lLANOS OWNED BY MUNICIPALITY (RE 6,3.9) Bowmanville RE 16.10 RE 6.3.9 51~ ~ KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Trusrces: AI(gelaUO)'J (Cbai/persoll) l\T(l!l~)' COffi!! (f'i.:ll-didiIPf'i'.fOfl) E,inBrowlI Gordoll Gildm'st !arqmJim Gon'eall R,m Kilil~)' DitIJleL/f!.yd DOIJl.\f(1tbew., Cbristopher i'Ve/SON RV'IVitfO/{g Sbm/lloll Kmritk (Stlll/ellt TntJ/ee) EDUCATION CENTRE "'Ii) .. ;.n,,' !)ru', i;" I)d,-' Oi,Uti,i 1(9/ ~'/l j (~o.5) 712-(77) 1-(87') 7fj_4S77 Fr!.\ "(}:'i) 7.f2-780 1 tt;a));/t' 1I'll'll'.kpr.cdll.oll.m j)irt'oor O/FAuClllion: r>r. Al1!J E: GlilU ATTACHMENT 2 --- \ --- 15d 23 May 2003 Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6 ~~~ MAY 1 8 1003 MUNI~IPAlITY OF CLARINGTON AD"t,lNISTRATOR'S OFFICE Dear: Franklin Wu, This letter is written to advise you that at their Regular Meeting of 24 April 2003, tle Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board approved the following Motion: That the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board approve the closing of Lord Elgin Public School effective 30 June 2003; and that Administration proceed with the disposition of Lord Elgin Public School, 140 High Street, Bowmanville. As per Ontario Regulation 444/98 Amended to O. Reg. 535/00, we are offering the property at no cost to: Group 1 - Conseil scolaire de district du Centre-Sud-Quest; Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland & Clarington Catholic District School Board; - Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud; Ontario Realty Corporation; and We are also offering the property at Fair Market Value to: Group 2 - Durham College; Trent University; Municipality of C1arington; Region of Durham; and - Public Works and Government Services Canada This offer is valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of this letter. We request tha1 you reply in writing to advise the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board if you wish to express an interest or decline an interest in this property. The pertinent data follows: Lord Elain P.S. Location: Size: Year Built: Construction: Floors: Square Footage: Heritage Designation: Adjacent Uses: Heating: Zoning: Misc.: Current Use: 140 High S1reet, Bowmanville, Ontario +/- 4.74 Acres 1960; addition 1964 Structural Steel and Masonry One Floor - split level 16 010 sq, ft. (Net Functional Floor Area) 17460 sq, ft. (Gross Floor Area) No Residential, Community Park Electric Contact Mun. Of Clarington Planning Dept. Vacant (Summer of 2003) Enclosed please find a copy of the Site, Floor and Roof Plans and information about the major components of the facility. If your organization is interested in this building, a closing date and Fair Market Value (Group II) will have to be negotiated. Feel free to contact me at your convenience at 705-742-9773, ext. 2145 if you require further clarification, Yours truly \0!1 i\JtvL----- IJ.-J ; ~'\ .1 DouQjlas Wilson Asset Management Co-ordinator pc Joe Hubbard, Superintendent at Administrative Services Mark Galonski, Controller at Facilities Services attch. Ii~ ~ KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 1994 Fisher Drive, P.O. Box 719, Peterborough, On K9J 7A1 Telephone (705) 742-9773 / 1-877-741-4577 to;..free Facilities Services Fax (705) 760-8700 >\AWARTH" PINE fllOGE DISTR'CT SCHOOL BOARD MEMORANDUM FROM: Douglas Wilson, Asset Management Co-ordinator DATE: 23 May 2003 RE: Facilities Information - Lord Elain Public School Fact sheet about Lord Elgin Public School. Located at 140 High Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. The site is approximately 4.74 +/- Acres in size and is on municipal water and sewer services.. There is a one (1) storey masonry school structure located facing High Street that was constructed in 1960. There was an addition built in 1964. Attached are copies of the Site, Floor and Roof Plans for Lord Elgin Public School. Also attached are copies of reports showing the Gross Floor Area of the building and the room list and area of rooms within the school. A copy of the Asbestos Survey and Assessment for Lord Elgin Public School is available upon request. Additional information for your report include 1hat the building is a structural masonry construction with a built up asphalt and gravel roofing. The roofing was replaced in 1994 and 1999. The windows are original. The school is heated with electric heat. There has never been an underground fuel oil storage tank on this site. If you require any additional informa1ion please contact me at ext. 2145. ----..... Doug Wilson Asset Managemen1 Co-ordina10r Based on survey by Ivan B. Wallace OlSdated 16th November 1999 QUl'iO\'....RO ~ ~II :11'1 " TfNi" c "',"""'" .~" ~,_c~ E;.o.C<<S''''' o ~ "-~lt ....se......""""""'D =~~. ::;:\:~ ) ! , -------' Nn"S'OO'E '''~o "'... n~,,~ U"NCH f-='-1 'l710,3'WE 1}7.36 ".0 ~,- ~.- -., 1'~ ,0 o FOURTH STREET J N I Nn"OTW"e 0"" i 0, II o f-o >pa 4- GU"'''lH o !' " ~; U -. 0 c ill ~ " I ~ 0_" :-"0 n , 0", " 0 . , 154 - Lord Elgin Site Plan 0 0 LORD ELGIN A 0 PUBLIC SCHOOL #142 lEGENQ IN 0 0_. 0 0...,. X ,~, 0 "~EAS .0.. ~,""'5a"T 0 .".,"SQH 0.'.32;'0"' 0 D_"...5OI'1 B '.""SOFT 0 . 0 0 TQ1A.L.20,l2'SQFT sou 0 0 om JUNE1W4 C 0 ~- 0 0 " 0 0 ----- --------------- o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ D 0 0 . 0 D 0 [j D 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 E = 0 0 0 0 154 - Lord Elgin Roof Plan " 1/< 11 March, 2003 1 ~ KAWARTHA PINE RJDGE Room Areas DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Drawing Name Room Number Room use Area 154 - Lord Elgin 1st Floor Plan 100V Corridor 46.75 101 Classroom 856.46 101V Vestibule 58.67 102 Classroom 864.68 104 Classroom 864.68 106 Classroom 864.05 107 Library Resou rce 410.14 107A Office 97.53 108 Classroom 863.31 109 Library Resource 856.25 110 Classroom 867.03 111 Kindergarten 1203.46 111A Washroom 19.1 112 Classroom 867.03 113 Washroom 20. 113A Work 143.58 114 Storage 160.5 115 Office 244.08 115A Office 167.77 115B Supplies 163.8 116 Girl's Washroom 288.54 116A Vestibule 18.21 116V Vestibule 27.71 117 Staff 343.11 117A Washroom 27.5 118 HC Washroom 69.08 119 Kitchen 142.83 120 Boy's Washroom 377.5 120A Vestibule 18.85 120B Vestibule 36.75 120PC Pipe Chase 60. 121 GP Room 2091.25 121A Chair Storage 166.02