HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-79-83 60 . r . FY'a�`� 4 , CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1,10 TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 6, 1983 REPORT NO. : PD-79-83 SUBJECT: BILL 159: AN ACT TO REVISE THE PLANNING ACT, AND BILL 194: AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN ACTS IN RESPECT OF PLANNING AND RELATED MATTERS i - RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-79-83 be received; and * 2. That the attached by-laws, Attachments 1 through 2, be approved; and * 3. That the attached revised Work Program for the Planning Department, Attachment 3, be approved. /f'7 U Report No: PD-79-83 .. ./2 BACKGROUND: On January 27th, 1983, Bill 159, being an Act to revise the Planning Act, and Bill 194, being an Act to amend certain Acts in respect of planning and related matters, both received Royal Assent. These Acts, however, will not be proclaimed by the Lieutenant Governor until August 1st of this year. The passage of these Bills represents the culmination of an extensive review of the existing Planning Act, which was commenced in 1975, and which has been the subject of previous staff reports. The purpose of this Report is to familiarize Council with the changes to Provincial Planning legislation , and to initiate those actions necessary to implementing these i changes within the Municipality. Copies of the subject * Bills are attached for the Committee's information, as is a copy of a Provincial brochure outlining the legislative changes. However, for the benefit of the Committee, the following represents a brief summary of the major changes contained in the revised Planning Act. Provincial Administration One of the most significant changes to the Planning Act is the identification, under Section 2, of matters of Provincial interest, which include among other things, the protection of the natural environment, including the agricultural resource base and the management of natural resources, the protection of significant natural architectural , historical or archeological features, the supply, efficient use and conservation of energy, provision of major communication, servicing and transportation facilities, and the equitable distribution of educational , health and other social facilities. Report No: PD-79-83 .. ./3 Under the terms of the new Act, provision is made for the issuance by the Minister, together with any other Provincial Minister, of policy statements approved by the Lieutenant I Governor in Council in respect of matters of Provincial interest (Section 3 of the new Act) . i Another significant change related to Provincial Administration is in respect of the delegation of Provincial powers to a Municipality, subject to certain conditions. In that regard, in order for a Municipality to receive such a delegation, they must have permanent professional planning staff, satisfactory administrative procedures, an official plan and adequate financial resources to carry out the responsibilities. The importance of this revision to the Town of Newcastle would be the possible delegation of official plan approval authority to the Regional Municipality of Durham which, in itself, has the potential for shortening the process involved in the preparation and approval of official plans. A further significant revision is provided by Section 6, subsection 2, which requires any Ministry to consult with and have regard for established local planning policies prior to carrying out or authorizing any undertaking that will directly affect a municipality. Local Planning Administration As a result of the revisions , the council of any given municipality is directly responsible for planning responsibilities. Planning boards will no longer exist, however council may appoint a planning advisory committee composed of such persons as the council may determine. Report No: PD-79-83 . . ./4 In this regard, it will be necessary for Council to pass a by-law deeming the General Purpose and Administration Committee as the Town 's Planning Advisory Committee, pursuant to the provisions of -the Planning Act, 1983 (see attachment number 1 ) . The new legislation would also provide for agreements between local and regional municipalities for the assumption of certain planning responsibilities and the provision of advice and assistance in respect of planning matters generally. Official Plans Under the provisions of the new Planning Act, a municipal council may prepare an official plan, although this is not a mandatory requirement. However, as a result of further changes to the Planning Act, an official plan is required to give effect to many existing municipal policies such as site plan control and road widenings. Official plans are intended to guide the physical development of a municipality, but may also contain a description of the measure and procedures proposed to implement the objectives of the plan and the measures and procedures for informing and securing the views of the public in respect of amendments or revisions to official plans or proposed zoning by-laws. In that regard, prior to adopting an official plan, or an amendment thereto, Council must ensure that adequate information is made available to the public and shall hold at least one public meeting, the notice of which shall be given in a manner and to persons prescribed. Such public meeting cannot be held sooner than thirty (30) days after the giving of notice, and must be open to the public and provide any person who attends an opportunity to make representation in respect of the plan or amendment thereto. I I I Report No: PD-79-83 .. ./5 It is important to note however, that if an official plan contains provisions describing the measures for informing and securing public input, the above-mentioned requirements would not apply, provided the measures contained in the official plan are complied with. This would therefore allow the municipality to establish through the official plan, a policy in respect of public notification, which may have more relevance to circumstances within the Town. With respect to official plans, where the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is of the opinion that a matter of Provincial interest as set out in policy statements prepared pursuant to Section 3 of the Planning Act is, or is likely to be, adversely affected by an official plan, the Minister may request the Council to adopt such amendment as specified and where Council refuses the request, or fails to adopt the amendment within a prescribed time, the Minister may make the amendment. The revised Planning Act also prescribed a time period for bringing local official plans and zoning by-laws into conformity with the Regional Official Plan within one year of the approval of the Regional Plan. This revision is significant and therefore necessitates a revision to the Town's Work Program to ensure that a District Plan for the Town of Newcastle and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law are completed and approved by Council within the next year. In fact, on May 3rd, 1983, the Regional Planning Committee adopted a recommendation of the Regional Planning Department which would request each area municipal council to prepare a local official plan and forward such plans to the Region for I approval . I i Report No: PD-79-83 .. ./6 Land Use Controls and Related Administration The present system of land use controls through zoning is retained in the new Planning Act, but has been expanded to provide municipalities with additional zoning controls by means of different types of by-laws. This would include density transfers, interim control by-laws, temporary use by-laws and holding by-laws. Another significant addition to the provisions of the Act is in respect of agreements exempting property owners or tenants from parking requirements to the extent specified in the agreement, and shall provide for payments to the municipality in consideration of such exemption, which must be deposited into a special account, which shall be applied for the same purposes as the reserve fund established under paragraph 55, Section 208 of the Municipal Act. A significant change is also provided with respect to site plan control , which requires the inclusion in an official plan of the delineation or description of areas subject to site plan controls. This was previously done by means of a by-law designating a municipality as a site plan control area and was alluded to earlier in this report. It is therefore important that the Town immediately initiate preparation of a district plan in respect of those areas not presently covered by approved official plans. i Directly related to land use controls through zoning by-laws is the matter of the Committee of Adjustment, which may now be composed of such persons, not fewer than three, as council considers advisable, and shall hold office for the term of the council that appointed them, unless said members are members of the municipal council , who shall then be i Report No: PD-79-83 . . ./7 appointed annually. It is noteworthy that membership is completely at council 's discretion and may include council members and municipal employees, who were previously excluded from membership. The Committee of Adjustment may grant minor variances to zoning by-laws and interim control by-laws, alternatively, council may also, by by-law, empower the Committee to grant minor variances to any other by-law that implements an official plan, or to any other specified by-laws implementing an official plan and which Council is of the opinion may require minor variances. This is significant in that the Town could now, within an official plan, establish policies in respect of signs within the Municipality, and by by-law authorize the Committee of Adjustment to grant variances to any by-law which implements those policies. The value of this goes without saying, given the history of the Town 's own Sign By-law. With respect to the Committee of Adjustment, pursuant to Section 43 of the new Planning Act, a certified copy of a by-law constituting and appointing a local committee of adjustment must be forwarded to the Minister within thirty (30) days of its passing. Discussions with Ministry staff indicate that it would be appropriate for Council to pass a new by-law appointing the Committee of Adjustment, thus clearly indicating tha the new options have been considered and dealt with. A copy of a possible by-law is attached, and if and when approved, should be forwarded forthwith to the Ministry. Subdivision of Land Under the revised Planning Act, the authority to grant land severances is assigned directly to the councils of regions, counties, cities outside regions and separated towns. However, a regional council may delegate to the council of an area municipality this authority, subject to the approval of the Minster of Housing, or to a committee of regional council or to an appointed officer, or to a land division committee. Report No: PD-79-83 .. ./8 On May 11 , 1983, Regional Council adopted the recommendation of the Regional Planning Department and by by-law constituted and appointed a Land Division Committee for the Regional Municipality of Durham. Two other changes with respect to subdivision control relate to the addition of energy considerations in the review of draft plans of subdivision and a limitation of two percent (2%) of land or cash-in-lieu for parkland purposes in respect of industrial plans of subdivision. General Under the provisions of the new Act, there is no longer a right to file a petition to Cabinet in respect of any order or decision of the Ontario Municipal Board, and the decision of the Board will be final unless the Minister is of the opinion that a matter of Provincial concern is or is likely to be adversely affected, in which case he may advise the Board and the decision of the Board will not be final and binding unless the Lieutenant Governor in Council has confirmed the decision. The new Act also speaks to planning application fees, which must be prescribed by by-law and which may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board if considered unreasonable and are paid under protest. In that regard, staff will , prior to August 1 , bring forward a further report in respect of fees for such applications. In addition, penalties which may be imposed for the violation of municipal by-laws have been substantially increased, and are now applicable to site plan control by-laws. In that regard, upon conviction , persons are liable to fines of not more than $20,000 on a first conviction and $10,000 for each day of a subsequent conviction. Corporations are, likewise, liable to fines not more than $50,000 on a first conviction and $25,000 per day on subsequent convictions. I i i I i Report No: PD-79-83 .. ./9 This would therefore give the Municipality considerably more "clout" in enforcing zoning by-laws and site plan control regulations, as well as providing a greater incentive for compliance and respect for the by-laws of the Municipality. Based on the foregoing, staff are recommending the passing of the attached by-laws, which would give effect to the various provisions of the new Planning Act, as well as the attached revised Work Program which redefines departmental activities in view of the new legislation, as well as other changes in priority arising since the beginning of the i year. Res c 1 ubmitted, T. T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning TTE*mjc May 12, 19 i 1983 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM LONG RANGE PLANNER JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 17 7 21 7 21 5 18 2 16 6 20 4 18 2 15 6 19 3 17 7 21 5 COMMITTEE MEETING 3 COURTICE REVIEW (GO TRANSIT) 11111111111111 IIIIIIII 11111/18 111111111111 * z Including Neighbourhood Plan for Courtice Central Area PART I DISTRICT PLAN 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AMLET PLANS - HAMPTON, ORONO, 11111111 111/1111/ 1111111/1 Illlllflll 111111 111111 1111111 1111111 1/11111/ MITCHELL'S CORNERS AND NEWTONVILLE MAIN 'CENTRAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLANS /////1// ///81//1 ///////// 81111111 1111111 111111 111111 1111111 8118111D BOWMANVILLE COMPREHENSIVE RESTRICTED 1111111H 11111111111111111111111111111 1111118111811 1181111111111 1111111 1111111 11111111 IIHII, AREA BY-LAW HAMLET PLANS - KIRBY, ENFIELD, KENDAL AND LESKARD ONGOING OFFICIAL PLAN APPLICATIONS ELDORADO MONITORING COMMISSION 1111/111 /11118811 111181111 Illlfllll 1111111 1111111 1111111 1818111 1111111111111111 1111111 111118 REVIEW OF CONSERVATION MASTER PLANS IIIIIIIII 1111118 HIHII 1111111111111111 IIIHIIII 1111111111111111111111 DATA COLLECTION 1111//11 11111181 11//1111 1/111111 1111111 1111111 111111 11111 111/111 1111/111 1118111 111111E REVIEW OF PLANS/COMMENTS LEGEND Primary Activity Secondary Activity 111111111811181 * indicates revision 1983 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM CURRENT OPERATIONS JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 17 7 21 7 21 5 18 2 16 6 20 4 18 2 15 6 19 3 17 7 21 5 COMMITTEE MEETING COURTICE SUBDIVISION 1!!!111 Ililtll tltjtl 11111tt1 ltttlti II1jt1 NEIGHBOURHOODS 1 , 2, 3(a) & 3(b) SUBDIVISION PLANS - BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA 1111111 11111111 ltttttl111 tllltlll 1!!1111 tillll NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA HAMLET SUBDIVISION COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW including review of energy conservation provisions SIGN BY-LAW 11!11! 111!1 !0111111 Itttltlt !!1111 !11!11! tlitll tttltllt ilttjttt !1111!1! tltlttl titltl B.I.A. MAIN STREET REVITALIZATION 1111111 0111111! !1111111! !!11!!11 1!111! 1!111!1 11111 111111 01111!! Ittt011 111!!!1 !!1111 PROGRAMS ONGOING PRIORITIES 1 . DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL 2. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS RESIDENTIAL (by date of submission or as shown above) 3. COMMENTS TO LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE OEM 4. COMMENTS TO COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT 5. REVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS/COMMENTS LEGEND Primary Activity Secondary Activity 1t1t1tt111t11� * indicates revision I 1983 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM BUILDING/ADMINISTRATION JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC BUILDING 3 17 7 21 7 21 5 18 2 16 6 20 4 18 2 15 6 19 3 17 7 21 5 ONGOING - 1 . SIGN BY-LAW ADVERTISING/ENFORCEMENT 2. BUILDING & PLUMBING/PERMITS/ INSPECTION/PROCESSING 3. COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION PROVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE I 5. PROPERTY STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION ? . REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT'S ACTIVITIES 2. VARIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 3. REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT PROCEDURES 111((11 1111((1( 111((1(1((( ((11()(1 111111 (111(11 111(111 1(III IHIIIIIIHIHII (11(111 ttlt(1t AND POLICIES 4. ATTENDANCE AT COMMITTEE, COUNCIL Ilttlttl((tlt 1(t((t((11 111((1(11 111111 1111111 1((11(1 1111111 1(11(111 111111111 111111 1(11(11 O.M.B., etc. 5. REVIEW OF TOWN STANDARDS AND 11111111 111111H 1111111, SERVICING OPTIONS LEGEND Primary Activity Secondary Activity 11(11111111111111' i *indicates revision i k Al I ALIIMLN I I 4 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 83- 82 I i i I being a By-law to amend By-law Number 78-53, as amended, i WHEREAS Section 8 of the Planning Act, 1983 provides that the Council ri of the Municipality may appoint a Planning Advisory Committee composed of such persons as the Council may determine; AND WHEREAS By-law 78-53, as amended, is a by-law to govern the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Newcastle, any of its committees, the conduct of its members and the calling of meetings; AND WHEREAS for the purposes of the Planning Act, 1983 it is deemed appropriate to further amend By-law 78-53; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, pursuant to Section 8 of the Planning Act, 1983, enacts as follows: I i 1 . Schedule "A", Subsection B.13. of By-law 78-53, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following sentence: "For the purposes of the Planning Act, 1983, and pursuant to Subsection 1 of Section 8 of said Act, the General Purpose and Administration Committee shall be deemed to be a Planning Advisory Committee for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle." 2. This by-law shall come into force and take effect as of August lst, 1983. BY-LAW read a first time this 13th day of June 1983 BY-LAW read a second time this 13th day of June 1983 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June 1983 MAYOR CLERK i I 1 i I ATTACIIMLNI 2 ,r �a ? 1.111' CORPORATION 01' 1111. TOWN 01 NIWCASTLI BY-LAW NUMBER 83- 83 l being a By-law to constitute a Committee of Adjustment for the Town of Newcastle pursuant to the Planning Act, 1983. WHEREAS Section 43 of the Planning Act, 1983, provides that the by-laws may be passed to constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality composed of such persons, not fewer j than three, as the Council considers advisable; ; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, pursuant to Section 43 of the Planning Act, 1983, enacts as follows: 1 . That a Committee of Adjustment within the meaning of the Planning Act, 1983, composed of six (6) persons is hereby constituted for the Town of Newcastle. 2. That the members of the Committee of Adjustment shall hold office for the term of the Council that appointed them. 3. That the members of the Committee of Adjustment shall hold office until their successors are appointed, and shall be eligible for re-appointment. 4. Where a member of the Committee ceases to be a member before the expiration of his term, the Council of the Town of Newcastle shall appoint another eligible person for the unexpired portion of the term. 5. Three (3) members of the Committee of Adjustment shall constitute a quorum. � r 6. The members of the Committee of Adjustment shall elect one of themselves as Chairperson, and when the Chairperson is absent through illness or otherwise, the Committee may appoint another member to act as Chairperson pro tempora. 7. The Committee shall appoint a Secretary-Treasurer who may be a member of the Committee, and may engage such employees and consultants as is considered expedient within the limits of the monies appropriated for the purpose. ;I 8. The members of the Committee shall be paid such compensation as the Council may provide from time to time. I i i i I - 2 - ii, 9. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep on file minutes and records of all applications and the decisions thereon, and of all other official business of the Committee, and Section 78 of the Municipal Act applies with the necessary modifications to such documents. 10. In addition to complying with the requirements of the Planning Act, 1980, the Committee shall comply with such Rules of Procedure as 4 i are prescribed. i 11. The following persons are hereby appointed members of the Committee of Adjustment of the Town of Newcaste: Mr. T. F. Rehder, 5 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, Ontario Mr. H. C. Muir, R.R. # 6, Bowmanville, Ontario Mrs. Jean Payne, R.R. # 3, Newcastle, Ontario Mr. Arnold Reicheld, P.O. Box 433, Newcastle, Ontario Mr. J. P. Murdoch, 243 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, Ontario Mr. Wesley J. Yellowlees, R.R. # 1 , Hampton, Ontario 12. The Committee of Adjustment, upon the application of the owner of any land, building or structure affected by any by-law as passed pursuant to Section 34 or 37 of the Planning Act, 1983, or a predecessor of such Sections, or any person authorized in writing by the owner, may, despite any other act, authorize such minor variance from the provisions of the by-law in respect of the land, building or structure or the use thereof as, in its opinion, is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure, provided that in the opinion of the Committee, the general intent and purpose of the by-law and of the official plan, are maintained. 13. In addition to its powers under paragraph 12, the Committee, upon any such application, where any land, building or structure on the day the by-law was passed was lawfully used for a purpose prohibited by the by-law, may permit: a) the enlargement or extension of the building or structure, provided that the use that was made of the building or structure on the day the by-law was passed, or a use permitted under sub-clause b) hereof continued until the date of the application i to the Committee, but no permission may be given to enlarge or extend the building or structure beyond the limits of the land owned and used in connection therewith on the date the by-law was passed; or I{ s x h ' 3 b) the use of such land, building or structure for a purpose that, s in the in the opinion of the Committee, is similar to the purpose for which it was used on the date the by-law was passed, or is 7 more compatible with the uses permitted by the by-law than the purpose for which it was used on the date the by-law was passed, or is more compatible with the uses permitted by the by-law than the purpose for which it was used on the date the by-law was passed, provided that the use for a purpose prohibited by the by-law or another for a purpose previously permitted by the .,, Committee continued until the date of the application to the Committee, or c) where the use of lands, buildings or structures permitted in the by-law are defined in general terms, may permit the use of any land, building or structure for any purpose that in the opinion of the Conunittee conforms with the uses permitted in the by-law. 14. In addition to its powers under paragraph 12 and 13, a Committee of Adjustment, upon approval of a district plan for the Town of Newcastle incorporating policies in respect of the regulation of signs and other advertising devices, shall also be empowered to grant minor variances from the provisions of by-law 76-25, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, being a comprehensive Sign � ? By-law. 15. That all by-laws of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle constituting a Committee of Adjustment or appointing members thereto are hereby repealed. BY-LAW read a first time this 13th day of June 1983 BY-LAW read a second time this 13th day of June 1983 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June 1983 AUYOR CLERK k t I i i 3 '3 R� h i i } k