HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-151-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # f o/ Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, June 2, 1986 REPORT #: PD-151-86 FILE #: O.P. 3.13(1) and U.P. 3.13(2) SUBJECT: APPLICATIONS TO AMEND TYRONE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN BERNHARD HEMING (FILE: U.P. 3.13(1 ) ) RAY ABBOTT & MURRAY MARCHANT (FILE: U.P. 3.13(2) ) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-151-86 be received; and * 2. THAT Amendments No. 1 and No. 2 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan attached hereto be approved in principle; and 3. THAT Amendment No. 1 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to Council for final approval at such time as the Council of the Region of Durham has considered the subject Amendment and the applicant has submitted the required Engineering Report to the Town; and 4. THAT Amendment No. 2 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to Council for final approval at such time as the Council of the Region of Durham has considered the subject Amendment and Official Plan Amendment Application 86-39/D has been approved by Regional Council ; and 5. THAT the proposed amendments be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information and consideration. . . .2 REPORT NO. : PD-151-86 Page 2 BACKGROUND: On April 4, 1986, the Town received an application submitted by Mr. Bernhard Heming to amend the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan to increase the number of residential lots permitted on a 4.3 hectare (10.6 acre) parcel of land in Part Lot 9, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington from " seven (7 ) Lots" to "eleven (11) Lots". The lands are designated "Short Term Residential Expansion" by the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan. The lands are also subject of an application for Approval of a Plan of Subdivision 18T-86012. i On May 7, 1986, the Town received an application submitted by Mssrs. Ray Abbott and Murray Marchant to amend the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan . The application seeks to redesignate an 8.56 hectare (21.15 acre) parcel of land in Part Lot 8, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington from "Long Term Residential Expansion" to "Short Term Residential Expansion" with a maximum of 15 lots designated. The lands are also the subject of an Application for Approval of a Plan of Subdivision File: 18T-86007. The application to amend the Hamlet Plan also seeks to expand the limits of the Hamlet to include a 6.94 hectare (17.15 acre) parcel of land immediately to the north of the above-mentioned lands within the Hamlet. j I Mssrs. Abbott and Marchant have submitted an application (File: 86-39/D) to the Region of Durham to amend the Regional Official Plan to redesignate Tyrone as a "Hamlet for Growth" pursuant to Section of the Plan. This application has been circulated by the Region for comment. The applicants have also submitted an application to the Town to rezone the lands subject of the Hamlet Plan amendment application to permit the development of the proposed subdivisions. A Public Meeting with respect to this rezoning application is scheduled for July 7, 1986. . . .3 1vCL� REPORT NO.: PD-151-86 Page 3 The Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Section 9.11 ii ) requires that an application for development within a Hamlet be accompanied by a detailed Engineering Report based on test drilling which confirms: - soil conditions satisfactory for the effective operation of a private waste disposal system; - no adverse effects upon existing water supplies and an adequate supply of potable water to service the proposed development; and - an adequate separation between water table and septic tile fields. Mr. Heming submitted a Report on Soil Conditions in support of his application. This Report describes the site conditions and discusses some considerations for site grading and drainage and for constructing tile beds for domestic sewage disposal . The Report does not address the issue of water supply and the impact on existing water supplies as required by the Town Official Plan. The applicant has been advised of these requirements by Town Staff and has indicated that the required information will be provided. This additional information however had not been submitted as of the writing of this Report. i Mssrs. Abbott and Marchant submitted two (2) Soils Reports and a Hydrogeol ogic Assessment in support of their application. The Soils Report, which together cover the entire area subject of the Hamlet Plan and rezoning applications, indicate that the existing top soil is unsuitable for septic tile bed construction due to its high organic content, and recommend that the leaching bed areas for each lot be stripped of all topsoil and sand fill imported. The Reports also indicate that, in some areas, leaching beds will need to be raised. One of the Soils Reports presents a general discussion of the availability of groundwater for Phase I of the proposed development. It notes that a review of Ministry of the Environment vicinal well records indicates the presence of groundwater varying in depths from 3 metres to 50 metres and . . .4 REPORT NO.: PD-151-86 Page 4 concludes there is sufficient groundwater to serve the proposed subdivision. Staff note, however, that this review does not constitutue a hydrogeologic assessment as required by the Official Plan . The Hydrogeologic Analysis submitted by the applicants cover the seven (7) lot residential subdivision immediately to the south of the subject lands previously developed by the applicants (Registered Plan 1OM-754). This Report concludes that no qualitative or quantitative impact on ground and surface waters should result from the development of the seven (7) lots. Staff have requested the applicants to submit further hYdrogeological information relating to the lands subject of the current applications. In accordance with Departmental procedure, the applications submitted by Mr. Heming and Mssrs. Abbott and Marchant were circulated to various departments and agencies for comment. Comments on the Abbott and Marchant application were not available as of the writing of this Report. The major comments submitted on the Heming application are given below: Town of Newcastle Public Works Department "No objection to this proposal subject to our comments relating to the j application for Plan of Subdivision for this same property." i Town of Newcastle Community Services Department "We have no objection to this proposal . Since an existing park abuts this proposal , cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication is required and the developer will be required to construct a 6 foot high chain link fence behind Lots 3 - 7 bordering the park and a 6 foot chain link fence on either side of the park entrance walkway. " Town of Newcastle Fire Department i "No objection. Consideration should be given to Planning Department Report 40-84 (Fire Protection Requirements for Rural Development) ." . . .5 1 i vC� � REPORT NO. : PD-151-86 Page 5 Region of Durham Planning Department "'1. Tyrone is identified as a hamlet in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Furthermore, the Plan indicates that development in this Hamlet shall be limited to minor internal infilling and/or minor additions to existing development. The subject proposal to allow four additional lots within an area identified as "Short Term Residential Expansion" in the Tyrone Development Plan is in conformity with the Durham Plan. i 2. In the event that the Amendment application to the Hamlet Development Plan is favourably received by Town Council the proposed Amendment should be forwarded to Regional Council for review in accordance with the requirements of Section of the Durham Plan . 3. As requested, we have circulated the proposal to the Regional Works Department and will advise you of their comments, if any, upon completion of their review. We may be unable to meet your deadline in this regard. ment Plan we have 4. With respect to the proposed Amendment to the Development no further comments to make." Region of Durham Works Department "1. Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services ar enot available to the subject lands and the Region has no plans to introduce such services into this hamlet. 2. The Region' s concerns, financial and otherwise, are anticipated to be covered by an appropriate subdivision agreement related to File: 18T-86012. 3. The Regional Works Department has no objection to the further processing of this Amendment application. " Region of Durham Health Unit "A soil report has been received for sewage disposal for the above mentioned proposal . A site plan showing house and sewage disposal locations was also requested and received. Unfortunately, the site plan did not address the problems with sewage disposal due to the slope of the property. A new site plan is required, showing the tile bed locations on Lots 4, 5 and 7 on the west side or back of lots to accommodate a mantle. Tile beds for Lots 9, 10 & 11 must be located at the front of the lots on the west side. Lots 2 & 3 must also have the the bed located on the west side of the property. . . .6 REPORT NO.: PD-151-86 Page 6 The following agencies indicated no objection to the amendment to the Hamlet Plan submitted by Mr. Heming: - Town of Newcastle Building Department - Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Separate School Board - Ministry of Agriculture and Food Staff note that the applicant has been advised of the concerns expressed by the Region of Durham Health Unit. One letter of objection has been received with respect to the development proposed by Mssrs. Abbott and Marchant and the redesignation of Tyrone as a Hamlet for Growth . This letter expressed a concern that these amendments would have a detrimental impact on the character of the Hamlet and on adjacent agricultural uses. A copy of the letter has been forwarded to the Regional Planning Department. COMMENT: I As indicated earlier in the Report, the lands subject of Mr. Heming's application are currently designated "Short Term Residential Expansion" with a maximum of seven (7) lots permitted. The application seeks to increase the number of lots permitted to eleven (11) and to permit a minor expansion of the Hamlet boundaries to accommodate the proposed development. Staff note that no objections to the proposed Amendment were received and that the concerns regarding cash-in-lieu of parkland, fire portection and subdivision design can be addressed through Staff' s review of the related application for plan of subdivision. I The Town of Newcastle Official Plan permits areas designated "Short Term Residential Expansion" to develop subject to the submission of an Engineering Report as required by Section 9.11. Mr. Heming has verbally indicated to Planning Staff that the servicing information as required by the Town' s Official Plan will be submitted shortly. . . .7 REPORT NO. : PD-151-86 Page 7 Staff have prepared a draft amendment to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan * (attached hereto as Amendment No. 1) to increase the number of lots permitted on the subject lands from "7" to "11" and to provide a minor extension of the Hamlet boundaries. It is respectfully recommended that Amendment No. 1 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as Regional Council has considered the Amendment and the applicant has submitted the required Engineering Report to the Town. II The Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Section 9.4 iii ) states that lands designated "Long Term Residential Expansion" shall not be developed until : a) short term residential expansion areas have been developed; b) the status of a Hamlet has been changed to "Hamlet for Growth" by amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan; I c) the Hamlet Development Plan has been amended to establish the maximum number of lots permitted in each designated area. i Staff note that all but one of the areas within Tyrone designated for "Short Term Residential Development" have been or are in the process of being developed. The Owner of the remaining area, which is designated for a maximum of six (6) lots, has recently expressed to Planning Staff an interest in proceeding with the development of the property. I An application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to designate Tyrone as a Hamlet for Growth has abeen submitted. The application has been circulated to the Town of Newcastle for comment. There are approximately eighty (80) existing dwellings and residential buildings located within Tyrone. Staff have reviewed all areas currently designated for development, as well as other areas of possible expansion, and note that there is a potential for a total of approximately 173 lots. Section of the Regional Plan generally limits Hamlets for Growth to a maximum of 150 . . .8 (L) REPORT NO. : PD-151-86 Page 8 residential units; however, a designation of a maximum 200 residential units, which is the designation for the Hamlet of Enniskillen, could be applied to Tyrone. This would permit the area of the hamlet to be expanded without jeopardizing the development potential of those areas currently designated for development within the existing Hamlet boundaries. Staff will be bringing a report forward for the Official Plan amendment for Committee's consideration, and will deal with the maximum number of lots permitted at that time. Staff have prepared a draft amendment to the Hamlet Development Plan * (attached hereto as Amendment No. 2) . The proposed amendment would expand the limits of the hamlet to include all of the lands owned by Mssrs. Abbott and Marchant which are subject of the application , as well as the remainder of the lands owned by Mr. Heming directly to the north of his current development proposal . All of the lands are proposed to be designated "S ho rt Term Residential Expansion", with the maximum number of lots being designated as "31" and "9" respectively. It is respectfully recommended that Amendment No. 2 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to Council for approval at such time as Regional Council has considered the Amendment, and Official Plan Amendment Application 86-39/D designating Tyrone as a Hamlet for Growth has abeen approved by Regional Council . Respect itted, cc: Mr. Ray Abbott Abbott Drafting & Design 172 King Street East Suite 303 .WEdward M.C.I .P. OSHAWA, Ontario Director of Planning L1H 1B7 JAS*TTE*jip cc: Mr. Lou Stavrakos *Attach. R.R. #5 May 27, 1986 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K6 cc: Mr. B. Heming R.R. #5 BOWMANVILLE , Ontario L1C 3K6 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE HAMLET OF TYRONE PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT The purpose of Amendment No. 1 to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is to increase the maximum number of permitted lots within the area designated "Short Term Residential Expansion" in Part Lot 9, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington from "7" to "11", and to provide a minor expansion of the limits of the Hamlet of Tyrone. BASIS OF AMENDMENT This amendment to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is based upon an application submitted to the Town of Newcastle to amend the Plan to permit the development of an 11 lot residential subdivision on the subject lands. ACTUAL AMENDMENT 1. Schedule "1" to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is hereby amended by changing from "7" to "11" the maximum number of residential lots permitted in the "Short Term Residential Expansion" area in Part of Lot 9, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington , as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto, and by expanding boundaries of the Hamlet, as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. Schedule "X" hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. This is Schedule "X" to Amendment 1 to the Hamlet Dev. Plan for TYRONE t LOT 9 LOT 8 11 - �r 0 0 Cr J O W Cr `i CONCESSION 7 CONC. ROAD 7 =111� HAMLET BOUNDARY Q SHORT TERM RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION 1 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LOTS LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 I i Ali AI o EP N W + U I RNI Z RH 0 EP U —} k �--- RH j - i ;(H)RH --- EP Z A-1 A-1 o s• w _._......i.....__........__..._......_.......... ....._............_ 0 60100 200 600. ®Area of Proposed Amendment iji 4a-) AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE HAMLET OF TYRONE PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT The purpose of Amendment No. 2 to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is to increase the area within the Hamlet boundaries available for "Short Term Residential Expansion". BASIS OF AMENDMENT Amendment No. 2 to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is based upon an application submitted to the Region of Durham to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to designate Tyrone as a "Hamlet for Growth", and an application submitted to the Town of Newcastle to redesignate the area designated "Long Term Residential Expansion" in Part Lot 8, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington, to "Short Term Residential Expansion". ACTUAL AMENDMENT 1. Schedule "1" to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is hereby amended as follows: (i ) by redesignating the area designated "Long Term Residential Expansion" in Part Lot 8, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington, to "Short Term Residential Expansion" as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto; (ii ) by expanding the boundaries of the Hamlet, as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto; (iii ) by designating the new areas broughfinto the limits of the Hamlet by this Amendment as "Short Term Residential Expansion", as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto; (iv) by establishing "31" as the maximum number of lots permitted in the area in Part Lot 8, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington designated by this Amendment as "S ho rt Term Residential Expansion", as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto; (v) by establishing "9" as the maximum number of lots permitted in the area in Part Lot 9, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington designated by this Amendment as "Short Term Residential Expansion" as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto; and (vi ) by relocating the "Access Point" on the east side of Regional Road 14 in Part Lot 8, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington, and j by establishing a new "Access Point" on the west side of Regional Road 14 in Part Lot 9, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington, as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. Schedule "X" hereto shall form part of this Amendment. i i Page 2 of AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE HAMLET OF TYRONE IMPLEMENTATION The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. i I This is Schedule "X" to Amendment + 2 to the Hamlet Dev. Plan for TYRONE LOT 9 LOT 8 CONCESSION 7 ;. 9 1 3. 1` i O M1�HAMLET BOUNDARY z 0 SHORT TERM RESIDENTIAL w EXPANSION o: OMAXIMUM NUMBER OF LOTS `. '. ACCESS POINT ! CONC. ROAD 7 LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 _......; .................._..... A-1! i o EP w (H)RH RH H O RHa I H)RH - — 1 EP i z A-1 A-I N U o ao ao xoo soon Area of Proposed Amendment ea. i