HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPD-011-05 Report 117 Cloo. Leading the Way u REPORT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: June 27, 2005 Report #: OPD.011.05 File#: By-Law #: Subject: ST. GEORGE'S CEMETERY, NEWCASTLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended Council approve the following recommendations: 1. THAT Report OPD-011-05 be received; and 2. THAT subject to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services, the Municipality acquire title in fee simple and to assume all responsibilities related thereto the St. George's Cemetery located at 2 Browview Road, Clarke; and 3. THAT the acquisition of the Cemetery and easements by the Municipality be subject to the Municipality being able to comply with all requirements of the Cemeteries Act; and 4. THAT a reference plan of survey satisfactory to the Municipality describing the areas of the Cemetery and any easements be prepared at no cost to the Municipality; and 5. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the Municipality all documents necessary to give effect to the above recommendations; and 6. THAT the Municipality provides maintenance assistance to the Cemetery until the transfer is a proved and complete. Reviewed bY~~....Q _-5;~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: rvath B.A., D.M.R, RRFA Direclor 0 Operations REPORT NO. OPD-011-05 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The Municipality has received a written request to take over ownership of St. George's Anglican Church Cemetery on Highway 2 in Newcastle. (Attachment #1). The Cemetery is approximately 1.75 acres located at part lot 34, 2nd Concession of Clarke Township, and was established in 1875. (Attachment #2) The cemetery is now operated by volunteers, and they are experiencing difficulty in its overall regular maintenance. The cemetery is non denominational and has an average of five interments a year. PROCESS: Pursuant to the Province of Ontario's Cemeteries Act, a completed licence application, all financial statements from all trust funds and the application fees will have to be submitted to the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services thirty days prior to the proposed transfer. Once the approval is given, the Municipality will amend Bylaw #2005-067 being a bylaw for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of cemeteries in the Municipality of Clarington to include St. George's Cemetery. TRANSITION: Until the approval is complete, St. George's Cemetery will continue to set grave markers and memorials, opening and closing of graves and the disinterment or removal of human remains. The Municipality will assist with the cutting of grass and general care of lots. This is estimated at $5,000, which will be charged against the grass cutting contract account. Approval from the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services is expected to take approximately eight weeks. !:\GPA REPORTS 2005\OPD-011-05-ST. GEORGES CEMETERY.doc REPORT NO. OPD-011-05 PAGE 3 ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH: This report has been reviewed by the representatives of the Church and are in agreement with all the recommendations. They have requested that the fees (Attachment #3) that they have set remain for the duration of this calendar year. Once the Cemetery Act is amended to include this Cemetery, the rates will be consistent with the Bowmanville and Bondhead Cemeteries. Attachments: Attachment #1 Attachment #2 Attachment #3 Request to Transfer Map St. George's Cemetery Board Rate Schedule CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 263-2292 F (905) 263-4433 I:\GPA REPORTS 2005\OPD-011-05-ST. GEORGES CEMETERY_doc ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: OPO-011-05 St. George's Anglican Church - 250 Mill Street South Newcastle, Ontario LIB IC5 Municipality of Clarington Fred Horvath Director of Operalions April 28, 2005 Dear Sir: Please consider this as a formal request from the Wardens and congregation of SI. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, to transfer lhe cemelery located Lol 34, Concession 2 to the town of Clarington, effective as soon as possible. Please note that we request thai burial rates be maintained at the current level for the remainder of2005. This is necessary 10 provide currenl members of the congregation an opportunity 10 fmalize their intentions. Please do not hesitate to conlact us if you have any questions ,concerns. ~ (~- C:#71/i~ Mark Hendrikx Elgin 'ffeard Lot 35 Lot 34 Lot 33 Lot 32 ~L .1081 ~. -N ~ N ~~ ", ~ ~ 1<1~~ ;:!j~~~~ . . N N " ! ~ ~ 1')1"')1<11<11"]"'11') ~ 1')1')1')1"1..,1<11'") ~ \.UM,~, ~ " ~ ~ i ~ N " N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 415 3.5 385 375 ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: OPD-011-05 355 333 e I Newc ,C"ol I Village ----s::: 0 .- I (13 and 17) U) U) G) I (,) s::: 0 I 0 'iI I ;; N ~ ;; I ,o''b 0 '!J ~ ;; ;; N ~ ~ . I ~ I ~ u TOWER , ;;; -, , "/ L-- i CLARKE 22 CARL 814 VILL. . 13/17 1 . I '" -x:t.~#~..~.' .e. f MtlbKi,v ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: OPD-011-05 IJlt. Georlre's Ce1ll&tery BolU"C1 St. GeQrge' sAl1€llcan ChUNll - Ne.-calltle, On'tario _ PrQoosed Tariff of Rates' Sale of: Lot s Single lot Crelllll.tion lot ~,,1,,,,,J;~a 3'x9' 2'x2' !!Jill $ 500.0.0. 175.0.0. :rntemnent a. Ad:ult b. Cremation Jo.o..o.o. 1ab.o.o. Disi.l'rterment Charl/:es a. Disintst'llllmt inoluding reburial at anethllr location in sallie cemetery b. Disinterment including lowering remains at the same location o. Diainterment tor reburial .at another oemetery d. Disinterment 1'<)1:' reburial at another location in the ualne cemetery or di.fte:nm:t cemetery _ . Cremation. 700..00 50.0..0.0. 4,S0.o.O 180..0.0 txt>:a CharMS a. Extra Deep In'te1"lllent - Add! tional ChlU"ge b. Extr& Deep Disinterment - Ad.ditio.na.l Charga c. Sett.ing Oornerstones (new lot/plot) 100.00 100.00 25.00 Pl.EASf NOTE rn. prie.e Il$t may COOlllln $l1lI:U Of '*""ery...... ,md~" wtwcn IlflIIIOt~lIlllf IikIcllllfllllllt ~lrar. . PI-. l'8I8r blhll fflpIi;..IId ~ to (;OOlIrm 1!IIlli;b. ~ ~ lAd .""... ar. :~ IN ...... -, lWt lit P!ll~ by IN --. No surcharge ill _de Ear eervbea rend:erea on a weebnd. or pub1.ic holiday. No Winter burials. No ~t required. Other servioes - planting.. 0:1: tnes,repll.lrs to :l:oun&aUOns etc. _ materials plus labo;.uo at hourly rate plus 1~ overhead charge. _...... Of _...,. "" .. @ ~1Mt:r ~ c.oo~ ~ C~I:tl'~ ~t (fU RjfIIIUWI:$ OOlnfmHe3 .c~,;91fM. ~~ Oritaoo _~~1W. t/tn. C"'-'-_ FILED ,I DEPO?ff ~-~~~~~; &::=.~ :;)... ,i~~%~~ ~,..,..-- . .....f .