HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-029-03 r .. ;C':J Cl~.mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, March 24, 2003 J)0~ .OF GP/1-13d-03 Report #: PSD-029-03 File #: COPA 2003/001; 18T-96014 By-law #: Subject: CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AMENDMENT TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T 96014 APPLICANT: 699504 ONTARIO LIMITED (THE KAITLIN GROUP) PART LOT 16, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-029-03 be received; 2. THAT the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-96014 submitted by Mr. Kelvin Whalen on behalf of 699504 Ontario Limited be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: D vi . Crome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services --. by.c2~ a klin Wu, f Chief Administrative Officer CS*L T*DC*df March 18, 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 601 , REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: 1.2 Agent: 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: PAGE 2 699504 Ontario Limited (The Kaitlin Group) Kelvin Whalen To delete the Neighbourhood Commercial symbol from the east side of Green Road to permit the development of 7 single family dwellings. To add a Medium Density symbol to permit the development of 32 townhouses. To amend Table 9-2, by increasing the housing targets for the Westvale Neighbourhood from "1750 to "1800", the Medium Density units from "350" to "400" and to change all other corresponding totals. To amend Map E2 by increasing the population target for the Westvale Neighbourhood from 4700 to 4800.(see Attachment 2) 1.4 Amendment to Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: Replace the "Future Development Block" in Draft Approved Plan 18T-96014 with 86 single detached dwellings, 32 townhouse units, a medium density condominium block, a separate elementary school block and a neighbourhood park. (see Attachment 3) 1.5 Site Area: 2.0 LOCATION 13.69 hectares (33.8 acres) 2.1 The lands subject to the amendments are located west of West Side Drive, south of the St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway, and east of Green Road, being Part Lot 16, Concession 1 in the former Township of Darlington. (see Attachment 1) 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On January 21, 2003 Staff received applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T-96014. The Official Plan amendment ,", - , 602 . REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 3 requests the removal of the Neighbourhood Commercial symbol in favour of low density residential housing, and the addition of a Medium Density symbol to permit the development of townhouse units. The amendment also necessitates changes to population and housing targets for the Westvale Neighbourhood. 3.2 Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-96014 (Bayly Holdings Ltd.) was approved for partial draft approval by Clarington Council in September 1998. The original plan covered 18.73 hectares and proposed 335 housing units, neighbourhood park, separate elementary school block and neighbourhood commercial block. The southerly 5.043 hectares was draft approved for residential development but the northerly 13.69 ha was considered premature and approved only as Future Development Block (see Attachment 3D). The Development Charges By-law at the time did not include the construction of the neighbourhood park, construction of Green Road, reconstruction of Baseline Road and the installation of lighting and sidewalks on Baseline and Green Roads. 3.3 The entire lands covered by proposed plan of subdivision 18T-96014 were purchased by 699504 Ontario Limited (The Kaitlin Group) in November 2002. The "Future Development Block" is the subject of the amendment to the Draft Approved Plan 18T- 96014. 3.4 Suppot1inq Documentation 3.4.1 The applicant submitted a letter prepared by D.G. Biddle and Associates Limited to confirm that the proposed amendment is in conformity with Provincial Policy Statement. The letter states that the proposal provides a mix of housing units, which conform with both the Regional and Local Official Plan, and the Provincial Policy Statement. In addition, the letter also suggests that the deletion of the Neighbourhood Commercial symbol is warranted due to the close proximity of stores and services at that West Main Central Area and the future Local Central Area at Hartwell Drive and Regional Road 57. 603 t REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 4 3.4.2 A Street Parking Layout Plan was submitted. The applicant has demonstrated that 102 on-street parking spaces can be accommodated. The Municipality criteria requires 33 spaces to be provided based on the following ratio: . one (1) parking space for every three (3) on-street townhouse units; and . one (1) parking space for every single/semi-detachedllink units. 3.4.3 A Traffic Impact Study prepared by Semas Transtech was submitted to assess the traffic from the proposed elementary school and 21 single family dwellings on Street "A". The total site traffic generated by the proposed elementary school and residential development combined is summarized below: . A.M. peak period - 341 total two-way trips (189 inbound -152 outbound) . P.M. peak period - 226 total two-way trips (93 inbound - 133 outbound) The study has been forwarded to Engineering Services for comment. 3.4.4 The previous owners, Bayly Holdings Ltd. submitted technical documentations to justify the development of the entire site. The document includes: . Preliminary Servicing and Storm water Management Report; . Environmental Noise Study; . Phasing Plan; . Transportation Study; . Street Parking Layout Plan; and . Site Screening Questionnaire. The reports concluded that the subject site wC!s appropriate for urban residential type development. Additional reports or revisions to the reports may be required once all of the circulated departments or agencies have an opportunity to review the applications. 604 '. REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 5 4.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING LAND USES 4.1 The subject lands are currently vacant. A drumlin (a hill comprised of glacial deposits) provides for steep grades in the south-west quadrant of the site. 4.2 Surrounding Uses: North: South: St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway vacant, approved for residential development, Draft Approved Plan 18T-96014 residential within Aspen Springs subdivision vacant, subject to proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-90051 East: West: 4.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 Durham Reqion Official Plan 5.1.1 The lands are designated as Living Area within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure. Convenience stores, public and recreational uses are also permitted within this designation. The proposed uses appear to conform to the Plan. The subject property is bounded by the future extension of Green Road, which is designated as a "B" Arterial. 5.2 C/arinaton Official Plan 5.2.1 In the Clarington Official Plan, the subject lands are designated as Urban Residential, in the Bowmanville Urban Area. The lands are within the Westvale Neighbourhood and show one Medium Density Symbol, north of Aspen Springs Drive a Neighbourhood Commercial symbol, Neighbourhood Park Symbol and Separate elementary school symbol. 5.2.2 Medium Density residential uses shall be developed at 31-60 net residential hectare. The predominant housing form shall be townhouses, triplexlquadraplex, and low-rise apartments to a maximum of four storeys. The 605 , REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 6 applicant is requesting an additional Medium Density symbol to permit the development of 32 townhouses. The proposed amendment would require changes to Table 9-2 of the Official Plan, which identifies the Neighbourhood Planning Units by name, and housing unit target. The housing targets for the Westvale Neighbourhood Planning would change from "1750" to "1800" and from "350" to "400" Medium Density units. All other corresponding totals would also be amended (see Attachment 1). 5.2.3 The population allocation for Westvale Neighbourhood is currently 4700. The proposed amendment increases the population allocation from 4700 to 4800 persons. 5.2.4 Neighbourhood Commercial uses are intended to provide items or services of daily necessity for the residents of the surrounding neighbourhoods. A variety of building forms may be built including small plazas, free standing stores and offices and street related mixed use buildings. The maximum gross leasable floor space shall not exceed 1000 square metres. The applicant is requesting the deletion of the Neighbourhood Commercial symbol to permit the development of seven (7) single family dwellings. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 as amended the lands are zoned "Agricultural (A)" Zone. A zoning by-law amendment will be required in order for development to proceed. To date, the applicant has not filed an application. 7.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site. Public Meeting signs were installed at three locations where the site has road frontage, being Higgon Street, Remmington Street and Aspen Springs Drive. 7.2 A petition with the signatures of 24 West Side Drive residents was received. The petition indicates that the buyers had spoken with the sales people from the Kaitlin Group as 606 . REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 7 well as staff from the Municipality's Planning Services Department prior to their purchase. They were shown draft plans, which indicated that a school and park would be developed in their rear yards. Residents had installed fences with gates in anticipation of easy access to the school and park. The petition also noted that residents did not anticipate a transit route on West Side Drive, but felt compensated because they would be overlooking a school and park. The residents also note concerns with a drainage ditch abutting the rear yards of their homes. The ditch holds deep stagnant water and is threat to children and may be a breeding ground for West Nile Virus infected mosquitoes. Finally, the petitioners indicated that the builder should be accountable for what they sell. They bought in good faith and the builder should show the families the same good faith. They are not opposed to development in general, only the development of homes behind their existing homes. (See Attachment 4). 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 Comments are outstanding from the following departments and agencies: ~ Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority ~ Separate School Board ~ Region of Durham Planning Department ~ Region of Durham Works ~ Canada Post Corporation ~ Bell Canada ~ St. Lawrence and Hudson Rail 8.2 The Clarington Emergency and Fire Services noted that Street "D" (extension of Remmington), between Street "E" and Green Road exceeds 90 metres in length and therefore turnaround facilities are required for fire fighting equipment until Green Road is built. 607 .. REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 8 8.3 The Engineering Services Department provided comments on the proposed amendments. The comments are summarized below: ~ Road widenings will be required to accommodate the future grade separation on Green Road at the St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway as well as for Green Road, and must be shown on the proposed draft plan: ~ Utilities such as hydro, telephone and cable television within the streets of this development must be installed underground; ~ Lot 52 must develop as a single lot for only one detached dwelling; ~ Development may not proceed until such time as the Municipality approves the expenditures for the construction of Green Road as well as other external works or services which have been included in the Municipality's Development Charge By-law and have been deemed necessary by the Director of Engineering Services. The number of building permits available at anyone time will be at the discretion of the Director of Engineering Services; ~ The future phasing of the draft plan will be restricted by the number of external accesses which are available. Full development will require access onto Green Road. The railway underpass may not be required in advance of development however it will be necessary for the applicant to provide a Traffic Impact Study. The study must demonstrate that full development can occur in advance of the construction of the grade separation without impacting the existing road network; ~ The applicant will responsible for the installation of pedestrian sidewalks and illumination; ~ Storm drainage works and facilities necessary for this development must be constructed in accordance with West Side Creek Master Drainage Study; ~ A Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan is required that details on-site storm sewer system (minor system) and overland f1ow(major system). The Plan must show storm water drainage scheme prior to the construction of Green Road as well as after Green Road is fully constructed and urbanized; ~ Applicant must enter into a Development Agreement which includes all requirements of the Engineering Services Department; ~ The Engineering Services -Parks Development Branch is requesting that the 1.3 hectare park be expanded. The applicant will be required to prepare a Park Concept Plan which demonstrates that the park is adequately sized and that the configuration of the block is suitable for a Neighbourhood Park; and 608 '. REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 9 ~ All works and services must be designed and constructed in accordance with Municipality's Design Criteria and Standard Drawings. 8.4 Enbridge Gas has no objection to the development. The owner is required to co- ordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of the affected agencies. 8.5 Rogers Cable offered no objection to the proposed development. 8.6 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board advised that the application would yield approximately 43 students to Dr. Ross Tilley School which is at overcapacity. The Board will require sidewalks on all interior roads. The Board also needs to be ensured that there is safe, unfettered access to Dr. Ross Tilley Public School from the existing and new homes during construction. 9.0 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 Partial Draft Approval for the southerly portion 18T-96014 was granted in February 1999. The subject site was considered premature for development under the previous Development Changes By-law and hence draft approved as a "Future Development Block". The revised proposal includes 86 single detached dwellings, two Medium Density blocks, one existing block for condominiums located north of Aspen Springs Drive and a new medium density block proposed for 32 townhouses. The proposal also includes a separate elementary school site and neighbourhood park. In order to the facilitate the proposed development, amendments to the Clarington Official Plan and Draft Approved Plan 18T-96014 are required. 9.2 Neiahbourhood Park and School 9.2.1 The Clarington Official Plan identifies a Neighbourhood Park symbol and Separate Elementary School symbol adjacent to one another and are shown on the west side of West Side Drive. The actual location and type of school may vary with the consent of both school boards without an amendment to the plan. 609 , , REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 10 The actual location of this school site and neighbourhood park has changed over time. A brief history is provided below. 9.2.2 In 1988, Kaitlin submitted a draft plan of subdivision for adjacent land to the east which was granted Draft Approval in February 1991. The plan showed 19 single family dwellings fronting onto West Side Drive. As a condition of Draft Approval, these lots were reserved for a period of seven years to allow the Separate School Board the option to acquire the site. The Separate School Board waived their option to acquire the site and in 1998 Kaitlin registered Plan of 40M-1944 and proceeded with the development of the homes. 9.2.3 In earlier submissions of the proposed Plans of Subdivision for 18T-96014, it was assumed that the school and park blocks would have frontage on West Side Drive. The various plans show the following: November 1996 School block and park block extending from Westside Drive to Green Road (Attachment Sa). School block fronting on West Side Drive with a neighbourhood park to the south extending to Green Road (Attachment 5b). January 1997 November 1998 School block fronting on West Side Drive with a neighbourhood park to the south between Westside Drive and a new Street 'A' (Attachment 5c). February 1999 The entire area shown as a Future Development Block when 18T-86014 was draft approved (Attachment 5d). January 2003 The current proposal shows the Separate Elementary School and Neighbourhood Park shifting to the west and proposing a new Street "A" and single family detached dwellings backing on the existing homes on West Side Drive. 610 , REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 11 9.2.4 A north-south road is required between West Side Drive and Green Road to handle overland flow during a major storm event. On Attachment 5c, a road is shown with reverse lots backing on to Green Road and a new road between the school/park and said lot. This version of the plan was shown to potential purchasers by sales agents for the Kaitlin Group. It was also the version that Staff had available at the time to show residents inquiring about future development activity. It was only a proposal, not approved and was subject to change. 9.2.5 Although the Separate School Board has not formally provided comments on the proposed Official Plan Amendment or the amendment to the Draft Approved Plan, Staff understand that they intend to begin construction of the school this fall. 9.2.6 The Kaitlin Group also wishes to proceed with the development of a subdivision on the west side of Green Road (18T-90051), south of the St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway. The draft plan shows a Neighbourhood Park Symbol and a Public Elementary School Symbol in the northeast quadrant of the site. The Planning Services and Engineering Services Departments have been discussing the size and location of the park and school blocks in 18T -90051. Staff will be meeting with the representative of the Public School Board and Kaitlin Group to discuss opportunities for a larger park in 18T-96014. 9.3 Neiahbourhood Commercial Svmbol 9.3.1 The applicant is requesting the deletion of the Neighbourhood Commercial symbol to develop 7 single detached dwellings. The applicant argues that the removal of the designation is justified given the close proximity of the site to the West Main Central Area (Clarington Centre) and the Local Central Area at Regional Road 57 and Hartwell Avenue. The applicant is of the opinion that there is insufficient market for a neighbourhood commercial development at the subject site. 611 , REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 12 9.3.2 Neighbourhood Commercial Areas are meant to provide items and services of daily necessity for the residents in the surrounding neighbourhoods. They should be convenient and within walking/cycling distance. It provides a different level of retail service than a Main Central Area or Local Central Area. The West Main Central Area and Local Central Area at Hartwell Avenue and Regional Road 57 are not in close proximity for the residents in West Side Drive area or the future development to the west. As such, Staff are requesting the applicant submit written justification from a qualified retail market professional to prove that the removal of the Neighbourhood Commercial Symbol. 9.4 As noted in Section 3.2, only the southerly portion of 18T 96014 was Draft Approved, and the balance of the site was deemed premature and approved as a "Future Development Block". The Development Charges By-law at that time did not include the construction of Green Road, improvements to Baseline Road and the Neighbourhood Park. Since then, the construction of Green Road and improvements to Baseline Road have been identified in the Development Charges forecast for 2007. The actual construction and improvement of the roads, and park may be delayed or accelerated depending on the developer's timing and the ability of the Municipality to fund projects from Development Charge revenues. Municipal conditions identified by Engineering Services Department would be the basis for timing of the release of lots for development. 10.0 CONCLUSIONS 10.1 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements under the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration the outstanding comments, staff respectfully request that this report be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. 612 , > REPORT NO.: PSD-029-03 PAGE 13 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Location Map Attachment 2 - Official Plan Amendment Attachment 3 - Proposed Amendment to Draft Approved Plan 18T-96014 Attachment 4 - Petition Attachment Sa, b, c, d - Various plans showing the locations of the elementary school and neighbourhood park blocks in 18T-90614 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Sharon Robb Kyle Simpson 7 Remmington Street 126 West Side Drive Bowmanville, ON L 1C 4Z9 Bowmanville, ON L 1C 5A2 Bob Hellam 94 West Side Drive Bowmanville, ON 1 C 4Y9 Brian Neilsen Lead Petitioner 124 West Side Drive Bowmanville,ON L 1 C 5A2 Dale Stewart Chair of Aspen Springs Community Association 92 West Side Drive Bowmanville, ON L 1C 4Y9 613 Attachment 1 ~--r- :8f;Q7-0 [') ~JU in ----- v M gtr'~ C'ES. ~~ =~8 -- 5r----J:::: =_ ~ _ ~ ~r-i=== ==-0 +-1== = r- ~ - == ~f- ~ ~I--\==J ~~-I==- 5f- 5 ~ W r-J=: ~t= h-~- I I I _ ~lQf~ KJ /~ - ~ =E=lrl~Y . 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E1e~~~~~/ _ 1-;- ~j:::: j:::: ~ I- ,). 111III11 \ . I).. S,/ \:'-- \ r- ~I- Et:. = rA h ~.~. -= f=- Etim ~ West Side 'l-----1z == f=1- J ~ ~ Po,k I ~~ ~ ~.Os'" CR 5 /~\ = 1/ ==;J == BASELINE ROAD \ I I I II I I ~ I I ~ Il___ 0 L-____ I I \ ~ I II I I r I Location Map 614 ATTACHMENT 2 AMENDMENT NO._ TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is to: i) Remove a neighbourhood commercial symbol in the Bowmanville Urban Area to permit low density residential development in its place; and, ii) Add a medium density residential symbol to permit medium density residential development. LOCATION: The subject site is located within draft approved plan of subdivision 18T-96014, north of Baseline Road and west of Green Road, Bowmanville and is contained within Lot 16, Concession 1, in the Former Town of Bowmanville. BASIS: This amendment is based on the resolution of the General Purpose and Administration Committee on with respect to Official Plan Amendment.Application ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: i) By amending Map A3, as indicated on Exhibit "1" attached to this amendment. ii) By amending Table 9-2 by: a) By adjusting the housing targets for the Westvale Neighbourhood (N13) as follows: Medium Density Total from "350" to "400" from "1750" to "1800" b) By adjusting the totals for Bowmanville area as follows: Medium Density Total from "3150" to "3200" From "22375" to 22425" 615 2 So the appropriate lines of Table 9-2 read as follows: Table 9-2 Housing Taraets by Neighbourhood Urban Area Housing Units Neighbourhoods Residential Areas Central Areas Intensification Total Bowmanville Low Medium High Medium High N13 Westvale 1025 400 275 25 . 0 75 1800 TOTAL 13200 3200 875 1225 1875 1800 22425 iii) By adjusting the population target for the Westvale neighbourhood (N13) On Map E2 - Neighbourhood Planning Units: Bowmanville Urban Area from 4700 to 4800, as shown on Exhibit 2. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, as amended regarding implementation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, as amanded, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. 616 EXHIBIT "1" AMENDMENT No. TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN MAP A3, LAND USE, BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA H . a I I (e 1.4 @ I - PRESTIGE EMPLOYMEtH AI URBAN BOUNDARY - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ARE ~ rUTURE - GENERAL URBAN RESIDENTW. INDUSTRIAL ARE D URBAN RESIDENTW. - UTILITY 00 MEDIUM DENSITY !R ENVlROIlMENTN. RESIDENTIAL PROTECTION A" LAKE ONVlRIO 00 HIGH DENSITY - RESIDENTW. GREEN SPACE MAP A3 - WJN CENTRAL AREA - WATERFROtH GI LAND USE - Loo.L CENTRAL AREA - COMMUNITY PAr BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA . NEIGHBOURHOOD . DISTRICT PARK -~_._, ,- -. ... COMMERCIAL 617 EXHIBIT "2" AMENDMENT No. TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN MAP E2, NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS. BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA t 0200 4ClCI iIIODfDJ... ''''m r----- ~ , CHANGE POPULATION FROM "4700" TO "4800" r '" 1;' ~I , MAP E2 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS BOWMANVILlE URBAN AREA lAKE ONTARIO - - - uAQIoN eouNtWh' "DGne~HOOO 80UH0AAy (1000) """"''''.. OfF'ICIAL PLAN MUN1CIPAUT'Y or CLARINGTON OECDdlE.R ". 2000 R(J'[R TO SEc;noNS S NCl 9 l~. ~..;;.;.t' ~:. ..~'.;.~~;.:u.~-.j'i}~'51 618 Lot 16 ~ // o(\u ~e(\ce .~",o"i \,,0'" ~o'\ C:>'I..~v.o,,:p(\ @ ~R. (-)0 \!j; @ 4<1 j>Sptt< @ ~@ c: o .- t/) t/) Q) (J c: o (J ~~ e: (f) w ~ Add "MEDIUM DENSITY" Symbol o <: o ~ z w w ~ (!) @@ Delete "NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL" Symbol .- e BASELINE ROAD Clarington Official Plan Amendment COPA 2003-001 61 (] ~~i <(-.011: 'r o'!,o~ , '0V: , o ~{;'" cfb ~e~ \..~~ e;,'<.' ~-!- : ~ ~ <-6j- "\ ~ ' ,\ '- .\ ' . iF :: ::<~\ ~ Jf. II III ~ II Iil P~~lI ~ltc II ~ -IH\\!!} "A.. ro I h k.."'. I: ;..--- , 1t' " I; II; : t; it . '" "1'* f' I H n If.",' :~ <',,," . ~II, 1-1.1-1.1-1-\_.- ,./' ~-' ,./ BLOCK 93 CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT 60 UnitslHa. , :\ \ - I- . . - " . . . 0 , " , , , - , , , , - , , f, f, , . ~(~ - , . . 0 T- .- 0 , . ~ --.-- , , . ii: I . 0 -,,-- i \ . w -.- . 0 , 0; ~ I " l- I , <Il , W . , - " ;: " j~TL[ 0- , , . 'I'L , , , . , ~.l BRlIDIECDURT i Attachment 3 J Proposed Amendment to Draft Approved Plan 18T -96014 620 . , ASPEN SPRINGS DRIVE l - , If- j' BLOCK 94 SEPERATE ELEMENTARY I , ., . SCHOOL IL '- - - . BLOCK 95 < ' NEIGHBOUHOOD ' : I PARK - , II rll fU illlll . ~ 01 ::1.11 <= :;1 . , ~ 't"_. .u....u_..._ i i ! , . , ; ; ; . , . - ...... .......... ;! ~ - ~ , +r"'" "" - " c . c I t, 1('111'111111111 .F ! . , . , , , , , . , . ATTACHMENT 4 March 8, 2003. To: Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington Re: Plannilll! File Nos. COPA 2003-001. I 8T-9601 4 dated February 21. 2003. We, the undersigned, wish to express our concern and strong objection with respect to the draft plan, which proposes building of homes directly behind our homes. Our homes are located on the west side of West Side Drive between Riggon Street and Aspen Springs Drive. When purchasing these homes over 4 years ago, we were told that the plan was for our lots to directly back onto a school/park setting for the entire block being referenced. We were told that the school would be fronted by the eventual extension of Green Road. We were further told that with the school/park being built directly behind us, there would then be a newly constructed road and then homes on the other side of that road. Thus, our lots were presented to us by The Kaitlin Group as "Premium Lots". We viewed draft plans from both the builder and the Town planning department, clearly showing our lots backing onto an Elementary school and neighbourhood park. This factor was a major feature and greatly influenced our decision to purchase our homes in this area. We do not want to see this feature taken away. We were also given the information that the land between Aspen Springs Drive and the CPR railroad, as well as the then vacant parcel ofland on Aspen Springs Drive would be developed with low-rise condominiums and townhouses. We felt that this may cause a concern with overpopulation in the area. West Side Drive is a main artery in the subdivision and carries a high volume of traffic. A new municipal bus route has been implemented, which we also did not anticipate when we chose to move here. Even with these concerns, we felt compensated with the knowledge that we could go into our backyards and overlook a school/park setting, which would greatly increase our feelings of tranquility and spaciousness. Several homeowners had previously signed agreements for other lots. When The Kaitlin Group was unable to build on those lots (Leo Bonathon Crescent), these homeowners changed to the lots they have now and were in fact, pleased with the change, due to the promised location of the school/park setting. In a conversation with Kelvin Whalen of The Kaitlin Group, regarding their proposal to change the original plans, Mr. Whalen indicated that many residents do not want to back onto a school/park setting. We do not support his statement, as out of the 20 lots in question, we have 20 homeowners who do in fact, want to back onto the school/park setting. Since we believe that backing onto a school/park setting was such an important feature in our decision to purchase our homes, we think that potential future resale buyers will as well see this as a tremendous selling feature. By deviating from the original plan 621 of development, we feel we will see a substantial decrease in our property values, as our homes would no longer offer something extra over other subdivision homes. Therefore, 100% of the homeowners want to stick with the original plan. Most of the homeowners have now put up fences. For those who put up fences along the back of the property, almost all have also put in gates with the anticipation of easy access to a park or schoolyard for our children to play in. Also, these gates allow us to visit our neighbours more freely. We have developed close friendships in our neighbourhood and we were excited about the promise and possibilities that backing directly onto a school/park setting would present for us. The homes between 120 West Side Drive, right along to the north at Aspen Springs Drive, back onto a substantial increased elevation in land, with elevation increasing dramatically to the north --- 4 - 12 feet higher than our neighbours to the south. We are concerned that ifhomes are allowed to be built directly behind us at this increased elevation, that we will experience loss of enjoyment of our homes due to lack of privacy and sight lines being made worse with the new homes being much taller than our homes. Of course, this would also further negatively impact our potential resale property values. This increased elevation has also presented ongoing water drainage issues. Water drainage has been a huge concern for those homeowners from 120 West Side Drive, right along to the north at Aspen Springs Drive. A drainage ditch was dug along this area, but only serves to further compound the problem, as water remains pooled for long periods of time. Concern about the West Nile virus, and just the fact that our children are exposed to stagnant and/or deep water prevails. Although property lines must match existing grades at the back of the respective properties, this increased elevation would provide for slopes on the new lots, which would continue to aggravate the existing water drainage problems. These new homes would interfere with the natural flow of water in this area much more so than an open school/park setting would. Any potential landscaping on these new lots would have to be continually scrutinized to ensure that it does not further intensify this ongoing problem. Thus, we are concerned that if houses are allowed to be built directly behind us in this area, that water drainage problems will further increase. We believe that builders must be held accountable for what they sell to families. When families are sold on the concept of backing onto a school/park setting, the builder should not be allowed to come back in a year or two and then change the plans. We bought our homes in good faith from the builder --- the builder should also show the families the same good faith. We are not opposed to The Kaitlin Group's plan to build homes behind us, that is, with the school/park setting being a buffer zone between our lots and the new lots. What we ARE opposed to is The Kaitlin Group's plan to build homes DIRECTLY behind us, that is, backing directly onto our lots. This totally contradicts all information we were presented with, and considered, at the time of our purchase. We have attached our names and addresses on the following pages. 622 West Side Drive homeowners opposed to Planning File Nos. COPA 2003-001. 18T-96014 dated Februarv 21. 2003. NAME FULL ADDRESS SIGNATURE (?j.{ l f 1...1, VI it . {..( (J tlr V't t:=..2c.. '/ It (, i~i'f' ,~ Lp-~r<:.,f J~I,~ R~~ad . ~~K. ~ce>C0L- . /C:.c, (l.JF-~T...!.'/tJ~- 0.:. II/E' . " . t .' i , . J. . It r-J-.- ,.-- fcl. '..J,:::''s'l".1r'.:Jc ,-:Jt, v>.:: '.7'- ,k:'c, -+:'1..(..'.( ~\ t:~->eW\n'r"I- -~ \ /01> 0~s..J.~'~ IJn "<2- {f95 0~~/'i.l~ I)r,;,;p /10 tf.N..r / >fIJ~ a.lt/~ . .0'- 571z . / ( c .. v:,?S"" )1' {r'e> P n (..C:". Lj C ")>"1 <......~...~" , ---- - 7'~';!f"'--. / .:\~ 0(Jh~u j 1"2 <..)J ~\ S.d ~ 'JJ.- Lf L ';1'\ C ( 'J) L/ (;..y ~ \ \.,........J ,-._...-J \"""' \;::;.ES,\.~\o<.# \\<t. L \C.SW S ~-^- ,1 11Ul l;1srSd~G? DR. l/tsA d &,kow ~j;(.Je Ii (Ca(h~ 1/& ~f,<;lole pro J--JL7f1- J 0-. N . ~ West Side Drive homeowners opposed to Planning File Nos. COPA 2003-001. 18T-96014 dated February 21. 2003. NAME FULL ADDRESS SIGNATURE .' /1 I ):j:.'~7Jk> hrll,),? ;'Jy (JV~~')I-J{- ,iJ;r Lie. ,)ffr {('O c.JtJls:Jt Do". L I ( -) /h 120 t;Jes-r S\ Oe' [kiu? LI C ';-AZ- rto CJeYl 'Sip!:? Jl LIe 5AZ \11 W0>,\ SIJ)f 1>(1.. LIt ~Plv 12. 2- Wer.1 SLok t)r Lie 513.2.. .~ 1!,.JirL .,D",;.!)U Ar../J ION9 S-reevCc, PeR~ 51~GU~ , VWL \iJt~il<:' La"'I"\e Wa-'H~ S ~t:l... ('\tlf,....s:>~ IJ-I.l "",\.. >/O~ o~ L-1C.c;"" ~ ~fl6u..EY l....)ftn,orJ ~ SIMpson ~k. 5;h1(Y50~ I?.l(' U\~7r :5ID6 ~. L,e. 51/~ 12.(p 'vJec,t Sldt; lx. LIe 5AL 12.10 IJ.J.er:k Stdt_ Ix- L1C5A2 _~ lL- L.. \.\ E''i,!',c") >--) \ l~ WF<.., SlDF DR. MQ.r<ilQf~~ I-\~ssor.. \'l.~ Wed- ~ Id~ 0(. 0., f'V ~ I .' .. , ) /:'//2/)~l; I"n. f.t1.Q, ~ . West Side Drive homeowners opposed to Planning File Nos. COPA 2003-001. l8T-96014 dated Februarv 21. 2003. \fAME . , 3 ~)I... ] o' ~ ~ '\-<:.." , ','-'} v -.:;..> /{ l.:\')t~' l\; (,~'ICt '" 1(4<... Flewd Sl\ Sc\ () t=~e€fV\~1\ r'0 e~ Ma {\ Jo-dtme F 0../'1 Ce ~\o ~iI\ce. A ! f:xI L-C U (., J.DRI 6ol.,bUC 0"- r-v Ul FULL ADDRESS \"'~D \"J~\ <,~ Dr . ~ ($ vJ J.U'i <; LJ0 t: .() ( \3') WfSt $ltl€, Dr \ 3). \t~,S\ S.\d~ 'Dr 134 \0e;\ s,~ \:), /34 lOp)! stee \)\' I 5ep ~Jp)f )~J.f ;r- l36 c0e.s t- )ich. 1\- /30 Wc5T 51D~ Dr ~3~ WEST S/(')c pi< SIGNATURE .- ( ~&.. tP~ ~~, 'lAME ~I\TA.s.1tA ~\~tl <-~ t+-/nJ "\ARLON t4~~ . ),...... MAc- """6J"'-,,j br.Q^~~ AA.a.c..- ~ III. ........ a-. f'0 0-, . West Side Drive homeowners opposed to Planning File Nos. COPA 2003-001. l8T-960l4 dated Februarv 21. 2003. FULL ADDRESS \~z.. ~- ~iu:e ~ 3.,."'Mit,.uJiu..C 14z. -Ne::.-t\ OS \Cl;e, J:>R. ) \, IHP~ \f' ''^) 'T4- I, \ Ar.fU- \'P(l.....~ I ~\- LIC-51't2 L\'--~ L1C.{,4-v uc.f..h- SIGNATURE :( ac..~~ 4'- ""x"v,,-- , _ ~ . ;(0: ,;-. i. ",' iU ;;!!: :-.1. k;U~ " 51,',; '. .~ ; ~ Ii;,' ....----1~. _ . ;'f Ii ; . d I ',,' ',' - --,' ~ , <:- ;-., --- '. I ,~ i "~ .\1 ?~ :;~; ~. ~~ \1 . :h' · . ;,.' t ~..~;~: ~4: -! \. 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