HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-09 MInutes To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our community BOARD MEETING Sept. 9, 2015 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) S. Elhajjeh S. Laing M. Morawetz W. Woo T. Thompson K. Warren O. Casimiro S. Cooke Regrets: J. Sturdy 1.Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2.Adoption of Agenda: THAT: the agenda be adopted as presented. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren MOTION CARRIED 3.Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4.Correspondence: None was received. Announcements: 5. O. Casimiro stated that for 2016, the Mayor’s Golf Tournament will direct funds raised to support the Clarington Museums & Archives. It will be an excellent opportunity to promote awareness and reach out to attendees. M. Morawetz reminded that the museum along with ACO, Doors Open, Jury Lands Foundation, VAC, Clarington Heritage Committee among others will set up displays at Orono Fair from Sept 10 – 13. All are encouraged to come out to support or participate in the display area in the arena. 6.Approval of Minutes: THAT: the Board meeting of Aug. 20, 2015 draft minutes be approved as presented. Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: K. Warren MOTION CARRIED Business Arising from Minutes: 7. B. Seto asked for and received confirmation that thank you letter had been sent out to J. Witheridge for his years of service. S. Laing asked that the Motion directed to the Collections Committee be deferred until the October meeting. The motion from Aug 20, 2015 read: THAT: the Collections committee and the ED review the collections policy and make recommendations to the board for next board meeting. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: T. Thompson MOTION CARRIED K. Warren and T. Thompson agreed that as members of the committee and the replacement for J. Witheridge had not yet been named a new motion be made. THAT: the motion of Aug 20, 2015 be rewritten to change the directive from “next board meeting” to the October board meeting. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro MOTION CARRIED W. Woo asked for clarification about Curator requirement for CMOG. Michael confirmed that on the CMOG Grant checklist for 2015/2016 there was a requirement that the museum have a Board approved job description for the roll of Curator and one was prepared and passed at the May 13, 2014 board meeting. M. Adams confirmed B. Colville of the Kirby United Church had been informed of the decision that the museum board regrets it would not be an asset and so declined the offer to become guardians & tenants of the building. Executive Director’s Report: 8. Report was reviewed with highlights noting that outreach events so far this year have been very strong with great attendance still holding at a 77% increase in visitors Jan to August compared with the same period 2014 and 2015. ED was made aware of the larger than anticipated scope of the museum’s participation with VAC and other heritage associations to provide displays at Orono Fair. The displays will promote the Sport in Clarington theme presently on exhibit at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre building. The review and revision of the Strategic Plan is still a recommendation and part of standard museum practices (every 2-3 years). Corporate and other relations are being pursued; exploring partnership with Community Services / Sports Hall of Fame to continue the current sports exhibit in municipal recreation buildings after it ends in 2016. Spirit Walks schedule has been expanded for this fall, and Edwardian Teas having been very successful and fully booked this summer were extended by two weeks into Sept. Membership renewal drive to be implemented starting next week to boost membership figures. Review of staffing requirements with 2 staff on maternity leave, one temporary staff replacement going on maternity leave and another returning in December. Engaged some part time staff to meet requirements. THAT: t. he Executive Director’s report be accepted as submitted Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: S. Laing MOTION CARRIED Committee Reports: 9. a) Finance Report – Report Submitted from municipality. O. Casimiro acknowledged her new role as chair of the Finance committee, noting revenue deficiencies including grants/other with nothing included as nothing was planned, sponsorship hopes to achieve $10,000, and Heritage Harvest is not planned so no revenues will be generated there this year. Regarding expenses, management has been frugal and therefore in fairly good shape. W. Woo added that the municipality Finance Department stated they will assist whenever and wherever possible, noting that the books for the museum are very time consuming as it is a standalone system. Expiry of their oversight was to May 2015 but an extension of services had been requested by the museum board. They will consider an extension to early 2016. O. Casimiro recommended that ED would benefit from a clear understanding of what is required to run all three sites and make sure planning is done to transition the books back to the museum successfully if that is the final recommendation. THAT: the Finance Committee meet, discuss and make recommendations to the board at the October meeting. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren MOTION CARRIED W. Woo handed out copies of the Municipal Service Board By-Law 2012-093 and suggested at a future meeting it would be helpful to invite staff to present on topics requiring clarification including responsibility and processes for the board. O. Casimiro asked for confirmation of liability insurance to cover financial obligations and responsibilities. ED confirmed that is in place through the municipality. THAT: the Finance Report be accepted. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: S. Cooke MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report – As noted in Business Arising the motion from Aug 20 has been deferred to the October meeting to include staff on vacation and the new member taking J. Witheridge’s place. A new reporting structure to be considered and recommendations made including reporting through the ED to the board. THAT: T. Thompson sit on the Collections Committee until the end of 2015. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report – no report submitted. Plans were reviewed in ED report. d) Property Report – O. Casimiro in taking on the chair of the Finance Committee role asked if any other on the board would assume chair of the Property Committee to share the work load. O. Casimiro agreed to stay on as chair for now. O. Casimiro stated that the committee had met several times with recommendations coming forward to work with the municipal staff to create a clear schedule of requirements to maintain and to improve each of the three sites. Present schedules are not thorough enough. The reporting in future should be two fold with one report coming from the committee while the more detailed report including the input of experts as needed (like engineering) would come from ED and municipal staff. Once new schedules and responsibilities are agreed upon by ED and municipal partners, the Property Committee will re-examine policy & procedures and make recommendations to the board. THAT: the name of this committee be changed from Property to Facilities Management, and that new terms of reference be created to guide the committee in its work. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: K. Warren MOTION CARRIED e) Friends – no report submitted. 10. New Business: a) Strategic Planning – It was noted that a committee of O. Casimiro, T. Thompson, and B. Seto was struck during May 13, 2015 meeting and will work with the ED to review and make recommendations on by-laws prior to work being done on Strategic Plan. CMOG requires that the Strategic Plan be reviewed every 2 to 3 years. Recommendations for any changes may need to go to council. Police Check – b) after reporting on findings from the municipality by W. Woo and discussion regarding implications for risk management, THAT: the board policy be changed to include the requirement for a police check for all board members. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro MOTION DEFEATED c)Board Vacancies / Vice Chair – the municipality has been informed of J. Witheridge’s letter of retirement and has it on file. The process of finding a replacement member will follow. THAT: S. Elhajjeh be named Vice Chair for the museum board. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: T. Thompson MOTION CARRIED d) Marion Farr Donation – Marion Gertrude (Rickard) Farr, sister of Garnet Rickard (one time mayor of Clarington), who passed away in 2001 has donated a portion of her estate to the Clarington Museums & Archives. The $70,408.77 donation will arrive later in Oct 2015 and has no known restrictions attached regarding its use. ED will confirm appropriate follow up response with the family’s lawyer before recommendations and plans are made. As per earlier discussions in the year, the donation will likely be put in the reserve funds with uses or investment plans to be determined in the future. e) Reserve Fund – the previous board discussed investing reserve funds to leverage the money and grow it for the future. The Reserve Fund cannot be touched without the board’s approval for any use. 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held, Wednesday Oct 14th, 2015 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre starting at 7 p.m. 12.Adjournment: THAT: the meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Moved by: K. Warren MOTION CARRIED Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _______________________________________ Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives