HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-07-17 Minutes Clarington Older Adult Centre Board Friday July 17 2015 th Meeting Minutes Voting Members in Attendance: Councilor Ron Hooper, Muriel Moynes, Cathie Ward, Alan Tibbles, Tim Funchion, Elaine Spicer, Terry Traill, Gary Bray, Barb Singleton Non-Voting Members in Attendance: Erica Mittag, Angie Darlison Absent: Alan Bayliss, Mayor Adrian Foster, Norma Evans, Irene Gourlay 1.0Call to Order at 9:04 am by President Muriel Moynes 2.0Approval of the Agenda Muriel requested Job Descriptions be added as item 7.8 Motion to approve the agenda as amended Moved by Barb Singleton Seconded by Tim Funchion CARRIED 3.0Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes from: Tuesday June 30 9 am th Motion to approve the minutes as presented Moved by Elaine Spicer Seconded by Terry Traill CARRIED 4.0Business Arising from Previous Meeting 4.1Older Adult Strategy Update 4.1.1Meeting with Municipal Representatives Alan Tibbles proved an update of all information that was received during the meeting with Andy Allison, Nancy Taylor, Joe Caruana, Fred Horvath and our COAA Board Representatives. At this time we are anticipating a draft agreement by the end of July. Additional meetings are expected and members of our Board did request that our Council Representative speak to the Municipal staff to get a true understanding of if the COAA will be permitted to operate outside of the 26 Beech Ave facility. At this time there seems to be a considerable amount of concern that if we are not able to continue to provide our external events (i.e. fundraisers, golf, hiking, pickleball, cycling, etc.) the COAA could cease to exist. 4.1.2COAA Renaming Angie Darlison outlined the information regarding the renaming of the COAA Contest which will include both an online and paper portion. Motion to accept and promote the renaming contest to start ASAP. Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded by Tim Funchion CARRIED 5.0Correspondence 5.1 Secretariat RE: EPC Review Angie Darlison presented a verbal presentation on the importance of our EPC funding and requested board participation at an upcoming meeting to represent the COAA. After some discussion it was decided that Cathie Ward and Angie Darlison will represent the COAA at the meeting in Mississauga later next week. 6.0Reports 6.1Treasurers Report All member in attendance reviewed the financial that were provided by Treasure Alan Bayliss prior to the meeting. Question relating to fundraising, the caf and maintenance were all asked by members of the board and a brief discussion surrounded the importance of our financial reporting moving forward. At this time Angie Darlison explained to the Board of Directors that a complete review our 2015 budget would be required and a new revised financial statement would be forwarded prior to the next meeting. Summaries of our current and previous year balance sheet was shared to show we are still in good financial standing as far as cash on hand as well. Alan Tibbles and Angie Darlison are currently working on this process with the Director of Finance at the Municipality of Clarington. 6.2Fundraising Report Barb Singleton reported that the funds raised through our partnership with the Courtice Rotary Club have been returned and that the Committee is working tirelessly to come up with additional ideas to assist in recouping this lost revenue. At this time we members of the board were asked to come forward with new ideas and step up to assist with further implementations. This committee is very small and require additional assistance to be successful. 6.3Municipal Update Erica Mittag reminded the board of the re-opening of the Alan Strike Aquatic and Squash Facility on September 19 from 1 pm to 4 pm. th happening in front of the BMO on King Street. An update was also given on the beach located just past th and the Heritage Week details. Motion to accept all reports as presented Moved by Alan Tibbles Seconded by Elaine Spicer CARRIED Erica Mittag departed at 9:50 am 7.0Other Business 7.1Board Roles and Responsibilities Angie Darlison presented all members of the Board with a copy of the Duties and Responsibilities of Directors of Not-For-Profit Organizations and recommended that all members of the board review this information as we move forward with our new direction. Alan Tibbles further explained that the changes coming forward with the Board of Directors will require a significate amount of commitment and all board members need to fulfill duties and obligations in order for the COAA to be a success into the future. It was further discussed that what changes will need to be made moving forward in regards to the board structure, and our upcoming Annual General Meeting that will need to be planned for late February. 7.2Change to existing By-Laws Whereas: It is critical that COAA Directors participate wholeheartedly in the Board process and take their appointed role seriously, and, Whereas: A Board cannot function effectively if Directors do not maintain a regular and consistent attendance at meetings, and, Whereas: COAA will become a private, stand-alone corporate entity, incorporated under the laws of Ontario, and, Whereas: Collec Whereas: The well-being of our members is of paramount importance and every attempt must be made to remove troublemakers and those who would wish to spoil the enjoyment of other members by their behaviour: Be it resolved that: The company by-laws be amended as follows: A new section, numbered 6.10 be added, as follows: 6.10 Removal of Directors 6.10.1 Lack of attendance. In the event that a Director or executive officer is absent for three (3) consecutive Board meetings or four (4) Board meetings in any 12 month period, for reasons other than ill-health or requested and approved leave of absence, that Director will forfeit his/her position on the Board upon formal notification by the President, and may not apply to join the Board again until at least 24 months have elapsed. 6.10.2 Disruptive, combative or non-conforming. If a Director is found to be constantly disruptive to the orderly processes, combative and non-cooperative with other Board members or, once a decision has been taken, acts in a subversive manner, this Director may be removed with the consent of six (6) board members. A director may also be removed in the same manner if he or she does not respect the confidential nature of discussions at Board meetings. 6.10.3 Replacement of Directors that have been removed from the Board The Board may choose to replace Directors that have been removed, with members in good standing without the need of a General Meeting. Similarly, a Director may be asked to assume dual roles if this is convenient and will not negatively impact the efficient operation of the Board. A new section, numbered 9.3 be added: 9.3 Revocation of membership and membership privileges. A member who is considered to be disruptive or abusive or is not willing to adhere to the policies that apply to membership, may have his/her membership withdrawn and be banned from coming to the Beech Centre. The decision to undertake such action is at the sole discretion of the Executive Director after first advising the President of the intended action. The Executive Director may elect to refund the offending Moved by Alan Tibbles Seconded by Barb Singleton CARRIED The company by-laws be amended as follows: Section 10.03 (d) be modified as follows: (a) Voting Each member in good standing and who has held membership for four (4) months prior to the date of the General Meeting, shall have one vote. Motions shall be adopted by a simple majority vote except as otherwise stated herein. Every question shall be decided by a show of hands of the members present. Any member living outside the boundaries of the Municipality of Clarington does not have the right to vote at any general meeting or annual general meeting of the membership. Moved by Alan Tibbles Seconded by Elaine Spicer CARRIED Elaine Spicer questioned if members of the board would be permitted to vote via proxy. If was reviewed and the decision was made that this is not a general rule of practice for Not-For-Profit Boards. Councilor Hooper questioned our ability to revoke memberships and if we have done this in the past. Angie Darlison explained that she did speak to both the local police department as well as reviewed the facility policy that we share with the Municipality of Clarington. 7.3Ongoing Meeting Schedule of Muriel Moynes addressed the group in regards to the importance of regular monthly board meeting and requested that all members provide a comment in regards to the current schedule. After much discussion is was decided by the group that sticking with the regular 3 Friday of the month schedule is best for the rd majority of the group and although we would like to accommodate all the timing and amount of work that 7.4Board of Directors Leave of Absence Request Angie Darlison explained to the members of the Board that we have received a request from Irene Gourlay for a medical leave of absence. Moved by Alan Tibbles Seconded by Gary Bray CARRIED 7.5Member Issue RE: Confidential Report Motion to move in camera Moved by Alan Tibbles Seconded by Elaine Spicer CARRIED Motion to move out of camera Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded by Alan Tibbles 7.6Newsletter Communication Angie Darlison updated the board of directors on the upcoming Beech News that will be coming out in the fall thanks for Paul Livingston, Brian Greenway and the summer staff working together to assist in the promotion of the COAA. 7.7External Flyer Angie Darlison updated the group on the resent launch of the COAA flyer that we will be using in all Municipal Facilities until the relaunch of the NEW COAA. 8.0Adjournment by Elaine Spicer at 10:35 am Date of Next Board Meeting: Friday August 21 2015 9 am Clarington Beech Centre 26 Beech Ave, 2 Floor Meeting Room Bowmanville Ontario stnd