HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-155-86 01 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Res. By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, June 16, 1986 REPORT #: PD-155-86 FILE #: 18T-85032 SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 594829 ONTARIO LIMITED PART LOT 33, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON FILE: 18T-85032 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-155-86 be received; and 2. THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to draft approval of Plan 18T-85032 subject to the conditions outlined in Attachment No. 1 to this Report; and 3. THAT a copy of Staff Report PD-155-86 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for their information; and 4. THAT the attached by-law authorizing execution of a Subdivision Agreement between Betty Jo King and 594829 Ontario Limited and the Town of Newcastle be approved; and 5. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Subdivision Agreement between Betty Jo King and 594829 Ontario Limited and the Town of Newcastle at such time as an Agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Director of Planning. 2 �cc) REPORT NO.: PD-155-86 Page 2 In November, 1985 an application for subdivision approval was submitted by 594829 Ontario Limited, agent, on behalf of Dr. A.E. King and Betty Jo King in respect of a 3.9 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 33, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. The proposed subdivision would result in the creation of a total of twenty-five (25) single family residential lots and an open space block of approximately 1.5 hectares. Full municipal services are proposed for the development and would be required pursuant to the provisions of the Official Plan for the Courtice Urban Area. j I The site is designated "Residential " in both the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Official Plan for the Courtice Urban Area and is presently zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)" and "(H)R1 - Urban Residential Type One (Holding)" zone by By-law 84-63. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.9 the Holding provision may be removed upon Council being satisfied that the uses to be permitted will be adequately serviced, the lands to be used have adequate access, prior uses of the land will not prevent the use of the land for the purposes intended by the By-law, that the lands and proposed uses will be adequately protected from any physical or man-made hazard or conditions associated with the land and that Agreements in respect of such matters and the associated financial requirements, where required, have been executed with the Town of Newcastle and/or the Regional Municipality of Durham. I i In accordance with departmental procedures, the subdivision proposal was circulated to the appropriate authorities/departments for their comments. The following would summarize the comments as received by Staff. Town of Newcastle Fire Department "The Fire Department has no objection to the above-headed application. Response would be from Station #4, located on Trull 's Road. Water supply is by fire department tank truck. " . . .3 I i REPORT NO.: PD-155-86 Page 3 Town of Newcastle Community Services "The active park for this neighbourhood is planned in the draft plan 18T-84029 north east of the subject proposal . Block 26 is valley and ravine lands and as such our department does not recommend this parcel as parkland dedication. We recommend cash-in-lieu of 5% parkland dedication. We also recommend that Block 26 be dedicated gratis to the appropriate authority, be it CLOCA or the Community Services Department." Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and ewcastle Koman Catholic Separate chool Board "In reply to your letter of November 21, 1985 plese be informed that the Board has no objection to the application." Ministry of Environment "The subject draft plan of subdivision proposes 25 single family dwellings to be developed on full municipal services. The owners are apparently planning to develop this proposal in conjunction with their adjacent proposal , File No. 18T-84029. Our comments are identical to those expressed in our correspondence of September 18, 1984 regarding File No. 18T-84029. A copy of that letter is enclosed for your convenience." Ministry of Environment - Previous Comments "The subject plan proposing 135 single family residential dwellings is a resubmission of File #18T-80071 on which we provided comments in January, 1981. Apparently the original application was denied because of the lack of servicing for the total area of the plan. Our comments remain unchanged in that a development control program is in effect whereby the Regional Municipality assures the installation of services to parallel service requirements. Comments in this regard must therefore be obtained from the Regional Engineering Department. Because of the proximity of the site to Farewell Creek, it is recommended that comments also be obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. With the exception of the above, we offer no objection to approval of the application." . . .4 i ACC) REPORT NO.: PD-155-86 Page 4 Town of Newcastle Works Department "We have reviewed the above noted application for plan of subdivision and submit the following comments: 1. The developer must enter into a subdivision agreement with the Town and that the Public Works Department be kept informed of the status of same at all times; 2. The developer must grant to the Town, free and clear of any encumbrances, all easements which may be required; 3. All works are to be constructed in accordance with the Town of Newcastle's Design Criteria and Standard Drawings; 4. All storm systems will be designed to accommodate the recommendations of the Courtice Storm Water Management Study, and drain into the existing storm water detention system; 5. The developer must contribute to the reconstruction of Prestonvale Road and illumination of same; 6. The developer shall contribute to the construction of a sidewalk on Prestonv ale Road that connects the pedestrian traffic from the subdivision to Highway No. 2. " i Ontario Hydro "No objection ." Ministry of Natural Resources "Ministry staff have reviewed this plan and inspected the site. While we have no objections to the principle of development at this site, we do have concerns which should be addressed prior to the approval of this plan. Farewell Creek is situated to the west of this subdivision and a portion of its valley system is located within Block 26 of the Plan. This creek flows into the Oshawa Second Marsh , a provincially significant wetland. This wetland should be protected against excess sedimentation resulting from upstream development activities within and adjacent to the stream valley system. We note that Zoning By-law 84-63 of the Town of Newcastle zones the lands within Block 26 as Environmental Protection. We recommend that this zoning be retained. . . .5 01 REPORT NO.: PD-155-86 Page 5 Ministry of Natural Resources - Cont'd Recommendations Based on the above, this Ministry has no objections to the approval of this subdivision plan, provided that it be subject to the following conditions of approval : I. Prior to any grading or construction on the site, the owner shall erect a snowfence or other suitable barrier along the eastern boundary of Block 26 adjacent to Lots 11 to 14 inclusive, and along the rear boundaries of Lots 14 to 18. The valley slopes adjacent to these lots are very steep and are susceptible to erosion if disturbed. This barrier shall remain in place until such time as all grading, construction and landscaping of the site are completed, and shall be maintained to prevent the placement of fill or removal of vegetation within the valleylands of Farewell Creek. `L. Prior to any grading or construction on the site , the Owner shall prepare a soil erosion control plan, which shall be acceptable to the Ministry of Natural Resources. This plan will show all proposed surface drainage works and will describe the means to minimize soil erosion and the direct discharge of stormwater flow into Farewell Creek, both during and after construction. The Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the municipality shall contain the following provisions in wording acceptable to this Ministry: a) That the Owner agrees to construct and maintain the barrier as required in Condition 1 above. i b) That the Owner agrees to implement the soil erosion control plan for the site as required in Condition 2 above. In order to expedite the clearance of these conditions, a copy of the signed Subdivision Agreement should be sent to the District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, Lindsay district office." Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority "Authority Staff have reviewed the above-noted draft plan of subdivision and have carried out a site inspection. The site is in the Farewell Creek watershed, with the western portion containing creek valleyland and the eastern portion being comprised of tableland. The valleyland area is partially prone to flooding and is characterized by steep valley walls and extensive forest. The valley has been designated as highly sensitive in the Authority's Environmental . . .6 i (C) REPORT NO.: PD-155-86 Page 6 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - (Cont'd) Sensitivity Mapping Project. It is also included i n the Authority's 20 year acquisition plan as a property that shut d eventually be in the Authority's ownership. The tableland area is not designated as being sensitive and is generally open, although there are some pockets of forest. Generally Staff have no objection to the development of the tableland area as proposed in the draft plan . We do have concerns for sedimentation control during construction, for maintaining some of the tree cover on the tableland and for the potential increase in stormwater runoff as a result of the development. These concerns are addressed in the recommended conditions of approval listed below. With regard to the valleyland area, we suggest that it be dedicated to the municipality with provision for the Authority to assume ownership at some future date when the Authority is prepared to operate a conservation area in this vicinity. We ask that the following conditions be placed upon the draft approval on the Authority's behalf: 1. Prior to final approval of the plan, the Town of Newcastle shall pass a by-law to prohibit the construction of any building or structure other than that necessary for flood or erosion control in Block 26 of the Plan. 2. No filling, construction or alteration to watercourses shall occur on the site without the written approval of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 3. Prior to the start of clearing or grading for any roads or lots, the owner shall submit a tree conservation plan for the are to be occupied by Lots 1 to 25, which shall identify healthy specimens of trees worthy of preservation and shall outline methods to be used during the development process to preserve tree cover on the lots as much as is possible. 4. Prior to the start of lot grading, a snowfence and straw bale barrier shall be erected at the rear limits of Lots 1 to 18 inclusive i n order to prevent intrusion of machinery and the discharge of sediment into the Farewell Creek valley. This barrier shall be maintained in a state of good repair throughout the grading and construction process. . . .7 REPORT NO.: PD-155-86 Page 7 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - (Cont'd) 5. Prior to final approval of the plan, the Owner shall submit a detailed stormwater management plan ac cept ab l e to the Authority indicating the means to be used for controlling stormwater runoff from the site consistent with the requirements of the Courtice Sto rmwater Management Study and recognizing the environmental sensitivity of the valley areas. Please ensure that Conditions 2, 3, and 4 above are also included in the subdivision agreement. Thank you for providing the opportunity to comment." Region of Durham Planning Department - February 21, 1986 "The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the current status of the above-noted plan of subdivision. On November 21, 1985 we circulated your plan of subdivision to various agencies for comment. To date, we have received responses from most of these agencies save and except the Town of Newcastle and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. By copy of this letter, we request these agencies to expedite their comments as soon as possible. Of the comments we received, there are no objections to your draft plan. However, the Ministry of Natural Resources recommended several conditions of approval , a copy of its comment is attached herein for your information. As you are aware, the servicing issue of this subdivision plan is currently being reviewed by the Region's Sewer and Water Study Group. We anticipate this matter will be dealt with by Council in March of this year. In the meantime, if you have any question , please do not hesitate to call us." May 13, 1986 "Further to your letter of May 7, 1986, please be advised that agencies have responded to the circulation of the above-noted draft plans except that the Town of Newcastle' s recommendation on 18T-85032 is still outstanding. Once the financial requirements of the Region are satisfied, we will be in a position to recommend to Council approval of the said draft plans. As you are aware, in accordance with Council 's policies, subdivisions located outside the "Urban Service Area Limit" are generally considered premature due to lack of sewer and/or water services. However, it now appears that the servicing restraint could be overcome as you have indicated to us that the owner will bear the cost of external services. In this regard, we would like to meet with you and the owner to discuss the details with respect to implementing your proposal . My secretary will be in touch with you to arrange for the meeting." . . .8 REPORT NO.: PD-155-86 Page 8 STAFF COMMENTS: As highlighted in several of the comments submitted for the Town's review and consideration and as noted within the application form, the Owner's intentions would appear to be to develop the twenty-five (25 ) lot subdivision in conjunction with their adjacent proposal being File 18T-84029 immediately to the east. As Committee may recall the Town has provided favourable comment through Staff Report PD-88-85 to the Region respecting draft approval of the adjacent lands. In reviewing the present plan and in consideration of the adjacent plan, Staff would have no objections to the development and layout as proposed in consideration of the development as an extension to the previously considered draft plan of subdivision. In consideration of the requirements for either cash-in-lieu or parkland dedication as stipulated within the Planning Act, Staff would note for Committee's consideration and deliberation the following. Within Plan 18T-84029 as previously submitted and considered by Committee and Council , a park block of approximately 1+ hectare was provided. In consideration of the overall size of the proposal , being 14.308 hectares, this figure is representative of a 7.5% parkland dedication. Inasmuch as the applicant could have submitted the present subdivision application as but an extension/revision to the previous plan, the overall development area would have increased from 14.308 hectares to 18.208 hectares. This would require a park block dedication of .91 hectares (being 5% of the overall 18.208 hectare parcel ) . Accordingly and in consideration of the park block dedication within Plan 18T-84029, Staff would have no objection with the waiving of the requirement for a further park dedication or cash-in-lieu contribution for the small extension of the overall plan of subdivision. Staff would note for the Committee's consideration that the draft conditions * of approval as attached would reflect this position. As noted within the comments submitted through the Durham Regional Planning Department considerable dialogue has taken place at a Regional level with respect to the servicing issues of this Plan of Subdivision and the adjacent . . .9 J �G� kEPORT NO.: PD-155-86 Page 9 lands to the east. It would appear as noted within the Region 's comments of May 13, 1986 that the question of servicing of subdivisions located outside the "Urban Service Area Limit" considered premature due to the lack of sewer and/or water will be rectified inasmuch as it has been indicated that the Owner will bear the cost of external services. Accordingly and in consideration of the above-noted comments and conditions outlined on Attachment No. 1 to this Report, Staff would have no objections to the approval of the draft plan. kespectfu ted, .T. Edwards, 1A.C. I .P. Director of Planning LDT*TTE*j ip *Attach. May 30, 1986 cc: Dr. A.E. King R.R. #3 BOWMANVILLE , Ontario L1C 3K4 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT PD-155-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-85032 1. That this approval shall apply to draft plan of subdivision 18T-85032, prepared by Donevan & Fleischman, identified as Job No. 1-6178, dated October 17, 1985 showing twenty-five (25) single family lots, and a public open space block. 2. That the developer enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town of Newcastle. 3. That the Owner grant to the Town, free and clear of all encumbrances, all easements and dedications as requested. 4. That the Owner agrees that Block 26 be deeded gratuitously to the Town pursuant to the provisions of the Town 's Open Space Policy By-law 79-69. 5. That the works be designed and constructed in accordance with the latest Town of Newcastle Design Criteria and Standards. 6. That the road allowance included in this draft plan be dedicated as public highways. 7. That the road allowances in the plan be named to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle. 8. That the necessary amendment to By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Town of Newcastle, be approved and in effect. 9. That the Owner agrees, in writing, to satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwsie, of the Region of Durham with respect to the provision of roads and municipal water and sewage supply. 10. That the Owner agrees to negotiate with the Town of Newcastle an appropriate cost sharing arrangement/contribution in consideration of Plan 18T-85032 respecting the provision of a sidewalk along the west side of Prestonvale Road to the intersection of Phair Avenue. Furthermore, the Owner agrees to negotiate with the Town of Newcastle an appropriate contribution towards the reconstruction of Prestonvale Road and illumination of same from the subdivision access north to Highway No. 2. 11. That the Owner agrees: i ) Prior to final approval of the plan, the Town of Newcastle shall , if necessary, pass a by-law to prohibit the construction of any building or structure other than that necessary for flood or erosion control in Block 26 of the Plan. . . .2 I Page 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT PD-155-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-85032 ii ) No filling, construction or alteration to watercourses shall occur on the site without the written approval of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. iii ) Prior to the start of clearing or grading for any roads or lots, the owner shall submit a tree conservation plan for the area to be occupied by Lots 1 to 25, which shall identify healthy specimens of trees worthy of preservation and shall outline methods to be used during the development process to preserve tree cover on the lots as much as is possible. iv) Prior to the start of lot grading, a snowfence and straw bale barrier shall be erected at the rear limits of Lots 1 to 18 inclusive in order to prevent intrusion of machinery and the discharge of sediment into the Farewell Creek valley. This barrier shall be maintained in a state of good repair throughout the grading and construction process. v) Prior to final approval of the plan, the Owner shall submit a detailed stormwater management plan acceptable to the Authority indicating the means to be used for controlling stormwater runoff from the site consistent with the requirements of the Courtice Stormwater Management Study and recognizing the environmental sensitivity of the valley areas. 12. To satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of Natural Resources as specified below: i ) Prior to any grading or construction on the site, the owner shall erect a snowfence or other suitable barrier along the eastern boundary of Block 26 adjacent to Lots 11 to 14 inclusive, and along the rear boundaries of Lots 14 to 18. The valley slopes adjacent to these lots are very steep and are susceptible to erosion if disturbed. This barrier shall remain in place until such time as all grading, construction and landscaping of the site are completed, and shall be maintained to prevent the placement of fill or removal of vegetation within the valleylands of Farewell Creek. ii ) Prior to any grading or construction on the site, the Owner shall prepare a soil erosion control plan , which shall be acceptable to the Ministry of Natural Resources. This plan will show all proposed surface drainage works and will describe the means to minimize soil erosion and the direct discharge of stormwater flow into Farewell Creek, both during and after construction. The Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the municipality shall contain the following provisions in wording acceptable to this Ministry: . . .3 Page 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO REPORT PD-155-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-85032 a) That the Owner agrees to construct and maintain the barrier as required in Condition 1 above. b) That the Owner agrees to implement the soil erosion control plan for the site as required in Condition 2 above. 13. The Owner acknowledges that all storm systems will be designed to accommodate the recommendations of the Curtice Stormwater Management Study. i v\ M1 ql IIII//VV 1 \. a� THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE - BY-LAW NUMBER 86- being a By-law to authorize the entering into of an Agreement with Betty Jo King and 594829 Ontario Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation's seal, an Agreement between Betty Jo King and 594829 Ontario Limited and the said Corporation dated the day of 1986, in the form attached hereto as Schedule "V. 2. THAT Schedule "X" attached hereto forms part of this by-law. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1986 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1986 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1986 MAYDT- i I