HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-010-03 , '\... ...-,. CJ. II L~~ REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, January 6, 2003 /!ol G?/l-mr--03 By-law #: Report #: PSD-010-03 File #: PLN 34,5,2,30 Subject: APPLICATION FOR ALTERATION OF DESIGNATED HERITAGE STRUCTURE 182 CHURCH STREET, BOWMANVlLLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report PSD-010-03 be received; 2, THAT as the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee has no objection to the replacement of the original six-over-six sash windows in the east and west elevations with reproduction six-over-six sash windows, the application from Carolyn Wilson for alteration of 182 Church Street, Bowmanville, be APPROVED, in accordance with Section 33 (4) of the Ontario Heritage Act. R.S,O, 1990; and 3, THAT Carolyn Wilson, the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, and the Ontario Heritage Foundation be advised of Council's decision, Submitted by: ~.I.P..RP.P Director, Planning Services --~~ -kI ranklin Wu /u Chief Administrative Officer IL*CP*DC*df 16 December 2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 650 -- !. REPORT NO.: PsD-010-03 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On November 15, 2002, the Planning Services Department received a request from Carolyn Wilson, the owner of 182 Church Street, Bowmanville (Attachment 1) for permission to remove all original six-over-six sash windows from the designated heritage building (Attachment 2), This property was designated in 1997 under By-law 97-16 (Attachment 3). 1,2 The request was forwarded on to the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) for consideration at their November 19th meeting, Upon review of the application the LACAC passed the following motion: 'That the Chair or LACAC liaison will contact the home owners, thank them for their letter and discuss heritage renovations that might solve their concem, If they still want to remove the windows, LACAC will arrange to have the designation by-law changed about the six-over-six sash windows," 1,3 At the request of the Chair, the LACAC Liaison contacted the owner to discuss the possibility of restoring the existing windows instead of replacing them. The owner subsequently agreed to retain the original windows and second story door in the front fac;:ade and replace the windows in the east and west elevations only. Ms, Wilson revised her alteration proposal in a letter dated November 25th, 2002 (Attachment 4). The revision was forwarded to Council and the LACAC. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 Section 33 (1) of the Ontario Heritage Act states that no owner of a property designated under Par IV of the Act shall alter the property or permit the alteration of the property where the alteration is likely to affect the reason for the designation unless the owner applies to Council and receives consent in writing, On December 9th Ms. Wilson's application for alteration was reviewed by Council. Council referred the correspondence to the Director of Planning Services and the LACAC, 651 '- ,. 1 REPORT NO.: PSO-010-03 PAGE 3 2.2 The Act states that Council is to notify the owner that the application has been received. Notification dated December 11th was forwarded to Ms. Wilson. Council is to consult with the LACAC and make a decision within 90 days of notifying the owner. If Council consents to the application upon certain terms and conditions, or refuses the application, the owner may apply to Council for a hearing before the conservation Review Board. 2.3 The LACAC and Planning Services staff are both sympathetic to the additional expenses incurred by property owners in restoring and maintaining a heritage structure, It is to this effect that the LACAC approved the motion to support the removal of the original windows if the owner perceived this as the only viable option. 2.4 Ms, Wilson's original proposal to remove all original windows would have necessitated a heritage by-law amendment as the six-over-six sash windows are listed as one of the designated exterior architectural features, It will no longer be necessary to amend by-law 97-16 as the original six-over-six sash windows will remain in the front faliBde, Replacement of the east and west windows in this building will not have a serious detrimental affect on the reasons for designation. Although the east and west elevations can be seen from the street, it is the front fa<;:ade which is the most significant. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3,1 Staff recommend that the application for alteration from Ms. Wilson, dated November 25, 2002, to replace the six-over-six sash windows in the east and west elevation with six-over-six reproduction windows, be approved. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Original Proposal Attachment 3 - By-law 97-16 Attachment 4 - Revised Application 652 , , REPORT NO.: PsD-010-03 PAGE 4 Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Mavis Carlton Chair, LACAC 119 Cove Road Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3K3 Ms. Carolyn Wilson 182 Church Street Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 1T9 Ontario Heritage Foundation 10 Adelaide Street East Toronto, ON M5C 1J3 653 ATTACHMENT 1 Subject Site 182 Church Street, Bowmanville Lot 1 2 'VIIIIIIII III I~II I I I II CONCESSION I.JJ CLAR/NGTON ~ BEECH 'S! CENTRE <( I U I.JJ I.JJ III W I.JJ a:: tii L ..- 654 '- r I j: ATTACHMENT 2 November 15, 2002 If{Wf7""lwmyn j ~1 .u;,\Vl1~.J \/ ll--::\(_'j 'j NOV 1 5 7~n2 MUNIC1P;'::LiTV \j~ CLI,j~;fjC:TON PL .Jil,'c1"f.;, ;::f~' -_.,-----"-~~.~_.- To: Clarington Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) Re: 182 Church Street, Bowmanville Attention: Isabel Little In an effort to reduce energy costs we would like to upgrade the windows in our "new" home, We plan to remove the brown aluminum storm windows and replace the original Six over Six windows with new ivory vinyl Six over Six double hung windows, The inside window casings and trim would not be affected or damaged in any way, We hope to replace the east and west upstairs windows this year and continue with the main floor winqows in the near future, We believe this change will greatly improve the overall "look" of our home and by removing the brown aluminum storms will restore the windows to a-fllOre natural 1860's look, Yours truly, rbw~dio~ Carolyn Wilson 182 Church Street, Bowmanville, On Ll C IT9 905 623-6868 See Attached 655 c~ 656 /' ---r--_< I '- .....- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW #97-16 being a by-law to designate the property known for municipal purposes as 182 Church Street, Part Lot 12, Concession 1, former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Municipality of Clarington as a property of historic or arcMectural value or interest under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S,O, 1990, Chapter 0,18 WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S,O, 1990, C,O,18 authorizes the council of the municipality to enact by-laws to designate properties to be of historic or architectural value or interest for the purposes of the Act; and WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has caused to be served upon the owner of the property known for municipal purposes as 182 Church Street, former Town of Bowmanville and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Notice of Intention to Designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such Notice of Intention to be published in the Canadian Statesman, a newspaper having general circulation in the area of the designation on December 4, 1996; and WHEREAS the reasons for the designation of the aforesaid property under the Ontario Heritage Act are contained in Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of th is by-law; and WHEREAS the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of the Municipality of Clarington has recommended that the property known for municipal purposes as 182 Churoh Street, Bowmanville be designated as a property of historic or architectural value or interest under the Ontario Heritage Act; and WHEREAS no notice of Objection to the proposed designation was served upon the Clerk within the period prescribed by the Ontario Heritage Act; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1, The property known for municipal purposes as 182 Church Street, Bowmanville which is more particularly described in Schedule "B" which is attached to and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as a property which has historic or architectural value or interest Linder Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S,O, 1990, C,O,18, 2, The Solicitor for the Municipality of Clarington is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be registered against the title to the property described in Schedule "B" hereto, 3, The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be served upon the owner of the property described in Schedule "B" hereto and on the Ontario Heritage Foundation, The Clerk also is authorized to cause notice of the passing of this by-law to be pUblished in the Canadian Statesman, a newspaper having general circulation in the area of the designation, By-law read a first and second time this 27th day of January 1997, By-law read a third time and finally passed this 27th day of January 1997, 657 ATTACHMENT 3 -- SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW #97-16 Built circa 1871. this house depicts the Gothic Revival form of architecture with its symmetrical format, steep pitched roof and gable. The house has been constructed in the Flemish bond pattern of brickwork and still retains its original windows and interior wood trim, It is recommended for designation under the Ontario Heritage Act for the following architectural features: Exterior · the Flemish bond brick facade · the six over six sash windows · the stone window brackets and hood-mouldings · the main entrance transom and sidelights Interior · the medallions of the front hall and IMng room · the staircase, railings and bannister · the wide wooden baseboards · the wooden window casings and trim · the wooden door casings 658 r lIl1JcCIErrWll1l) ]~IErr"'T!?T r\Mrrr.jiTlC.)) "" I..\,rJi:J"J II J I I )' ~"I /' -, NO V 2 5 2002 "- ATTACHMENT 4 O-'-{ ~ MUi~!CIPALir-l OF C,-c'ti\:UGTON PLAI~Nii~G DEPARTMeNT NOV 2 5 2002 I,1UNiClPALlTY OF CLARINGTON MAYOR'S OfF1C~ November 25, 2002 To: Clarington Town Council Cc: Clarington Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) AGENDA Re: 182 Church Street, Bowmanville This letter is further to my letter of November 15th, 2002 advising LACAC of our desire to replace the windows in our home at 182 Church Street, Bowmanville, We plan on living in this lovely old home for the next 10 to 20 years. In order to do this our monthly energy expenditures will have to be greatly reduced and maintenance will have to be streamlined, We have gone over the pros and cons of replacement windows many times and feel they are necessary for reducing our monthly costs, Repairing the existing windows and having wooden stonns and separate wooden screens made would entail: - Cost, possiblv less up front but over time would prove to be more costly - Yearly putty and painting would be necessary - Hiring someone twice a year to put them on and take them off because of the height of the upper windows and the size of the main floor windows, Safe storage in this case would/be a ." problem. - Even if we don't seasonally remove them they wquldstill have to be removed on a regular basis for cleaning. (PJ~~ebeat:iI1.. (fg"~~ D___ mind the "insides" of all the windows haven't b~~:cl&a.!led in '- "" " years because it entails actually removing the oU$ide ',' ,.", , aluminum stonns, All of the main floor windowsJiave been painted shut. 659 r '- .. ~, . Page 2 We will gladly work with someone to restore, repair and make a period style storm "DOOR" for the upper front South facing window/door. And, if necessary, also leave the 2 main floor front windows (South facing) as they are and at some time in the future have them restored with period style wooden storms. Our main concern as winter approaches is the upper East and West facing windows. They are in bad repair and very fragile, possibly due to the constant condensation between the original windows and the aluminum storms. We can't seem to get the temperature upstairs above 62 degrees F. The replacement windows we would like to use are reproduction 6 over 6 and I would have them made in IVORY so they won't stand out like white ones would. Also, I would go with only bottom half screens which is more in line with older windows. Thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter, Yours truly, Y;~rfl/~&Y-- Carolyn Wilson 182 Church Street, Bowmanville, OnLIC IT9 905 634-6868 66U