HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-173-86 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # r,' , , Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, July 7, 1986 REPORT #: PD-173-86 FILE #: 18T-76048 SUBJECT: REVISION TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN COURTICE HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED PART LOT 31, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TWP . OF DARLINGTON LOTS 9 to 16 (INCLUSIVE) - OUR FILE: 18T-76048 . RECOMMENDATIONS: it is respec ully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-173-86 be received; and 2. THAT Council adopt the following resolution: "THAT the correspondence from William D. Manson dated June 10, 1986 be received and the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in consideration of the residential policies within the Courtice Urban Area Official Plan pertaining to the development of a range/mix of housing types, does support the proposed revisions to 1 of s 9 through 16 (inclusive) as illustrated on the attached draft 1OM Plan to permit the development of link homes"; and 3. THAT the request in 2 above be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board and that Courtice Heights Limited be so advised. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: * A copy of the attached letter was received by Planning Staff on June 13, 1986. The letter from Mr. William D. Manson, on behalf of Courtice Heights Development Limited, requested the Town' s issuance of a clearance letter to the attention of the Ontario Municipal Board . . .2 REPORT NO.: PD-173-86 Page 2 to permit the registration of the west half of Plan 18T-76048. Within said letter Mr. Manson indicated that, with the exception of nineteen (19) link lots on Broadlands Crescent which have been relotted into eight (8) double semi-detached lots, the plan is representative of the draft approval as issued by the Ontario Municipal Board. Staff would note that a response was provided to Mr. Manson' s request indicating that a clearance letter could not be provided at this point in time in consideration of the proposed revisions to Lots 9 through 16 inclusive to permit the development of link homes. It was noted that any revision to the original draft approved plan required Council 's concurrence with same and furthermore, that the appropriate notification be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board of Council ' s action. As Committee may recall , the plan of subdivision approved by the Ontario Municipal Board provided for the development of nineteen (19 ) street townhouse units. Inclusion of medium density housing, within this Plan of Subdivision was consistent with the policies of the Official Plan in respect of providing a mix of housing types. The location and density were considered at the time of draft plan approval and staff are of the opinion that they will not create a traffic hazzard nor will they result in overcrowding of the public schools inasmuch as the School Board was i requested to comment on the plan and was satisfied that the population proposed could be accommodated within the existing and proposed schools of the Courtice Area. In consideration of the intent of the draft plan , and subsequent policies within the Courtice Urban Area Official Plan, it is staff' s opinion that the development should proceed on the basis of draft approval . Should the Committee deem it appropriate to approve the request, staff would note that the zoning of said lands within By-law 84-63, in addition to the street townhousing development would presently permit the development of "link homes" as requested. The present zoning is consistent with the zoning as approved by the Ontario Municipal Board in 1977. i . . .3 REPORT NO.: PD 173-86 Page 3 Respect itted, T.T. Edwards, rvi.C. I .P. Director of Planning LDT*TTE*jip *Attach. June 18, 1986 cc: Mr. Wm. D. Manson cc: Mr. Ronald K. Webb, Q.C. 20 Clematis Road Barrister & Solicitor WILLOWDALE , Ontario 41 George Street South iv12J 4X2 BRAMPTON , Ontario L6Y 2E1 i I I i I i I i i i j /�/� /tant 20 Clematis Road VV Z i"6 cons" s Willowdale,Ontario M2J 4X2 Tel.(416)497.4500 June 10, 1986 Mr. T . T. Edwards �� Director :Planning and Development Department The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Hampton, Ontario LOB 1JO Dear Mr. Edwardst Rea Registration. of West Half Subdivision 18T76048 OMB File R771833 Courtice Heights Developments Courtice Heights Developments has recently signed an agreement with a builder regarding the west half of subdivision 18T76048 and therefore intends to register that portion of the plan this summer. In order to fulfil Condition. 14 of the conditions of draft approval, the Town needs to issue a clearance letter to the Ontario Municipal Board. To assist the Town in this matter, five copies of the proposed M ,- plan are enclosed for your review. This M - plan is in the metric format and is equivalent to the imperial plan shown as Schedule B-2 of the subdivision agreement with the Town with the exception of the 19 link lots on Broadlands Crescent which have been re-.lotted into 8 double semi-detached lots. This re-lotting has occurred- under the R3-5 provisions of Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 which reflect the provisions of OMB approved Zoning By-law 77-12. Your early attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. I would, also, appreciate receiving a copy of the Town' s clearance letter for my records. YOU V/19 William. D. Manson enclosure ec DRAFT APPROVED i I I � OLOC:r.t 1. OCK s • � b N N q Y Y N w •�(' i:7 • a It n It 1+ ` Is EO or X BROADIAWS CRESCENT 1O 14 COURT A Y H n n 11 n n i 9911 I�•` 11 A J •••y T I i� O { f { • 10 t t b £ N u •a {� b n n •1 �, rti r.�;�- ter. _f 1 o O I 00 r . w .• •j f m •1 s BROADWS CRESCENT yt• ti -�„ `I •i { s + IA l •e I It j 77 74 $) b N at al 1• n la 73 )t 11 70 tf• M !1 +Kilts N x A. 4 I c D 1 for ` R ' DEVOtOAIE Y TM%I& _ '•✓: am i 1 :J S o ti ill Rio ex f I^ • • N �'. It{ ' '~ TO 'b tl GR v eOOURT• '•'� • � i 2 Itr BLOCK`A 1 ` I°q rn rtt 'P.,n.. 3. ti I+t J t t>• Y tl N l °!J �• 10¢ It! SF.. 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