HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-6-83 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB UO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 3, 1983 REPORT NO. : PD-6-83 SUBJECT: BY-LAW NUMBER 76-82: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-6-83 be received; and 2. That By-law Number 76-82 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: By-law 76-82 of the Township of Scugog was forwarded to the Planning and Development Department on November 29, 1982. The subject By-law rezones a parcel of land located in Lot 22, Concession 12, of the Township of Scugog, from Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to Rural (RU) Zone. This By-law Amendment will allow for the future development and use of this property in accordance with the Rural (RU) Zone as set forth under Section 4.2 of Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 75-80, as amended. Q," 6 J Report No: PD-6-83 ..../2 In that regard, the lands affected by this amendment are located within an area of Scugog which would not have an effect on the Town of Newcastle. Therefore, no further action on this By-law is required. However, we note that the last date for filing objections was December 11 , 1982. ?Respect tted, Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning EP*TTE*mjc November 30, 1982 -,2 0) NOTICE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario Muni.,,. „ by The Corporation of this To ship Of Sc og for- NO',� approval of a by-law to regulate land use Passed !t pursuant t0'Secti s 39 cf 1E a Planning Act. TAKE CE that the Coarcil of the Corporation of the To .ship of Scugog intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of The Planning Act for approval of -Law #76-82 passed on the 22 day of November m 1982. A COPY of the by-law is fdrnished herewith and a note givin aP explan ation 6f the o effect of the by-lam and stating the I s. affected thereby is tiro furnished herewith.' INTERESTED MAYo Within t ty-one (21) days after the date of this notice, send by registers mail or deliver to the clerk of the Town- ship of Scum notice of object on to approval of the said by-lax or part thereof giving details o: all or the portion of the key-law to which you object and detailed rfisasons therefore and shill indicate that if a ing is .held the objector 07 art agent will attend at the hearing to support the objection. ANY PERsoN wishing to 3upplart the application for approval of the by-law y within twenty-erne (21) days after they date of this notice send by registered Mail or deliver to the clerk -of the Township of Scugog notice of his Support of approval of the said by-�l.ai� together with a request far. rwtic6 Of y'. heari n, 9 that may be held giving also tae address to which such Mice should be given TME ONMI0 MUNICIPAL BOM MY apprave of the said by-lam but bef. e doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the y- -law will be considered, Notice of any hearing that may be held will be givsn Only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support d who have left with ar delivered to- the clerk undersigned, the address to which notice of hearing is to � seat and, similarly,larly, to y person who has filed. a est for a. change in the provisions of the by-law. FOR FILIM OBJECTIONS will be December 17 , 23 S2 . DATED at the Township of Saugog this 26th day Of November a 19 &2 (SIGNED) Doreen a van Camps Deputy--Cl erk Township of Seugog. c3C 209, 181 Perry Street, PORT PERRY. Ontario. EXPLAN'ATORY NOTE PURPOSE OF -BY-LAW: The purpose of the attached By- iav is to aria Restricted Area By-law 'No. 75-80, the comprehensive zoning By-law of the Corporation of the 'Township of Scual0g. This amendment to By- Law No. 75-80 serves to rezone a parcel of land from the Environ- mental Protection (IkP) Zone to the Rural (RU) , Zone. LOCATION OF LANDS AFFECTED: The lands affected by this By-lww are located in the more northerly portion of part of Lot 22, Concession 12 of le;ard One. The sub- ject property is generally outlined 'on the Appendix To The Explara ry Note, being Schedule "All' to By-law No. 75-80, as amended, for ease_ of referenceonly. For accurate dl-mensions and location of the lands in question, reference should be made. to the Zone Map attached to the amending By-lard as Schedule "A". EFFECT OF BY-LAW AMENDMENT: The effect of the attached By-jaw in rezoning the said lands with- in the Rural (RU) Zone -,.v?Jk.1l be to allow for the future development and use of the property in accordance -,with the P-OvisiOns of the Rural (RU) Zone as set forth under Section 4.2 of By-law No.75-80, as amended. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUCQC RESTRIGEED -ARZA 8Y-LAW- N 1€-BER 76-82 BEING A. BY-T.AW PASSED PURSUANT T€3 THE PRO- VISIONS OF SECTI'ON 39 OF THE PLANNING ACT, R. S.Q. 1980 , C. 379 , AS AMENDED, TO AMEND s Sy-LAW NO. 75-80. WHEREAS the Ouncil of the Car oration of the Township .. Of Seu.gog received a request to . reconsi.der the zoning of the more northerly portion of part of Lot 22 , Concession 12, Ward One within the Environmental Protection (Epp. Zone parader the Provisions ' of Restricted area Sy-Law No. 75-80, the comprehensiv e Zoning By-Law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog has reviewed this matter in context of more detailed reports prepared by .the. Ministry of Natural Resources and considers it reasonable to amend By-Law No. 75-80 by rezoning a portion of those lands forming the more northerly part of Lest 22 , CGnc'essi.on 12 of hard One insofar as is necessary to more accurately delineate the boundary of the Environmental Protection (EP,) Zone; AND WHEREAS the natters hereinafter set forth are considered to he in conformity with the provisions of the Official Plan.. of the. Regional MUnic$pality. of Durham., as amended; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUCQC. Enacts As Fellows : 1 . That Schedule "All', the Zone Map forming part of Restricted. Area By-Law No. 75-80, as Otherwise amended, is heresy further amended by rezoning those lands forming part of Lot 22 , Concession 12 of Ward One, as delineated on the Zane Map attached, hereto as Schedule "All and forming part of this By-Law, from the En vironmental Protection (EP) Zane to the Rural (RU) Zone . 2. That this By-Law shall cone into full force and effect an the date of passing hereof by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, i Read a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1982. 4 C MAYO R 1: i M ., MINTISTR TOR ZONE MAP PART LOS` 22, CONCESSION 2 , WARD ON E .22 2 4 DU HAM REGIONAL ROAD N � x1li b k 0 & ........... ........... - e fj a_....._ 4 LANDS TO PROTECTION B REZONED OED FROM THE ENVTRONI ENTA (RU) ZON E Nvy UNDER BY-LAW ZONE AS ESTABLISHED ,W75-80, AS AMENDED. THIS IS SCHE PASSED T HIS L2 ''`AY Oil ��e� ,Nave