HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-246-86 01 " " '� � TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT F i 1 e # Res. By-Law # (STING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, October 20, 1986 REPORT #: PD-246-86 FILE #: Pln. 7.2 SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATIONS FOR THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 1, 1986 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-246-86 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT* For the information of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, Staff have * prepared the attached list of applications to the Committee of Adjustment for the meeting of October 1, 1986. This list includes the file number, applicant's name, site location, type of variance requested, Official Plan Conformity, By-law Conformity, Staff' s canments on the applications and the Committee of Adjustment's decision. Respect tted, T.T. Edwards, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning - CC*TTE*Tip I *Attach. ( � ? October 7, 1986 MONITORING OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT DECISIONS FILE NO. I DECISION I NATURE OF APPLICATION APPLICANT I LOCATION I A86/054 I GRANTED I CONSTRUCT 750 SQ. FT. ACCESSORY BUILDING WHICH WOULD EXCEED FISHER, CHRIS.S. I I THE MAXIMUM REQUIREMENT OF 40% OF MAIN BUILDING. I L32 C04 DARL. I CONDITIONAL UPON APPROVAL OF C.L.O.C.A. & HEALTH DEPARTMENT I & REMOVAL OF EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. A86/055 I GRANTED I REAR YARD TO DWELLING OF 6.08 M & REAR YARD TO DECK OF 3. 65 M MARCHANT, MURRAY I I Lll C01 BOW. 1 5 DURHAM STREET I A86/057 I GRANTED 1 6 SQ. FT. ACCESSORY BUILDING IN EXCESS OF 40% OF MAIN BLDG. HAEMMERLE, RUTH I I I L30 C04 DARL. I A86/058 I DENIED' I MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR GARAGE AS A SIMILAR OR MORE COMPATIBLE DAWSON, NELDA I I USE ALLEN, WAYNE I L12 C01 BOW. I 1 12 TEMPERANCE ST I TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT October 1 , 1986 7:30 p.m. Court Room # 2, Fire Hall Building, Bowmanville PRESENT: Chairman T. F. Rehder Member Jean Payne Member Arnold Reicheld Member Bernhard Heming Member Gordon Barrie Member J.P.Murdoch Current Operation Planner Tim Chadder Secretary Carrol Clemens APPLICATIONS: A 54/86 - Chris S. Fisher, Lot 32, Concession 4, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in oy-der to permit the applicant to construct a IbOU sq. ft. accessory building which would exceed the maximum requirement of not more than 40 % of the main building total floor area. Mr. Fisher Sr. appeared in support of this application. Mr. Scanga appeared in opposition to this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Heming, seconded by Mr. Reicheld, "THE Committee feel that 1500 sq. ft. for the accessory building cannot be considered as a minor variance and for this reason would APPROVE a maximum of 750 sq. ft. This decision is conditional upon the applicant obtianing approval from C.L.O.C.A. and the Health Department on the property and also on the removal of the two existing accessory buildings. This building is to be constructed in accordance with the plans filed. " "CARRIED" Committee of Adjustment Meeting, October 1 , 1986. . . . . . . A 55/86 - Murray Marchant, Lot 11 , Concession 1 , Bowmanville. Application was madefor relief from ,zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to continue the use of a single family dwelling maintaining a rear yard of 6.08 m, instead of the required 7.5 m, and to construct a rear deck, leaving a rear yard of 3.65 m, instead of the required 6 m rear yard to the deck. Merrill Brown appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Rehder, "THAT as the requested variance does not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or Zoning By-law and would not be detrimental to the surrounding properties, permission is GRANTED to continue the use of a single family dwelling maintaining a 6.08 m rear yard and to construct a deck with a rear yard of 3.65 m. " "CARRIED" A 57/86 - Ruth Haemmerle, Lot 30, Concession 4, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to continue the C0nStV_UUtiUn of d 600 sq. ft. accessory building which would exceed the maximum requirement of not more than 40% of the main building total floor area. Mr. and Mrs. Haemmerle appeared in support of this application. Mrs. Cook and Mr. Vickery appeared in opposition to the application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Heming, seconded by Mrs. Payne, "THAT as the proposed accessory building would appear to conform with the intent of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and as the variance is considered to be minor in nature, permission is GRANTED to continue the construction of a 600 sq. ft. accessory building. " "CARRIED" Committee of Adjustment Meeting, October 1 , 1986. . . . . . . . . A 58/86 - Wayne Allen & Nelda Dawson, Lot 12, Concession 1 , Bowmanville. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to operate a motor vehicle repair garage as a similar or more compatible use to the purpose for which it was used on the day the By-law was passed. W. Allen, C. Allen, N. Dawson and Ron Strike appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Rehder, seconded by Mr. Reicheld, "THAT as the Public Utilities is a permitted use within any zone it is not considered a Legal Non- Conforming use, therefore it is not within the committee' s jurisdiction to deal with this application. " 'Herring Opposed' "CARRIED" DEFERRMENT: A 56/86 - Irwin Hamilton, Lot 12, Concession 1 , Bowmanville. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Rehder, "THAT this application be deferred to the gext meeting of the Committee to allow the applicant to submit amended plans. " "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS: Moved by Mr. Barrie, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT the minutes of the last meeting be approved as circulated. " "CARRIED" Appeal date for the foregoing applications is October 31 , 1986. Next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment is October 22, 1986. Meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p.m.