HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-012-04 ~JI.' .",. REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT FJ-!> Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE ANOAOMfMtSTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MONDAY, JUNE 7, 2004 Resolution #:MA-ol1~"01 Report #: FND-012-04 File #l By-law #: SUbject: ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR TtqiOEVELOPMENT C...MGES'RESERVE FUNDS FQftTHE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 , 2003 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended the General PurpQ$e and Administr..tive Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-012-04be~f()f' information. -by. &~ ~~:T~ ,B.BA.~ Director of Finance ~viewed bP~-J~ FrankllnWu Chief Administrative Officer NMT/hjl 13.81 Il". , REPORT NO.: FNO..o1.2-04 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND 1.0 In accordance with Bill 98, an Act topr~jobcreation and increased municipal accountability while providing for the reco.YelYof development costs related to new growth, Schedule "A" attached shol/YSt"e af;tivity in the Development Charges Reserve Funds for the year ended December 31, 2003. 2.0 For the year ended December 31, 2003, a lol<il. of 843 residential building permits were iSSued. Approximately 826 units were anticipated for 2003 in the development charge study review and update. Also, a total of 25 capital projects have been financed by the Development Charges Reserve funds. Attachments: Schedule "A" - Development Charges Study Review and Update Schedule "B" ~ Committed Amounts from Prior Years'Budgets/Council Approvals Schedule "C" - Capital Expenditures CORPQRAllON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARtNGTON 40 tEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVlLI,.E, ONTAAlO L1C 3A6 t (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1302 It MUNICIPAUTY OF ClARlNGTON DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUNDS STATEMENT FOR THE 20113 YEAR " SCHEDULE A GENERAL UBRARY RRE INDOOR PARK DEV. PUBUC WORKS ROADS AND STORMWATER TOTAL GOVERNMENT BOARD DEPARTMENT RECREATION AND FAClUTlES DEPARTMENT RELATED DRAINAGE & CONTROL SERV. IBalance as of December 31 2002 (86,265 255,894 (1,002 442 (778 739 (343,062 (565 866 (5,852 338 - j8,372816 PLUS: Development Chllf90 Proceeds (227,580) (270,773) (372,426) (1,245,558) (704,011 ) (385,119) (2,595,371) - (5,780,837 Interest Apportionment (2,674) - (14,391) (5,206) (8,903) (9,198) (83,205) - (123,577 Transfer from Reserve Fund - - - - - - - - - Transfer from Capital Fund - - - ransfer from Revenue Fund - - - - - - - - - ~- .,~- -.. TOTAL (230 t216 7f~ 13888111 1250.""") (f12,~14 (37431 f 12 678 576 - (5904415 ~SS: TransIen8d to Capital Fund . 14,741 349,118 48,651 1,695,168 2,115,471 - .. 7.794 - T......... to Revenue Fund 29.080 112.900 .. 1,150,553 - .. - - 1,292,513 - .. - - - - - - , TOTAL 29 080 112,wu 14741 1158 347 349118 48851 1 695 168 - 3407 994 CIosina Balance as of Decemb0131 2003 (287 4591 98 020 (1374518 (871155 (706 859 (891 532 (6,835,744 - {10 869 2471 Committed Amounts from Prior Years - 1.098 .. 233,760 2,470 204,156 149,695 3.526,864 - 4,117,840 I!!lIlanco Available for Futuro Needs 286,383 98 020 1 140758 1868 686 1502 703 .241837 3 309 080 - ~ I . See Schedule C ~ See Schedule B NOTE: Total Development Charges coHected on beha~ oHIlo Re9ion In 2003 Loss: Amounts paid to tt10 Region Total Developrnont Charges due to the Region at December 31, 2003 6,307,444 (6,307.444) .. ~ c::> ~ ~ '" ~.~ SCHEDULE B ",",UNICIPALITY OF CUUUNGHJft DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FlESERVIlfUND STATEMENT FOR THE 2003 YEAR COMMITTED AMOUNTS FROM PRIOR YEAllS' BUDGETSICOUNCIL APPROVALS YEAR PR.OJECT I DESCRIPTION AMOUNT COMMITTED RESERVE FUND: ROADS AND RELATED DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 1999 to 2003 c..p~al Budget -road reconstruction 3,110,846 . -traffic signals 276,226 -sidewalks 63,900 -streetlights 31,040 -road surfacing 44,652 Total 3,526,664 IlEsERVE FUND: INDOOR RECREATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 200"1 Capital -Courlice Community Park - Arena projecl-<lesign 2,470 Total 2,470 RESERVE FUND: FIRE DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT CHA.Il.GE 2003 Capital -Courtice Fire Station 233,760 Total 233,760 RESERVE FUND: GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEVEWPMENT CHARGE 2003 Council -Bowmanville King Street East Corridor Study 1,096 Total 1,096 !JlESERVE FUND: PARK DEVELOPMENT & FACILITY DEVEWPMENT CHARGE 2000 Council -courtice Parks Baseball Assoc.-batljng cage 4,958 2001 Council -Wabridge Park NBHD Park development 7,287 2003 Capital Budget -Bowmanville Waterfront Redevelopment Feasillility Study 86,601 2003 Capital Budget -South Courlice Community Park - Soccer Field 1 103.081 2003 Capital Budget -Bowmanville Valley Trail 2,029 Total 204,156 RESERVE FUND: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENt' DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 2003 CapitaVCouncil -F1eet- Roads 149,695 . Total 149,695 toTAL COMMITl'ED TO DEVELOPMENT CHARGts RESERn: FUNDS 4.117,840 1304 , ~ .., MIINlCIf!AUTY of GTOft DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUHDSTATEMENT FOR THE 2003 YEAR AMOllNT .F1N~ NON D/C "'~. CAI'ITAL EXPENJ)ITURES FINANCING DESCRIPTION Fire Deoartment: , Vehicle 18,915 14,741 Fire Department D/C RIF 4175 Fire Equipment RtF Indoor Recreation: Expansion CCC fitness centre 7,794 7794 Indoor Recreation DlC RtF Park Develooment and Facilities: South Courtice Community Part< - Soccer Field 1 230,983 200,054 Part< Dev. & Facilities D/C RtF 30,929 Tax Levy Bowmanville valley Trail 157,657 136.547 Part< Dev. & Facilities D/C RtF 21,110 Public Works & Parks Capital RIF Bowmanvilia Waterfront Redevelopm&nl 4,614 4,199 Part< Dev. & Facilities DlC RIF 415 Tax Levy Guildwood Part< 8.318 8318 Part< Dev. & Facililles D/C RtF Public Works OeDsrtment- Purchase Vehiole - Part<s 24,826 18,684 Public Works Department D/C RIF 6,162 Tax Levy Purchase New equipment Hampton 271 271 Pubiic Works Department DIC RIF PurchaSe Vehicle UftIHoist - Hampton 79,052 29,716 Public Works Department D/C RtF 49 336 Public Works Eouinment RIF SCHEDULE C 1305 ; ~t CCC>. , SCHllOULI1C M C .'C ".c.'CC c. C : .., OEVEI:.ClPMeNT CHAR$EeIlESERYE I'I.IItQ$TA.'fEMeNT I . FOR T$ 2Q03,YJ:A.R ' ~ ,~ Die Kit' CAPI'f4I. EXPENDI'T(1Ill:S FINANCING DESCRIPTION I ! . ~0ad8 : Pre~IOilVale Road - Street Ughting 6,451 5,065 Roads and Related OIC RIF c. 1,393 Tax lavy Middle Road, Bowmanville 8,596 8,596 R0ad8 andRalated D/C RIF lonewortn Avanue, Bowmanllille 53$,331 453,199 Roads and Related DIG RIF 65,424 Municipal Capital Worka 17,707 R0ad8 Contril>utiOn RIF Maams Avenue, Bowrnanville 611;980 57,130 Roads and Related D/C RIF 11,851 Tax levy Fox/'lunt Walkway 9,780 8,900 Roads and Relaled OIC RIF 880 Tax levy ConesaslonlElgln Street, Bowmanllille 73.420 23,384 R0ad8 and Relalad DJC RIF 50,036 Tex lavy ConcessionlUbertylWellington Stree1s. BowrnanvUIe 64.336 20,491 Roads and Ralated OIC RlF 26,978 Roads ConlribuUon RIF 12,452 Wor1<ing funds Reserve 4,415 General Capital Reserve R_ Dr/ve,Sowmanv;Ua . Erosion control 2,725 ll66 Roads and Related DJC flIF . 1,143 Roads ConlribullonRIF 527 WOI1dngfundscRese/ve 187 Ganaral Capital Raserve Rosnick Drive, B_viNe ' Traffic Signals 28,455 24,074 Roads and Re/aled DJC RIF 2,361 Tax levy Trull. Road, Courtlca 3,7$4 3,400 Roads and Related OIC RIF 384 Genera' Capital Reserve Prestonvale Road, Courties 819,5(17 642,739 Roads and Related DlC RIF 109,260 Working Funds Resarve 1;7,508 General Capital Reserva Green RoadlRailway 560,624 407,715 Roads and Related DJC RtF 152,909 Dave/op$r Contribution Nun Road, Bowmanllille - l>idewaik ~,OOI 24,341; R0ad8 and Related DlC RIF 7,171; Tax lavy 479 MuniciPllt Capital Worka Trulls Road, CourtiQe . Sidewalk 9,957 8,836 R0ad8 and Related DIG R1F 1,119 Tax levy Uberty l>treet, Bowmanllille - Sidewalk 4,511; 4,110 Roed. and Related OIC RIF 161 Tax levy 245 General CapiIaI Reserve Baseline Road, BowmanviJle. Sidewalk 4;_ 3,352 Roads and Related DIG RIF 1,253 Tax levy Spry Avenue, Bowmanllille - Sidewalk (1,1431 (1,040) Roads and Related DJC RIF (103) Tax levy TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDI'T(1Ill:S 2,76~ 2115,471 647.89Z SUM~Y OF FINANCING: 14,741 Fire DepaJ1menl DJC RIF 7,794 Indoor RecrfttioI) DlC R1F 3411,118 Park Oev. '" Facilities DIG RIF 48,651 Pubclic WOIk. Departmelll DJC RIF 1,.,168 Roads and Related DJC flIF 152,909 Devaloper Contrl>ution 122,240 Working FundsReseMl 65,903 Municipal CapiIaIWorks RIF 4,175 Fire Equipment RIF 49,336 Pub/icWorl<s Equipment RIF 113,653 Tax Levy 45,828 Road. Contribution RIF 21,110 Public Worl<s '" P_ Capital RIF 72 739 General C......, ReseMl 1TOO',tLFlNANClNG 2,115,471 647,992 131)6