HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-1-83 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1,10 TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 3, 1983 REPORT NO. : PD-1 -83 SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1983 WORK PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-1 -83 be received; and 2. That the Planning Department 's 1983 Work * Program (Attachment 1 ) be approved. i BACKGROUND: As is the Depatment's practice each year, staff have prepared a Work Program for the Planning and Development Department outlining the operations of the Department to year end and identifying major activity areas and priorities for the coming year. The Work Program is intended to provide guidance to staff in order to best utilize and schedule the Department's resources in dealing with those matters of greatest importance to the Town. O ,� ,x, 1 ,w Report No: PD-1 -83 . ../2 The Work Program priorizes activity areas on a month to month basis and the listings of outstanding or active items (appendices) should be recognized as a reflection of the Department 's workload. Many of the activities are, in fact, carried over from past years due, in part , to volume, changes in priorities and changes in staffing levels. COMMENTS: The challenges facing the Planning and Development Department in 1983 remain unchanged from past years. The day to day activities of the Department involve, to a large extent, the handling of public enquiries related to planning and building matters, preparation of staff reports and comments on development applications, site inspections related to development proposals and preparation and negotiation of development agreements. The major projects which will require the Department 's attention in 1983 will include completion of hamlet development plans, which in the past have assumed a low priority relative to other Official Plan matters; completion of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law; review of the Courtice Urban Area Plan, relative to the anticipated impact of the extension of GO-service; and major proposals having environmental , social or economic impacts upon the Community. Staff have also been requested -to consider ways and means of encouraging approved development to proceed, as well as attract new development to the Town and most notably, industrial and commercial development. Report No: PD-1 -83 . . ./3 To that end, staff have been reviewing all departmental procedures in an attempt to eliminate or minimize any possible delays in processing. This review and appropriate recommendations will be the subject of a subsequent report to be submitted to the Committee later this month. Staff are also, through the Official Plans and the proposed Comprehensive Zoning By-law, ensuring that sufficient lands are designated, and in some cases pre-zoned, to eliminate these steps for certain types of development. However, where there are servicing constraints, no amount of planning preparation will permit development to proceed without financial commitments from the developer, the Region or the Town. The Town may, therefore, wish to pursue an investigation of the costs associated with extending or improving services to critical areas such as the Bowmanville and Newcastle Industrial areas and the Bowmanville Main Central Area. This , of course, would involve municipal expenditure which would not be recaptured, save and except through increased assessment and/or taxation over time. I believe, however, that industrial and commercial growth, in accordance with the land use guideline of the Official Plan, is critical to stimulating the local housing market. The present slump in housing activity is not a local phenomenon, is common to all municipalities, and is due for the most part to economic conditions ; conditions which appear to be reversing themselves, if one uses interest rates as an indicator. Increased job creation within the area would stimulate the housing market, vis a vis need. j Furthermore, given the Town 's geographic location and lower land costs, developers should have an advantage over other more expensive or remote areas, and could possibly Report No: PD-1 -83 . . ./4 capitalize on this. I note, however, that the Town has currently draft approved approximately 2,300 residential units . Given the fact that there is presently a very limited housing market and potentially high levels of competition, this could create an element of uncertainty and act as a deterent to entering the housing market given the costs associated with front-ending and the developer's desire to realize a profit; a profit which may be reduced or eliminated if the limited market is flooded by other competitors. Typically, staff discussions with developers centre around identifiable issues affecting their decisions to proceed. These are usually in respect of costs such as levies and servicing. Subdividers most often seek reduction or elimination of levies and reduction of servicing standards. In the case of the former, staff are presently preparing a new levy policy which may prove of benefit to some developers in reducing up-front costs. With respect to servicing standards, those over which the Town exercises control are: roads, storm drainage and utilities. Recent requests from developers, to staff, have indicated a desire to return to rural cross-sections for roads in urban areas, above-ground hydro and utilities , elimination of sidewalks , open ditch storm drainage as opposed to storm sewers, elimination of street tree planting, elimination of fencing requirements, relief from over-sizing requirements and relief from contributions to or of undertaking external works. i I Report No: PD-1 -83 . . ./5 Needless to say, many of these items have long term maintenance implications and contribute to the aesthetics of an urban area. In the absence of a policy position by Council , staff have in some instances recommended deviation from Town standards which would assist in reducing development costs and as an incentive to proceeding. This has included reduction of sidewalk requirements from both to one side of streets, above-ground hydro and phasing of cash payments to the Town. We have not , however, been in a position to recommend levy reductions, except in cases where contributions for external services or works are extremely high; or changes to storm drainage, due to maintenance implications; or the elimination of certain items such as sidewalks due to future costs which the Town could face as demand increases for these amenities or services which many urban residents take for granted. Because of these major issues , and the implications associated with them, Planning and Public Works staff have been unable, without specific Council direction, to deviate from existing policy. Thus many developers, who are unwilling to develop in accordance with present Town standards, do not proceed with their subdivisions following draft plan approval . Inasmuch as subdivision activity is the primary means of creating building lots within the Urban Areas, the lack of subdivision activity precludes creation of residential building lots and thus, little or no new residential buildings. The rural areas , on the other hand, possess an abundance of available building lots , many of which have been in existence for years , and many of which have been created by severance or rural subdivison. These lots, in most cases, do not have the high servicing cost and standards associated with urban areas, therefore resulting in higher levels of building activity. I n) Report No: PD-1 -83 . . ./6 In the simplest terms, it is less costly to develop in the rural areas, and therefore the incentive to build is greater. Typically speaking, for a lot created by severance on an existing street, the only costs are for lot levies, access and actual building costs. In an urban setting, typical costs associated with developing a lot include levies , storm drainage, water and sanitary sewers, parkland contributions, road construction and improvements and building costs. To reduce the differential and provide increased incentives for urban areas, Council would need to lower existing standards substantially. This would have a short-term effect of stimulating residential activity, but should be weighed against the long term costs of maintenance and, perhaps, providing services which were not originally provided by the developer. This would amount to only a deferral of those services, transfer of the costs from the developer to the Town, and thus only result in deferral of the costs to the home owners, who would otherwise be paying for those services at the time of purchase, rather than years later through their tax dollars. This is an important decision and one which staff would not recommend be made without an in-depth analysis of the various costs to the municipality and their long-term implications. Such an analysis must, of necessity, be conducted jointly by the Planning and Public Works Departments , and Planning staff have included this as a priority within the 1983 Work j Program, subject to a similar commitment from the Works Department. I believe that the foregoing comments illustrate the complexity of the problems facing residential development in the urban areas of Newcastle and provide Council with some insight into the reasons why many development proposals have not proceeded past draft plan approval . j i Report No: PD-1 -83 . ../7 This Report does not attempt to suggest solutions to the problem, since a detailed review of present policies has not been conducted and had not previously been included in departmental work programs. This is not to say, however, that such review has not been ongoing, but rather that a comprehensive review has not been conducted to identify costs benefits and their inter-relation with other Town policies and standards. Respec ly ed, T. T. Edwards, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning and Development TE*mjc ecember 22, 1982 i i i I i ATTACHMENT 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1983 WORK PROGRAM I PURPOSE II DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR ACTIVITY AREAS III OUTSTANDING ITEMS - SUBDIVISIONS - ZONING - SITE PLANS - OFFICIAL PLANS IV WORK PROGRAM I I PURPOSE OF WORK PROGRAM 1 . Identify the work objectives of the Planning and Development Department for 1983; 2. Organize department resources in order to meet the work objectives while maintaining the highest possible level of planning advice ; 3. Provide guidance to Council , Town departments and the public as to the timing and sequencing of work; and 4. Provide a means for evaluating the performance of the department. II DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR ACTIVITY AREAS PLANNING - CURRENT OPERATIONS Activities in current operations generally include: 1 . The review and processing of plans of subdivision, and the preparation of subdivision agreements. 2. Review of gravel pit and trailer camp applications. 3. The review of severance applications before the Durham Regional Land Division Committee, (including the clearance of conditions and the preparation of Development Agreements) . 4. The review of applications to amend the restricted area (zoning) by-laws of the Town of Newcastle, the preparation of individual and comprehensive by-laws and the processing of same. The preparation of development agreements. The preparation and review of other by-laws, e.g. the Sign By-law, Top Soil Preservation By-law. I _1701 5. The review of applications before the Newcastle Committee of Adjustment. 6. The review of building permit applications (as requested) as to conformity with the applicable restricted area (zoning) by-laws. 7. Issuance of letters of clearance under the restricted area (zoning) by-laws. 8. Preparation of reports to the Planning and Development Committee on above and other matters as assigned, attendance at and participation in Committee and Public Meetings as required. 9. Provisions of information and technical assistance to members of Council , staff (Town, Regional and Provincial ) and the public. 10. Representation at the Municipal Board (as required). 11 . Participation in staff committees (inter-departmental and Regional ) as required. 12. Supervision of Technical and Support Staff. PLANNING - LONG RANGE Activities in Long Range Planning generally include : 1 . The preparation and/or review of "District" and "Urban Area" Plans for the Town of Newcastle. 2. The preparation of Development Plans for Hamlets and Residential Neighbourhoods in Newcastle. 3. The review of amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan (and the applicable District Plans) . i 4. The review and administration of consultant studies and plans. 5. Preparation of reports to the Planning and Development Committee, attendance and participation in Committee and Public Meetings as required. 6. Provision of information and technical assistance to members of Council , staff (Town, Regional and Provincial ) and the public. 7. Representation at the Municipal Board (as required). 8. Participation in staff committees (inter-departmental and Regional ) as required. 9. Supervision of Technical and Support staff. 10. Recording Secretary to 'the Property Standards Committee. PLANNING - BUILDINGS Activities in the Building Division generally include : 1 . The acceptance and review of building and plumbing permits as provided for under the Ontario Building Code and Town By-laws. 2. The inspection of construction projects as required under (1 ) above. i i 3. The administration and enforcement of the items specified in (1 ) above, including the Town 's Sign By-law undertaken in conjunction with the By-law Enforcement Officer and the Town 's legal staff. Includes testimony in Court. I i 4. Oversee the administration and enforcement of the Maintenance and Occupancy By-law. 5. The review of official plan amendments, subdivision , rezoning and development agreement applications as they relate to Building Department concerns. 6. Provision of information and technical assistance to members of Council , staff and the public. 7. Participation in staff Committees as required. 8. Supervision of Technical and Support staff. PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION Administration of the Planning and Development Department is an ongoing function of the Director of Planning and the Chief Building Official . As in the past, the Director is directly involved in the operations of the current and long range planning sections and in the operations of the Building Division through the Chief Building Official . III OUTSTANDING ITEMS The attached appendices list those matters currently before the Planning and Development Department. Each item identified is accompanied by a status report. I I i i i APPENDIX A TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS & (MINISTRY) (Date of Submission) LOT & CONC. SF,SD,TH,APT ACTION REQUIRED TOWN S-A-1 -1 -3 Brooks, Lovell , McLellan Pt.L.3 & 4, C.4, Darlington 15 SF Lots Awaiting Submission of Official (18T-79071 ) Plan Amendment File Open S-A-1 -2-2(B) East Woodbridge Pt.L.16,B.F.C. , Darlington 16 Lot Industrial Resolution of Servicing (18T-80062) (New Darlington Mills) Subdivision Problem File Open S-A-1 -2-3 East Woodbridge Pt.L.15,C.1 , Darlington 74 SF Lots Recommended for Draft Approval (18T-81025) (New Darlington Mills) Resolution of Servicing Problems Subdivision Agreement required File Open S-A-1 -5-1 Tomina Pt.L.26,C.2, Darlington 4 SF Lots Draft Approved, Subdivision (18T-77037) Agreement required File Open S-A-1 -5-3 Gyan Chand Jain Pt.L. 30, C.1 , Darlington 5 Lot Industrial Submission of formal application Subdivision to Region, Resolution of water problem File Open S-A-1 -5-6 W. Nozdryn Pt.L. 30, C.2, Darlington 2 SF Lots 4 Blocks Nhbd. Plan required File Open (18T-82011 ) Multiple S-A-1 -6-2(A) Courtice Heights Pt.L.31 & 32, C. 2, 333 SF 348 SD Draft Approved, Subdivision (18T-76027) Darlington Agreement required File Open S-A-1 -6-2(B) Courtice Heights Pt.L. 31 & 32, C.2, 100 (First Phase) Draft Approved, Subdivision (18T-76027) Darlington Agreement required File Open o.a Page 2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS & (MINISTRY) (Date of Submission) LOT & CONC. SF,SD,TH,APT ACTION REQUIRED TOWN S-A-1 -6-5 Remlark Holdings Pt.L.35,C.2, Darlington 48 SF, 42 SD Draft Plan approved, Subdivision (18T-79038) Agreement & Rezoning required File Open S-A-1 -6-6 A. E. King Pt.L.33, C.2, Darlington 135 SF Lots Considered Premature by Region (18T-80071 ) File Open S-A-1 -6-7 Riznek Construction Pt.L.34, C.2, Darlington 82 SF Lots Recommended for draft approval (18T-81015) File Open S-A-1 -6-8 Madgwick Pt.L.32, C.2, Darlington 51 SF Lots Draft Plan approved, Subdivision (18T-81033) Agreement required File Open S-A-1 -7-2 Gatehouse Holdings Pt.L.35, C.2, Darlington 127 SF, 90 SD Under Review, Staff Report (18T-25449) File Open S-A-1 -8-3 Van Andel & Gust Pt.L.15, C.3, Darlington 22 SF Lots In Circulation File Open (18T-82034) S-A-1 -9-1 Goldfan Holdings Pt.L. 29 00, C.3, Darlington Total 667 Units Preparation of Environmental (18T-77028) SF, SO, TH Impact Analysis, Nhbd. Plan, Revised Submission Required Staff Report , File Open S-A-1 -10-1 Courtice Heights Pt.L. 31 Conc. 3, 137 SF, 136 SD Draft approved, Subdivision (18T-76048) Darlington 19 TH Agreement required File Open �1 c Page 3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS & (MINISTRY) (Date of Submission) LOT & CONC. SF,SD,TH,APT ACTION REQUIRED TOWN S-A-1 -10-2 Perun Pt.L.33,C.3, Darlington 63 SF Lots Staff Report (18T-77041 ) File Open S-A-1 -10-3 Durcourt Developments Pt.L. 32 & 33, C.3, 176 SF Lots, Staff Report (18T-77047) Darlington 168 SD Lots File Open 149 Townhouses S-A-1 -10-4 Alliance Exurban Pt.L. 34, C. 3, Darlington 252 SF Lots Draft Plan Approved, Subd. (8T-77001 ) 172 SD Lots Agreement required File Open 33 Townhouse Lots S-A-1 -10-5 P. Gearing Pt.L. 32 & 33, C. 3, 26 SF Lots In Circulation File Open (18T-82030) Darlington S-A-1 -11 -3 Marchant & Abbott Pt. L. 8, C. 7, 8 SF Lots Draft Approved, Darlington Subdivision Agreement required File Open c Page 4 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS & (MINISTRY) (Date of Submission) LOT & CONC. SF,SD,TH,APT ACTION REQUIRED TOWN S-A-1 -12-2 Waverly Heights Pt.L.17, C.5, Darlington 44 SF Lots Hamlet Development Plan (18T-24689) required, Revised Plan File Open S-A-1 -15-2 J. Zurba Freeman Holdings Pt. L. 19 & 20, C. 7 22 SF Lots Recommended for draft plan (18T-81023) (Covic Holdings) Darlington approval , Subdivision Agreement Required File Open S-A-1 -15-3 1927 Investments Pt.L. 19, C.B, Darlington 26 SF Lots Resolution of Servicing Problems (18T-81013) (Zygocki ) File Open S-A-1 -15-5 Burketon Hills Pt.L. 18 & 19 C. 10, 57 SF Lots Draft Approved, Subdivision (18T-75362) (United Counties et al ) Darlington Agreement Required File Open S-A-1 -15-6 Jeffrey Const. Pt.L.18 C.7, Darlington 44 SF Lots Draft Approved (possible revision (18T-24002) to reduce density) Subdivision Agreement required File Open S-A-2-1 -2 D. M. Consultants Pt.L. 14, C.2, Bowmanville 14 SF Lots Draft Approved (18T-76071 ) Subdivision Agreement required File Open S-A-2-4-1 1/4 Investments Ltd. Pt.L.14, C.1 , Bowmanville 53 SF, 118 SO Draft approval requires resolution (18T-76025) 55 Apt. Block of servicing problem. Subdivision Agreement File Open k--� c Page 5 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS & (MINISTRY) (Date of Submission) LOT & CONC. SF,SD,TH,APT ACTION REQUIRED TOWN S-A-2-4-2 Wilswar Enterprises Pt.L.13,C.1 , Bowmanville 54 SF Lots Revised Plans required (18T-77067) Resolution of servicing, Staff Report File Open S-A-2-5-1 Cean Investments High Street, Bowmanville 18 SF, 34 SO Draft approved, Subdivision (18T-74067) Agreement required, Resolution of storm drainage problem, Staff Report File Open S-A-2-5-2 Zakarow Pt.L. 11&12, C.2 450 SF, 85 SD Resolution of Servicing Problems (18T-79069) Bowmanville Revised Plan of Subd File Open Staff Report S-A-2-5-3 P. Zakarow Pt.L. 11 , C.2, Bowmanville 163 SF, 44 SO, In Circulation (18T-82037) 48 TH File Open S-A-2-6-1 Schickedanz Dev. Pt.L.9, C.1 , Bowmanville 83 SF Lots Revised Plan Required (18T-76038) File Open S-A-2-6-2 Penwest Developments Pt.L.9, C.1 , Bowmanville 238 SF Lots Draft approved, Subdivision (18T-76011 ) Agreement required File Open S-A-2-6-3 Schickendanz Dev. Pt.L.8, C.1 , Bowmanville 181 SF, 56 SD Draft Approved, Subdivision (18T-75526) Agreement required File Open S-A-2-6-4 D & M Associates Pt.L.9, C.2, Bowmanville 34 SF, 25 SD Revised Plan Required, Extension of Services, New Submission File Open C Page 6 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS & (MINISTRY) (Date of Submission) LOT & CONC. SF,S0,TH,APT ACTION REQUIRED TOWN S-A-2-6-5 Schickendanz Dev. Pt.L.10,C.2, Bowmanville 421 SF, 24 SO Revised Plan Required (18T-76039) Extension of services , File Open S-A-3-1 -2 Gujda Pt. L. 8, C.1 , Clarke 19 SF Lots Revised Plan Required (18T-75421 ) Requires Hamlet Plan, File Open S-A-3-1 -3 M. Payne Pt.L.7 & 8, C. 2, Clarke 68 SF Lots Revised Plan Required, Requires (18T-25149) Hamlet Plan File Open S-A-3-1 -4 Gujda Pt.L.9, C.1 , Clarke 14 SF Lots Revised Plan Required, Requires (18T-75474) Hamlet Plan File Open S-A-3-10-1 Veltri Pt.L.29,C.5, Clarke 14 SF Lots Revised Plan Required, Requires (18T-24043) Hamlet Plan File Open S-A-3-11-1 Newcastle Shoreline Pt.L.25, B.F.C. , Clarke 7 SF Lots Requires execution of Subdivision (18T-78006) Properties Agreement File Open S-A-3-12-1 East Woodbridge Pt.L.29 & 30, C.1 , Clarke 99 SF Lots Draft Approved, Requires (18T-19720) Subdivision Agreement, File Open Page 7 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS & (MINISTRY) (Date of Submission) LOT & CONC. SF,SD,TH,APT ACTION REQUIRED TOWN S-A-3-12-2 Gujda Pt.L.28,C.1 , Clarke 21 SF Lots Draft approved, Requires (18T-76021) Subdivision Agr. File Open S-A-3-12-4 Durham Estates Pt.L.29, C.1 , Clarke 159 SF Lots Inactive, Requires Nhbd. Dev. (18T-75189) Plan, Staff Report File Open S-A-3-12-5 Narva Developments Pt.L.30, C.1 , Clarke 127 SF Lots In Circulation, Staff Report (18T-81029) File Open S-A-3-13-1 Bowmanville Const. Pt.L.27, C.2, Clarke 41 SF Lots Staff Report (18T-14755) File Open (18T-77133) S-A-3-13-6 Danarus Management Pt.L.29, C.2, Clarke 27 SF Lots Town approved, Recommended for (18T-81008) draft approval File Open S-A-3-13-7 Wilswar Enterprises Pt.L.26, C.2, Clarke 93 SF Lots Town approved, Recommended for (18T-78027) 49 SD Lots draft approval File Open C APPENDIX B TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF ACTIVE RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW AMENDMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS & LOT & CONC. ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-1 -1 -7 MARWALD AGRICULTURAL PT.L.6, C.1 , DARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL APPROVED IN PRINCIPAL, DEVELOPMEN RESOURCES CO. AGREEMENT REQUIRED PRIOR TO FINA APPROVAL Z-A-1 -2-7 PYTHBOW/LANDOWN PT.L.12 & 13, B.F.C. , COMMERCIAL AWAITING FINAL DECISION ON O.P. DARLINGTON AMENDMENT Z-A-1 -2-8 OSHAWA GENERAL RACING PT.L.22, B.F.C. , DARLINGTON AGRICULTURAL/ CONDITIONAL APPROVAL - AWAITING PIGEON CLUB RECREATIONAL SUBMISSION OF LOT GRADING PLANS Z-1 -6-10 B. MOASE PT.L.34,C.2, DARLINGTON COMMERCIAL AWAITING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF BY-LAW, CIRCULATION PERIOD REQUIRED Z-A-1 -7-1 DOM'S AUTO WRECKERS PT.L.32,C.1 , DARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL APPROVED CONDITIONALLY - (REVISED) AWAITING SUBMISSION OF SITE PLAN AGREEMENT Z-A-1 -7-4 R. AMYOTTE PT.L. 31 & 32, B.F.C. INDUSTRIAL REQUIRES ENGINEERING REPORT, DARLINGTON SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT Z-A-1 -10-1 ALLIANCE EXURBAN (GOLDFAN) PT.L.34, C.3, DARLINGTON RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION AGREMEENT, STAFF REPORT Z-A-1 -10-3 P. GEARING PT.L.32, 33, C.3, DARLINGTON RESIDENTIAL IN CIRCULATION, STAFF REPORT e Page 2 APPENDIX B TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF ACTIVE RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW AMENDMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS & LOT & CONC. ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-1 -13-5 R. DAVIS PT.L.25 & 26, C.6 RESIDENTIAL AWAITING CIRCULATION OF BY-LAW DARLINGTON Z-A-1 -15-4 OAKLAND DEVELOPMENTS PT.L.18, C.7, DARLINGTON RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVSION AGREEMENT, STAFF (RANDY JEFFREY) REPORT Z-A-1 -15-10 J. ZURBA PT.L.19 & 20, C.7, RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - STAFF DARLINGTON REPORT Z-A-1 -15-11 BURKETON HILLS DEVELOPMENT PT.L.18 & 19, C. 10 RESIDENTIAL STAFF REPORT DARLINGTON Z-A-1 -15-14 PAUL & NANCY GORDON PT.L.14, C.8, DARLINGTON RESIDENTIAL AWAITING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT AND BY-LAW Z-A-2-1 -7 N. BYRON VANSTONE PT.L.13, C.1 , RESIDENTIAL AWAITING TRANSFER OF EASEMENTS BOWMANVILLE TO TOWN Z-A-2-4-5 J. RICE PT.L.12, C.1 , BOWMANVILLE RESIDENTIAL RESOLUTION OF SERVICING PROBLEMS Z-A-2-4-11 MUTT ENTERPRISES PT.L.14, C.1 , BOWMANVILLE COMMERCIAL AWAITING BOARD APPROVAL C Page 3 APPENDIX B TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF ACTIVE RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW AMENDMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS & LOT & CONC. ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-2-5-1 CEAN INVESTMENTS PT.L.11 , C.2, BOWMANVILLE RESIDENTIAL RESOLUTION OF SERVICING PROBLEMS Z-A-2-5-2 CEAN INVESTMENTS PT.L.L1 , C.2, BOWMANVILLE RESIDENTIAL RESOLUTION OF SERVICING PROBLEMS Z-A-2-8-1 E. SAMUELS KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILLE RESIDENTIAL AWAITING FURTHER DIRECTION FROM APPLICANT Z-A-2-8-3 S. ROMAN PT.L.10, C.1 , BOWMANVILLE COMMERCIAL AWAITING FURTHER DIRECTION FROM APPLICANT Z-A-2-8-5 E. TSICHLAS & S. PSORAS KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILLE COMMERCIAL APPROVED CONDITIONAL UPON SITE PLAN AGREEMENT Z-A-2-12-6 GLENSON INVESTMENTS PT.L.10, C.1 RESIDENTIAL O.P. APPROVAL, SITE PLAN AGREE- BOWMANVILLE MENT, AWAITING BOARD APPROVAL Z-A-3-6-9 PRUE PT.L.32, C.7, CLARKE RESIDENTIAL CONDITIONALLY APPROVED, AWAITING FULFILLMENT OF CONDITIONS Z-A-3-7-1 L. BEAUPRE PT.L.24, C.8, CLARKE COMMERCIAL UNDER REVIEW, STAFF REPORT AWAITING SUBMISSION OF SITE PLANS 1 C �.S QN Page 4 APPENDIX B TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF ACTIVE RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW AMENDMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS & LOT & CONC. ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-3-12-5 WINDSWEEP FARMS PT.L.28,B.F.C. , NEWCASTLE SEASONAL UNDER REVIEW, STAFF REPORT RESIDENTIAL Z-A-3-12-9 BOND HEAD HARBOUR VILLAGE SEASONAL AWAITING BY-LAW CIRCULATION RESIDENTIAL Z-A-3-13-5 WILSWAR ENTERPRISES PT.L.26, C.2, NEWCASTLE RESIDENTIAL AWAITING APPROVAL OF URBAN AREA PLAN, DRAFT APPROVAL REQUIRED STAFF REPORT Z-A-3-13-6 MYCHALCHUK PT.L.26, C.2, NEWCASTLE MOBILE HOME PARK SITE PLAN AGREEMENT, AWAITING FURTHER DIRECTION FROM APPLICANT Z-A-3-13-8 SYVAN INVESTMENTS/LUCBAR PT.L.28.C.2, NEWCASTLE COMMERCIAL AWAITING APPROVAL OF URBAN AREA INVESTMENTS PLAN Z-A-3-13-12 BONDHEAD PROFESSIONAL KING STREET, NEWCASTLE PROFESSIONAL IN CIRCULATION, STAFF REPORT BUILDING BUILDING APPENDIX C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF ACTIVE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS & LOT & CONC. ACTION REQUIRED S-P-1 -3 P. PAPANIKOLOPOUS PT.L.22, C.2, DARLINGTON CONVENIENCE RETAIL REVISIONS TO SITE PLANS REQUIRED STORE & TAKE-OUT RESTAURANT S-P-1 -5 RIDGE PINE PARK PT.L.1 ,2,3, B.F.C. , MODULAR HOME PARK AWAITING APPROVAL OF BY-LAW DARLINGTON, PT.L.33, 34, 35 81-15 B.F.C. , CLARKE S-P-1 -10 MARWALD AGRICULTURAL PT.L.6,C.1 , DARLINGTON EXTENSION TO AWAITING APPLICANT TO PROCEED RESOURCES LTD. EXISTING CUSTOM WORKSHOP S-P-1 -16 DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE PT.L.15,C.1 , DARLINGTON POLICE BUILDING AWAITING REGISTRATION OF SITE PLAN AGREEMENT S-P-1-22 AUTOMOTIVE PLASTIC PAINT PT.L.5, B.F.C. , DARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL AWAITING EXECUTED AGREEMENT MFG. LTD. BUILDING S-P-1 -23 F. McDONALD PT.L.35,C.2,DARLINGTON COMMERCIAL IN CIRCULATION, REPORT REQUIRED S-P-2-19 E. VANHAVERBEKE PT.L.10,C.1 , BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS OFFICE AWAITING STORM SEWER RESIGN S-P-2-24 GLENSON INVESTMENTS PT.L.10,C.1 ,BOWMANVILLE APARTMENT BUILDING AWAITING APPROVAL OF ZONING BY-LAW C 4� Page 2 APPENDIX C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SUMMARY OF ACTIVE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPT. SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS FILE APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS & LOT & CONC. ACTION REQUIRED S-P-2-31 BEAUCAGE HOLDINGS PT.L.9,C.1 , BOWMANVILLE NURSING HOME APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE, AWAITING APPROVAL OF REZONING APPLICATION S-P-2-33 MUTT ENTERPRISES PT.L.14, C.1 , BOWMANVILLE SERVICE STATION AWAITING APPROVAL OF ZONING BY-LAW S-P-3-7 PORT NEWCASTLE INC. PT.L.28,B.F.C. , NEWCASTLE MARINA COMPLEX AWAITING APPROVAL OF ZONING BY-LAW S-P-3-8 L. BEAUPRE PT.L.24, C.B, CLARKE AUTOMOTIVE SALES UNDER REVIEW, AWAITING SUBMISSIO AND SERVICES OF PLANS S-P-3-13 S. LEVINSON KING ST. BOWMANVILLE PLAZA AWAITING RESOLUTION OF STORM DRAINAGE S-P-3-16 BONDHEAD PROFESSIONAL BLDG. KING STREET, NEWCASTLE PROFESSIONAL IN CIRCULATION, REPORT BUILDING REQUIRED �1 IV WORK PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS Planning staff input is required in the review and preparation of site plan and subdivision agreements. The following is a listing if existing outstanding development proposals which will require staff time during the coming year. Subdivision Agreements Tomina (Darlington) Cean Investments (Bowmanville) Oakland Developments (Enniskillen) Penwest Development (Bowmanville) Schickendanz Dev. (Bowmanville) Courtice Heights (Courtice) Remlark Holdings (Courtice) Goldfan (Courtice) Amyotte (Courtice Industrial ) S. Wood (Leskard) Site Plan Agreements Vanhaverbeke (Bowmanville) Papanikolopoulos (Darlington) Beaupre (Clarke) Levinson (Newcastle Village) Marwald (Bowmanville) Beaucage (Bowmanville) i i i 1983 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM BUILDING/ADMINISTRATION JAN. I FEB. I MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. I OCT. I NOV. DEC BUILDING 3 17 7 21 i 7 21 5 18 2 16 6 20 4 18 12 15 6 19 3 17 i 7 21 5 SIGN BY-LAW ADVERTISING/ENFORCEMENT � I � ONGOING I I I 1 BUILDING & PLUMBING/PERMITS/ INSPECTION/PROCESSING 2 COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 3 PROVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 4 PROPERTY STANDARDS I ADMINISTRATION 1 REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT' S ACTIVITIES 2 VARIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 3 REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT PROCEDURES rrrrrrrrrtur IIIIIIIBIII I Bolools rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sea rrr eggs losses ■rrrrrrr rrrrrrr rr AND POLICIES I 4 ATTENDANCE AT COMMITTEE , COUNCIL rsrrrrrlrrrrrrrrrrrl■rrrrrrrrrr ■rrrrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrrrr'•rrrrr rrrrrrirrrrrrrrrr'rrrrrrrrirrurrr i ri O.M.B. , etc. (( I LEGEND )rimary Activity 3econda ry Activity r■rrr:rrrrrrrrr "as may be called C 1983 ANN J AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTD T k K PROGRAM CURRENT OPERATIONS JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 17 7 21 7 21 5 18 2 16 6 20 4 18 2 15 6 19 3 17 7 21 5 COMMITTEE MEETING COURTICE SUBDIVISION NEIGHBOURHOODS 1 , 2 & 3(a) .aaanaa��a�. a. �up SUBDIVISION PLANS - I I BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA NEWCASTLE VILLAGE URBAN AREA HAMLET SUBDIVISION 1 7 7 COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW including review-of energy conservation provisions SIGN BY-LAW "L MAIN STREET REVITALIZATION ONGOING 11055166 ..amova ....., t.a..aaa ffimmi not1*112"effamll 2002"Ma am ass. oom, . PRIORITIES 1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL 2 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS RESIDENTIAL (by date of submission or as shown above) 3 .COMMENTS TO LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 4 COMMENTS TO COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT 5 REVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS/COMMENTS LEGEND Noma Primary Activity Secondary Activity *as may be called C 1983 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM ,ONG RANGE PLANNER JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 11 NOV. DEC i GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 17 7 21 7 21 5 18 2 16 6 20 4 18 2 15 6 19 3 17 ! 7 21 5 :OMMITTEE MEETING OURTICE REVIEW (GO TRANSIT) rrrrrrg rmrnn■ smans as • 'ART I DISTRICT PLAN aasma sa" IAMLET PLANS - TYRONE, HAMPTON, ORONO _ IITCHELL`S CORNERS AND NEWTONVILLE IAIN CENTRAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLANS OWMANVILLE ' OMPREHENSIVE RESTRICTED ,REA BY-LAW "smassg snmasgrmrrg "Eggs" ngm non snag asm g " egg" AMLET PLANS - KIRBY, ENFIELD, E N D AL AND L E S KARD �nmmggc aassaggsa ■aagasaeaa� naaaraaa sanssssm ssoasgsaeassmm■ ■ssssga aesssas amaggmsmg• ssasssme emsase ONGOING FFICIAL PLAN APP-LICATION LDORADO MONITORING COMMISSION mnessi assam""g gammasagm sss"m:82"msrrrssmnsgssa s""Em " EVIEW OF CONSERVATION MASTER PLANS gmmmms asmm to""ss "EASE Bnes mms�s"m mnam" ATE .COLLECTION msi":"m amm"a" m EVIEW OF PLANS/COMMENTS Esselte EGEND rimary Activity econdary Activity C as may be called