HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-208-86 \ /kj ~~"~~ TOWN O � NEWCASTLE � 8 � T| � ~ - ' . ., ., ~ ^ .,^ ~ ~.. . . ^^- � � P0� T .,`_. ° ., . File # Res. #0f! By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Tuesday" September 2" 1986 REPORT . ^ PD-208-86 XU_ 8: DEV 86-41 ^ REMOVAL 0F (H\ HOLDING SYMBOL FROM x( ����^��^ ^ ' ' "(H)CI-GENERAL COMMERCIAL" ZONE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LAMBERT STREET AND QUEEN STREET, 80WMANVILLE THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC COMPANY OF CANADA OUR FILE: DEV 80-41 RECOMMENDATIONS: It 1S respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee r8CU008Dd to Council the following: l. THAT Report PD-208-86 be received; and 2. IHAI the application submitted by the Great Atlantic and Pacific company of Canada requesting the removal Of the (H) Holding symbol from 8 parcel Of land located in Part Lot lO, CoDC8S5iOD l, former Town Of B0w0aDVille be approved and that the � attached h«-law hereto be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as the Site . Plan Agreement between the Town Of Newcastle and the Great Atlantic and Pacific Company of Canada has been executed and returned to Staff. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On July 7^ 1988, the Planning Department received an application submitted by Mr. C.J. HorlSr OD behalf Of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Company Of Canada Limited /A & P\ requesting the removal of the /H\ Holding symbol on certain parcels of land located in Part Of Lot 10, COOCe3SiOO l, former Town Of 8ow0aOVill8. REPORT NO.: PD-208-86 Page 2 As Committee is aware the removal of the (H) Hol ding symbol requires that Council be satisfied that the uses to be permitted will be adequately serviced, the lands to be used have adequate access, prior uses of the land will not prevent the use of the land for the purposes intended by the by-law, that the lands and proposed uses will be adequately protected from any physical or man-made hazard or conditions associated with the lands and, that agreements in respect of such matters and the associated financial requirements, where required, have been executed with the Town of Newcastle and/or the Regional Municipality of Durham. Staff would note for the Committee' s information that pursuant to the requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department, Staff have been advised that discussions with respect to the Servicing Agreements are ongoing and are anticipated to be completed in the near future. Additionally, Staff would note that within the terms of the Town's Site Plan Agreement, aTrnvicinn is included acknowledging the Owners responsibility to enter into an Agreement with the Region of Durham for the provision of services in conjunction with the proposed development. In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. In consideration of the circulation the following agencies noted no objection to the application as filed: 1. Town of Newcastle Building Department; 2. Town of Newcastle Fire Department; 3. Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department; 4. Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission . In consideration of the ongoing discussions with Town Staff pertaining to the proposal , a Site Plan Agreement has been prepared for execution. Accordingly and upon return of the Site Plan Agreement as executed by . . .3 REPORT NO.: PD-208-86 Page 3 A & P, Staff would have no objections to the removal of the (H) Holding * symbol as shown on the attached By-law and schedules thereto. Staff would note for the Committee' s information that pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act, a by-law amendment to remove a (H) Holding symbol is not subject to the normal appeal period so afforded a standard rezoning application and, accordingly, is deemed final and binding as of Council 's approval of same. Staff note that the requisite site plan agreement has been forwarded to A & P for execution and it is anticipated that it will be received prior to the Council Meeting of September 8, 1986 permitting passage of the * attached by-law at that meeting. Respectfully_submiiited, Director of Planning LDT*TTE*j ip *Attach. August 19, 1986 cc: Mr. C.J . Horler Vice-President Store Design & Construction P.O. Box 68, Station 'A' TORONTO, Ontario M5W 1A6 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 86- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. NOW 1HEREFOkE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: I. Schedule "3" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "(H)C1" - General Commercial - Holding" to "General Commercial (Cl)" as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. This by-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAw read a first time this day of 1986 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1986 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1986. CLERK This is Schedule "X" to By-law 86--, passed this day of , 1986 A.D. KING STREET dq (0 N74 032'00"E 74.467 ti �ti0 0� W M W N 72 E Uj 404 o C N N ° N N Ln �L 9.144—� z LLJ N74°16'10"E o m LLJ In 0 Q M 0 3 J Jo .g M N O t 0 N Z Z - ( 45-912 r i 31294 N74032'00 E QUEEN STREET ® ZONE CHANGE FROW(H)C111 TO t111 0 10 20 40 60m 20m 15 10 6 Mayor Clerk LOT I I LOT 10 LOT 9 Ip i R4.1 R1 E P 9.J R1 i •7 I R3 1 rSU ECT EP r iTE Z ,, — CI R IHI R3 RI.3 RI I O �MICI I SCI .•.a ��� �� N r �I a C1-3 a z a V Z R3 BOWM /\1�1\ �R +/ 0 F50 100 200 b00m ANVILLE 50m 0