HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-07-27 Minutes for Communications Working Group Meeting Date: Monday, July 27, 2015 Time: 9 a.m. Location: 1A Attending: Duncan Anderson Mark Berney Jenny Bilenduke Linda Coutu Susan Hajnik Alison Jeschke Marie Marano Basia Radomski Sarah Vaisler Paul Wirch Absent: Curry Clifford Steve Myers Laura Pinto Leanne Walker Update on Action Items: Meeting Invites and Room Bookings Basia has been in contact with Rob Van Dyke about incorporating meeting rooms into Outlook. Staff will be able to book through Outlook at MAC only. There is still discussion th on whether the 4 floor legal boardroom will be included. Janet Dauncey will still be the gatekeeper to resolve booking conflicts when they occur. Administrative assistants will still be able to book and delete meetings. Accessible Email Signature Three samples were brought to the committee. The samples were all previously approved by the CAO. Staff will have the option to include their extension number and cell phone number. Alt text is provided for the logos to ensure the design is accessible. The signature will be automatically populated in Outlook and staff will input their name, job title and other contact information. The committee voted on sample 3 with the addition of the department name. The signature will be sent to department heads to approve the address (if different than 40 Temperance) for offsite staff. The committee would like to have the signature in place by September. Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 905-623-3379www.clarington.net Review of Work Plan Changes to be made to the work plan  Number each item  Add a check box column to the end to show completed projects  Update item #1 (corporate job descriptions posted on intranet with photos) to make photos voluntary and to create a high level chart for the website. Alison Jeschke to create chart for next meeting o Department heads to approve chart before being posted o  Update item #6 “Acquire a municipal complaints software” to “acquire a municipal feedback software” Curry Clifford is doing some investigation into this. o Bylaw currently using LDO. Linda Coutu to look into if there is an o opportunity to share with other departments  Update item #7 members of the committee to ask their departments to track any feedback on the website and send to communications  Update item #10 “designate a point person in each department for inquires or a regularly updated list of departmental responsibilities” to merge with item #1 “corporate job descriptions posted in intranet with photos”  Add an additional item for creating YouTube videos to answer commonly asked questions  Use the work plan as an attachment in the bi-annual report to the CAO  Next meeting set timeline and priorities Review the website The website is live and fully accessible. The committee reviewed some of the new functions such as subscribing to news and alerts, department overviews, alerts on the homepage, and the feedback column. Committee members are again asked to send any feedback on the website to the communications division. Questions arose on how to report Clarington road closures to Google maps and other GPS services. Jenny Bilenduke to investigate. The website is to be presented to Council at the next General Government meeting. It will also be presented to Management at their next meeting. Other Business None Next Meeting The next meeting will be in the end of September Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 905-623-3379www.clarington.net