HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-038-05 Report 114 Cl!Jl-MJgron REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: June 27,2005 Resolution #: Report #: COD-038-05 File#: By-law #: Subject: Co-operative Tender CL2005-9, Traffic Signs Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-038-05 be received; 2. THAT staff be authorized to award Part A under the approved summer recess process pending completion of the vendor evaluation; 3. THAT Mechanical Advertising, Oshawa, Ontario, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2005-9, be awarded Part B for the requirements of the Municipality of Clarington for the traffic signs; 4. THAT Scugog Signs, Pontypool, Ontario, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2005-9 be awarded Part E for the requirements of the Municipality of Clarington for traffic signs; 5. THAT the contracts be extended for a second year, pending satisfactory service and pricing; and 6. THAT the required funds be drawn from the respective year's budget allocation for Traffic and Street Signs. REPORT NO.: COD-038-05 Submitted by: MMILAB/ld ~. Marie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.a. Director of Corporate Services PAGE 2 Reviewed bQ~ ________~...sz-"\. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer REPORT NO.: COD-038-05 PAGE 3 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT A tender for the supply and delivery of Traffic Signs was issued on a Co-operative basis with the City of Oshawa, City of Pickering, Town of Whitby and the Region of Durham participating. The tender is divided into the following sections with the option to award each section together or separately. PartA- Part B- PartC- Part D- Part E- Part F- Traffic Signs Posts and Hardware Sign Blanks - No Municipality of Clarington requirements Signing Material - No Municipality of Clarington requirements Fluorescent Yellow Green School Area Signs STA Mark Arrows - No Municipality of Clarington requirements A summary of bids marked Schedule "A" listing all bidders and their respective bid amounts is attached. The Municipality of Clarington requirements are for Parts A, Band E only and are approximated to be $67,300.00 a year and are included in the total bid amounts reflected on Schedule "A". Note, the low bidder determined for each section is based on unit prices bid, payment terms and discount and 2,d year price increase proposed. As indicated on the attached bid summary, the low bidder for Part A is Spectralite, Trois Rivieres, Quebec. As this is potentially a new supplier for this particular tender, a detailed supplier evaluation is currently underway. A meeting has been tentatively scheduled to take place within the next two weeks with the vendor and all participants to go over the detailed requirements of the contract. Should all concerns be addressed to the satisfaction of the participants, a site visit to their plant in Quebec would be the next step. Failing satisfactory results of this supplier evaluation, the award of Part A would then be to the 2,d low bidder. it is therefore recommended that Part A be awarded under the summer recess approval process upon completion of the evaluation and consensus by the Durham Purchasing Co-operative. As the total usage requirements of each of the participants fluctuates from year to year and as the pricing is based on anticipated volume, an overall percentage increase or decrease can not be determined. However, in spot checking individual prices any increases proposed are reasonable. REPORT NO.: COD-03S-oS PAGE 4 The contract resulting from this tender will cover the supply and delivery of various signs and miscellaneous hardware to the Municipality of Clarington on an "as required" basis. Subject to satisfactory pricing and service and upon agreement by the Co-operative participants it is recommended that the contract be awarded for a second year. The required funds will be drawn from the respective years budget allocation for Traffic Signs and Street Signs. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be directed to the Director of Engineering Services. After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, the Durham Purchasing Co-operative and the Engineering Department, it is respectfully recommended that the Municipality of Clarington requirements for Traffic Signs be awarded as identified in the recommendations of this report. The subject firms have provided satisfactory service to the Municipality of Clarington in past years. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 TENDER NO CL2005-9 - 2005 TRAFFIC SIGN REQUIRMENTS S ectralite Sa> Si ns Mechanical Advertisina Bid Amount Year 1 $ 120,958.05 $ 119,537.74 $ 125624.14 Bid Amount with Year2@6% $ 128,215.53 Year2@15% $ 137,468.40 Year 2 @ 1% $ 126,880.38 roiected increase Sub-total $ 249,173.58 $ 257,006.14 $ 252 504.52 Earl Pa ment Discou Net 30 2% 10da $ (5,140.12 Net30 $ 251,866.02 PlusGST $ 17 442.15 $ 17,630.62 $ 17,675.32 Plus PST $ 20,200.36 $ 20,149.28 $ 20,200.36 Grand Total $ 289,645.92 $ 290,380.20 ,"~,at,,"'Y, , .~ Unistrut in com lete Scu Si ns Mechanical Advertisina Bid Amount Year 1 $ 50,635.85 $ 51,609.39 $ 51,410.00 Bid Amount with Year 2 5% $ 53,167.64 Year 2 @20% $ 61,931.27 Year2@2% $ 52,438.20 roiected increase increase increase increase Sub-total $ 103,803.49 $ 113,540.66 $ 103,848.20 Eao Pa ment Discou Net 30 2%10da $ 2,270.81 Net 30 $ 111,269.84 PlusGST $ 7,266.24 $ 7,788.89 $ 7,269.37 Plus PST $ 8,304.28 $ 8,901.59 $ 8,307.86 Grand Total $ 119,374.02 $ 239,230.17 S ectralite Scu Si oS Mechanical Advertisin Bid Amount Year 1 $ 17,858.69 $ 14,333.71 $ 15,754.30 Bid Amount with Year2@6% $ 18,930.21 Year2@15% $ 16,483.77 Year2@1% $ 15,911.84 rtJiected increase Sub-total $ 36,788.90 $ 30 817.48 $ 31,666.14 2%10da $ C616'.35 $ 30201.13 PlusGST $ 2 575.22 $ 2,114.08 $ 2216.63 Plus PST $ 2533.29 $ 2,416.09 $ 2,533.29 Grand Total Ne130 $ 41,897.42 Net 30 $ 36,416.06 3M Scu 0 S ns Mechanical Advertisi Bid Amount Year 1 $ 23,296.89 $ 25,292.26 Incomolete $ 11,269.34 Bid Amount with Year 2 @3"10 $ 23,995.80 Year 2 @ 10% $ 27,821.49 Year2@2% $ 11,494.73 nmiected increase Sub-total $ 47,292.69 $ 53,113.75 $ 22,764.07 Plus GST $ 3,310.49 $ 3717.96 $ 1 593.48 Plus PST $ 1821.13 $ 4,249.10 $ 1,821.13 Grand Total $ 52424.30 $ 61,080.81 $ 26,178.68 Earl Pa ment Discou Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net $ 61,080.81 $ 26,178.68 SCUGOG SIGNS MECHANICAL ADV. Bid Amount Year 1 $ 31,863.60 Year 1 $ 39,971.96 Bid Amount with Year 2 @20% Yaar2@1% """,iected increase increase $ 38,236.32 increase $ 40,371.68 Sub-total $ 70,099.92 $ 80,343.64 EarlV Pa ment Discou 2%10 $ 1,402.00 Net 30 SubTotal $ 68,697.92 Plus GST $ 4,808.85 $ 5,624.05 Plus PST $ 5,495.83 $ 6,427.49 Grand Total $ 92,395.19 3M MECHANICAl ADV. Bid Amount Year 1 $ 1,752.00 Year 1 $ 1,517.60 Bid Amount with Year2@3% Year 2 @1"10 roiected increase increase $ 1,804.56 increase S 1,532.78 Sub-total S 3,556.56 S 3,050.36 Plus GST $ 248.96 S 213.53 Plus PST $ 244.03 $ 244.03 Grand Total $ 4,049.55 Earl Pa entDiscou Nel30 Nat30 Net 30 Net Part A PartB PartC PartO PartE PartF Spectralite mj illilf..f s s $ $ $ $ 328,713.51 SCU90g Mechanical 3M S 289,645.92 S 290,380.20 $ S S 239,230:17 ~~ $ $ 119,374.02 41.897.42 ~~, S 36,416.06 $ $ S 61.080.81 S 26.178.68 Rt'lli n. $ iIIIlIll">ll Iltllll'm S 92.395.19 $ $ S ~;;,>;t'.~"iii' $ 4049.55 $ $ 703,690.80 $ 568,303.49 $56,473.85 $ 119,374.02 PartD Incomplete UnisltUt Total Cost - Pro sed Awards Part A $ 286,816.10 S ctrallle PartS $ 119,425.43 Mechanical PartC $ 34,731.30 Sou PartO $ 52,424.30 3M PartE S 79,002.61 Sou PartF 3507.93 Mechanical $ 575,907.66