HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-15 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting September 15, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Earle Tracey Ali Todd Taylor Paul Davidson Councillor Hooper Katharine Warren REGRETS: Ruth Goff (ex-officio) Kim Vaneyk (ex-officio) Steve Conway Victor Suppan Peter Vogel Robert Malone STAFF: Brandon Weiler Councillor Hooper welcomed all to the meeting. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR T. Ali nominated J. Earle as chair, T. Taylor seconded the nomination. J. Earle indicated he would be willing to act as chair. Prior to the meeting B. Malone nominated V. Suppan by e-mail as he would not be in attendance, seconded by S. Conway, also by e-mail. V. Suppan did not respond prior to the meeting and was not in attendance to confirm if he would be willing at act as chair. Members at the meeting felt it would be in the best interest of the committee to move these nominations to the next meeting for a vote when more members were present. Members also wished to discuss if the chair position would be for the four year term or for a two year term prior to voting next meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. 1 | Page ADOPTION OF AGENDA 15.14 Moved by Joe Earle, seconded by Paul Davidson, THAT the agenda be adopted. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 15.15 Moved by Paul Davidson, seconded by Tracey Ali THAT the minutes of the Meeting of June 16, 2015 be accepted. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS - None BUSINESS ARISING Work Plan Session The committee discussed how best to move forward with work plans for updating the municipal inventory with the intent of adding additional properties to the Municipal Register and for Education and Outreach heritage resources to the public. Through discussion it was identified that different members had more interest in one or the other generally and that the creation of two sub-committees would allow members to focus on which one they had more interest in. The sub-committees would then create more detailed work plans and report back to the committee. 15.16 Moved by Joe Earle, seconded by Todd Taylor THAT two sub-committees be created, a Municipal Inventory and Register Committee and a Public Outreach and Education Committee, and that members be asked to join the committee that they would like to contribute to. T. Taylor and P. Davidson indicated they would join the Municipal Inventory and Register Committee. T. Ali, J. Earle and K. Warren indicated they would join the Public Outreach and Education Committee. The absent members will be asked to select a committee and then a chair will be appointed for each sub-committee. Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) B. Weiler reported that the Jury Lands Foundation had successfully worked with the land owners and the Municipality to get approval for a new trail to be built on the site. The trail will utilize the existing internal road network and a new portion of trail to be constructed will connect the neighbourhood at Sprucewood Crescent to the existing 2 | Page internal roadway. The Jury Lands Foundation had secured a donation from Halminen Homes to construct the trail. The Jury Lands Foundation will be creating a communications plan to educate the public on the site and ask them to take stewardship of the site once the trail is constructed and open. The Jury Lands Foundation is also working on grant applications to help with interpretive signage on the new trail and to record the stories of community members who used the site when it was the Boys Training School, Camp 30, St. Stevens High School or who used the site for community recreation purposes. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville Community Improvement Program Next meeting date is Oct 21, 2015 Orono Community Improvement Program The June meeting was a combined meeting with the Orono CIP group and the Orono BIA. request that Engineering Services conduct a parking analysis for downtown Orono. The group felt there was a need for more parking and specifically bike parking. The group also discussed how to obtain a public washroom in downtown Orono. The group believes the lack of a washroom reduces the amount of time customers spend in Orono. The idea of portable washrooms or pay for use washrooms was discussed. The committee discussed adding banners in the downtown like were just installed in the west end of Courtice along Highway 2. throughout the year on the banners was discussed. The next scheduled meeting is October 7, 2015 Newcastle Community Improvement Program The next meeting is October 15, 2015. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch T. Ali reported that since Doors Open the ACO has been at Bluesberry Festival and were at the Orono Fair. The August meeting was cancelled. The next meeting will by September 16, 2015. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society The Society participated in Heritage Week by leading guided walking tours on August 11 and August 16. The Society will be Newcastle in September 2016. As a lead in to the event Doors Open will be held in Newcastle in 2016. 3 | Page Museum K. Warren reported that the museum has seen a significant increase in attendance, up 77% this year. Successful events like Canada Day and increased been instrumental in this increase. It was announced that the proceeds from the The museum will be hosting an unveiling of the painting of Charles Bowman and his family in the fall, an exact date and location has not been set. The museum will again be running its very successful spirit walks this year on Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays for the month of October. Heritage Week Working Group Councillor Hooper reported that Heritage Week was a great success. There was approximately 150 people who participated in the walking tours of Bowmanville, Newcastle, Tyrone, Orono and Newtonville. The museum also had a play running every night of the week, Serum for Murder, which saw approximately 175 people attend through the week. The group produced self-guided walking tour brochures that were distributed to the committee to review. There were some challenges to the week including multiple events throughout Clarington. The committee is hoping to build upon the success of The committee is currently looking for more members and the Clarington Heritage Committee does not have a representative on the committee at this time. The next meeting of Heritage Week Committee is October 14 at 9:30 am, when planning for 2016 will begin. K. Warren indicated she would be willing to attend the next meeting and be the Clarington Heritage Committee member representative to the Heritage Week Committee. CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRALS Ontario Heritage Trust Nominations The Ontario Heritage Trust Awards recognize exceptional contributions to heritage conservation, environmental sustainability and biodiversity, and cultural and natural heritage. Myno Van Dyke nominated Brian and Audrey Jose, the new owners of the Walbridge house, with the support of the Heritage Committee and staff. The report was approved by the Planning and Development Committee and will be sent on to be ratified by Council at the next meeting September 21, 2015. Once the motion is ratified by Council staff will finalize the application and forward it off to the Ontario Heritage Trust prior to the September 30 deadline. 4 | Page NEW BUSINESS 302 Given Road (The Belmont) Severance The landowner has proceeded with a consent application to sever the Belmont from the remainder of the lands identified for a future subdivision. In 2010, a neighbourhood design plan was approved that indicates how the future subdivision in that area would develop. At the time of the neighbourhood design plan the Heritage Committee was circulated and provided comments. This neighbourhood design plan included the Belmont being retained in situ and integrated into the new subdivision. The applicant submitted a Heritage Impact Assessment, with a slightly modified proposed subdivision, with their severance application. This more recently proposed subdivision maintains the Belmont in situ in a very similar configuration. The applicant will be required to submit the appropriate Planning Act applications to amend the approved neighbourhood design plan should they wish to proceed with the recently proposed subdivision. The committee would be circulated on any such applications. By permitting the consent to proceed at this time it allows the owner, a developer, to sell the property to a long term owner who would live in the home and maintain the house. As the legal description of the property has changed the designation by-law should be amended to list the correct legal description and ensure the language is consistent with the current Ontario Heritage Act. The proposed by-law amendment will be circulated to the committee for comment prior to going to Council for approval. Clarington Heritage Committee Funds At the last meeting the committee inquired to unds were handled by the municipality. In 2012, the committee passed a resolution asking the municipality to hold committee for personal reasons and there was no other members willing to take on the responsibility. The municipality holds the funds and releases the funds when the committee passes a motion and provides a bill or receipt of the services purchased. Since the committee requested the municipality to hold their funds the committee has set a yearly budget of $1,000 for itself. The budget was set to ensure the committee did not overspend in any given year. If the committee wished to set a higher budget at the beginning of the year it could do so. Funding for the committee is solely through fundraising. In past years there have been books published, tours led and most recently the barn calendar which have helped fund the committee. 5 | Page Orono Fair Booth Recap The members felt that the Orono Fair was a good event to start with public outreach and education about the committee and heritage in Clarington. The weather had an impact on attendance at the fair overall but the committee members who attended were able to engage a number of visitors and residents. The members who attended thought that the committee needs to create a more attractive and interactive display to help engage people passing by. Some members thought having a Clarington Heritage Committee banner to identify who they were would have been beneficial. A more interactive or attractive display could also engage younger members of the community as many of the people who stopped by the booth were older. The committee also felt that being at the fair provided an opportunity to correct false information regarding heritage designation. This is something the Public Outreach and Education Committee can incorporate into the work plan. 105 Queen Street (Old Bowmanville Public School) The building is completely down now, demolition on the foundation continues. Staff has asked the developer of the property to incorporate the history of the site in the new building. Staff have discussed adding a plaque with the history but will discuss the idea of interpretive signage or interior art work that depicts the history of the site with the owner. Interpretive Signage for Redevelopment Sites The previous committee had discussed different avenues to get developers or property owners to incorporate the history of sites in new uses or existing sites. One of the discussions included trying to incorporate interpretive signage, plaques or artwork into sites, especially redevelopment sites. This has been successful in multiple projects in Newcastle, Bowmanville and Courtice. The committee may wish to add this idea into the work plan to create a criteria and framework to assist staff in requesting interpretive signage or other techniques to ensure redevelopment sites and heritage sites can be easily identified and the history of the site be more readily available to the public. Development Proposal at 97 King Ave E. Newcastle B. Weiler presented a site plan and colour elevation of a new proposed building to be located at 97 King Ave. E. in Newcastle. The proposed building is located south of the former Massey and J. A. Smith building. The proposed building is five stories in height with the first two floors being commercial and office space and the top three floors being residential. The former Massey and J. A. Smith building is not designated but is primary on the municipal inventory and is a prime candidate for designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. Some members commented on the height and the design. Some members felt the building could be better designed to reduce the visual impact of the proposed five stories, where the current proposal makes it appear as a box. 6 | Page Enfield United Church The Enfield United church, which had been for sale over the summer, has sold. The new owner is looking to convert the church to a single family dwelling with a deck and detached garage. The owner has sent a package, which was distributed to committee members, explaining the elements of the designating by-law they would like to alter and/or remove and an explanation of the proposed work. The owner would like to be a delegation at the October 20, 2015 meeting to present the proposal formally and answer questions. If the committee members have any preliminary comments, questions or concerns they should send them to B. Weiler who can alert the owner so that they can address these at the next meeting. Once the delegation is made the committee will make a recommendation and staff will prepare a report for Council to consider the proposed changes to the designation by- law. J. Earle moved to adjourn the meeting. Next meeting: October 20, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1C 7 | Page