HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-61-83 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL,(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 18, 1983 REPORT NO: PD-61-83 SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN AGREEMENT - — DURHAM BUILDING SUPPLIES - J. SILVA (OWNER), BIDDLE & ASSOCIATES (AGENT) OUR FILE: DEV 83-1 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following : 1 . That Report PD-61-83 be received ; and 2. That the revisions to the site plan drawings as requested by the Town of Newcastle Works Department be incorporated within same, forming Schedule "C" within the Site Plan Agreement. BACKGROUND: On February 7th, 1983, the Town received an application for site plan approval submitted by D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited, on behalf of Durham Building Supplies , to permit the construction of a building supply outlet. I I ;r I^� Report No: PD-61 -83 .. . ./2 The site is presently designated "Industrial " within the Official Plan for the Bowmanville Urban Area, and the Regional Municipality of Durham. Section of the Durham Official Plan states that industrial areas shall mean the predominant use of lands so designated may be for manufacturing, warehousing, assembly, processing including reclaiming and/or recycling, storage of goods and materials, utility functions and transportation terminals and similar uses. Section 2.7.1 within the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan states that the objectives within the Plan are to designate appropriate areas to accommodate industrial development opportunities to meet the needs of the Municipality. It is staffs' opinion that the proposal as submitted would be in conformity with the above-noted documents. COMMENTS: In accordance with Departmental procedures, the subject proposal was circulated to a number of departments and agencies to obtain their input. Region of Durham - Works Department "The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department has reviewed the above-noted site plan, and also the related draft agreement, and wish to advise you as follows. Full municipal services are available to the site through the abutting sanitary sewer and watermain on Baseline Road. The exact details on the matter of size, location and grade of the proposed service connections required for the proposal will be established through the subsequent process of site servicing plan approval . Based on the foregoing, we would have no objection to the further processing of this site plan application. However, we wish to reiterate that the applicant has to submit four copies of site servicing plans to the Regional Works Department for approval at such time as an application for service connections is made. In addition , we also wish to request that the Town of Newcastle j not issue a building permit until approval is given by the Region to the site servicing plans." i l Report No: PD-61 -83 . . . ./3 Town of Newcastle - Building Department "At the present business location located next door to the east, signs contravene the Sign By-law (in excess of number permitted and type) , building materials , lumber and gyproc, storage, building and sun-deck are stored in the front yard and on what appears to be the road allowance. Some provision should be included in the agreement to ensure that a similar situation does not occur at the new location. At least it should be drawn to the owner's attention that he presently contravenes the Zoning By-law (yard requirements) , and is using Town property for storage." Town of Newcastle - Fire Department "This Department has no object-ion to the application for site plan approval . Under the Development Agreement Schedule items 3, 4, 8 and the agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham for the provision of services, shall be in accordance to the Fire Marshall 's Act 0. Reg. 730-81 , the Fire Code." Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority "The recently circulated site plan and site plan agreement regarding the above have been reviewed. We find each of these items to be acceptable. The subject lands are affected by Section 3(b) of the Ontario Regulations, 161 /80, and therefore the written permission of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is required prior to the commencement of grading and/or filling on the site." Town of Newcastle - Works Department The comments as provided by the Wor s Department are contained and described within staffs' comments. Staffs' Comments The comments as submitted by the Works Department reflect the following: 1 . Compliance with the Town of Newcastle Entrance Policies , as administered by the Works Department. 2. Dedication of a 3.048 metre (10 foot) road widening to the Town of Newcastle. i Report No: PO-61 -83 . . . ./4 3. The provision of curbing, paving, grading within the road allowance thereby improving the drainage to the abutting property. Baseline Road, as shown on Schedule "B", Transportation Network within the Region of Durham Official Plan, designates the said road allowance as a Type "B" Arterial Road. Section 13.2.9 within the Durham Official Plan states that a Type "B" Arterial Road shall have a right-of-way width ranging from 86 feet to 120 feet. The width of the existing right-of-way (Baseline Road) is presently 66 feet. A road widening of 10 feet to be taken from the north and south side of Baseline Road would bring the road allowance to within the standards of a Type "B" Arterial Road as expressed within the Regional Official Plan. Staff would note, for the Committee's information, that such widenings would only bring the road right-of-way width within the lower limit of the range, as noted within the Official Plan. Section 40(6) of the Planning Act states that as a condition to the approval of the plans and drawings with respect to site plan approval , a municipality may require the owner of the land to a) provide to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the municipality, any or all of the following: 1 . Widenings of highways that abut on the land. j 2. Subject to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, facilities to provide access to and from the land, such as access ramps and curbing and traffic directional signs. 3. Grading or alteration in elevation or contour of the land and provision for the disposal of storm, surface and waste water from the land and from any buildings or structures thereon; IV Report No: PO-61 -83 .. . ./5 b) enter into one or agreements with the municipality dealing with any or all of the facilities or works mentioned above. It is staffs' opinion that the requested changes are justifiable in consideration of the development to take place on site and in accordance with applicable Town policies. Staff, by letter dated March 7th, 1983, advised 0. G. Biddle and Associates, as agent on behalf of Durham Building Supplies, of the above-noted comments and requirements and met to discuss these requirements on March 15, 1983. A further meeting with Mr. J. Silva, owner, and Mr. Bryson , on behalf of Biddle & Associates, was arranged for March 22nd, 1983. However, staff were unable to resolve the concerns, and Mr. Silva expressed his unwillingness to deed to the Town the 3 metre (10 foot) road widening free of all costs, or to provide curbing and paving within the Town 's road allowance. Following therefrom, staff advised Mr. Silva that a Report would be prepared for Committee 's consideration at the earliest possible opportunity. In view of the foregoing, staff are seeking Council ' s direction with respect to the requested revisions and the applicant 's request that these requirements be waived or that he be compensated for them. Respe submi d T. T. Edwards, M.C. I.P. Director of Planning xTTE*mj c .Pch 28, 1983 I I