HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-40-83 3s 1� 3 a(6, CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 7, 1983 REPORT NO. : PD-40-83 SUBJECT: BY-LAW NUMBER 2-83: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-40-83 be received; and 2. That By-law 2-83 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: By-law Number 2-83 of the was forwarded to t the Planning and Development Department on February 14, 1983. The subject By-law changes the zoning of a parcel of land located on part of Lot 1 , Concession 9, of the Township of Scugog from "RU Rural " to "RU-10 Rural Exception Ten". This zoning change will permit the erection of a second dwelling on the subject lands. Report No: PD-40-83 . ../2 This By-law amendment covers a parcel of land within the Township of Scugog which would not affect the interests of the Town of Newcastle and therefore no further action on this amendment is required. However, we note that the last date for filing objections was March 2, 1983. Res pe ctfUTT y s m ed, T. T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning P*TTE*mjc I bruary 14, 1983 NOTICE Is"HE -PLANNING ACT THE PASSING 0 P A BY-'LAS ' THE C61tPORATILON OP THE TOWNSHIP OR � SCUG00 T .REGULATE -LAND 6SE SU. t TO SECTION 35 ACT. TAKE NOTICE, that the c-nncil of tb e cor orati o th�. TOV � ot P4,S50d BY-La #2'-83 .n a the 2 h . d t 9f aiay;�83ant t� the Provisions cf .section" 9 _oaf e . I...�•y j; .g. Schednles zre, attached heTstc. 2. e_ . 2, -coimsistinz of the foliowin . An explanation of t urp s -and. effect of the €- A k ey . app hic h .show , the I cat iom of the Ines to which th0 Zy La of th4 A € ? i dal i Y f Durham in whith the l- d t0- which the By-Law a 1i s sit &t a - PER O� I-STERESTED MAY, - it in twenty.-one (2 1) d Isy s : ft-er . the date Of .tie mailing': e:s- al -.2z-Tvica r ublicati' of hlz- notice, With the �-i a�wn hip of nct�c o . a P ,:e to to � e '17r0l'�D . O the said . Y-Law •or• graft heieor- together with 0,f &1I r that port-j� �of' , th.0 -:Or-Lapp to which. t � T e 'is obi ctic and detailed .reason$' . thereof, ANY PaRSON Wishing t tb 0 enPlicatiOn -fair approval of the -;8y-' L& may, _4;_t � t e it �21 J daYs after the date of n�g, y e r publication of -this ilot ce, . fire with .-'the ier!k 0Z t he Township of Scugog., notice, Of "ppor of the application for approval of "the, S&* d gy--Law. Tf no notice of objection his been filed with the Clerk. 0f the"Mun.icipalitY within -the time pr vid 4, the By-Law 'thereupo n OOMOS into effect and does .not require than 'ap-prdval of he Ontario .- taniciPal Board. If a notice of objection -has" 'been file '���h':th :��. �k: df 'the:,.. nicigaiit - -within the. time raa �.d d. the By-Law- hall be b�. mitted tc ' the Ontario Municipai oard .and the-. yl Ella w­dew$ race one ant* effect until appr€ V d by the Ontario Municipal- acnrd. THE LAST DATS FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be March..2, 19$3 "THE OBJECTION YIUSTBE RtCEIVED BY THIS DATE IN O"ER- TO BE' _ARID. DAT -D at th-e Township of Scukog this 9th day of February- .L . Doreen M Van Camp C' 3tdt -Cl. T `Own§hip of Scugog 181 Perry St . P.O. Box 209 RORT PERRY, Ontario LOB IN Q SCHEDULE f_ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SGUGOG RESTRICTED AREA BY-LkW NO. 2-83 !3 BEING A BY-LA's TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NO. 75-80 - PART LOT 1, CONC. 9, WARD III. i; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog has received a request to amend Restricted Area By-Law No. 75-80 insofar as is necessary to allow the owner to construct a second. dwelling for farm employees, located in part of Lot 1 , Cone. '9, Ward III . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the i Township. of Scugog has given due consideration to this matter and further considers if to be desirable to amend Restricted Area day-Law No. 75-80 so as to allow for the development of the aforementioned proposal. AND WHEREAS the .materials herein set forth are considered. to be in conformity with the Official Plan of the Township of Scugog; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Enacts As Follows : 1 1 . That Schedule ®1A211, the Zane Map attached to and forming part of Restricted Area By-Law No. 75-80, be and the same, is hereby amended by rezoning those lands forming part of Lot 1 , Conc. 9, Ward III , as delineated on the Zone leap attached hereto as Schedule "APl and forming part of this By-Law from the Rural (RU) Zone to the Rural Exception Ten (RU-10) Zane. 2. That Section 4. 2 . 5, the Rural (Rid) Zone specifically. the Special Zone Categories, of Restricted. Area. By-Law No. 75-80, ; as otherwise amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto a new subsection which shall read as follows: 114. 2. 5. 10 RURAL EXCEPTION TEN (RU-10) ZONE Notwithstanding the provisions of the Rural (R€1) Zone as set forth. under Section. 4. 2. 2 (h) hereof which restrict the maximum number of dwelling houses per lot to one to the a contrary, within. the Rural Exception. Ten (RU-10) Zone as delineated on the Zone leap attached, hereto as Schedule "A111 and forming part of this By-Lana, the maximum number of ! dwelling mouses per lot shall be two provided such dwellings i are separated by at least 10 metres. In all other respects the provisions of the Rural (RU) Zone shall apply and be complied with. " 2 3.. That this By-Lai, shall come into force and effect on the date it is passed by the Council of the Corporation-or the Township of Scugog, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board . Read a First, Second and Third time and finally passed .this s; 24tIh day of Januarys 1983. MAYOR' CL Rt -AD NISTR T€ R i, t. SCHEDULE 2 IV a�b i E iaazatory dote Re : ' By-Law Number 2-E3 Tae purpose and effect of- By-Law :Number 2-83 is to rezone the Subject lands from Rural (RU) Zone to the Rural Exception Ten CRU 110) Zone to provide for the erection of a s"econd dwelling on the property- and to provide for regulations.. pertaining thereto. (ii) Key Via. Showing Location of Lands LEGEND LAND TG ' BE REZONED FROM THE RURAL CRU) ZONE TO THE RURAL EXCEPTION TEN (RU-10N ZONE RU EP /.Ste Jd�t 5 � t°-. ¢r•can T EF t d I i t h.Ir g ' i u RU AJ Jos s,isa Y! � arwn tkl ##i RU n . w R# . s ice' p t 4 x Y V.m p±�.yq - Knee. t£GCkO �wM`'d ?FGNHGdL Htro'HWAY. m ftV REGMN L ROtD e'° TOt?k$Ht?3oA4 - veaOt�EkEQ 8140 ALLONANLE PL4k Of SU601YtG6h �x •a..♦s MWOZMAL 60OU04kY T09l9IS9PtA DF SL2&6& ' xcnzc:.r�xvcvec�,!`c .rk* G7u}s 7 . Schedule 3 STATEMENT OF CONFORMITY TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM I , Mofeed Michael , the Chief Planning {officer of The Regional Municipality of Durham, have reviewed By -Tait 2-33. of the Township of Scugog. I am of the opinion that this 8y-law is in tonformity with the Official Plan in effect for the Durham Planning Bream Dated this 7th day of February, 1933. - r Dr. M. Michael , . . I. P. Commissioner of Planning This Schedule 3 is issued to the Township of Scugog for By-law 2-83 pursuant to- Ontario Regulation 78/8€1, a regulation made under The Planning Act. . CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 7, 1983 REPORT NO. : PD-40-83 SUBJECT: BY-LAW NUMBER 2-83: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-40-83 be received; and 2. That By-law 2-83 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: By-law Number 2-83 of the Township of Scugog was forwarded to the Planning and Development Department on February 14, 1983. The subject By-law changes the zoning of a parcel of land located on part of Lot 1 , Concession 9, of the Township of Scugog from "RU Rural " to "RU-10 Rural Exception Ten". This zoning change will permit the erection of a second dwelling on the subject lands.