HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-17 Minutes Tyrone Community Centre June 17, 2015 Present: Joy Vaneyk, Claude Godin, Cecile Bowers, Larry Quinney, Ed Wilson, Dave Taylor, Walter Loveridge, Corinne VandeGrootevheen, Laurie LaFrance. Also present: Lisa Pleasance. Working: Paul Rowan and Corinna Traill. Minutes of May 27, 2015 Meeting: Corrected: The cost for the December 31 st dance is approximately $50.00. M/S by Larry and Corinne to accept minutes as corrected. CARRIED. Treasurer’s Report Approximately $21,500.00 is total given by Joanne Skinner to Joy Vaneyk. Grant received from Municipality $3,000.00, has not yet been deposited. Joanne to contact Claude...could not attend tonight, not well. Maintenance Report: Larry volunteered to do paint touch-ups inside building. Town fixed west kitchen door latch. Eastside weather stripping between kitchen and hall door needs fixing...Larry to do this. Claude asked about Electrical—Joy reported that Town said wiring was good enough, Town upgraded to 4-20 amps. Bookings: Clarington Bicycle Tour on Monday, August 17...Corinne reported they will use hall for lunch, comfort, etc. Approx 1-3 p.m. Old Business: Status of Bar Counter quotes...Adam too busy now, Durham Precision only quote so far. Larry to contact Tim Lyttle for quote on bar and ladies’ washroom counter. We will need new sinks, taps, when new counters. Upcoming Events: July 22—7 p.m. September 27 Oktoberfest from 12 to 4 p.m. New Business: Joy reported items noted at All Boards Meeting at Town Hall: No minutes received from TCC since 2011. Regarding Permanent Liquor Licence: we are not eligible as it is a liability issue...Ask Fred. Regarding liquor permits: We have single, one-time events-all liquor must be removed from premises within 45 minutes of bar closing. Fred Horvath will attend Sept. Meeting to tell rules. No smoking in playgrounds and sports fields---should be strictly enforced. Green Book Occupational Health and Safety Act should be posted in plain view. Bartenders must be board members. WIMIS..there will be changes of the name and rules to which you adhere. Trillium Grant-we need to partner with some other groups—need to look into this matter. Energy Saving Projects: Can partner with Town by September 15...eg. programmable thermostat; weather stripping all doors and sealing windows; energy efficient light bulbs. Claude to phone Hydro One to see if Hall is eligible for any rebate due to Medium Density. Hall Phone was discussed...need this phone for Fire Hall...regarding Sprinkler system. This bill is very high due to being Commercial. June 28 at 10:30 a.m will be a garden clean-up and more. June Dance: Approximate profit: $1969.95. M/S by Laurie LaFrance and Claude Godin to adjourn. CARRIED.