HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-063-03 ...- , J ~ q![-!lJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, June 2, 2003 Gffl-;)51-o "3 By-law #: :J)og'.o P File #: OPA-O/2002/001 REVISED Report #: PSD-063-03 Subject: APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY- LAW AMENDMENT WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PORT HOPE APPLICANT - TUCKER CREEK LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-063-03 be received; 2. THAT Report PSD-063-03 be adopted as the Municipality of Clarington's initial comments with respect to the proposed official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment application within the Municipality of Port Hope referred to as Tucker Creek (Port Hope File # 2.G.16); 3. THAT the Municipality of Port Hope continue to keep the Municipality of Clarington appraised with respect to this application and that all Council decisions with respect to this development be forwarded to the Municipality of Clarington; and 4. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Municipality of Port Hope and that all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Davi Di rector, ome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. lanning Services HBlCP/DC/df 26 May 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 687 \ REPORT NO.: PSD-063-03 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On April 17, 2003, the Municipality of Clarington received correspondence from the Municipality of Port Hope detailing a proposed development including 350 residential units, a 18 hole golf course and a 100 unit hotel/inn on 156 ha of land on Port Hope's border with Clarington (Attachment 1). The north portion of the applicant's land holdings received approval in 1997 for 250 residential units. The applicant has requested that the existing approval for 250 residential units be transferred southerly to the subject lands. The applicant's consultants have confirmed that the technical reports prepared for the original application are still relevant and in many instances, do not need to be updated. Servicing is proposed to be provided by the private sector and operated on a user-pay basis. The applicant is proposing to construct a water and waste-water treatment system on the subject lands. An updated transportation report has been prepared in support of the application. 1.2 A previous application for development of these lands and additional lands to the north was submitted in 2002. The application at that time proposed 1679 residential units, an 18 hole golf course, and 1500-3700 square metres of retail floor space on 270 ha of land. In December 2002, the Municipality of Port Hope Council denied the application but indicated they would consider a new application for approximately 300 lots which would be more in keeping with existing approvals for 250 residential units. 2.0 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 2.1 The subject lands are predominantly agricultural with some areas being forested. The predominant use of lands within Clarington that abut this proposal are agricultural. They are designated "Prime Agricultural Area" and "Environmental Protection" within the Clarington Official Plan and zoned "Agriculture Exception (A-1)". In Clarington these designations do not support the proposed development. 688 j , REPORT NO.: PSD-D63.03 PAGE 3 3.0 DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS 3.1 This application has been reviewed to determine if approval of this application would have any implications on the Municipality of Clarington. A copy of the development application and supporting studies was forwarded to Emergency Services and Engineering Services for comment. Clarington Operations also received a copy of the application for information purposes. Emergency Services found there to be no fire safety concerns. 3.2 Clarington Engineering Services have reviewed the application and have expressed concerns with respect to transportation/traffic impacts and stormwater drainage. An updated Transportation Assessment Report was prepared and submitted by the applicant, but it does not provide a detailed analysis of background traffic or future traffic and the resultant distribution and trip movement. The potential impacts of this development on the road network and municipal infrastructure within Clarington can not be assessed until a report addressing these issues is prepared. The applicant has not demonstrated that there will be no adverse effects on the Port Granby Creek Watershed area. Information regarding how stormwater management and storrnwater quality will be addressed is required. 4.0 STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 This development application for amendment to the Municipality of Port Hope Official Plan and the zoning by-law proposes the creation of 350 dwelling units, an 18 hole golf course with club house facility, and a hotel or inn having a maximum of 100 rooms. This proposal, when built out, will create a community of anywhere from 800 - 1000 people. This is larger than any of Clarington's hamlets. 4.2 Approval for 250 residential units currently exists on the north portion of the applicant's lands. It is the intention of the applicant to transfer this approval to the south portion of the lands and increase the number of units to 350. Also proposed 689 . , REPORT NO.: PSD-063~3 PAGE 4 is a,n 18 hole golf course, club facility and a 100 room hotel/inn. These additional uses were not included in the original approval for 250 units. The. residential units would be comprised of single detached, semi-detached and cluster-attached style units with a density of approximately 3.5 units per gross residential acre. Much of the discussion and comments made during the review of the previous application as contained in Report No. PSD-124-02 are still applicable. Although the number of units has been greatly reduced, in the opinion of Clarington Planning Staff, this application is contrary to the principles of the Provincial Policy Statement and Smart Growth. Transfer of existing approvals onto other lands does not negate the need to complete a thorough analysis of the application and compatibility with adjacent land uses. With the exception of a brief revised transportation submission the applicant states that the technical studies prepared in support of the application made last year are applicable for this development. On the previous application for 1679 residential units, Clarington expressed concern that analysis of impact on the adjacent lands, including identification of potential development pressures that may be experienced, compatibility with existing or future land uses, or potential transportation connections was not examined. This concern remains unanswered. In addition, there has not been satisfactory justification of the need for a 100 room hotel/inn, nor has there been a locational analysis or transportation study completed for this facility. The proposed communal servicing scheme could lead to pressures for further expansions in the area after the current proposal, if approved, is built-out. Thus we have concerns for the precedent set by this proposed development. 4.3 The proposed development lies in proximity to the existing Port Granby Waste Management Facility. The Municipality of Clarington has entered into an agreement with the Government of Canada for the long term safe management of the low level radioactive wastes and contaminated soils currently stored at this site, and the environmental assessment for the project is currently underway. ~ 690 , , . REPORT NO.: PSD-063-03 PAGE 5 The Municipality is concerned that the introduction of new residents into this area could complicate the study process and create unnecessary obstacles to the implementation of a long term solution for the Port Granby wastes. 5.0 CONCLUSION 5.1 The development of this large scale rural residential development will place undesired growth pressures on agricultural lands along the east boundary of Clarington. Further assessment is required as to potential implications of additional traffic volumes on Clarington's roads, and to ensure the Port Granby Creek Watershed area will not be adversely affected by this development. 5.2 It is requested that the Municipality of Port Hope continue to keep the Municipality of Clarington informed with respect to this application and that any decisions made by the Municipality of Port Hope Council on this application be forwarded to the Municipality of Clarington. Attachments: Attachment 1- Site Map Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Clerk, Municipality of Port Hope 56 Queen Street P.O. Box 117 Port Hope, ON L 1A 3V9 Scott Burns The Planning Partnership 1255 Bay Street Suite 201 Toronto, ON M5R 2A9 Joanne Wells-Oates Tucker Creek Limited 156 King Street Port Hope, ON L 1 A 2R5 691 r---' ATTACHMENT 1 . I . I . I , I . LOCATION MAP - Tucker Creek III Subject Lands crty Road 2 I 401 I 'C C .. 0 0 0:: 'C - 0 0 0) := C " u .- .!!l ?- m ctI := - () - 0 >- - .- - ctI D- .- () .- C ::I :'2: C.p.R. .~ C.N.R. p.o' stlote \.3\(.e I . I . ~~~,~~- ~ . ---------------- ~ ~ ~CJ'---- "~~ ~ ---------~----------- Lake Ontario. 692 J T