HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-145-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res- By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, June 2, 1986 REPORT #: PD-145-86 FILE #: DEV 86-33 SUBJECT: REZONING APPLICATION - RAY ABBOTT AND MURRAY NARCHANT PART LOT 8, CONCESSION 7, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON (TYRONE ) OUR FILE: DEV 86-33 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-145-86 be received; and 2. THAT the application submitted by Ray Abbott and Murray Marchant to rezone a 15.5 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 8, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington (Hamlet of Tyrone) to rezone the subject lands to "Residential Hamlet" be referred to Staff for processing and a subsequent report and public meeting. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On May 7, 1986, the Planning Department received an application submitted by Ray Abbott and Murray Marchant to rezone a 15.5 hectare (38.3 acre) parcel of land in Part Lot 8, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington (see attached map) . The purpose of the rezoning would be -to rezone the subject lands from "Agricultural (A-1)" to "Residential Hamlet (RH)". . . .2 REPORT NO.: PD-145-86 Page 2 The application has been circulated to various agencies for comment and * attached is a copy of the circulation letter and key plan for Council 's information. It is recommended that the application be received for information and referred back to Staff for a subsequent report. At such time as the necessary circulation has been completed, Staff shall schedule this application for a public meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act. Respectful) ted, T.T. Edwards, M.C. I.P. Director of Planning JAS*TTE*j ip *Attach. May 15, 1986 cc: Ray Abbott & Murray May-chant c/o Abbott Drafting and Design 172 King Street East Suite 303 OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 1B7 I, i AREA OF PROPOSED REZONING LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 ......... ....... ......... r. ..Y.. I ...= Z ATi q., o . a EP RH !' W (H)RH II �. Z z RH U RH H 5 L —it- — —..— d--- ' RH RH q (H)RH EP z Ad A-1 V) RH W U z ..............1................................................. ...................................... ........ ...... o so wo zoo aoom KEY MAP 50"1 -�'� TOWN NEWCASTLE Planning and evelopmenepar•tment "��" �"' �J Municipal Building Hampton, Ontario Date: May 16, 1986 Newcastle Public Works Department® Newcastle Building Department® Newcastle Community Services Depar•tmentO Newcastle Fire Depar•tmentO Regional Planning Department® Nor•thumer•land & Newcastle Board of Education® Peter•borough-Victoria-Nor•thumer•land and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Boar•dN Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author•ityO Region of Durham Health UnitN Ministry of Envir•onmentO Mi ni str•y of Natural Resour•cesO Mi ni str•y of Agr•icul tur•e and FoodN Dear- Sit-: RE: APPLICATION TO AMEND TYRONE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN - FILE: OP 3.13(2) REZONING APPLICATION - FILE: DEV 86-33 - RAY ABBOTT AND MURRAY MARCHANT PART LOT 8, CONCESSION 7, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON (HAMLET OF TYRONE) CROSS REFERENCE: APPLICATION TO AMEND DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN FILE: 86-39/D AND APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAN OF SUBDIVISION FILE: 18T-86007 The Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Committee is considering an application for- an amendment to Zoning By-law # 84-63 and, pursuant to its procedure for- processing applications, wishes to obtain your- comments before submitting its recommendations to the Town of Newcastle General Purpose and Administration Committee for- the meeting of July 7, 1986. The application is summarized as follows: 1. Owner's Name: Ray Abbott and Mur•r•ay Mar•chant 2. Owner's Address: c/o Abbott Drafting and Design, 172 King Street E. Suite 303 OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 1B7 3. Applicant's Name: Same as above 4. Applicant's Address: Same as above 5. Location of site, showing lot and concession number- and, if applicable, location of block in relation to cross streets: Part Lot 8, Concession 7, former- Township of Darlington (Hamlet of Tyrone) 6. Present Use: Vacant 7. Present Official Plan Designation: Durham Regional Official Plan - Hamlet and Permanent Agr•icultur•al Reserve; Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan - Long Term Residential Expansion 8. Present Zoning: "Agr•icultur•al (A-1)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" 9. Proposed Use and Description of Applicant's Project: 1. Expand limits of Hamlet of Tyrone 2. Permit Development of 17 Lot Subdivision as shown on the attached plan 10. Hamlet Plan Designation Requested by Applicant: 1. Expand limits of Hamlet of Tyrone 2. Redesignate subject lands to Short Term Residential Expansion 11. Zoning Requested by Applicant: "Residential Hamlet (RH)" 12. Area of Site: Phase I - 8.7 ha. 13. Anticipated Population: Phase I - 17 Phase II - 7.3 ha. families; Phase II - 14 families 14. Water- Supply: private 15. Sewage Disposal: private A copy of the site plan as pr•epar•ed by the applicant is hereto attached. Should you r•equir•e further information r•egar•ding this application, please contact the under-signed. Your- wr-itten reply would be appr-eciated within three (3) weeks of the date of this letter. If your- Department is unable to reply within the three (3) week period, would you please inform us of the reasons for- delay, otherwise we will assume that there ay-e no objections to the approval of the subject application. Your•�ly, tan ce Auger- Szwar•z Long Range Planner• *44 I