HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-009-05 .' .' Report 1/3 , ClfJl-!!Jgton REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2005 Report #: FND-009-05 File #: Subject: CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-009-05 be received; 2. THAT Clarington Older Adult Centre be accepted as a Committee of Council; 3. THAT Jim Schell and Don MacArthur, as members of Council be appointed as Council's liaison to the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board; 4. THAT the Clarington Beech Centre Board be disbanded; and 5. THAT the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board and the municipality's insurers be advised of Council's decision. /;' Submitted by: Reviewed by: anklin Wu, ~ Chief Administrative Officer. NT/hjl . REPORT NO.: FND-09-05 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: 1.0 In the fall of 1997, the Municipality of Clarington initiated the purchase of the former Lion's Club Centre to be used as the Seniors' Activity Centre for the members of the Clarington Older Adults Association (COM). Building expansion and renovations were completed over the next year and in the fall of 1998 Clarington Beech Centre opened as the home of the Clarington Older Adults Association. 1.1 As a result of opportunities for grant funding, insurance considerations from the Municipality's insurance provider at the time, as well as considerations relating to Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Clarington Older Adult Association was formally incorporated as a non-profit company and undertook to operate the facility and programs, on behalf of the Municipality. This was formalized through the establishment of a lease with COM. 1.2 In 2001, Council approved the establishment of the Clarington Beech Centre as a Community Recreation Centre, under the Community Centres Act, and appointed a hall board to manage the operations of the Clarington Beech Centre. The COM was allocated space within the Beech Centre by the Hall Board to run their programs. This action was initiated to exempt the Beech Centre and the COM from assessment of municipal, regional and educational taxation while maintaining the independence of the COM to apply for funding opportunities such as Trillium Grants. 1.3 The Clarington Older Adults Association has continued to meet the demands of an expanding clientele. Membership has grown from 266 in 1999 to 657 in 2005. Stats Canada data predicts a growth of more than 34% in the 55+ age group in Clarington over the period 2001 -2006 which would indicate that the demands on COM membership will continue. 1.4 Over the last four years, the Beech Centre and the Clarington Older Adults Association have realized financial hardships. Initially it was expected that the Clarington Older Adults Association would receive funding of $30,000 annually through the Elderly Person Centres Grant program. Although other Senior Centres in Durham receive this grant, the provincial government froze all funding to new centres several years ago. The Clarington Older Adults Association has lobbied long and hard to have access to the EPCG funding, to no avail. 1.5 The Clarington Beech Centre Hall Board and the Clarington Older Adults Association have received annual funding from the Municipality through the Municipal Grants Program. REPORT NO.: FND-09-05 PAGE 3 1.6 The COAA offers a unique, municipal wide service, similar to the Library, the Clarington Museum, the Visual Arts Centre and the Firehouse Youth Centre. 1.7 Recently regulations regarding Trillium funding eligibility have been amended. The provincial government recognized that many worthwhile community services were deemed ineligible as Committees of Council, under the old guidelines. This restriction has been removed making it possible for the Clarington Older Adults Association to again assume responsibility for the management of the Beech Centre. 1.8 At the Clarington Beech Centre Hall Board Meeting of February 10, 2005, the Board approved a motion moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor McArthur that the COAA become a Board of Council and that the Clarington Beech Centre Hall Board be disbanded pending approval of the COAA, (Attachment "A"). 1.9 The Clarington Older Adults Association passed a resolution supporting the Hall Board motion at their meeting of February 11, 2005. 2.0 The municipality's insurance carriers have advised that they would cover the insurance requirements of the Clarington Older Adult Centre board as a Council Committee provided: a) Council passes a resolution accepting the Board as a Committee of Council; b) A member of Council sits on the Committee; c) Committee minutes are forwarded to Council for information; d) An annual budget is prepared by the Committee and submitted to Council; e) Financial statements are submitted to Council; f) The Committee is aware that they cannot incur debt; and g) All assets of the Committee become municipal assets. Attachments: Attachment "A" -letter from Clarington Older Adult Association I nterested Parties: Clarington Older Adult Centre 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A2 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 " , Attachment "A" CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION "\"\9\0[1 Beech C C\~~\ en~e '1T~;~ 26 Beech Avenue . Bowmanville. ON L 1 C 3A2 Telephone: (905) 697-2856 . Fax: (905) 697-0739 June 7, 2005 Municipality ofClarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Attention: Mayor Mutton and Members of Council Re: Boards of Council In February this year Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance met with the Clarington Beech Centre Board to discuss its financial and operational issues. Her recommendation was that if both the Clarington Beech Centre Board and the The Clarington Older Association boards agreed it would be better if both combined and one new Board of Council was formed to manage The Beech Centre and provide the provide the programs and activities for the older adults. Listed below is a copy of the motion and resolution passed by both boards in favour of this change. (a) Motion passed at Beech centre Board Meeting Feb.10th 05 Motion: That The Clarington Older Adult Association become a board of Council as soon as possible for thi, facility and that the Clarington Beech Ccntre Board cease as soon as possible pending approval of the Clarington Older Adult Association Board. Moved by: Jim Schell Seconded by : Don McArthur Carried (b) Rcsolution passed at Clarington Older Adult Board Meeting on Feb.11th 2005 '- RESOLUTION: WHEREAS the Clarington Older Adult Association and the Clarington Beech Centre Board have or will experience financial shortfalls, and WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington supports making the Clarington Older Adult Association a Board of Council and the dissolving of the Beech Centre Board, and WHEREAS the Older Adult Association would still be eligible for outside for outside Government funding when available (i.e. Trillium, Elderly Persons Centre Act, etc.) and WHEREAS only one set of records would be required and WHEREAS some savings would occur (no auditor's fee or Directors insurance). THEREFORE, Be It Resolved that the Clarington Older Adult Association agree with the Clarington Beech Centre Board's motion to dissolve the Beech Centre Board and the Clarington Older Adult Association assume full responsibility for the operations of the Centre as soon as feasible (March 31, 200S?) with the following conditions: 1. The Clarington Older Adult Association assume full responsibility for all bookings, considering funding is provided (if needed) to pay for after hour security assistance past 6 p.m. and on weekends. 2. Sole discretion for future rentals is that of the Clarington Older Adult Association and there is no obligation that rentals must be made. 3. Nancy Taylor, Municipal Treasurer, our Executive Director John Coffey, and Skip Crosby put forward financial consideration acceptable t the Claringron Older Adult Association Directors and the Council of the Municipality of Claringron. 4. The Board of Council shall be members of the Clarington Older Adult Association as elected under the present By-Laws. Council shall appoint representative(s) to the Board. '. The Clarington Older Adult Association will strive to have fundraising reach, each year, an average of the previous three years. The Clarington Older Adult Association would like Council to proceed with this change and have one Board of Council to operate The Beech Centre. We would also like to thank you for your ongoing support in making the Beech Centre a great place for the residents of Clarington. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change please feel free to contact me. Yours ruly, ~.'~.' .f t'j;,:;/} . /1~hn Coffey . ~ /./ Executive Director ? -7/ . (. ~~ (~C0 ??J . '" R: . ./G Vi Ashton, President COAA Ik~ ~~~ Don Welsh, Chair Beech Centre Board Cc: Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance ./ Skip Crosby Vi Ashton Don Welsh G:\Board Reports\Board of Council request.doc