HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-02-18 Minutes (2) not a duplilcate Tyrone Community Centre Annual Meeting February 18, 2015 Annual Meeting: Present: Corinna Traill Municipal Representative, Larry Quinney, Joy Vaneyk, Dave Taylor, Laurie LaFrance, Claude Godin. Walter Loveridge representing Seniors. Absent: Corinne VandeGrootevheen, Ed Wilson and Joanne Skinner who is ill. Interested parties Cecile Bowers and Paul Rowan. Meeting opened by Corinna Traill. Nominations to the 2015-2016 Board. Members present agreed to remain on Board. Corinne had previously agreed in absentia to remain on the board and still do the Rental bookings. Joy Vaneyk agreed to be Chairman of the Board. Joy Vaneyk nominated Cecile Bowers to become a Board member. Cecile accepted and accepted the position as Secretary. Cecile nominated Paul Rowan to become a Board Member at Large..Paul accepted that he would make meetings as possible...is a firefighter. Opened General Meeting: M/S by Cecile Bowers and Larry Quinney to approve minutes as typed. CARRIED. Regarding Finance: Claude Godin who has agreed to do the books until Joanne is better, he will meet with Joanne to find out more about expenses, etc. Maintenance Report: Larry showed sample #66-Shadow Ridge carpet for stage, all agreed on texture and colour. He will purchase it. Questions of the electrical problems...noted that the electrical has been fully checked and all is up to code. We do have problems with people plugging in too many devices into outlets in main hall and blowing fuses, no problem in kitchen. M/S by Cecile and Joy to ask town if they would give permission for Board to add two power outlets either side of the stage. CARRIED. Need to run separate circuit, each side of stage or run 2 circuits, meaning four lines to bring up the power in these outlets. We need to approach Town to see if they would cover this expense. Bookings: Coming up is Church Dinner Feb. 28, 2015. February 23 funeral for Glenn Smith. Dance Report: Dave reported that they did get a few more at last two dances. New Year’s Eve Dance is booked. Upcoming Events: Proposal regarding having a fundraiser to help Carson McConaghy family, their daughter seriously injured in car accident, hospital expenses very high in Toronto. Will discuss at March meeting. Communications Report: Joy to sent Card of Thanks to Sue Sutcliffe for her services in keeping Tyrone Community Centre webpage, it will close February 28. Old Business: Need to get quotes for bar counter and ladies’ washroom counter. New Business: Parking lot lights...insufficient in lighting parking lot..safety issue. Ladies’ washroom doors...need repair Bookshelves...Joy and Cecile to check shelves, cupboards and filing cabinet and tidy as necessary. Also the basement under kitchen and purge as necessary. Cecile had asked where picture of R.S. McLaughlin had gone, it always hung just inside hall, as his large donation paid for the pictures hung in the hall. Cenotaph bricks are deteriorating and Cecile to speak to Wayne Avery, a stone mason. Larry to speak to Rob Groen about water in basement...dampness could be a health issue. Page Two: February 18, 2015 Cecile noted that the walkway is a safety issue as the start of the walkway is dangerously raised for anyone with walkers, etc. They cannot handle the ledge and it needs to be addressed and also the interlocking brick has sunk in some areas. Should be dealt with by the Town. M/S by Cecile Bowers and Joy Vaneyk to adjourn. CARRIED.