HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-110-85 File No. 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1,10 TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 15, 1985 REPORT NO. : PD-110-85 SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAN OF SUBDIVISION - INCHAFFRAY INVESTMENTS LIMITED PART LOT 29, CONC. 2, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE FILE: 18T-85010 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following : 1 . That Report PD-110-85 be received; and 2. That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to draft approval of Plan of Subdivision 18T-85010 subject to the conditions * outlined on Attachment No. 2 hereto; and 3. That a copy of Staff Report PD-110-85 and Council 's decision be forwarded to -the Region of Durham and the applicant. . ..2 REPORT NO. : PD-110-85 Page 2 BACKGROUND: On May 3rd, 1985, the Town of Newcastle was advised by the Region of Durham of an application for approval of a plan of subdivision submitted by Inchaffray Investments Limited. The subject application proposes the creation of fifteen (15) single family lots on a 1 .59 hectare parcel of land on the west side of Regional Road No. 17 immediately south of the CPR tracks in Newcastle * Village (see attached key map). In January, 1984, the applicant applied -to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee (applications LD 38/84 to LD 43/84) for permission to create six (6) lots with direct access to Regional Road No. 17 on the southern portion of the subject property. The applicant also indicated his intention to proceed with severances on the remainder of the property at a future date. In comments to the Land Division Committee, Town Staff noted that the subject lands are designated "Residential " by the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area Plan, and that the Official Plan states that development within residential neighbourhoods shall generally be by means of plans of subdivision. The pattern of development established by the proposed severances were not in conformity with the draft Neighbourhood Plan prepared by Town Staff and did not have regard for the development of adjacent lands. Staff further noted that Regional Road No. 17 is a Type 'B' arterial road and that -the Regional Official Plan limits adjacent access points onto such a road in an urban area, the intention being to require lots along regional roads to have reverse frontages. Staff recommended to the Land Division Committee that the applications for consent be denied. The Committee tabled the applications for one year and in February 1985, dismissed the applications at the applicant 's request. . . .3 REPORT NO. : PD-110-85 Page 3 Concurrent with the Land Division applications , the applicant submitted to the Town an application to rezone all of the lands to permit the proposed residential development. In Report PD-62-84, which was considered by Committee on March 5, 1984, Staff indicated no objection to the principle of rezoning the subject lands and recommended that the application be tabled pending resolution of the subdivision question. Committee approved the recommendation which was endorsed by Council on March 12, 1984. The subject lands were subsequently zoned "R1" with -the approval of By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. As previously indicated, the subject subdivision application was submitted on May 3rd, 1985. The applicant also submitted a Noise Attenuation Study in support of the proposal . This study indicates that the subdivision plan as submitted was designed to maximize the distance between the CPR tracks and the houses on the lots closest to the tracks, in order to bring -the decibal level in the dwellings to within the standards prescribed by the Ministry of the Environment. The study suggests that warnings on title about daytime rail noise would be necessary on all lots within 120 metres of the rail lines (ie. Lots 10 to 15), and further that these lots will require central air conditioning in order to minimize the adverse effects of the rail noise. As well , the study further suggests that Lots 6 to 10 be equipped with forced air heating with allowance for air conditioning in the future, and that all lots from 6 upwards have warnings on title regarding night time rail noise. The study made further suggestions regarding the construction of the homes to minimize the effects of rail noise. In accordance with departmental procedure, the subdivision application was circulated to various departments for comments. As well , the Region has provided copies of all comments received . . .4 iuu �Q� REPORT NO. : PD-110-85 Page 4 through their circulation of the application . The following is a summary of the major comments received: Town of Newcastle Public Works Department 1. The east/west right-of-way at the south limit of the Plan should be shown as a proposed street, be dedicated as such, and have a width of 26.2.1 metres (ie. collector status). 2. A 0.3 metre reserve should be placed along the full length of the westerly boundary of the development to protect for future development -to the west. 3. The cul -de-sac bulb should have a radius of 18.25 metres per Town Design Standards. 4. A 9.1 metre by 13.7 metre site triangle on North Street should be provided at the intersection of the east/west road and North Street. Town of Newcastle Community Services Department The subject subdivision is considered infilling in this area for park purposes and -the residents would use the existing neighbour- hood park, Memorial Park. We therefore recommend cash-in-lieu of 5% park dedication. Region of Durham Works Department Full municipal services are available to the subject plan through the existing watermain and sanitary sewer on North Street. Due to the proposal proceeding with reverse frontages onto North Street, it would appear to have no adverse effects on the abutting Regional Road. Canadian Pacific Railway CPR Rail does not wish to object to -the plan of subdivision conditional that -the recommendations as indicated in the Noise Attenuation Study be implemented. Although great measures are being taken to reduce -the impact of railway operations on the subdivision, it is felt that the comfort of potential residents may be further diminished in the future with increased rail traffic. . . .5 i REPORT NO. : PD-110-05 Page 5 Canadian Pacific Railway (cont'd) In order to discourage children from trespassing on to the right- of-way, a condition would also be required in the sudivision agreement stating that a 6 foot high chainlinked fence be erected along the common boundary of the railway right-of-way and the subdivision by the developer at his expense. The developer is also to be made aware of the necessity of including a covenant running with the land, in all deeds, obliging the purchasers of the land to maintain the fence in a satisfactory condition at their expense. The subject application was circulated by the Region of Durham to the Ministry of the Environment for comment. However, as of the date of this report, no reply had been received by the Ministry. COMMENT: The most significant issue of concern highlighted as a result of the circulation of the draft plan of subdivision, relates to the proximity of the CPR tracks to the proposed development. The Newcastle Village Official Plan (Section 2.1 .3(vii )) requires that appropriate buffers such as setbacks, berms, walls etc. be required to separate residential uses from non-residential uses for the purposes of reducing or eliminating noise conflicts. Buffering requirements shall be determined for relevant development applications by the Town , in consultation with the Ministry of the Environment and other affected public agencies. As indicated earlier, the applicant has submitted a noise attenuation proposal in support of the subdivision application. However, no comments have been received from the Ministry of the Environment as to the acceptability of the measures proposed by the study. As well , Staff note that Canadian Pacific has . . .6 jv(e� REPORT NO. : PD-110-85 Page 6 requested that the developer be required -to erect at his expense a six foot high chainlinked fence along the common boundary of the railway right-of-way and the subdivision, and that a covenant be registered against the appropriate deeds obliging the purchasers of the land to maintain the fence in a satisfactory condition at their expense. It is therefore recommended that the following be included in the Town 's conditions of draft approval for the proposed plan of subdivision (see Attachment No. 2) : "Prior to final approval , the Owner shall submit a Noise Study recommending noise control measures satisfactory to the Ministry of the Environment and the Town of Newcastle. Prior to final approval , the Ministry of the Environment shall be notified by a copy of the fully executed subdivider 's agreement between the developer and -the municipality, that the noise control measures recommended by the acoustical report and any features recommended by the Ministry of the Environment shall be implemented as approved, by requirement of the subdivider's agreement. In the event that a slight noise level excess will remain despite the implementation of the noise control measures, the following warning clause shall be included in a registered portion of the subdivider's agreement and shown in all Offers of Sale and Purchase on those lots identified by the Ministry of the Environment: "Purchasers are advised that despite the inclusion of noise control features within the development area and within the individual building units, noise levels may continue to be of concern occasionally interfering with some activities of the dwelling occupants." That the requirements of Canadian Pacific with respect to the provision and maintenance of a barrier between the Canadian Pacific right-of-way and the subdivision be satisfied." . . .7 REPORT NO. : PO-110-85 Page 7 Staff have also reviewed the comments submitted by the Public Works Department and the Community Services Department and are recommending that appropriate clauses be included in the Town's conditions of draft approval . Staff note that the plan of subdivision as proposed, would not prejudice the development of adjacent lands to the west. Based on our review of the comments received, Staff have no objection to the approval of the proposed plan of subdivision * subject to the conditions as specified by Attachment No. 2. It is therefore recommended that Council advise the Region of Durham that the Town of Newcastle has no objections to the approval of draft plan of subdivision 18T-85010, subject to the conditions outlined in Attachment No. 2 hereto, and that a copy of this report and Council 's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the applicant. Respect f tted, T.T. Edwards, M.C. I.P. Director of Planning JAS*TTE*jip *Attach. July 8, 1985 Applicant: Inchaffray Investments Limited c/o Mr. Michael Meredith 191 Eglinton Avenue East Suite 304 TORONTO, Ontario M4P 1 Kl ATITACHMENT 1 TO REPORT PD-110-85 \ dam M�•��Y \ �5 s \ � 14 SRI `a (0 I xz.em R I \ 12 LOT I 29 u; LOT 28 E 1\ 12m n OJ E 1.) N ID _I l) CON. 36.6. z � E 29 = L 6 \ \1 ' / 4 I r � 40.2. ,0 / 4 a t 4 20.12 E I m .P 7 E F• R/u fm cn f I,-C✓urr✓R W Su/ 0: P / NTt'2t,30,c 0�t 40.96m I RESIDENTIAL 50. 25. 5 0 O• I Key Map -Former Village. of Newcastle °m •�.`l.`,` 5Dm 0 �. ti N N ` N � SuDjlC, �,•. � p A MONROE ST `? J x �i AN DFEW 5- ONTARIO HYDRO t- GE ST. _ CONCESSION ? ) WILMO } '-- F a o Z FI THE IUNGS HIGHWAY Nx.2 D-LIE" CONCESSjON I —� MI Y 7 ST i ATTACHMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT PD-110-85 TOWN'S CONDITIONS OF DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL 18T-85010 1. That this approval shall apply to a draft plan of subdivision dated April 16, 1985. 2. That all road allowances in this draft plan be dedicated as public highways. 3. That the streets in the plan be named to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle. 4. That the east/west right-of-way at the south limit of the Plan should be shown as a proposed public street, and be dedicated as such. 5. That the following modifications be incorporated into the plan of subdivision and the lot lines adjusted accordingly: a) The east/west right-of-way at the south limit of the Plan should have a width of 2.6.21 metres. b) A 0.3 metre reserve should be placed along the full length of the westerly boundary of the proposed subdivision and be dedicated to the Town of Newcastle. c) The cul -de-sac bulb should have a radius of 18.25 metres per Town of Newcastle Design Standards. d) A site triangle measuring 9.1 metres by 13.7 metres on North Street should be provided at the intersection of the east/west road and Regional Road No. 17. 6. That the owner shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the Town of Newcastle to include, in addition to the Town 's usual requirements, the following provisions. The Owner agrees: a) to satisfy all requirements of the Town of Newcastle , financial or otherwise, including but not limited to the management of storm water drainage; b) to design and construct all works in accordance with the Town of Newcastle Design Criteria; c) to pay to the municipality cash-in-lieu of the five percent (5%) parkland dedication. . . .2 i iv �) Page 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 TO REPORT PD-110-85 7. Prior to final approval , the Owner shall submit a Noise Study recommending noise control measures satisfactory to the Ministry of the Environment and the Town of Newcastle. 8. Prior to final approval , the Ministry of the Environment shall be notified by a copy of the fully executed subdivider's agreement between 'the developer and -the Municipality, that the noise control measures , recommended by the acoustical report and any features recommended by the Ministry shall be implemented as approved, by requirements of subdivider's agreement. 9. In the event that a slight noise level excess will remain despite the implementation of the noise control measures, the following warning clause shall be included in a registered portion of the subdividers agreement and shown in all Offers of Sale and Purchase on those lots identified by -the Ministry of the Environment; "Purchasers are advised that despite the inclusion of noise control features within the development area and within the individual building units, noise levels may continue to be of concern occasionally interfering with some activities of the dwelling occupants. " 10. That the requirements of Canadian Pacific with respect to the provision and maintenance of a barrier between the Canadian Pacific right-of-way and the subdivision be satisfied. i ATTACHMENT 1 TO REPORT PD-110-85 \ 3.gm .\ N IY� }RE (IJ ciryM 15 � ,] \ \ 14 i �* m I v pry F 7 C V E Z (0 v e ID a� I Al 22.8m O N I L•J LOTS 29 LOT 28 \ g' 32. F- E �\ 12m C] � m � E 10 N LJ N ') ui CON 36.6 m � j E N 9 31: a h J E-• 7 m j Q r' 37.8 m s C] i w rA z R 7 0: \ 410 38.4m w 6\ _ N \ -°o \ 39.0 �- 0 ti 39.6m C] E J N t\(\ 4 I r_ / 1.0 40.2 m n 40.8 m \ 9 - v, (/ J 7 a N 2 c) 40.8m / \ u j \\\ 20.12m E. 1 �� 34.7m \ 43 `�J 1/ RR/fvi r vY L vi ert�o L"J � / 8e�!'cvr Pvrkvr N LC j72°29'SO% 60.96m R>=SIDENTL7IL 50m. 9tiry06 / I f 25m. 5 0 9 CC 913 cQ I g O_ �- Key Map -Former Village of Newcastle 02 50 15 m 50m 0 CID N � SUb%2C7 Londs n � � r O m MONROE ST I J to yL - F ANDREW 5; ON7A R10 AND �• �`n HYDRO w ¢ 4Iw Cr I � I GE ST. CONCESSION 2 WIL.MOT i l , z J O J > z I �� w U T HE I(ING'S HIGHWAY N2.2 E CONCESS/ON / ----� MILY� ( gT