HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-084-03 :,. -'- #fr~' '- lIEPORT , 7 Cl~-/QglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: Monday, June 23, 2003 Report #: PSD-084-03 File #: DEV 95-064 By-Law #: Subject: SECOND AMENDING AGREEMENT TO FACILITATE HALLOWAY HOLDINGS LIMITED PURCHASE FROM WILLSONIA INDUSTRIES LIMITED FILE: DEV 95-064 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following recommendations: 1. THAT Report PSD-084-03 be received; 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by by-law to execute the Second Amending Agreement to the Servicing Agreement regarding certain lands in Part Lot 16, Concession 1, Darlington owned by Willsonia Industries Ltd. and Halloway Holdings Ltd.; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: (] ~- ~ D i Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer RH/CPIDC/sh 17 June 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 .... REPORT NO.: PSD-084-03 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Willsonia Industries Limited (Willsonia) has developed the property on the north side of Highway 2 at Clarington Boulevard in the West Bowmanville Main Central Area. Existing uses include the Cineplex Odeon cinemas, East Side Mario's, Burger King, ScotiaBank and related parking areas. Other lands remain vacant at this time. 1.2 These lands were originally intended to develop through a plan of subdivision, which would have created the parcel fabric and created the public road network. Due to extremely short timeframes and a pending OMB hearing at the time of approval, development instead proceeded through a servicing agreement and site plan agreement. Through this development, existing portions of Clarington Boulevard and Uptown Avenue have been constructed. 1.3 On October 1, 2002, Halloway Holdings Limited (Halloway) purchased all of the lands from Willsonia Industries with the exception of Cineplex Odeon, East Side Mario's, Burger King, and theatre parking lot. The first amending agreement however specified that if Willsonia sold all or a portion of their lands, Willsonia would transfer the lands necessary for the Clarington Boulevard extension, from Uptown Avenue to the unopened road allowance (Part 19 of registered Plan 40R- 16730) and the Uptown Avenue extension (Part 14 of registered Plan 40R- 16730) to the Municipality. In addition, 100% of required securities would be provided to construct these sections of road. Despite these provisions, the road extensions were not transferred to the Municipality, nor were the necessary securities provided. 1.4 The Directors of Planning Services and Engineering Services and the Solicitor previously reported to Council on the problems associated with this action and advised of staffs negotiations to rectify the situation. 1.5 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRD School Board) has recently submitted a site plan application to construct a large high school north of the subject lands. The new school will be constructed fronting on a section of Clarington Boulevard north of the unopened road allowance. Since the school requires the portion of Clarington Boulevard described above for access purposes, the transfer and construction of this roadway is imperative for the KPRD School Board to realize their plans. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 In order to facilitate the KPRD School Board's requirements and to rectify the problems arising from the sale of the lands from Willsonia Industries to Halloway '- REPORT NO.: PSD-084-03 PAGE 3 Holdings, the Municipality's solicitor drafted a second amending agreement. This agreement has been signed by Halloway and Willsonia. This agreement provides for the following: . The Clarington Boulevard extension (Part 19 of registered Plan 40R- 16730) will be transferred By Halloway to the Municipality immediately. · Halloway will provide 100% of the securities to facilitate construction of the Clarington Boulevard extension, from Uptown Avenue to the unopened road allowance, by the KPRD School Board. Once this work has been completed, the Municipality will use the securities to pay for half of the construction work. The remaining securities will be held until: 1) the issuance of a building permit for one or more buildings in a subsequent development phase west of the lands; 2) the issuance of a building permit for one or more buildings totalling more than 60,000 ft2 in a subsequent development phase west of the lands; or, 3) the date of June 13, 2013. . The transfer the Uptown Avenue extension (Part 14 of registered Plan 40R-16730) and provision of securities for its construction to the Municipality is deferred until required by development of the lands to the west of Clarin9ton Boulevard. · The Municipality agrees to consider other road patterns, which may include the elimination or retention of Uptown Avenue extension. · A number of 0.34 m (1 ft.) reserves are to be transferred to the Municipality to control access to the lands west of Clarington Boulevard. · Willsonia agrees to complete all streetscaping and sidewalk works within the built portion of Clarington Boulevard. · Halloway assumes all of the obligations under the servicing agreement as they apply to the lands Halloway has acquired. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 3,1 Although road extensions were not transferred to the Municipality through the original agreement as intended, the second amending agreement will facilitate the transfer of the Clarington Boulevard extension, allowing the new Bowmanville high school to proceed. ~~ REPORT NO.: PSD-084-03 PAGE 4 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Survey Plan Attachment 3 - By-law to Authorize Execution of Second Amending Agreement Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Robert Hann Valiant Property Management 177 Nonquon Road 20th Floor Oshawa, Ontario L 1 G 3S2 Glenn Willson Willsonia Industries Limited 140 Bond Street West P.O. Box 488 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L8 ATTACHMENT 1 LOT 17 LOT 16 LUVER Cl << o '" N Z 0 (f) (f) W U Z 0 U I'- L{} 0 <: 0 0:: ....J <: z Q '" W 0:: ::; <: :r: 0:: ::J 0 ..- Z 0 (f) (f) W U Z 0 U FUTURE BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL SITE UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE Z !oJ !oJ '" '" THEATRE PARKING SCOTIA BANK CINEPLEX ODEAN AVENUE EAST SIDE MARIO'S g BURGER KING CD rllGrlWAY 2 I I I I I I z I I ~ CLARINGTON: I CENTRE z Cl 1i: "" I :5 0 (J '" I ----- z ------ w w '" '" PRINCE WILLIAM BLVD. - ~ Clarington Boulevard Extension owned by Halloway Holdings Limited Clarington Boulevard Extension to be provided by the Public School Board Bowmanville Key Map m!IJ Site of Approved Buildings and Structures Parking Lot Parl 19 Lands for Clarington Blvd. Extension 10':':1. .. .. ~ ~ ~~~~ Land Subject to Future Site Plan Approval ~ ~ Roads for Future Dedication ! .2 NII-.o'O(ll' BETWEEN CONCESSIONS (NOT OPEN) (......._......a...'-) <>>,,1<>0: ------'''''''''''''"' ROAD ALLOWANCE ONiA/?IC HlVRO EASEVt:7I'J' AS 1/' !liST. No. 1I'/!Ni7 ~ ~ , ~ LOT ~ '" &- \~~ 7J ;','~~;r~:"~ !.iI'..:.:....-:.;.:-:. ::~:~:~:~:~;r1~:~ ::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;: ........................ > .:.;.:.:.:.:-:.;.:.;.~... ',' :.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:-:-: . ~~ "-:':",.'.:~.;.:'l-:':' '."i 1"'. . .l';;~~" . '. ...... . '.:.;.N.....T.:~.:.!. , }}}}}J " l~j~tjij!iiil~; / .~~.:;;.... ::::.:~~.;~::;::::::. '-'-'~'l'.'_'_'_'" % " ~' " ~ i / , t (<\.0"_'10"...""- N7 .~... ". '.f. Nn";>'OI)"'( ~<V) _ . ~~ _ . ~,.,,~ PART 1 g UPTOWN AVENUE",; , . . - , . , '-,"'c:..- PMT , , ~t SCHEDULE OESCRIPTKlN PNlTOf\.01S lli.,U, ~, , . , , , . , ~PAATOfLOT1~.COHC(~1 " " " .. ., ~ ~- ~ "'; .~ ~ " " ;;: _L_. ;} L() ~ 1 j II / ___~::::'=-==l=:: -.:.:.:.:.:_-.:.:.:_-.:.:.:- ~ !illi~~11 rilllllllllllll~ ~===-:-==-:-==-==-::::::=::-:::: ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~-:::-:~==:~~-:..:::--:..-:..-:..-:.. ~ .... '....0,;.; \...~~" "I~' ~ to-l-/ ....' \~"""'1"/\/ \' i ~~;~I:~'I""\.i"i.? I)/.:'J:..\/;'l~~\ CONCESSION '-',-.<.' 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OENO!ts ~Ot'U"iS"..'"" o'-'",C OCNO-:ES..<;tlU"E.tlTATIOoIo'..A'.rm D/:o/OTrS ST^NO^~O "'OIl 6'* OCo/OKS SHt'lT S1Ar-lOAR() '~ON eA" OCNOQS 1~00I BAR DfNOTL5 "00010 ,~'-'" SM, OCo/OTtS""'N<SS OCo/OTl'S ~ro/lSrnY Of TIiA-"~'~"lA TK" QQ-jOlT'SJ_O.I'lARN[SLTlJ..;:.$ O[NOTLSB,r,,,,,lXS DENOH~ ",0, Ii"c.",. ces OEN';',~ ~"("~,, .. ~,.c:."'. ~i'i"G r:< CAUTlor, THIS P'..AN IS !_'C T A I"'LA~{ OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THe. MENJII'JG or :r;:: PlA:;~,ING ACT ~ o I 3: m z -I '" BROI'>1'l & COGGAN L TO. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS 1 DIVISION STREET. SUITE '8' 80'Mo1ANI.1LU. ONTARIO {90S)S2.3-nSll1C2Z2 DRA....av = . ,~ fUo/Q '':IeOl2 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2003- being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Second Amending Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. Willsonia Industries Limited, and Halloway Holdings Limited. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporate seal, a Second Amending Agreement between Willsonia Industries Limited and Halloway Holdings Limited. 2. THAT the Second Amending Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first time this 23" day of June 2003 BY-LAW read a second time this 23" day of June 2003 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 23" day of June 2003 John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk ATTACHMENT 3