HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-94-83 / -IV (e) CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 20, 1983 REPORT NO. : PD-94-83 SUBJECT: BOND HEAD DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND BY-LAW AMENDMENT FOR ZONING BY-LAW 79-44, AS AMENDED, OF THE FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-94-83 be received; and * 2. That the attached Bond Head Development Plan and By-law Amendment to the Newcastle Village Zoning By-law be approved and a copy of the Bond Head Development Plan forwarded to the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham for their consideration; and 3. That a copy of this Report, and the attachments thereto be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information. LCe') Report No: PD-94-83 .. ./2 BACKGROUND: On January 18, 1982, Town of Newcastle Council passed a resolution requesting the Region of Durham to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan in order to allow the expansion of municipal water services in the Bond Head area and to subsequently allow a limited amount of residential development to occur. The resolution passed by Council reads as follows: "That the Town of Newcastle hereby request the Region of Durham to initiate an official plan amendment to permit the extension of water services in the Bond Head area and to allow residential development to take place in the Bond Head area by limited infilling." In accordance with the above recommendation, Regional Council , at its meeting on March 31 , 1982, adopted the following Resolution: "a) That the application on behalf of the Town of Newcastle to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit the extension of municipal water system and to permit limited residential development in the Bond Head area, File 82-3/D(72) , be approved as Amendment No. 72 to that Plan as indicated in Appendix I to Commissioner's Report No. 82-49; that the appropriate by-law be passed and that the Amendment be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval , i b) That a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 82-49 be forwarded to the Council of the Town of Newcastle." I * Staff have attached a copy of Amendment No. 72 for the Committee's information. i Report No: PD-94-83 .. ./3 Subsequently, on March 16, 1983 Regional Council approved provisions for the design and construction of a watermain extension to the Bond Head area within the 1983 Capital Budget. However, prior to the construction of this watermain, Section 10.2.1 .7 of the Regional Plan requires the preparation of a development plan for the Bond Head residential cluster. On April 6, 1983, staff received a letter from the Region of Durham Planning Department (a copy of which is attached) requesting the Town to prepare a Development Plan which delineates the area of Bond Head to be serviced by the municipal water system, and further, to provide requirements for the minimum lot size for new residential development which is to proceed in the form of infilling within the Bond Head residential cluster. COMMENTS: In accordance with Regional Planning staff's request, we have prepared a development plan for Bond Head which complies with the requirements of Amendment No. 72 of the Region of Durham Official Plan; together with a zoning by-law amendment for the Newcastle Village By-law which rezones the Bond Head area for residential purposes. The proposed Development Plan identifies the boundary of the Bond Head residential cluster where municipal water is to be provided, together with the applicable policies relating to residential development in this area. A total of fifty (50) residential units within Bond Head will be serviced by municipal water. This figure includes connections to thirty-eight (38) existing residential dwelling units fronting on Boulton Street and Mill Street, in which case there is a potentail for twelve (12) additional residential lots within this area, only to proceed on the basis of infilling between existing development. I i lk Report No: PD-94-83 .. ./4 In terms of establishing a minimum lot area requirement for new residential lots, staff feel that a .25 hectare (.6 acres) lot size would provide a sufficient amount of land to accommodate the provision of municipal water service, and more importantly, sufficient room for a private sanitary system. These larger parcels of land would also ensure that there would be no adverse effect on existing residential lots in this area. When determining the appropriate lot size for new residential development, staff had taken into consideration the amount of vacant land located between the existing residential development which could be considered as infilling. The Region has indicated to staff that the end of July has been set as a tentative date for tender call for the construction of the watermains. In that regard, staff feel that the attached Development Plan and Zoning By-law amendment adequately provides for the proposed development within the Bond Head Area. Therefore, staff recommend that the Bond Head Development Plan and the amendment to the Newcastle Village Zoning By-law be forwarded to Council for approval . Respec ted, �. 04�r T. T. Edwards, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning * E*mjc 6, 1983 i I i UISTRI UTIOt4 ACK. BY: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DURHAM ORIGINAL TO: . . . . COPIES TO: The Regional April 5, 1982 Municipality I, of Durham c CIO T. b«poi tmenl Mr. D.W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. 605Ro-s'5 di;oadEast Town Clerk 623. Whitby, O„ ,,,o Town of Newcastle Canada 11NGA3 40 Temperance Street (416)tiGJ 1711 Bowmanville, Ontario GW LUNC),'.AMC.T. L1C 3A6 FILA ....... ........... Regional Clerk Official Plan Amendment - Extension of Water Services to Bond Head and to Permit Limited Residential Development in the Area I Mr. Oakes , the Planning Committee of Regional Council considered your letter dated January 20, 1982 with respect to the above matter and at a meeting held on March 31, 1982 Council adopted the following recommendations of the Committee: "a) THAT the application on behalf of the Town of Newcastle to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit the. extension of municipal water system and to permit limited residential development in the Bond Head area, File 82-3/1)(12) , be approved as Mendment No. 72 to that Plan as indicated in Appendix I to Commissioner's Report No. 82-49; that the appropriate by-law be passed and that the Amendment be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval ; b) THAT a copy of Commissioner' s Report No. 82-49 be forwarded to the Council of the Town of Newcastle.” I am enclosing a copy of Report No. 82-49 of Dr. M. Michael , Commissioner of Planning and would further advise that the appropriate by-law was also passed by Regional Council and we are now in the process of submitting the documents to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval . C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk CWL/plb Enc cc : Dr. M. Michael , Commissioner of Planning i *)635 NAM Planning Department Commissioner' s Report to Planning Committee Report No. 82-49 Date: March 23, 1982 SUBJECT AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN, SUBMITTED BY THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TO PERMIT THE EXTENSION OF WATER SERVICES TO BOND HEAD AND TO PERMIT LIMITED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THAT AREA. FILE: 82-3/D(72) CORRESPONDENCE #82-103 DATED JANUARY 20, 1982 FROM MR. Q.W. OAKES, A.M.C.T. , TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. (A "NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING" REGARDING THIS MATTER HAS BEEN ADVERTISED IN THE APPROPRIATE NEWSPAPERS) RECOMMf.NDATION 1 . THAT the application on behalf of the Town of Newcastle to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit the extension of municipal water system and to permit limited residential development in the Bond Head area,., File 82-3/0(72) , be approved as Amendment No. 72 to that Plan as ind'ipated in Appendix I to Commissioner' s Report No. 82- 49 ; that the appropriate by-law be passed and that the Amendment be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval ; and 2. THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 82- 49 be forwarded to the Council of the Town of Newcastle. REPORT 1 . Application 1 .1 The Council of the Town of Newcastle, at its meeting of January 18, 1982, passed a resolution requesting the Region of Durham to initiate an Official j Plan amendment to permit the extension of water services to the Bond Head area and to allow residential development to take place in Bond Head by limited infilling. j 2. Location 2.1 The residential area of Bond Head is located south of the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area east of Graham Creek in part of Lots 27 and 28, Broken Front Concession and part of Lots 27 and 28, Concession I , in the former Township of Clarke. 20 bJh Commissioner' s Report No. 82-49 Page Z 3. Submissions 3. 1 A "Public Notice" was placed in the appropriate newspapers , requesting submissions from the public with respect to the amendment application. No submissions have been received by this Department to date with respect to the application. 4, Back round 9.1 The subject lands are designated Permanent Agricultural Reserve and Major Open Space System subject to the preparation of a waterfront plan in the Durham Regional Official Plan. In addition, non-farm residential development is permitted in hamlets and, to a more limited extent, in residential clusters in the rural areas. 4�2 In the zoning by-law for the Village of Newcastle (79-44) , the area of Bond Head is zoned RU and RU-Special Condition 2. The uses permitted in an RU zone include a single detached residential dwelling, farm, farm produce retail outlet, greenhouse, home occupation and/or a park. Within the area restricted by Special Condition 2, the uses permitted are a single detached residential dwelling and/or a home occupation use. 5. Staff Comments I,: ! The Town of Newcastle has proposed that the residences in Bond Head fronting on Dill Street and Boulton Street be serviced with a municipal Water system. .ihe trunk watermain serving the Newcastle Village Urban Area pres°ently extends northward from the Newcastle Village Water Supply Plant along Mill Street into the Urban Area. No extensions are required to serve the residents on Mill Street. However, the properties with frontage on Boulton Street will require the construction of a watermain extension from Mill Street easterly as shown on Schedule 1. The cost of this watermain extension is expected to be approximately $60,000. It is expected that 57% of the costs of construction will be recovered from the property owners along Boulton Street through frontage charges. 5.2 If a municipal water system is made available, 38 existing residential units would be able to connect to such a water system along Mill Street and Boulton Street. At some future point in time, an additional 12 residential units in form of infilling may be permitted and serviced with municipal water. i 5, 3 Staff has examined the request of the Council of the Town of Newcastle and is recommending that the Durham Regional Official Plan be amended to permit limited development in the form of infilling in the residential cluster of Bond Head and the conditions under which a municipal water system serving a total of 50 residential units along Mill Street and Boulton Street may be provided. The proposed amendment is detailed in Appendix I. I I 21 i i i Commissioner's Report No. 82-49 Page 3 6. Notice of Public Meeting 6.1 The recommendation of the Planning Committee will be dealt with by Regional Council on March 31 , 1982. A Notice of Public Meeting related to this matter was advertised in the appropriate newspapers indicating that any person wishing to appear as a delegation notify the Regional Clerk at least forty-eight hours prior to the meeting. Dr. M. Michael , M.C. I.P. Commissioner of Planning VC/LK Attachments: Schedule 1 Appendix I 4 R i i 22 SGIIGDUI,E i to Commissioner' s Report 82- 49 Amendment No. 72 to the Durham Regional Official Plan File: . 82-3/D( 72 ) 3 cA KEY MAP 9 NEWCASTLE YILLAGE URBAN &AS• .' REET wWV u' 40 } ; L i i i NEAO i -�-� EXISTING WATERMQIN �rE c�vra�t o -o-O-O-REQUIREV WATERnv>Irl i 23 i APPENDIX I TO COMMISSIONER'S REPORT NO. 82-49 AMENDMENT NO. 72 TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to recognize Bond Head as a residential cluster and to permit a total of 50 residential units to be serviced by a municipal water system. BASIS: The Council of the Town of Newcastle passed a resolution requesting the Region of Durham to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit limited residential development in the form of i of i 1 ling and to permit the extension of water services to the Bond Head area. LOCATION: The area known as Bond Head is located southeast of Newcastle Village Urban Area in Part Lots 27 and 28, Broken Front Concession, and part of Lots 27 and 28, Concession I , former Township of Clarke. ACTUAL The Durham Regional Official Plan is hereby amended: AMENDMENT: a) by adding the name "Bond Head" to line 7 in Section before "Maple Grove" such that the section will read as follows: " In addition to Section;• 1imited non-farm residential dwellings may be permitted in the form of infilling within the residential clusters known as Vroomanton, Vallentyne and Blackwater in the Township of Brock; Cadmus, Saintfield, Scugog Centre and Victoria Corners in the Township of Scugog; Glen Major in the Township of Uxbridge; Bond Head, Maple Grove and Taunton in the Town of Newcastle; Kinsale in the Town of Pickering ; and Audley in the Town of Ajax." b) by adding the following new sections to Section 10.2, Rural Settlements: i ) 10.2. 1.6 , Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Plan to the contrary, no infilling will be allowed in the residential cluster of Bond Head unless in accordance with Section, with the exception of existing lots of record as indicated in Section 11.3. 7. ii 10.2. 1.7 Prior to any infilling in the residential cluster of Bond Head a municipal water supply will be required to service such infilling. In this regard, municipal water may be provided in order to service up to 50 residential units in total . i 24 „, C � In addition, a development plan shall be prepared -. and adopted by the Council of the area municipality: a ) prior to any infilling within the residential cluster; b) prior to the connection of any existing or new residential units to the water system along Mill Street; and c) prior to the extension of the water system along Boulton Street in accordance with the provisions of Section Such a development plan shall , among other things, delineate the area to be serviced by the municipal water system and shall specify the lot size requirement for new development in the form of limited infilling within the residential cluster. iii ) 10.2.1 .8 The extension of the municipal water system along Boulton Street, in accordance with Section 10.2.1 .6, shall be subject to the following conditions: a) the provisions of Section 218 R.S.O. , 1980 The Municipal Act with respect to the extension of new municipal services have been fulfilled. b) the Region's Capital Budget has included the necessary appropriations for the extension of the municipal water system; and c) appropriate requirements have been included in the restricted area (zoning) by-law” c) by amending Map A-5 - Regional Structure as shown on Exhibit 'A' attached. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended , regarding interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. I 25 Y R ;• two `i WAY dI ate':•+----•� - ,_,.,. _-- � ._ i 4 ;'r,'1•'', � I!.e; -••-^�`� ', �'+..•REfEII T� SECTION � G.�%�'; .,�'Y!, ►k�'Z• � .�-,. •.j• sty' CON ! 11;;(�;,r;;'•:,;�,w,,:,�1 I 7 C REGIONAL STRUCTURE r . . 1 f M OFFICIAL PLAN •`''' .)'S + �'' OF THE 0 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM LEGEND CON I SETTLEMENT AREA' RESIDENTIAL Aft AS C INDUSTRIAL AREAS • �, -- - }' ;�� �: „ • UTILITIES / PERMANENT AGRICULTURAL ADD BOND HEAD RESERVE AREAS Il` AS INDICA D r \ ® OPEN RSPACE RELATED BOND H D ;;: MAJOR OPEN SPACE '1 it f• 1' LANDS AFFECTED BY T r • c �t,1 ;,, SECTION 12 33 � ,, r' R ' � � 0 NOTES SUBSECTION OF R \ �•� ^ p SECTION 10 3-1-4 T.r 00 DENOTES MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS 6 PERMITTED \� 7 MARINA \� RECREATIONAL NODE T TOURIST ACTIVITY NODE EXHIBIT 'A' TO AMENDNENT NO. 72 w•� TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN HAZARD LANDS rrl r. r,q 26 I Lv 1"Tort U1' 1\1. r,\ I.I --.�...._.._..... - 1 ► � OFFICE OF THL= TOWN CLERKNO ,,- 4. ao TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623.3375 80WMANVILLE, ONTARIO y �t, L IC 3A6 January 20, 1982 'Mr. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk 605 Rossland Road East, Box 623 Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 Dear Sir: I i RE: Official Plan Amendment Bond Head Town of Newcastle At the meeting held on January 18, 1982, the following resolution was passed: "That the Town of Newcastle hereby request the Region of Durham to initiate an official plan amendment to permit the extension of water services in the Bond Head area and to allow residential development to take place in the Bond Head area by limited infilling. " Y s very truly David W. Oakes , A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk I GEG:jco cc: Planning and Development Department � I 27 March 31, 1983 DURHAM .,.h The Regional Mr. Terry Edwards Municipality E of Durham Planning Director Town of Newcastle _ Planning Hampton, Ontario Department Box 623 Dear Mr. Edwards: 105 Consumers Dr, Whitby, Ontario Canada,LIN 6A3 Re: Preparation of Development Plan for the Bond Head 1416!6687731 Residential Cluster File: DP-N4. 10 DR. M. n MICHAEL. M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning Provision has been made in the 1983 Capital Budget which was approved by Regional Council on March 16, 1983 for the design and construction of a watermain extension to service existing homes on Boulton Street in the residential cluster of Bond Head. To allow the project to be completed in the 1983 construction season, it will be necessary to be prepared for a tender call by July 31, 1983. In this regard, Section 10.2. 1.7 of the Durham Regional, Official Plan provides for the preparation of a development plafi`for the Bond Head residential cluster as follows: "Prior to any infilling in the residential cluster of Bond Head a municipal water supply will be required to service such infilling. In this regard, municipal water may be provided in order to service up to 50 residential units in total . In addition, a development plan shall be prepared and adopted by the Council of the area municipality: a) prior to any infilling within the residential cluster; b) prior to the connection of any existing or new residential units to the water system along Mill Street; and i c) prior to the extension of the water system along Boulton Street in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.2. 1. 7. Such a development plan shall , among other things, i delineate the area to be serviced by the municipal water system and shall specify the lot size requirement for new development in the form of limited infilling within the residential cluster." I Ili I I 2 _ We request that you take the necessary action to deal with the planning matters related to the residential cluster of Bond Head in accordance with the above-noted provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan and that you advise us as soon as possible with respect to the schedule for dealing with this matter. This will enable the Region to finalize the schedule for the construction of the project. A reply in early April would be appreciated. If you have any questions related to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly Dr. M. Michael , M.C. I .P. Commissioner of Planning :LM 4 1 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 83- 95 being a By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 79-44, as r. amended, of the Town of Newcastle, to allow residential infilling in the area designated as Bond Head by the Region of Durham Official Plan. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 79-44, as amended, of the Town of Newcastle. I , NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1 . Schedule "A" to By-law 79-44, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to "Special Condition 6" the zone designation of the lands designated "ZONE CHANGE TO SPECIAL CONDITION 6" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto, and by adding to the lands so indicated cross-hatching and the figure "6" encircled. r. 2. Schedule "B" to By-law 79-44, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: "SPECIAL CONDITION 6" The lands shown on Schedule "A" cross-hatched and marked with the figure 6 encircled shall be subject to the special regulations hereinafter contained and where there is any conflict between the regulations hereinafter set out and any other provisions of By-law 79-44, then the provisions of this Special Condition shall apply but in all other respects, the provisions of By-law 79-44, as amended, shall apply. i 1 .1 Defined Areas The areas subject to this Special Condition are shown cross-hatched with the figure 6 encircled on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 1.2 Permitted Uses No person shall use any of the lands in the defined area, or erect, alter or use any building or structure on such lands for any purpose except one or more of the following uses; namely: - one single family detached dwelling per lot, connected to a municipal water system and private sanitary waste disposal systems - uses, buildings and structures accessory to the principle use on the lot. } i - ? 1.3 Zone Provisions 3 (a) Lot Area (minimum) 0.25 hectares N Lot Frontage (minimum) 40.0 metres Front Yard (minimum) 7.5 metres (d) Interior Side Yard 1 .5 metres, except that where no attached garage or carport !' is provided, the minimum sideyard on one side shall be 4.5 metres (e) Exterior Side Yard (minimum) 6.0 metres f Rear Yard (minimum) 7.5 metres (g) Dwelling Unit Area (minimum) 139.0 square metres 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject r' to the provisions of Section 39(11) of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this 27th day of June 1983 } BY-LAW read a second time this 27th day of June 1983 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 27th day of June 1983 I C MAYOR CLERK f t i { { i i i THIS IS SCHEDULE 'X' TO BY—LAW 83— 2 ' PASSED THIS 27m, DAY OF june A.D. 1983, �I± f 61m# J ! J ~ 3 E 60mt ro T STR r; 21m! W W c ZONE CHANGE TO SPECIAL CONDITION I a U STR T . 20mt ST. , 1 � I ( SEAL ) s E { . r G,8,Rickard,Mayor 60UL T E '. 0 50 150m D.W, Oakes,Clerk so KEY MAP NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 1125000 LOT LOT 1 LOT OT LOT LOT T LOT LOT 33 32 I 31 30 I 297 I 26 I 25 24 23 I I 1 ► I z — I-- - i- -- -- I L) i I S !Blj I C T U Ov K