HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-272-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �44"`SSS L REPORT File S1, Res. # /( --- By-Law # (FETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, November 17, 1986 REPORT #: PD-272-86 FILE #: Pin. 7.2 SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATIONS FOR THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 22, 1986 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-272-86 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: For the information of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, Staff have * prepared the attached list of applications to the Committee of Adjustment for the meeting if October 22, 1986. This list includes the file number, applicant's name, site location, type of variance requested, Official Plan Conformity, By-law Conformity, Staff' s comments on the applications and the Committee of Adjustment's decision. Respectful s b itted, ti rt.T. Edwards, M.C. I.P. rry otse Director of Planning Chief Admid'istr-ative Officer CC*TTE*j i p *Attach. y October 29, 1986 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT October 22, 1986 7:30 p.m. Court Room # 1 , Fire Hall Building, Bowmanville PRESENT: Chairman T. F. Rehder Member J. P. Murdoch Member Gordon Barrie Member Jean Payne Member Arnold Reicheld Member B. Heming Current Operations Planner Tim Chadder Secretary Carrol Clemens APPLICATIONS: A 56/86 - Irwin Hamilton, Lot 12, Concession 1 , Bowmanville. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a Commercial/Residential building having a height of 5.8 m projecting into the site triangle a distance of 7.75 m, whereas the by-law requires that no building, structure or hedge in excess of .75 m be permitted within the site triangle, and to permit 10 parking spaces, instead of the required 13 spaces. Mr. Hamilton appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Barrie, seconded by Mr. Reicheld, THAT as the requested variance does not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or Zoning By- law and would not appear to have a detrimental effect on the abutting properties, permission is GRANTED to construct a Commercial/Residential building having 10 parking spaces with the building providing a corner lot site being clear from grade level to 3.1 m above grade for a distance of 4.5 m from the corner of the property, save and except for a 20 cm post. This approval is conditional upon the corner site line being maintained in accordance with the plans submitted. " "CARRIED" 1 (t` Committee of Adjustment Meeting, October 22, 1986. . . . . . . A 59/86 - Ronald L. Clemens, Lot 18, Concession 5, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct an addition to the existing single family dwelling, leaving a side yard of 4 ft. (1 .21 m) , instead of the required 2 m side yard. R. Clemens appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mrs. Payne, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the requested variance does not appear to offend the intent of the Official plan or Zoning By-law and would not appear to have a detrimental effect on the surrounding properties, this variance is considered minor in nature and ,permission is GRANTED to construct an addition leaving a side yard of 4 ft. (1 .21m)" "CARRIED" A 60/86 - MON CONSTRUCTION LTD. , LOT 35, CONC. 2, DARLINGTON. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a single family dwelling leaving a rear yard of 5.6-m. (Lot 1 , Plan IOM 781 ) Walter Mueller appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mrs. Payne, THAT as the requested variance would not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or Zoning By- Law and as the property backs onto Conservation Area, this variance is considered minor in nature and permission is GRANTED to construct a single family dwelling leaving a rear yard of 5.6 m". "CARRIED" i i s Committee of AdjustmentMeeting, October 22, 1986. . . . . . . . . . A 61/86 - MON CONSTRUCTION, LOT 35, CONC. 2, DARLINGTON. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a single family dwelling leaving an exterior side yard of 4.0 m, instead of the required 6.0 m exterior side yard. (Lot 11 , Plan IOM 781 ) Walter Mueller appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Rehder, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the proposed variance does not conform with the intent of the provisions of the Zoning By-law as the dwelling would be intruding into the building line by 2 m and as the lot is of sufficient size to construct a dwelling that conforms to the By-law, the application is DENIED " "CARRIED" A 62/85 - A 62/86 - MON CONSTRUCTION, LOT 35, CONC. 2, DARLINGTON. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a single family dwelling leaving an exterior side yard of 4.0 m, instead of the required 6.0 m exterior side yard. (Lot 15, Plan 1OM781 ) Walter Mueller appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. r Moved by Mr. Rehder, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the proposed variance does not conform with the intent of the provisions of the Zoning By-law as the dwelling would be intruding into the building line by 2 metres and as the lot is of sufficient size to construct a dwelling that conforms to the By-law, the application is DENIED. " "CARRIED" Committee of Adjustment Meeting, October 22, 1986. . . . . . . A 63/86 - MON Construction, Lot 35, Concession 2, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a single family dwelling leaving an exterior side yard of 5.0 m, instead of the required 6.0 m exterior side yard. (Lot 21 , Plan IOM 781 ) Walter Mueller appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application . Moved by Mr. Rehder, Seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the proposed variance does not conform with the intent of the provisions of the Zoning By-law as the dwelling would be intruding into the building line by 1 m and as the lot is sufficient size to construct a dwelling that conforms to the By-law, the application is DENIED. " "CARRIED" A 64/86 - MON Construction, Lot 35, Concession 2, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a single family dwelling leaving a 4.5 m exterior side yard, instead of the required 6 m exterior side yard. (Lot 24, Plan 10M 781 ) Walter Mueller appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Rehder, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the proposed variance does not conform with the intent of the provisions of the Zoning By-law as the dwelling would be intruding into the building line by 1 .5 m and as the lot is sufficient size to construct a dwelling that conforms to the By-law, the application is DENIED. " "CARRIED" i i Committee of Adjustment Meeting, October 22, 1986. . . . . . A 65/86 - Fay & Glory Adams, Lot 28, Concession 5, Clarke. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a 384 sq. ft. accessory building which would exceed the maximum requirement of not more than 40% of the main building total floor area. Mr. & Mrs. Adams appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in, opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Heming, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the proposed variance does not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or the Zoning By-law and would not appear to have a detrimental effect on the surrounding neighbourhood, the variance is considered to be minor in nature and permission is GRANTED to construct the 384 sq. ft. accessory building which would exceed the maximum requirement of not more than 40% of the main building total floor area. " "CARRIED" A 66/86 - Halminen Homes Ltd. , Lot 31 , Concession 3, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to continue the use of a single family dwelling having a 5.44 m exterior side yard, instead of the required 6 m side yard. (Lot 91 , Plan 10M 772) Andy Kemperley and George Smith appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mrs. Payne, seconded by Mr. Reicheld, "THAT as the variance would not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or Zoning By-law and would not have a detrimental -effect on the surrounding pro- perties, permission is GRANTED to continue the use of a single family dwelling having a 5.44 m exterior side yard. " "CARRIED" Committee of Adjustment Meeting, October 22, 1986. . . . . . A 67/86 - Halminen Homes Ltd. , Lot 31 , Concession 3, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to continue the use of a single family dwelling having a .61 m side yard, instead of the required 1 .2 m side yard. Andy Kemperley and George Smith appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mrs. Payne, seconded by Mr. Reicheld, "THAT as this variance would not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or Zoning By-law and would not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding properties, permission is GRANTED to continue the use of a single family dwelling having a .61 m side yard. " "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS: Moved by Mrs. Payne, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT the minutes of the last meeting be approved as circulated." "CARRIED" Appeal date for the foregoing applications is November 21 , 1986 Next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment is November 5, 1986. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. momzrnazmo or CO 'TEE OF Aoxnazmomr oEnzaznma FILE NO. z DECISION z NATURE OF APPLICATION ArpLzoAmr z LooAzzom z A86/056 z aoAmruo 1 zo PAaozmo orAnou' SITE zozumaLE oozmo CLEAR FROM GRADE LEVEL HAMILTON, zowzm z z TO n'z M ABOVE naAou 4'5 o FROM noomEa, EXnopz uo om pnoz' ' z Lzu ooz aow' z oumucancrmo IN A000aoANnE WITH PLAN. � I z ozvzazom or. z =======================z======================z============================================================== Aus/oon z omAmrEo z ozno YARD or o nr' (z'uz o) / oLEMEmn, aomALo z z I Lzu oon ouRL' z - z sruz aonaoo oz' z / Aus/oso z osuNcnn z LOT z, zoMroz Mom nomoxRUnrzom z z REAR YARD on o's M ` 000 oAYnzELo oomEo z Lun onx oAoL' z z � =======================z======================z============================================================== A86/061 z nomzEo z LOT zz, znMruz mOm nomuzznCrzom z z - � ncm oAYnzmLo HOMES z Lao nou uuRL' z � z =======================z======================z============================================================== Aus/osu z oEmzEo z LOT zo, 1om781 � Mom nnmoznoorznm z z COB oArnzELn eoMou z Loo oou uAaL z z z ' =======================z======================z============================================================== Aus/oso z oEmzoo z LOT uz,zvmrnz Mom nomarannrzum z z / ooa aAYnzELo aoMmo z Lno cno oAaL z z z Aos/os« z oomzEo z LOT 24,10M781 mom nomoroVorzom z z oou aAYnzmLo oomoa z Lnn oou oAoL, z z z ' AoV/oos z omAmron z on« SQ. nr' Anouaooar unzLozmo ADAMS, FAY z z ADAMS, GLORY z Luo oos oL/uRoo z z un ezonzc LANE z / =======================z======================z============================================================== Aos/nso z oaAmron z LOT na LEFT, zom rrm oALMzmEa ooMoa z z oXrEazoo mzoE YARD or 5.44 m � I Loz non oAaL. z z z =======================z======================z====================================================== A86/0*7 z GRANTED z LOT yz azuoz 1om772 HALmzmEm eomEo z z azon rAan OF .sz m I Lsz noa nAnL' z } � z =======================z======================z==============================================================