HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPD-004-03 . , Clate fl Leading the Way REPORT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: OPD-04 -03 File #: lOb (; tff- ?-1-1-o3 By-Law #: Date: June 2, 2003 Subject: SENIOR CITIZENS AND PHYSICALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM Recommendations: 1. THAT Report OPD-04-03 be received as infonnation. Submitted by: Reviewed by: Fr J. Horvath, B.A., R.D.M.R., R.R.F.A. nklin Wu, Dirac r of Operations ~ Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVillE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 263-2292 F (905) 263-4433 801 REPORT NO: OPD-04-03 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND The Senior Citizens and Physically Disabled Sidewalk and Driveway Windrow Snow Clearing Program was a popular program again this past season. Since its introduction in 1993 the program has significantly expanded across the Municipality. Although there were 64 participants that did not return to the program this past season, there were 81 new participants and 565 residents who returned to the program, totaling 649 participants for the 2002-2003 season. l.OOttlon Not ....m~ R~ To New in2002i03 2002..03 to p proaram Total Bowmanville 33 322 49 371 Courtice 19 145 19 164 Newcastle 8 42 7 49 Newtonville 1 7 13 10 Orono 2 22 2 24 Solina N/A 4 0 4 Burketon N/A 1 0 1 Enniskillen N/A 2 0 2 Hampton 1 10 1 11 Maple Grove N/A 2 0 2 Mitchell's Corners N/A 8 0 8 *64 565 80 646 Did Not Retum to Program from 02-03 64 Total Participants in 01-02 Program 629 Totat~C!lpanbliin 02..03 ~ 646 Increase to the 02-03 Program from last *17 Year (*81 new participants) For residents to be eligible for this service. applicants must be 65 years of age or older or be physically disabled. occupy a single family, dwelling which fronts onto a Town street in the specified urban areas or the urbanized areas of the specified hamlets, and have no able bodied persons under the age of 65 years residing on the property. Senior citizens must provide a copy of a birth certificate or Senior Citizens CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 263-2292 F (905) 263-4433 . aoz REPORT NO: OPD-Q4-03 PAGE 3 Number; physically disabled applicants must provide a doctor's certificate. Applications will be mailed to previous participants in September and advertisements placed in the newspapers indicating the above information with a deadline date for this program of October 17th, 2003. All applications must be submitted on or before that date to be eligible for the 2003-2004 program. The cost for this winter program activity will be addressed in a subsequent report dealing with the 2003-2004 Municipal Winter Program. The sidewalk snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks starts when a snowfall ends and only when there is more than 2 cm (approximately 1 inch) of snow on sidewalks. The driveway windrow snow clearing service is not undertaken until the snow ploughing on all Municipal streets has been completed. Windrows are not called out for every snow fall. Below is a table of call-out statistics for snow clearing from 1998 to 2003. There is a substantial increase in callouts due to icy conditions throughout this past season. Call-Qut Statistics: November December Janua A ril Total Note: The Call-outs listed above are not all for full call-outs. Some are for sand and salt only, and some for snow clearing only. Windrows are not required to be cleared for each snowfall. Also note that the dates in brackets are the final call-out dates for that year. Attachments: Attachment #1 - Letter to Residents Previously in Program Attachment #2 - Advertisement for Newspapers - August 2003 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 263-2292 F (905) 263-4433 803 ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: OPD-004-03 August 18, 2003 Dear Resident: RE: APPLICATION FOR SNOW CLEARING - 2003-2004 WINTER SEASON SENIOR CITIZENS AND THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM Please find an application enclosed for the 2003-2004 season. This letter is also a reminder to those who have been in the program, that although you were approved to receive the snow clearing service in the 2002-2003 season, you must complete the enclosed Snow Clearing Application for the 2003-2004 Winter Season. Please submit the application to the Operations Department in the enclosed envelope before October 17. 2003. ADDlications received after that date mav not be acceDted. To be eligible for this service, applicants must be 65 years of age or older or be physically disabled, occupy a single family, dwelling which fronts onto a Town street in the specified urban areas or the urbanized areas of the specified hamlets, and have no able bodied persons under the age of 65 years residing on the property. Senior citizens must provide a copy of a birth certificate or Senior Citizens Number; physically disabled applicants must provide a doctor's certificate each year. The snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks starts when a snowfall ends and only when there is more than 2 cm (approximately 1 inch) of snow on sidewalks. The driveway windrow snow clearing service is not undertaken until the snow ploughing on all Municipal streets has been completed and are not caned out for minimal amounts. We ask that you be patient during this process and we will do our best to ensure an effective service. When your 2003-2004 application is approved, a copy win be forwarded to you for your records. If you have any question regarding your application, please contact the undersigned at 905-263-2291 between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Yours truly, Susan D. Arends, Operations Technician Operations Department *sa Enclosures pc: Frederick Horvath, Director of Operations DN: SRLETOJ 804 ~ ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: OPD-004-03 Advertisement for newspapers - Auaust 2003 NOTICE SENIOR CITIZENS AND THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY WINDROW SNOW CLEARING PROGRAM The Municipality of Clarington is offering senior citizens 65 years of age and over and the physically disabled a snow clearing service on municipal sidewalks and for driveway windrows adjacent to single family dwellings, which includes semi-detached, link housing and row housing in the urban areas of Bowmanville, Courtice, Orono, Newcastle Village and in the Hamlets of Bond Head, Newtonville, Tyrone, Leskard, Haydon, Kendal, Solina, Hampton, Burketon, Enniskillen, Maple Grove, Enfield, Mitchell Comers and Kirby. To be eliqible for this service, applicants must be 65 years of age or older or be physically disabled, occupy a single family dwelling which fronts onto a Town street in the specified urban areas of the specified hamlets, and have no able bodied persons under the age of 65 years residing on the property. Senior citizens must provide a copy of a birth certificate or Senior Citizens Number; physically disabled applicants must provide a doctor's certificate each year. Application Forms can be obtained from the Operations Department, 2320 Taunton Road or at the Municipal Administrative Centre, Customer Service Reception Desk at 40 Temperance Street in Bowmanville, or by calling 905-263-2291. If you wish to verify that you qualify for the service, please contact the Operations Department at the above phone number. All applicants who were approved last winter will receive a 2003-2004 application in the mail. All applicants must reapply each winter season and provide the appropriate documentation. All applications should be completed and returned to the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department on or before October 17, 2003. Applications may not be accepted after that date. 805