HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-38-03 't;.-" -~ REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Ro+ ~4l'il'O~ October 6, 2003 Meeting: Report #: EGD-38-03 File#: By-law #: Subject: Bowmanville Community Park - Utility Relocation RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-38-03 be received; 2. THAT approval be granted in the amount of $46,200 plus GST for the Municipality of Clarington's share of the cost for relocation of the overhead 44kv subtransmission line between GreenRoad and Martin Road south of Baseline Road, and that the funds be received from the Public Works Parks Capital Reserve Fund, account # 1110-00157- 0000 Submitted by: ~~f Anthony Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services u~s~~, Nancy . Taylor , CA Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Director of FinancefTreasurer Chief Administrative Officer ASC/PW/jw September 30, 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 715 ...... . REPORT NO.: EGD.38-03 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 As part of the works required for the development of the "Auto Mall" site, generally bounded by Baseline Road to the north, Hwy. 401 to the south, Waverley Road (Reg. Rd. 57) to the east and Martin Road to the west, Hydro One Networks Inc. is required to relocate their existing overhead 44 kv subtransmission line which is located within the development site. The subtransmission line is situated within an easement which runs through the lands acquired by the Municipality for the future Bowmanville Community Park. During the early stages of the preliminary design phase for of the Bowmanville Community Park the relocation of the existing hydro line was identified as a requirement in the park development and was included as an item in the preliminary cost estimate for the park. Hydro One was consulted during this preliminary design phase with regards to the relocation of their plant and therefore was aware of the Municipality's future plans at the park. As a result of their knowledge of the future relocation works within the park site Hydro One approached Municipal staff to see if the relocation within the park could be completed in conjunction with the relocation works at the "Auto Mall "site. Hydro One provided an estimate of $46,200 plus GST to relocate the subtransmission line from the park site to Baseline Road if done in conjunction with the work on the Auto mall site (Attachment no. 1). Staff informed Hydro One that the relocation would typically be completed during the construction phase of the park, tentatively scheduled for 2004. Staff requested an estimate of the additional costs that would be incurred if the Municipality deferred the relocation work until 2004. Attachment no. 2 is a letter from Hydro One stating that there would be an additional cost of approximately $13,000 (exclusive of GST) over and above the estimated $46,200 plus GST. Hydro One has scheduled the relocation of the line for October 15, 2003. Considering the cost savings that will be realized if the relocation work proceeds in conjunction with 716 '- REPORT NO.: EGD-38-03 PAGE 3 the "Auto Mall" site, it is staff's recommendation that approval be given for the relocation work. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc. should be directed to the Director of Engineering. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Hydro One Letter Dated September 30, 2003 Attachment 2 - Hydro One Letter Dated September 24, 2003 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Hydro One Networks Inc. 483 Bay Street, 15th Floor Toronto ON M5G 2P5 717 .. "5EP-30-2003 09: 56 HYDRO ONE BOWI'U'lNVILLE SC 905 623 0636 P.02/03 r~ hydro~ one Hydro Oue Networks Iuo. - BowmanvUle Service Cenlrc 913 Crawford Drive, I'eterborongh, Ontario K9J 3Xl Telephone (905) 623-1071 Fax (905) 623-0636 September30, 2003 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Attn: Mr, A. S. Cannella 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, On Lie 3A6 Dear: Mr, Cannella Bowmanvllle Community Park. Overhead Hvdro One Line RelocatIon As requested by Mr. P. Windolf of your office, we have completed a quick re- estimate of this project based on the anticipated acceptance of your portion of the cost. The re-estimated cost to the Municipality of Clarington to relocate this line from their property to the Baseline Road allowance is $46,200 plus GST. This is an estimate only and our invoice will be based on the actual costs incurred. This estimate is valid for 60 days. Please forward a Purchase Order or Letter of Acceptance (our invoicing can be deferred until early 2004), in the amount of $46;200,00 plus GST. This estimate is also based on the relocation of the portion of our line on the Bowmanville AutoMall property to the Baseline Road allowance. Should that relocation not take place, our cost estimate to you will require adjusting. . This cost estimate assumes a project approval as discussed, the successful acquisition of one property easement from the Municipality, and a lead-time of 60 days for ordering material, assigning resources, etc. Based on your acceptance of this, and assuming normal crew complement and deployment, we will endeavor to complete this project between 60 and 90 days after the issuance of your Purchase Order, or letter of acceptance. . If any of this is not acceptable to you, please discuss with us. . It may be possible to meet an earlier completion date by using an alternate complement and deployment of crews. Such an alternative plan will require re-calculation of our cost estimate to include additional labour costs. (10 ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: EGD-38-03 '. SEP-30-2003 09:56 HYDRO ONE BOWMANUILLE SC 905 623 0636 P.03/03 hydroe1 one Hydro One Networks Inc. - Bowmanvllle Service Centre 913 Crawford Drive. Peterborougb. Ontario K9J 3Xl Telepbone (90S) 623-1071 Fax (90S) 623-0636 This information is provide to assist in project timeline definition and in the interest of avoiding project completion date disputes. We will not agree to proceed with work unless we arrive at agreeable completion dates that are achievable and meet the requirements of both parties. Failure to reach agreement on achievable dates will lead us to opt for the dispute resolution processes available. As the park property is developed, it could be serviced by the 44 kv line on Baseline Road or Green Road, if you require a 1000 amp or greater service. It could also be serviced from the 27.6 kv line on Baseline Road if your requirements are less. Should you require a 27.6 kv service from Green Road, the approximate cost to extend our line to your entrance is $8,000.00 . Depending on the nature of your loading, Hydro One may provide a capital contribution towards the construction of that line. We trust that this information will be of assistance to you. Yours truly, ~~~ J,M. (Jim) Hisson Area Distribution Engineering Technician JMH ! 1 9 TOTAL P.03 ~P-25-03 THU 05:18 PM oEP-25-2003 07:35 TSH COBOURG FAX NO, HY~ ONE BOlM'INU1LLE SC 9"S 623 1:l636 p, 02 p, 02/02 hydr8~ ne Hydro Oft. Networks Inc. - BOWIWIAVWC Service CeIllre 913 Crawford Drlv., Petorborou;h. Ontario K9J 3Xl TO.lphau (905) 623-1071 Fa< (905) 623-OQ6 September 24, 2003 Totten Sims Hublckl Assodates Attn: Mr, R, Albright 513 Division Street Cobourg, On K9A SG6 Dear: Mr. Albright lowmanville COmmunitY Park.. Overhead HYdro Ona Ling Rcdneatlon Further to our conversation of September 23, 2003, I offer you the following information. Hydro One is now prepared to commence the relocetion of our overhead +lkv subtransmission line between Martin Road and Waver1ey Road, known as the Bowmll!lvllle AutoMall. The portion of the overhead 44kv subtransmission line which crosses the Municipality of Clartngton's property between Green Road and Martin Road would be best felocated In conjunction with the previously stated relocation work, The completion of th_ two projects simultaneously would result In cost savings to all parties concerned and afford better utlllzation of resources. Should we complete your relocation work at a later date there would be roughly a $13,000 increase over the cost quoted to you on August 20, 2003. The relocation of our line from the Bowrnanvtlle AutoMal1 property has been hard scheduled for October 15, 2003. If we do not recelve contlrmatlon from the Munldpallty of Clarlngton accepting their portion of the cost to relocate the line which Is on their property by October 15/ 2003 we will have no alternabVe but to complete that portion separately in the future. The price quoted to you on August 20, 2003 would no longar ~ valid and a re-estimation of the cost would be necessary. If you have any questions please contact me at your convenience. Yours truly, o/~d7~ J .M. (JIm) Hlsson Area D1strlllUtlontEng1neering Technician JMH: ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: EGD-38-03 I r ( , i;J