HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-062-03 " 7;."''''..;: '--" '''',7 f - ,- -~~ '" 'lilt. q![-!lJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ylt Monday, June 2, 2003 Meeting: Report #: PSD-062-03 File #: ZBA 2001-017 G 1fJ- ;;0-D :3 By-law #:;1a; 3-0 g-- ! Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS LIMITED PART LOT 13, CONCESSION B.F., FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, 355 WAVERLY ROAD, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-062-03 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning application submitted by Walker Noll Dragecivic Associates Limited on behalf of Shell Canada Products Limited to permit the redevelopment of a gas station with a convenience store and car wash be APPROVED; 3. THAT the attached By-law contained in Attachment 3 be passed and a copy forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: a J. Crome, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. g klin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Services /0 /"Chief Administrative Officer RH/CP/DC/df 27 May 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 672 ... ". REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Shell Canada Products Limited 1.2 Agent: Walker Nott Dragecivic Associates Limited 1.3 Rezoning: To rezone the subject lands from "Service Station Commercial Exception (C7-1) Zone" to permit the redevelopment of the gas station site, eliminating the truck diesel card lock facility and restaurant, and adding a 243 m2 convenience store and car wash. 1.4 Site Area; 2.68 hectares (6.62 acres) 2.0 LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands are located in Bowmanville at 355 Waverly Road between Baseline Road and Highway 401 (see Attachment 1). The applicant's land holdings total 2.68 hectares (6.62 acres). The property is located within Part Lot 13, Broken Front Concession, in the former Town of Bowmanville. 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On July 31, 2001, Walker Nott Dragecivic Associates Limited, on behalf of Shell Canada Products Limited, submitted a rezoning application to the Municipality of Clarington. The redevelopment proposal consists of a gas station, 243 m2 convenience store, and car wash (see Attachment 2). The existing truck diesel card lock facility and restaurant would be removed. 3.2 A Public Meeting was held for the proposal on September 17, 2001 at which the following comments were made. · There are concems from residents on the north side of Baseline Road over the possible large amounts of light from the proposed redevelopment. 673 ~ . REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 3 · The site currently contains a truck diesel cardlock facility and truck stop. The trucks generate a lot of noise as they enter and exit the site. The truck stop should be eliminated in conjunction with the truck diesel cardlock facility. · An area business owner wanted clarification on the road widenings required by Durham Region. He also wanted to know whether an environmental impact study would be required. These issues will be discussed in Section 8.4 of this report. 3.3 On April 29, 2003, the applicant submitted a complete site plan application (SPA 2003-022) for circulation. The application includes site plans, stormwater management plans, lot grading and drainage plans, site servicing plans, building elevations, and landscaping plans. Should the rezoning be approved, conditions of site plan approval will be issued to the applicant once the circulation process is complete. Once fulfilled, an agreement will prepared for execution and registration. 4.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The property contains an existing gas station, restaurant, and truck diesel cardlock facility at the southeast comer of Waverly Road and Baseline Road, which slopes towards the intersection. The eastern portion of the site slopes towards the east and contains a gravelled parking area used for the truck stop. The southern portion of the property slopes towards Highway 401 and contains grass and low vegetation. 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East: Vacant land North: Urban residential West: Tim Horton'slWendy's restaurant and proposed Bowmanville auto mall development South: Highway 401 674 ...~ REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 4 5.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the property "Living Area". Special purpose commercial areas, which permit highway-oriented uses such as gas stations, are permitted within this designation. Since the Clarington Official Plan contains the appropriate provisions, the proposal conforms to the relevant policies. 5.2 The Clarington Official Plan designates the property as "Highway Commercial". As highway-oriented gas stations are permitted within this designation, the application conforms to the policies. 6. ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 6.1 The property is currently zoned "Service Station Commercial Exception (C7-1) Zone", which does not permit the proposed convenience store and car wash. In order to permit these uses, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. 7. AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 The Clarington Emergency Services Department has no objections to the proposal as long as proper fire protection and access routes are provided. 7.2 Clarington Engineering Services have no objections to this application provided that the following conditions are fulfilled through the related site plan application. · An 8.00 metre road widening on Baseline Road must be dedicated to the Municipality free and clear of any encumbrances. · The traffic study prepared by the applicant's consultant must demonstrate that Baseline Road will not be adversely affected by the redevelopment. · The applicant must provide all necessary site servicing, lot grading and drainage, and stormwater management plans for review. 675 , REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 5 · All necessary securities for entrance works and landscaping must be provided. All entrance works within the Baseline Road road allowance must be constructed to municipal standards. · A 2% cash-in-Iieu of parkland contribution will be required from the applicant. 7.3 Durham Region Public Works Department has no objections to the development provided that the following requirements are fulfilled through site plan approval. · Municipal servicing is available to the subject lands through a 300 mm watermain on Baseline Road and an existing 300 mm sanitary trunk sewer on Baseline Road. · Both Baseline Road and Waverly Road are designated a Type "A" arterial roads. Sufficient road widenings are required to provide a minimum of 18.0 metres from the road centreline to achieve the necessary minimum 36.0 metre width. · The Region requires a 10.0 metre permanent easement along the south property limit of this development for a future twinning of the sanitary trunk sewer. · Only right-in and right-out access will be permitted on access locations to Waverly Road. · A raised centre island median extending across the property's entire Waverly Road frontage will be required. The applicant's share towards construction of this median is approximately $15,000.00. This amount may be subject to review. 7.5 Central Lake Ontario Conservation has no objections to the rezoning application. Information on stormwater management, sedimentation controls, site grading and drainage, and site servicing will be required prior to site plan approval. 676 ...~ REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 6 7.6 The Ministry of Transportation has no objections to the development proposal provided that site grading and drainage and signage issues are addressed through site plan approval. 8.0 COMMENTS 8.1 Although the total site area is 2.68 hectares, the actual area being redeveloped by the applicant is only 0.82 hectares. The remainder of the land may be incorporated into a redevelopment scheme with the lands to the east. 8.2 Although the truck diesel cardlock facility has been closed, trucks are still parking on the parking lot on the eastern half of the property, which is shown as future development area on Attachment 2. The applicant has confirmed that through the redevelopment trucks will no longer have access either from Baseline Road or through the redeveloped portion of the site. An internal access to this area will be permitted for maintenance purposes only. 8.3 Under responsibilities delegated to the Municipality for remediation of contaminated sites, uses such as gas stations where there is a possibility of underground contamination trigger the requirement for a Phase 1 site assessment. If the Phase 1 assessment determines that the site may be contaminated, a Phase 2 assessment is completed to detE'!rmine the type and location of contamination. This work is required prior to issuance of rezoning approvals. Since the principle of the use is not being changed from a gas station, the applicant proposes to undertake site investigations during the excavation or pre- construction phase. The Fuels Safety Division of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority governs the remediation of gas station sites. Their protocol covers spills, leaks, and the discovery of petroleum leaks and spills into the 677 -- REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 7 environment both on the property and beyond the property boundary, and site restoration. The protocol includes surface and subsurface chemical remediation criteria for potable and non-potable groundwater environments. The applicant has requested that site remediation issue be addressed as a condition of site plan approval. Information provided by the applicant indicates that the City of Toronto requires redeveloping gas station sites to address on-site contamination issues prior to the issuance of a building permit. A review of these reports indicates that this principle can also be applied in this instance. Through the site plan approval process, Staff will ensure that the following requirements are fulfilled prior to the issuance of a building permit. · The applicant must provide satisfactory information to Staff that anyon-site contamination is within acceptable limits as defined by the "Environmental Management Protocol for Operating Fuel Handling Facilities - GA1/99, October 2001" as prepared by the Fuels Safety Division of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority. · If the site investigation determines that any petroleum products have travelled beyond the property boundary, all petroleum product contamination beyond the property boundary that has been caused by the applicant's operations must be removed by the applicant to the appropriate standard at its expense. · Staff will require that a Record of Site Condition be prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Environment and the Municipality of Clarington. 8.4 Issues raised at the Public Meeting are addressed in the following manner. · Lighting for the proposal will be dealt with through site plan approval. A lighting plan must be submitted for approval, showing that light does not trespass from the site. Furthermore, all lighting fixtures in the canopy must be full cut off fixtures, which do not promote light spread. Any exterior wall- 678 '- REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 8 mounted lighting fixtures must also be full cut off fixtures that are angled downwards. . As previously mentioned in this report, trucks will no longer be permitted to park on the site, thus eliminating noise issues related with this activity. In addition, the car wash is situated at the southern extent of the site and should not pose any noise concerns to the residential area north of the subject lands. This location also allows sufficient stacking for the car wash that does not interfere with other traffic movements on the site. . Sufficient road widenings will be taken to ensure that a 36.0 metre minimum road allowance width is achieved both for Baseline and Waverly Roads. . An environmental impact study is not required since the proposal is in excess of 50 metres from the Bowmanville Creek valley as defined in the Clarington Official Plan's Natural Features and Land Characteristics map. 8.5 The subject lands are part of a significant gateway to the Bowmanville urban area. As such, staff will be requiring high quality urban design and landscaping on the property. Staff will also require lands for a landscaping feature that demarcates the entrance to Bowmanville. The lands for this feature will be located south of the existing redevelopment area and will be secured through the site plan agreement. The applicant has provided a letter of undertaking agreeing to 2% parkland dedication as land in an acceptable configuration and location. Staff would also note that a portion of the dedication will be encumbered by a future regional servicing easement. The Municipality will not be permitted to erect any structures on the easement. The entrance feature design will incorporate this requirement. 8.6 Redevelopment of the subject lands will also trigger construction of the centre median on Waverly Road south of Baseline Road. This work would have been included in the reconstruction works of the Waverly Road and Baseline Road intersection that was scheduled for this summer. For various reasons, this work 679 ,.; , REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 9 has been tentatively rescheduled for 2004 subject to Regional budgetary approval. 8.7 A complete site plan application was recently submitted, and is currently being circulated to all relevant agencies for comment. The applicant will be required to enter into a site plan agreement with the Municipality, which includes all relevant municipal and agency development and financial provisions. 9.0 CONCLUSIONS 9.1 The application has been reviewed in consideration of comments received from the circulated agencies, the Clarington Official Plan, and Zoning By-law. In consideration of the comments contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommend that the rezoning application for this development proposal, as contained in Attachment 2, be APPROVED and that the By-law contained in Attachment 3 be passed by Council. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Site Plan Attachment 3 - Proposed Zoning By-law Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Robert Dragecivic Walker Nott Dragecjvic Associates Limited 172 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5R 2M7 Keith Blinston Shell Products Canada Limited 90 Sheppard Avenue East Suite 600 Toronto, Ontario M2N 6Y2 680 ..::. $ REPORT NO.: PSD-062-03 PAGE 10 Rod and Lynn Smith 97 John Scott Court Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 4L 1 Leonard Hone 8 Fairbairn Court Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 4K9 Yusuf Moolla Unit 3 564 Montcalm Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L1J 2H1 681 ATTACHMENT 1 ~ 23 12 , ...~ ..'n.....,..'..............._- " ~ 25 " , " .- " , " " " ~ Z 29 , . 2 . lO 0 12 " " ~ . - ROSER w (f) :J Cf) 50Z W W c..> ~ z & 0 JOO a. c..> en ~ 0 " ~ 8 " WEST _SUBJECT SITE 355 WAVERLEY ROAD, BOWMANVILLE Pt. Lot 13, Concession 1 Municipality of Clarington Regional ~unicipality of Durham LOT 14 LOT 13 350 355 :-< 40 '\ t\\Gt\'-Nt>: :.----' "\~lD-C~Rl\ER M~CDO\'( ~\...~~ ~~ \o~~\... ~~ '" '"' ..- N Cl <( o BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP ZBA. 2001-017 682 z o (f) Cf) w c..> z o c..> I- Z o 0::: l.L. Z W ~ o 0::: CD I i "i o It: CI) r:: .- "i III C'll In ! i . I . J ~~, UflIWIl1loUO,j01II'IM o ~ :; o Z OZ ::!e:> ~~ zg DtDOOI lIH1~Ml~ ,"W.8C.HN II\"D,m"l" I- Z W ::! 11. o -' ~ W o W '" :::J I- :::J u.e "'c- o~ U.ill ~"'. ",,,, wii g;~ "'''' 11.< ,~ H :I: ~ '" ('j ~ :; o I ~z :l ::!e:> ~1ii z9 o peOH '<8IJ8AeM . ~ i . " ~ I- Z LlJ ::! 11. o -' We ~g 0'" W.., (/)N. of.' M "'''' 11.< ATTACHMENT 2 ~ z <( ...J 0- W I- - en . ~ W '" ~~ u.u. Zw Qu 5z -~ 01- wZ OW OW z-' ::s~ ",z ~:! 11.~ '#.0 Nttl '" W LlJ~ "'(/) ~'" :::JZ u.:::J ",!!, f2~ 1-< ZI- LlJ- ::!Z W~ (/)u. ~o we:> OZ ~z e;!; ~~ lI'lii1-OO"w 111 l ... ATTACHMENT 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-lAW NUMBER 2003- being a By-Law to amend By-Law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By- law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS. the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington dee'Tls it advisable to amend By-Law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle in accordance with application ZBA 2001-017 to permit the redevelopment of a property containing a motor vehicle fuel bar, a convenience store and a car wash; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT. the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 22.4.1 "Service Station Commercial Exception (C7-1) Zone" is hereby amended by replacing the existing provisions with the following: "Notwithstanding Section 22.1, those lands zoned C7-1 on the Schedules to this By-law may, in addition to the other uses permitted in the C7 Zone, be used for an eating establishment, convenience store, and car wash accessory to a permitted use." 2~ This By-Law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. By-Law read a first time this dcyof 2003 By-Law read a second time this day of 2003 By-Law read a third time and finaliy passed this day of 2003 John Mutton. Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 684