HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-21-05 CJ. U L~~ REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday June 20,2005 Resolution #:rJIl//cfJ/ltdJ5' Date: Report #: EGD-21-05 File#: By-law #: Subject: ACCESSIBLE PARKING - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAW 91-58 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-21-05 be received; 2. THAT the request for an "on-street" accessible parking space at 100 King St E, Bowmanville, fronting the MTO licensing office be approved; 3. THAT the "off-street" accessible parking supply be increased in the municipal parking lots per standards proposed through the draft Zoning By-law as recommended by the Clarington Planning Department and details listed in this report; 4. THAT the two narrow "on-street" accessible parking spaces on Temperance St South of Church Street be relocated to Church St with the parking spaces fronting the Municipal Administrative Centre being converted to metered parking; 5. THAT reception staff at the Municipal Administrative Centre provide the notice attached to report EGD-21-05, to courier and delivery drivers requiring them to use the Church Street loading zone and advising them of the new accessible parking spaces during an introductory period; 6. THAT signs and pavement markings be applied to all new accessible parking locations; CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 Report #EGD-21-05 Page 2 7 . THAT all on-street accessible parking spaces be included in the Operations Department sidewalk snow clearing contract for removal of windrows along the length of the parking stall for full access to the sidewalk; 8. THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-21-05; and 9. THAT the interested parties listed within this report be provided with a copy of this report and Council's decision. Respectfully by, O~Ok Submitted by: A.S. Cannella Director of Engineering Services Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ASC/RDB/jo June 14, 2005 Report #EGD-21-05 Page 3 1.0 BACKGROUND A request for an "on-street" accessible parking space from the Driver and Vehicle Licence Office on King St. E Bowmanville and a number of other proposed "off- street" accessible parking revisions, require amendments to the traffic by-law 91- 58. Accessible parking spaces must be designated in traffic by-law 91-58 to allow enforcement officers to apply the "accessible parking" fine ($300.00 set fine or $200.00 early payment) compared to the nominal "parking in a prohibited area" fine ($23.00 set fine or $15.00 early payment). Some of the municipal parking lots do not contain the recommended number of accessible parking spaces based on the standards proposed through the draft Zoning By-law as recommended by the Clarington Planning Department for new parking lots. 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 On-street accessible parking request, Vehicle Licence Office In the interest of public safety, it is usually considered safer to have designated accessible parking spaces located in parking lots rather than on public roadways. A standard parking lot parking stall is 2.75m wide but a designated accessible parking space must be wider to provide easier access. A width of 4.5 m wide, if one space, or 304m wide if two or more accessible spaces are abutting each other is recommended in the draft zoning by-law. The MTO property only has seven (7) standard parking spaces at a width of 2.7m each. The creation of a single accessible space in the private lot would result in the loss of two regular parking spaces due to the width required and only serve people using the MTO office. At this point, the municipality would not force an existing business such as the Licensing office to comply with the new standards being proposed. Report #EGD-21-05 Page 4 The on-street public parking space located on the north side of King St E just east of George St could serve as an on-street accessible space because there is no municipal parking lot in this immediate area. The 13 M pavement width of King Street will allow a good measure of safety for persons with a disability to use this location safely and a parking stall of 3.5m could be provided. The municipality provides businesses west of Division Street with off-street accessible parking in the municipal lots but has not provided a space east of Division to accommodate the increasing parking demands in this area. Staff, have noted that by creating a accessible space at this location it will also improve existing sight lines from George Street during periods when the space is empty. Staff supports this request to provide an on-street accessible space for the businesses east of Division St. 2.2 Municipal Parking Lots and facilities The standards proposed through the draft Zoning By-law as recommended by the Clarington Planning Deparbnent, attachment no. 2, requires that any new development applications provide accessible parking as follows: Private parking spaces 1 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75 76 t0100 Accessible spaces required 1 2 3 4 The number of accessible spaces could be higher if the facility would be expected to draw a large percentage of its customers from a population of people with a disability. An accessible space width of 4.5m is shown; however, some recent developments have been approved by the planning department with a width of 4.1 m and are considered accessible. Report #EGD-21-05 Page 5 The South Courtice Recreational Como lex needs to be included in the by-law schedules to reflect the eight (8) posted accessible parking spaces currently provided. The 20 Kina Street lot Bowmanville, needs to be included in the by-law schedules to reflect the two accessible parking spaces currently provided which provide quick access to King St in the downtown core. The 15 Silver Street lot. Bowmanville, has 31 parking spaces with one existing accessible space. A resident with a disability expressed concerns about the tight 3m width and requested a wider stall and or more spaces. Guidelines suggest a parking lot with over 25 spaces requires 2 accessible parking spaces. Staff, are recommending that two accessible spots at 4.1 m each be created in the south west corner of the lot which is closer to King Street and the removal of the existing accessible space in the north west corner of the lot. The new municioal oarkina lot at 25 Silver Street. Bowmanville, located at the North east corner of Church Street and Silver Street to be constructed will require 2 accessible parking spaces based on its size. The 30 Division St lot. Bowmanville, has approximately 84 parking spaces with 2 accessible spaces centrally located near the public access walkway. Staff, are recommending the creation of 2 more spaces to comply with guidelines, to be located near the south east corner of the lot. Division St. Three standard spaces will need to be removed to provide the two accessible spaces of 4.1 m wide. The 132 Church St lot. Bowmanville, has approx 28 spaces on the els and 36 spaces on the wIs. Staff are recommending the creation of 2 accessible parking spaces in the south west corner of the lot on the west side of the building. This could benefit any persons with a disability using the public lot, plus a direct benefit to the courts, youth centre, youth workshop group and John Howard Society, all which operate out of the leased municipal property. Three standard spaces will Report #EGD-21-05 Page 6 need to be removed to provide the two accessible spaces. This parking lot also has spaces dedicated for the tenants and Trinity United Church. Newcastle Memorial Arena, Facilities Manager, Scott Greenfield has requested that two accessible spaces be included in our by-law schedules during this revision which will enable By-law to charge the higher fines. The hall board will ensure that proper signing and pavement markings are in place before enforcement can begin. 2.3 On-street Accessible Safety Staff are recommending that: · Off-street accessible parking be the preferred safest option · When required, on-street designated accessible spaces not be permitted unless a minimum parking stall width of 3.4m can be accommodated with a minimum of 3m width for the travel lane. Smaller widths would only be considered if AADT volumes were less than 500. Existing On-street Accessible Parking widths are as follows: · 3,5m accessible on Church St with 3.6m travel lane · 304m accessible on Prince St with 3.0m travel lane · 304m accessible on Temperance St. south of King with 3.0m travel lane · 2.0m accessible on Church Lane east of Newtonville Road, although narrow has very low AADT volumes of only 170 · 2.1 m accessible on Temperance St south of Church with 3.0m travel lane existing is too narrow for busy road with AADT volume of 2370 2.5m is the Provincial guideline for any standard on-street parking space but unfortunately they do not provide any guideline for on-street accessible parking. Based on the above, Staff are recommending that the two existing accessible parking spaces located on the west side of Temperance St. in front of the Municipal office be removed for the following reasons: Report #EGD-21-05 Page 7 · existing and newly created accessible parking spaces will reduce the demand at this location · on-street accessible spaces should only be endorsed by Council if safety is provided with a minimum of 304m for parking and 3.0m for the travel/ane. · Temperance St. is too narrow for designated accessible parking with a pavement width of 10.2m with parking on both sides. The narrow parking stalls of 2.1 m and travel lanes of 3.0m force drivers with disabilities to open doors and exit into traffic with little or no safe refuge area. · Spaces are abused on a regular basis by motorists accessing the post office · Spaces are abused by delivery vehicles failing to use the 3.5m wide loading zone provided on Church St. The old accessible spaces on the west side of Temperance Street would be converted to metered parking for use by the general public. 2.4 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting of March 3, 2005. Staff attended the March meeting to discuss the proposed accessible parking changes and obtain feed back from the members. The committee agreed with Engineering Services that the existing accessible spaces on Temperance Street were too narrow to safely accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities. Engineering Services originally suggested that the two narrow on-street spaces be removed and not reolaced, feeling that the new Off-street parking locations would fulfil the parking demands. The committee felt the demand still existed for access to the Municipal Administrative Building ramp and fast access to the post office and requested that the two on-street spaces on Temperance Street be relocated to Church Street just west of Temperance to provide a safe parking width of 3.5m. Engineering staff included the requested changes in the report and proposed by-law for Councils consideration. Report #EGD-21-05 Page 8 2.5 Delivery Vehicles in Accessible Parking Spaces On a number of occasions staff, have observed delivery vehicles parked in the accessible parking spaces on Temperance Street or parked on Church Street blocking vision of the stop sign rather than using the loading zone provided on Church Street. Engineering staff suggest that reception staff at the Municipal Administrative Centre provide the notice attached to this report to courier and delivery drivers as they are having delivery slips signed. The notice will remind the delivery drivers to use the Church Street loading zone and advising them of the new accessible parking spaces during an introductory period. If compliance does not occur, municipal by-law officers will be requested to provide enforcement or make direct contact with the delivery firms. 2.6 Snow Removal at all On-street Accessible Parking Spaces Staff are concerned that persons with disabilities may not be able to reach the accessible spaces safely if the snow windrows prevent opening of the passenger side doors or access to the sidewalk. When windrows flow onto the curb line of the parking stall, it narrows its width, forcing the motorist to park closer to the travel lanes thereby reducing safety. Staff are proposing that the Operations Department include all on-street accessible parking spaces in its sidewalk snow clearing contract for the removal of windrows similar to the existing Senior driveway windrow snow removal program to ensure accessibility year round. Accessible spaces in parking lots may also need occasional snow removal to ensure that the spaces are not reduced in size. 3.0 Conclusion The municipality should provide the number of Accessible Parking Spaces in Municipal parking lots as per the standards proposed through the draft zoning by-law. The guidelines should be followed unless it can be demonstrated why accessible parking is not required for a specific area. The proposals in this report were circulated to the Planning Department and to the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee for general comments prior to final preparation, Report #EGD-21-05 Page 9 Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Downtown Bowmanville Municipal Parking lots Attachment 2 - Correspondence dated May 3, 2004 MTO Vehicle Licence Office Attachment 3 - Accessible parking standards proposed through the draft zoning by-law as recommended by the Clarington Planning Department Attachment 4 - Notice to couriers and delivery drivers Attachment 5 - Proposed by-law to amend by-law 91-58 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Andrew Kozac, Chair Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee David Kelly, Chair Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Fred Horvath Operations Len Creamer By-law Enforcement Jennifer Cooke Communications LEGEND N W~e s X Removal of narrow disabled parking locations 6. Disabled (unchanged) *<5.. Proposed new disabled locations [.:1 ~ j ~ ~ i ~ jl Municipal parking lots DRAWN BY: EL. DATE: June 14, 2005 REPORT EGD-21-05 ATTACHMENT NO.1 .~ ATTACHMENT NO,: 2 REPORT NO,: EGD-21-05 Laberimi Enterprises Ine Driver & Vehicle Licence Office # 386 100 King Sf. E. Bowmanville, ON LIC IN3 (905),.6P.-~W' 'QA Fax (9~~ RECEIVED May 3, 2004 Municipality of CIaringlon 40 Tempe'llnrP Street, Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 MAY - 5 2004 MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON MAYOR'S OFFICE Attention: Town Council Re: Designated disabled paIldng space We recently called !he by-law office inquiring about the procedure 10 convert a parl<ing space nn King Street into a disabled pwking spot and were advised by Len Cramer that a request would have to be made by letter and forwarded 10 council. Laberimi EnteJprises Inc. is the private Driver & Vehicle issuer for !he Ministry of Transportation in Bowmanville. We re-located to our new office at 100 King Street East in March 2002. In September 2003, !he MinistIy privatized !he Driver Examination offices. As a result oftbis change, all senior drivers must now renew their licences at a private issuing office. Many of these drivers use the disabled parlling pennits. The MinistIy is asking us 10 provide a disabled pwking space in close proximity 10 !he front door 10 assist the senior drivers as well as any other members of!he public in possession of disabled parldng pennits. Therefore we are requesting that a parking space on King Street be designated as a disabled parking spot. The first available parldng space on !he north side of King Street, east of George Street would be the preferoble location, as this would allow !he easiest access into our office. The ClUb in this spot is aIready cut making it a safe location for departure from the passenger side of the vehicle. Thanking you for your attention to this malter. ~,- " "C.:..-"..-- Berta Avery President Laberimi Enterprises Inc, f .~..~:~;" :.", . ""~"i\'<''' ..~ , ~~, _c:, .,.....(>:'" 1 GLLR~ ' , AJ'':J K~ ~'" .~Ar-::. ~ r, , 1 kOR~(~N;..t ':,c. &0 . _.__._...._. __'._..~4'_..-""~ ~ ~J ;;'~'i~\~ c::~-,.!-~--1 r--" ...'.. r-.--~_l ~....".,.,...."'''''w.-'-....,. ..r---.--....,.,..,~ C-,"""",,",,,-,..}~,"._.~...{ ~ ;: ;- -~,'..-,-<.-~.,. .-~..-~,...,;,-~"..,.,....,--..,......"", d . .". ~1"l ~ _ .......11< __"'''........,.T....,..,L_"...."..__..,;,,)~ ~-2~~~~$oi'!'f'~"i"'q4A...~.;;-,~.. :. \." Section 6 ATTACHMENT NO,: 3 REPORT NO,: EGD-21-05 Off-Street Parking and Loading . . - TABLE 6-3 REGULATIONS - :\T:\IBER OF PARKL'IG SPACES fOR THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED --.-- ---- -- --. - -- - -- - -- Legend # Notation Number of Parking Spaces Required By Table 6 _ 2 I to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75 76 to 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 300 301 to 400 401 to 500 501 to 1000 Greater than 1000 Notations for Table 6 - 3 (1) Nursing homes, retirement homes, hospitals, medical clinics and medical offices shall provide twice the number of parking spaces for the physically disabled as required by Table 6 _ 3. 6.3 Parking Area Location and Design Standards 6.3. I For the purposes of this By-law: a) Aisle shall mean that part of a parking area used for the manoeuvring Of circulation of motor vehicles. An aisle shaII have a minimum width of 4.5 metres for one-way traffic or 6 metres for two-way traffic; b) Commercial Parking Area shaII mean a parking area where short term parking of motor vehicles is provided for a fee, and may include a kiosk for the parking attendant; c) Driveway shall mean that portion of a lot designed to provide motor vehicle access from the lot to the travelled portion of the street, private road or lane; d) Enclosed Parking Area shall mean a parking area located within a building or structure, including multi-storey Structures such as aboveground or underground garages; e) Parking Area shall mean an area within a building or structure or an area of land not located on a street, private road; or lane which is used for the parking of mOfe than one motor vehicle with or without a fee being charged, but shall not include any area where motor vehicles are kept or stored for sale or repair. C1arington Zoning By-law (Draft) Page 6-5 Section 6 Off-Street Parking and loading 6.1.2 ~~----------=~ , -. TABLE6.1 ~ __ _ .__ ___._~..REGUL~TIONS.PARKINGSPACED~NSIONS ~,_ __-_. Legend "" Not applicable (#\ Notation Parkin~ Space Length Other Regulations Width (1) Angle(2) Parallel 5,7 m measured on the angle "" 2.75 m (3) 2.75 m (3) 7m '" Perpendicular 5,7 m; or 5A m in front of landscaped area or walkway 5,7m "" 2.75 m (3) Width of landscaped area or walkway - 2.4 m Tandem 2.75 m (3) I space - 4,5 m 2 or more abutting spaces - 3.4 m each 2.75 m 5.7m Area - 18,6 m' Physically Disabled 5.7m "" Garage Notations for Table 6-1 (1) Where a parking space abuts a wall along its length, the minimum required width of the parking space shall be increased by 0.25 m. In the case of a 2 car garage, the minimum width of only I parking space must be increased. (2) Angle of parking space - 45 degrees (3) Width of 2 outdoor perpendicular parking spaces for a single detached, semi-detached or duplex dwellinll - 4.6 m. This provision does not apply to semi-detached dweUinlls in the RJA Zone. 6.1.3 A required parking space shall only be used for the parking of operative, currently licensed motor vehicles unless otherwise specified in this By-law. 6.1.4 One commercial motor vehicle not exceeding four tonnes registered gross weight at capacity may use a required parking space within any Residential Zone. 6,1.5 The parking spaces in the RI, R2, and R3A zones required forresidential uses and for a home ,~ccupation may be provided in tandem. 6.2 Parking Space Requirements 6,2.1 Parking spaces shalI be provided on the same lot as the building. structure or use requiring the parking and shalI be calculated in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 6.2.3 and 6,2.4, The number of required parking spaces shall be rounded up to the next whole number. 6.2.2 Where the required parking spaces cannot be provided on the same lot as the use requiring the parking, the required parking spaces may be located on another lot, subject to the following: C1arington Zoning By-law (Draft) Page 6-2 -- ~ r- 10-- ,....- ~ t: c ~ t:: t= t= ~ 1= t= t: ~ i- t: !l- i- !'- io... ..... l..... ,- - '. TEMPERANCE ST. ~ z c.::> (7j 0. o f- (/) <>0 * <>0 * 0::: Q) <>O! -0 rtl .c i +' L o.Oi a c c I- a w w w Z 0> Ct: 0 c l- N ~ (/) L c.::> 0 :r: z D- U 0 -0 Ct: <( Q) ::::J 0 L :r: -' Q) U +' Q) E 0. :L 0> c +' rtl X W - -- I --:~ ----- I 0. :L 0. :L 0. :L SIL VER ST. ! ~o. <'>0 Of- oa5(/) W 00:::~ (/)50<'> 0:::0 S W 0::: ~m ~o.~ 0::: f- owo.o zOz >-of- 0::: N (/)0 W f-o >c.::> :::Jzoo wozz 0<(0<( oGDen z-' W -<(w~u :r:(/)<( O:::~ 0. w'---I(f) o.:::wU =>(/)0:::0 iO:::J~':J <.><'>f-<.>m i=---l(f) <{Z o-,:::JZ~~ <(:Lao(/) ~\ ~ ~ ATTACHMENT NO,: 5 REPORT NO,: EGD-21-05 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2005- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58, as amended, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington, WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to amend By-law 91-58; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipaiity of Clarington enacts as follows: 1) Scheduie XXIX "ON-STREET PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS" of By-law 91-58 is amended by deleting the schedule in its entirety and substituting thereto a revised Schedule XXIX "ON-STREET PARKING FOR DiSABLED PERSONS" as follows: SCHEDULE XXIX ON-STREET PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS COLUMN 1 Hiahwav COLUMN 2 Side COLUMN 3 Between COLUMN 4 Times or Davs Church Lane (Newtonville) South 85 m and 98 m East of Dumam Anytime Region Road 18 (Newtonville Road) Church Street (Bowmanville) South 28 m and 44 m West of Temperance Street Anytime Church Street (Bowmanville) South 7 m and 21 m West of Temperance Street Anytime King Street East (Bowmanville) North 10 m and 17m East of George Street Anytime Prince Street (Bowmanville) North 105 m and 120 m east of Durham Anytime Regional Road 14 (Liberty Street South) Temperance Street (Bowmanville) East 56 m and 63 m north of Queen Street Anytime - 2- 2) Schedule XXX "OFF-STREET PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS" of By-law 91-58 is amended by deleting the schedule in its entirety and substttuting thereto a revised Schedule XXX "OFF-STREET PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS" as follows : SCHEDULE XXX OFF-STREET PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS COLUMN 1 Location COLUMN 2 Number of Stalls Municipality of Clarington - Courtice Community Complex 2950 Region Road 34/Courtice Road (Courtice) 4 Municipality of Clarington - South Courtice Community Complex 1595 Prestonvale Rd (Courtice) 8 Municipality of Clarington - Church 8t Par1<ing Lot 132 Church Street (Bowmanville) 2 Municipality of Clarington - Darlington Sports Complex (Hampton) 2 Municipality of Clarington . Division street Parking Lot 30 Division Street (Bowmanvilte) 4 Municipality of Clarington - Fitness Centre Parking Lot 49 Region Road 14/liberty Street North (Bowmanville) 2 Municipality of Clarington - G. Rickard Recreation Complex 2440 Durham Hwy 2 (Bowmanville) 9 Municipality of Clarington King Street Parkirig Lot 20 King Street East (Bowmanville) 2 Municipality of Clarington - Mill Street Parking Lot 49 Region Road 17/MiII Street North (Newcastle) 2 Municipality of Clarington - NewcasUe Memorial Arena 103 Caroline Street West (Newcastle) 2 Municipality of Clarington - Silver Street Parking Lot 15 Silver Street (Bowmanville) 2 - 3- Municipality of Clarington _ Silver Street Parking Lot 25 Silver Street (Bowmanville) 2 Clarington Mall 2379 Durham Hwy 2 (Bowmanville) 14 Clarington Mall 2387 Durham Hwy 2 (Bowmanville) Clarington Mall 90 Clarington Boulevard (Bowmanville) 2 3) This By-law shall come into force on the date that n is approved and when signs to the effect are erected, BY-LAW read a first and second time this 27'h day of June. 2005, BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 27th day of June, 2005, John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipai Clerk