HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-09 Minutes 10 - 2 Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Munkipaiity of C1ar�n ton Minutes of Meeting — Tuesday June, 9th, 2015 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance - Gord Lee, Chair Gordon Maker, Vice Chair Carol Little, Sue White, Gary Oliver, Regional Councillor Woo, Councillor Partner, Jay Summers, Arena Manager Bryan Wiltshire. Absent—Shea -Lee Latchford 1. Call to Order - 7;05 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes - Motion# 15-115 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of May 12, 2015 are accepted, as presented, with no changes or corrections noticed. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Sue White CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report- Bryan advised and showed the committee his progress to date on the refurbishing of the rink boards. Another two -3 days was the estimated time fame for completion. Then, the rink board signs would be reinstalled. A few pieces of Lexan would require replacement for re-covering some of the signs. The board members had previously discussed the possibility of selling off some of the old plastic from the boards being replaced. However, with further inspection of the condition of the rink boards, it was decided to give them away or dispose of them ourselves. At the conclusion of the rink board repairs,Bryan had plans to take some of his vacation time. Through the week of Canada Day there was little activity taking place at the arena. He then would be back in time to look after the week-end of the Gift of Art Show in the arena—(July 11& 12, 2015). (2) Further discussions took place on our need for a handicap area for visitors in walkers or mobile devises. Further discussions will take place this summer, as we clarify some constriction issues. The Olympia Ice Resurfacer had been picked up by the manufacturer for a few repairs and updates. Olympia will provide Bryan with a list of requirements before proceeding. We can then determine the costs and necessity of such repairs. 4. Financial Report—Accounts receivables and an income statement were provided by the chair for YTD May 31, 2015. $10,716.60 was reported as outstanding. However, collections had been received since month-end. $6,966.00 of the o/s amount was Clarington Girls Hockey and it had been collected. There were a couple of minor concerns which necessitated a phone call. Bryan and the chair were going to follow-up on these. The income statement showed little change due to the minimal activity in the month of May. Revenue YTD was $141,040.51. The chair advised he would probably place some of the funds in our current account into a short-term GIC for the summer, once all our payment cheques had cleared. 5. Business Follow-Up—The plan to have a mission statement and rules of behavior and safety signage developed and posted was further discussed. A draft of same will be prepared for our July or August meeting for the board's final changes and// or approval for printing. 6. New Business - Concerns for the condition of the parking lot and some of the brick work on the north side of the building were discussed. Bryan would follow-up with the Municipality to have the concerned areas inspected. He will report back at our July meeting. 7. Adjournment—Motion # 15-116 was proposed: THAT: The meeting is adjourned; Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Councillor Woo CARRIED i Newcastle Memorial Arena ment Board lM unici a1ity ®f Clarinat®n Minutes of Meeting— Tuesday August 11, 2015 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance—Gord Lee, Chair Gord Blaker, Vice Chair Carol Little, Sue White, Gary Oliver, Jay Summers, Regional Councillor Willie Woo, Councillor Partner. Absent— Shea-Lea Latchford 1. Call to Order—7:07 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes - Motion # 15— 117 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of Tuesday June 9th, 2015 are accepted as presented. (No meeting was held in July). Moved by: Sue White Seconded by: Jay Summers CARRIED 3. Opening Conversation—The chair brought up the meeting that took place amongst councilors Woo and Partner and executive members of the NVMHA, regarding ice time at the arena. He expressed his disappointment that he was not advised or invited. Jay Summers, who was one of the attendees representing the NVMHA explained to the committee that it was not a formal meeting, but an info exchange on the current and future needs of ice in Newcastle. Regardless, of the purpose of discussion; as it concerned the arena board's inability to provide adequate ice time for the hockey league, the chair felt he should have been in attendance. Further discussion took place regarding ice time, particularly week night prime time as opposed to week-end ice. Every team in the NVMHA has week-end ice time. It is impossible to take any more Saturday or Sunday ice in Newcastle—they would have teams playing twice a day on the week-end. Jay advised the committee that ice was being purchased by their association outside the municipality and perhaps a review of ice (2) Allocation throughout the municipality could take place. It was suggested to Jay Summers that the NVMHA should write a formal request to the arena board, advising of the current and estimated future needs of ice. Then, we could formalize a meeting with community services and/or council in an attempt to find a solution. Perhaps, week night ice may be available in other municipality arenas. In the meantime,the chair would initiate conversation with Community Services for a possible study of scheduled ice in municipality rinks. Possibly, this could result in ice revenue staying in Clarington. Jay advised he would follow-up with the NVMHA executive and suggest they initiate dialogue back to our board members. 4. Arena Manager's Report—Brian advised he was gearing towards a September 91h start- up of the ice plant, with the ice pad to be ready for September 17th— 19th. Our ice—re- surfacer was out for service at Olympia and he had provided a list of requirements. Repairs and maintenance were quoted in the area of$2,800.00 plus transportation back to us and HST. Motion # 15-118 was proposed: THAT: Bryan proceed with the required maintenance to the Olympia. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED Further: Painting and maintenance to the building were being carried out with he and one part-time employee. The snack bar needed attention and Bryan was concerned with the floor area; suggesting it may be time to replace the tiles. It was suggested he acquire recommendations and pricing for a new floor. The municipality had carried out an inspection of the building and parking lot and Mr. Horvath would be getting back to our chair and Bryan with future maintenance plans. Particularly the parking lot, which needs attention. Gary Oliver offered to supervise the snack bar staff again this season. He and Bryan would be interviewing applicants for the part-time positions available. Gary, Bryan and Gord Lee would meet early in September and discuss food and specialty needs for refreshment sales and signage. Councillor Woo suggested the chair contact Sherry—Lee and Geoff from Krumbs, local bakers who also sell in the Clarington Farmer's Market. They may be interested in providing a few specialty items to sell. Gord will follow-up. (3) 5. Financial Report—With our bookkeeper on vacation, no income statement or accounts receivable were provided. Bryan advise: Scott Turner had made a payment on his outstanding ice account and the balance still owing was now at $394.00. 6. New Business— • Jay Summers requested a rental of the arena floor area and lobby for the NVMHA spring hockey registration. The ice will be out and nothing was currently scheduled for that day. • Gord advised:Signage for the entry doors to the dressing rooms was underway and would be completed by early September; to read— Players, Coaches and Team Personal Only • Gord also provided a draft copy of the Public Skating Rules of Conduct sign to be posted in the arena. • Motion # 15-119 was proposed: THAT: the board members approve the draft copy and proceed with getting the signs produced and placed on location—Two locations in the building were suggested and approved. Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Councillor Partner CARRIED 7. Next Meeting—Tuesday September 8, 2015 —7:00 P.M. 8. Adiournment—Motion # 15-120 was proposed: THAT: this meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Councillor Woo Seconded by: Jay Summers CARRIED i i