HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-24-03 r- .. ~' C/iJ[jQgloo REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: June 16, 2003 ~( File #: TR.10.07 ~p A- ~qO~o'5 By-law #: Report #: EGD-24-03 Subject: PROGRESS REPORT FOR RADAR MESSAGE BOARD PROGRAM REVIEWS OF: LONGWORTH AVENUE, BOWMANVILLE AND OLD SCUGOG ROAD, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-24-03 be received; 2. THAT the lead petitioner from Longworth Avenue be advised that based on existing traffic volumes and speed there are no traffic calming measures required for this street but that the area will continue to be monitored by staff for future safety concerns; 3. THAT the lead petitioner from Old Scugog Road be advised that based on existing traffic volumes and speed there are no traffic calming measures required for this street but that the area will continue to be monitored by staff for future safety concerns; 4, THAT residents be encouraged to contact Engineering Services to use the Radar Message Board and utilize the Road Watch Program; 5. THAT Durham Regional Police continue to provide periodic police enforcement where necessary; and CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 715 . , REPORT NO.: EGD-24-03 PAGE 2 6. THAT the interested parties listed within this report be provided with a copy of this report and Council's decision. ~/h ()~~~ Submitted by: Anthony Cannella, C.E.T. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Director of Engineering Services Chief Administrative Officer RDB*ASC*ce June 9, 2003 716 ~ REPORT NO.: EGD-24-03 PAGE 3 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 To help review, validate and compare traffic concerns the municipality introduced two programs during 2003. Radar Message Board Program: This is a new. innovative initiative utilizing a retired police officer to monitor and educate motorists by using the municipal Radar Message Board. The licence plate numbers of aggressive drivers are reported through the Road Watch Program which involves a series of communications between the police and registered owner of the vehicle. This staffed program was introduced to target areas of high complaints and validate or refute concerns of aggressive driving behaviour. This program has been very successful with a number of key areas targeted for monitoring and subsequent police enforcement. Durham Regional Police are very supportive of this program. Although this staffed program has great benefits, it has time limitations due to budget constraints. Residents must also be encouraged to use the Road Watch Program and if possible actively participate by borrowing the Radar Message Board to help validate speed concerns in their community and educate local and through traffic of safety concerns. Traffic Counter/Classification Program This program, using electronic counting equipment connected to road tubes purchased during late 2002, has been valuable in determining where volume and speed concerns are the greatest. This equipment can collect data for one day or be left for several days to determine weekly traffic trends. Vehicle classifications can also be recorded to determine truck traffic volumes. Electronic counters are able to collect date for extended periods of time with a minimal amount of labour costs. The above programs were used to review and monitor Longworth Avenue and Old Scugog Road. 717 ~ REPORT NO.: EGD-24-03 PAGE 4 1.2 Lonaworth Avenue. Bowmanville At a meeting held on April 14, 2003 Council approved recommendation #GPA-168-03: "That the delegation of Arden Braun be referred to the Director of Engineering Services and the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee." 1.3 Old Scuaoa Road. Formef Township of Darlinaton At a meeting held on May 12, 2003, Council approved the following recommendation: "That the delegation of Mr. and Mrs. F. Acolina be referred to the Director of Engineering Services and the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee." 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 Lonaworth Avenue. Bowmanville - Request for Traffic Calmina The petition from residents of Longworth Avenue between Scugog Street and Liberty Street noted an increase in traffic and an increase in persons exceeding the posted speed limit of 50 kmlhr. Residents feel traffic calming measures are needed on Longworth Avenue due to the existence of the elementary school, and the large number of children living on Longworth Avenue. Volume and Speed Review Longworth Avenue is a major collector roadway, designed to carry significantly higher traffic volumes in coming years as the road is extended to Regional Road 57 and additional development occurs. Durham Regional Police reported that speeds they monitored on Longworth Avenue were considered unusually low given the wide pavement width and that it may be more of a perceptual concern of the residents. The Radar Message Board Program was also used at this location on May 7, 2003 for 2 hours and twenty minutes 10:50 a.m. to 1 :10 p.m. resulting in only one vehicle being recorded at a top speed of 64 km/hr. 718 REPORT NO.: EGD-24-03 PAGE 5 A more extensive study using the traffic counter/classifier at St. Elizabeth Separate School produced the following results: Date Vehicles Average 50%ile 85%ile SDeed SDeed SDeed May 1/03 Thurs 2448 45.09 49.48 59.20 May 2/03 Fri 2344 45.36 49.41 58.91 May 3/03 Sat 2121 48.57 50.64 59.19 May 4/03 Sun 1654 47.65 49.68 58.61 Summary 46.67 49.8 58.98 Student Safety This safety aspect is provided for by an adult crossing guard. During school crossing periods, vehicular speeds of through traffic average closer to 45 kmlhr. Recommendations Based upon the data and comments collected from a number of sources, including the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee, the operating speeds are considered safe and staff do not feel that any traffic calming measures are needed on Longworth Avenue at this time. Traffic volumes and speeds will continue to be monitored to ensure public safety. 2.2 Old Scuaoa Road, North of Reaional Road 57 ReQuest to desiqnate Old SCUqOq Road from Reqional Road 57 to Taunton Road as "Local Traffic Only" A public roadway is open to all users and there are no legal means to provide such a "local" designation or enforce it. During construction projects, temporary "Local Traffic Only" signs are sometimes installed to discourage through traffic but it is not enforced and often not effective. There is no legal or effective way to implement this request. 719 REPORT NO.: EGD.24-03 PAGE 6 Request to install speed humps similar to Athol Street in Oshawa The City of Oshawa installed the humps on Athol Street to effectively reduce the volume of traffic by shifting it to other streets. At this point in time the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee, Staff nor Council have considered any locations in Clarington to be hazardous enough to consider recommending speed humps. Staff have consulted with a number of stakeholders and do not feel that Old Scugog Road has traffic conditions that would justify speed humps at this point in time. Previous requests from residents for unwarranted all-way stops at the low volume intersecting courts to deter traffic have also been denied. Requested SDeed Reduction from 50 to 30- 40 km/hr from Reqional Road 57 to Buttery Court to ImDrove Pedestrian Safety The posted speed limit in a semi-rural area outside of an established Hamlet is usually posted at 60 kmlhr, while this area is already posted at 50 km/hr. In the posted area of 50 km/hr the average operating speed was recorded as 61.7 kmlhr. In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, the Municipality can not legally post a regulatory speed of less than 40 kmlhr. The homes are spaced well apart and back from the roadway removing any sense of an urban setting. Traffic volumes of 1,500 vehicles per day should not present major conflicts with pedestrians using the gravel shoulder or edge of pavement. Sidewalks are not provided for in rural estate settings. Street lights are present but illumination levels are not ideal due to spacing of the utility poles. As a safety precaution, night time pedestrians on any public roadway should wear light coloured clothing and walk facing traffic. Motor vehicle collisions were reviewed and do not indicate serious safety concerns which would justify further speed reduction. If a 40 kmlhr speed zone were implemented at this location it would create increased demands for lower speed limits on other municipal roadways and have financial and enforcement implications. A posted speed reduction is not recommended. , 720 REPORT NO.: EGD-24-03 PAGE 7 The Radar Message Board Program using a retired police officer has been scheduled to monitor this location but residents should also be encouraged to borrow the radar unit. Durham Regional Police will also be encouraged to provide periodic speed enforcement. Reduce Speed Limit from Buttery Court Northerly UP to Taunton Road The speed limit from Taunton Road to 600m southerly was reduced from 80 km/hr to 60 km/hr during 1998 to encourage motorists to adjust speeds as they approached the traffic signals and entered Hampton. Average speeds in the posted 60 km/hr zone are approximately 65 km/hr. Spot speed studies in the 80 km/hr zone indicted that speeds are reasonable with average operating speeds of approximately 74 km/hr which is below the 80 km/hr limit. The road section from 600m south of Taunton Road to Buttery Court will be considered for a speed reduction from 80 km/hr to 60 km/hr if more development should occur, but is still premature in this rural area. Concerns of Traffic Volume Increase and Altemative to Reoional Road 57 The road surface has had a few spot repairs but is in relatively good condition. This roadway is not being damaged by excessive traffic volumes. In 1998 a count showed a traffic volume of approximately 1,200 Vehicles per day while counts during 2003 showed volumes of approximately 1,500. This increase in volume is not considered dramatic as many municipal roadways are experiencing similar trends and no corrective action is deemed necessary. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS Traffic will continue to be monitored in these two areas of concern using combinations of the Radar Message Board Program, Traffic Counter/Classification Program and periodic police enforcement. Traffic calming will only be considered under justifiable circumstances. Residents should be encouraged to make use of the available Road Watch Program by reporting aggressive drivers and borrow the radar message board if they wish to verify vehicle speeds. 721 REPORT NO.: EGD-24-03 PAGE 8 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Longworth Avenue existing and future Attachment 2 - Key Map Old Scugog Road Attachment 3 - Petition for Traffic Calming on Longworth Avenue Attachment 4 - Correspondence Dated April 8, 2003, Old Scugog Road Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Inspector Tom Cameron Bowmanville Community Office Durham Regional Police 77 Centre Street North Oshawa, ON L 1G 4B7 Mike Patrick 3240 Old Scugog Road Bowmanville, ON L 1C 4H1 Clayton Morgan, Chair Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee 31 Parkway Crescent Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 1 B9 Ron Metrailler 4489 Old Scugog Road Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3K2 Mr. and Mrs. F. Acolina Glenelge Court Bowmanville, ON L1C4J1 Mr. Arden Braun 626 Longworth Avenue Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 5B8 722 Future Extensi'bn . I ~ Ie . .~-::~_. _. . .\.. :;~;::~.,.. .,< ?,;,6>?/ ("""cll" j'\ u v' \~\ I ''{\ '\ -----, '~) r ...../ i ,: I_f,~,oo~ Ilr~~'_ C~n_~.SSion ~d. 3 I '111 -'''z, J' .zz,",._ L',,>,_<"'i-o '1\ '~:'''>.JI L\\_ C--'\, ''\>/ I'~ C \ -;; . I [, E ./ .~ ~~ ---' <IlI-- "I-.-J~SGjJ?[-jr, ~~I ~ '" '.'::" ~....c:JT-]~CC1. d r>. .s....lfC..... ''''. ~ ;.-[ J coC: =, y ;" '/~lre~1 '" [ .'-... ::. ClnL.II4"'Jill..c;:.-.Jr '7Y'I"'" . i-DJDC / . I~: II J' , '-']6 ..... ": J ~ 1=.'n=RL..c,~ .IIE~IJ:. ~,,J;7:.. I " 0:: L ",' .L...dCJ~-=----.J . . [::._)/- .. .u k (~._"'~ [~~c'O>J~~Sl[jgr-J~} c'~r 'JI- ,gIl1,_~rl\: Ird:1~!flllt:*~~Zi'7~t K~Y MAP le-..,.'-,_. II ',.-, \" " I I I! i\ - /...., b~... () r 'I '<t'~;\ ,/ II ,-, --. ~<>- 'j 1,\ ,;'. '.\:Y\~\ \;" '\..., \:\ \'. t\ ~ II 1,,=- '.}r I -~DWL 11-1'- J'----___ --IC'i--' )J _jIL-l, ___ -----1 J1 ''0 '.- I::;; I, '" rn' _.J f 1'---\ .c :::; ) I, Ii '<" -", " -,,' Sl. Elizabeth I i Future Extension Separate School '\ : .- ----. ~ _ _ _ ......, II , !II t: I~ .11 I '-~ ---=-JI[I L-__=---J I, ---\:1,\11 _ II [;.L, 1 i~~c =-CCc.JI 1,- i~:=-LJJ L II ___) ~______~ [__ ...J IL L___I___~__j/ -----;,~- ll' --~ I -- -=..1 L_ -, ) ---- --I I [I---Il~-') I ,'- _I - ..: , -=-=:iJ ---11- I I , ~'I I --~I ~=-'11 .. I II. i."~Jc-r , -I -- -l - -1 L _c..i..iLj .J ". U,- - - J- -J LJi i j I~_-~ -='11' l--C'-I -- ~IIU~ -~lDI . -.-JI -I' - --L I , k-I~ _J_ .JI_ (I cc- If- 1'\ -----"-------.J 11 I. \ ,':/'G: (1:;'. "- -----'WI: \\ , . (. \..,."-.._:\ '-:,\'0\ \' 'L rJ1.rc:-..\.:.__...DJD' ']' U5lS=-----"<~:J_- f;=-I'I/--1t 10 ~ " ,~. l'{ lir,+-~ S DRAWN BY: E.L EA~E: June 9, 2003 REPORT EGD-24-03 ATTACHMENT NO.1 Taunton Road i ':1 i \ II \ \ , \tr .6~~~:~ ,\ g ;,j---" &; \ \~ , "C (I);' CIS ("J;, 0 c:. /' 0:: ~:. III ").,:J o ~ t- '" .,; 0: C, w 0: I II , 'I \1 I II '" '" o 0: c w w i5 I' II "iii c o 'c, " a:: r\ '.f ,1\ Taunton Road Q; ~ U5 ~ " .n ::J Ii .--L l II II 11-\ \---.!~ KEY MAP l'{ w~~ s fl , ~AA~~ CC :[M",'_',_ REPORT EGD-24-03 ATTACHMENT NO.2 724 '03MAR31 Pt1 W~~~~~~2~:~~ AGENDA PETITION FOR TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES ON LONGWORTH AVENUE We, the undersigned, are residents of Bowmanville living on Longworth A venue between Scugog Street and Liberty St. With the increased traffic on the street we have noticed an increased number of individuals exceeding the speed limit of 50 km/hr. We ask that the Municipality ofClarington Council consider implementing traffic calming measures on Longworth Avenue. With the elementary school on the street and the large number of children residing on Longworth, we feel that our safety and the safety of our children are at risk. , A PRO 3 2003 ! ',ctf 1 c',"" lC 'c; , I I 1"",>'1-,'" ..,.. i'" I " ." I" h . "::,,,;.1. ., ENGINEERING SEiW:CES Ll<e.,-,,:;o:cs'jate;.:.:;:y, ;:-'-l OEPARTMnn File ---.- PRINT NAME j)~1/ / i:> SIGNATURE <)47Vr r - B ~/ I ~ ,~at.,,- ~..- --- "/errl " ii/ AJ,K ALGO t1 .f(etJl~ D- e (I ~kTkAM f j R ~ "'II HEP-~~f f -r-y(( -'.!i ~:-. I.. Q "D(?~ > c;22 ADDRESS iONbl<)Off~ "wE, ..)/j ! ",-,"'" U c; j () ~ "" '",,,W'- 1-,,- to :; S" J....v'-''''....<-A-i'u- /)..Ju; 1. c ~> Cru 01< 'Vf' Act" 639 ,.(L!n 'd../C'/II }1 ~ / (,Z'd OI'K wC'" +A Ave. ;-1/ ' h {f. -=#- 60 )f)tJq~f!4H' : i ~ '-".: ,~~..:: ~ ,'."" - .. 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N(' V ., r7 ^ V I 1. v' ~~ 4J (,r 1--7: )" 15 N2-GetSl Slf1::-e:l' -tt:l c '1 Cvesce 640 LO^9WO,.#t AiA (, -:;c. LO,V'lI-JN!;J 4....... &302- !'tv&- ,6, 'We...dediCafedlO<1eIiwnngpo/iCB_"pa_~m . ~-=~;:~:;;~"""-__IO'" DETECTIVE (7319) 42 Criminal Investigation Bureau Bus: (416) 808-4204 Fax: (416) 808-4202 Pager: (416) 713 4500 TORONTO POUCE SERVICE 242 Milner Avenue. Toronto.Ontario,M 1 S 5C4 Website: www.TorontoPolice.on.ca .., 726 ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 2 11 .111 2.REPORT EGD-24-03 '03APR2 AM :..: b Mayor Jolm Mutton Municipality ofClarington 40 Temperance St, Bowrnanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 ]BJ;c:mrrWIliIJj April 8, 2003 APR 1 4 z003 Dear Mayor Mutton .I'.ttJliliCIPAUTY OF CURINGTON MAYOR'S OFFICIi ' We need your help with a speeding situation that is plaguing our neighbourhood. We live on Old Scugog Rd. just north ofHwy 57. In the past ]2 months we've seen a dramatic increase in both the number of non-resident vehicles using this road and the number of people speeding excessively along it. The posted speed limit for the area is 50 kmh yet most drivers travel well in excess of 80 kmh. In the evening you can literally hear a thunderous roar as cars accelerate throul!h our neiihbourhood . With the crumbling condition of the road, the limited overhead street lighting and the lack of sidewalks this area is an accident waiting to happen. There are children, elderly people and dog owners who, while walking along the roadway must obviously share it with vehicular traffic. It's a very dangerous situation and one that can't be rectified by stationing a police officer in a cruiser for 30 minutes once every month or so. Some of the worst offenders use this road in the evening hours when radar enforcement can't or will not be used. These roads are very dark making it almost impossible to see pedestrians. Mr. Mayor, we all moved to this community to get away from the overcrowded areas and the traffic. We accept and are willing to pay the high property taxes for this luxury but now enough is enough. Our patience has run out and we can no longer suffer in silence. We need your help to return our community to the safe, quiet area it once was. We need your help to dissuade drivers from using our road as an alternative to Hwy 57. We believe there are a number of simple solutions that could be considered such as: > Designating Old Scugog for "local traffic" only from Hwy 57 to Taunton.Rd ..', and/or; nl$1'~le~On,l > Reducing the speed limit (through the residential area) from 50 kmh~. or,40 / r;u '"___. ,/ kmh. Reduction of speed limit north .0fButtery C.ourt to Taunton ~~,{l~. to '1 50 kmh should also be strongly consIdered. ObVIouslyenforceme t of the li~ a . peak traffic times would be required but we're confident the reven . . . generated would offset the cost, or; . COPIES J > Install speed bumps similar to the ones on Athol St in Oshawa '1 , definitely worked for their traffic and speeding problem. ....; --~. -1: -.-~._~~'$:.; ;---.... ,. ..,......-.--..:.. .-'~-"'..4;;;.... i ..~-,- ~-..,,~----- ._..,..~--.- 777 , ~. If there's anything we can do to further the process, please let us know. Hwy 57 was built to keep thio traffic <c~t of our neighbourhood. It needs to be used. We thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you. ../); 1.1 / at' i;~~~ ..&}t t<AVlI..... V];ffT" v ~ Frank and Kim Acolina 3Glenelge Court Bowmanville, Ontario 11 C4J1 905-697-7388 728