HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-139-85 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T.T.EDWARDS,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1985 REPORT NO. : PD-139-85 SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-77001 PART LOT 34, CONCESSION 3, GEOGRAPHIC TWP. OF DARLINGTON - (HOLLAND AND SCHLEISS) RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report PD-139-85 be received; and 2. That the requested amendment to a draft plan approval in respect of Plan of Subdivision File: 18T-77001 be approved as requested; and 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary amendment to the Subdivision Agreement at such time as said amendment has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Public Works. it I I REPORT NO. : PD-139-85 Page 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: On September 26, 1985, the Town received a request from Proctor and Redfern, on behalf of Schleiss and Holland, to permit an amendment to the existing approved draft plan for their lands located in Part of Lot 34, Concession 3, in the Courtice Urban Area. The proposed amendment would remove from Block "A", which was deferred for future development, approximately 0.73 hectares of land, and would permit the immediate development of same. The area in question is designated for residential development by the Courtice Urban Area Plan and the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan. The proposed development would comply therewith. The lands are currently zoned "EP-Environmental Protection" by By-law 84-63 which reflects the presence of a minor watercourse and wooded area. This watercourse would be dealt with through the overall Stormwater Management Concept for the Plan of Subdivision, with the majority of the existing tree cover, being scrub cedar, removed to facilitate development. The request is being made at this time, inasmuch as the developer has reached a point where further phases become contingient upon external Regional works not yet in place and this portion of the Plan represents the last remaining piece of land, within the proposed subdivision, which can be developed utilizing the existing municipal service infra-structure. Staff note that development of the site will require an amendment to the draft plan approval , rezoning, and an amendment to the Subdivision Agreement in respect of the adjacent lands to the south. The consultants for the applicant are aware of these requirements and will be submitting a rezoning application, and agreement amendment in the near future. . . .3 C REPORT NO. : PD-139-85 Page 3 Based upon the foregoing, Staff would have no objection to an amendment to the approved draft plan to incorporate the lands * identified on the attachments hereto. Respectfully submitted, dzv T.T. Edw ds, M.C.I .P. Direc*,"Of Planning TTE*j ip *Attach. September 23, 1985 cc: Proctor and Redfern Consulting Engineers and Planners 45 Green Belt Drive DON MILLS, Ontario M3C 3K3 ATTENTION: Mr. Easton I :,,;fir .•;..•'� -�'�. 4' ;�®ire ��ma ��y ••����� ®� � ' J.. � si;+:••g.. i,.:.:jyti:•. :�sw+eunis� irr r,�._. '� gin, �<�� r ►��� �� �� F��u _�'Si T:'rn��i l:a Si d'=�p"rt�• t•y' -Y' `=•h ' 6 i:vl�:�.{':f'••tsat";�.�i?,'+.cat�c�.v 3�Kd:�.vrt��.. VAN ME NMI MIX NMI Croy, lei r � 7. IBM Fri �,� The Proctor & Redfern Group Consulting Engineers and Planners 45 Green Belt Drive Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3C 3K3 Telephone (416) 445-3600 Telex 06-986173 85 09 25 Project EO 85701-F41 Ministry of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street 14th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Attention Mr. I Newton Senior Planner Dear Mr. Newton Re: 18T-77001 Town of Newcastle Region of Durham Further to our recent discussion we are enclosing herewith twenty (20) copies of Proctor do Redfern drawing number 74754-9 revised September 24, 1985, which is a revised Draft Plan for the above captioned land. THE PROPOSAL We are proposing that part of the existing Block 'A' be changed from a "Future Development" status to ten (10) single family detached lots and a street. Specifically we are requesting that approximately 0.73 hectares be developed for lots 296 to 305 inclusive and Street 'L', and subsequently rezoned to 'R 1'. We have outlined in red on the enclosed prints the area subject to our proposal and would respectfully request that the existing draft approval be amended to facilitate the development of these lands. SERVICING CONSIDERATIONS Our engineers advise that basically the property subject to file number 18T-77001 falls within two servicing systems. Essentially the west half of the property cannot be serviced until water, storm and sanitary trunks are extended by the Region. On the other hand the east half of the property can be serviced via an existing system. Since there is capacity in the system which serves the east half of the property, and since the land subject to our proposed draft plan revision falls within the existing serviceable portion of the property, there would appear to be no engineering reason why our propsal should not proceed. Page 2 85 09 25 Project EO 85701-F41 HISTORY It is our understanding that Block 'A' on this plan was held out of development because of the Town's uncertainty respecting the location of the then proposed Adelaide Street extension (possibly through Block 'A'). In addition, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority had expressed interest in the woodlot that is partly located at the north-east corner of the subject property. CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY On July 24, 1985 the writer met with Mr. Chris Conti of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. The matter of amending the draft plan approval to include lots 296 to 305 and Street 'L' was discussed vis-a-vis the Authority's interest in the woodlot. The Authority agreed that the woodlot in the vicinity of proposed lots 296 to 305 was not of high quality (basically scruffy cedar etc.) and was similar to that part of the woodlot that would be disturbed by the development of lots 114 to 131. Accordingly, the Authority felt that its interest in the hardwood portion of the woodlot (farther north) would not be compromised by the development of lots 296 to 305. Mr. Conti questioned whether or not the detention pond on Block 'E' had sufficient capacity to permit the release of this contemplated area for development. Our engineers had included a much larger area in their storm water calculations in designing the detention pond facility. Accordingly, the development of lots 296 to 305 has already been considered. The Conservation Authority, the Region and the Town have now all been advised of these engineering design details. In order to expedite the processing of this request, we have forwarded six (6) copies of the plan directly to Mr. Chris Conti at the Conservation Authority. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE The Town has indicated that the proposed Adelaide Street extension is no longer contemplated and has been deleted from the Courtice Neighbourhood Plan. The Town has also indicated that the proposed lots 296 to 305 and proposed Street 'L' are in conformity with the Courtice Neighbourhood Plan. As such, and mindful of the Conservation Authority's comments, the Town's staff are in agreement with this proposal to amend the draft plan approval. It is anticipated that a staff report will be considered by the Town's General Purpose and Administrative Committee on October 7, 1985 and by Council on October 15, 1985. Subsequently we expect that a Council resolution will be forwarded requesting the Minister to amend the draft plan approval. Page 3 85 09 25 Project EO 85701-F41 In order to expedite the processing of this request we have forwarded six (6) copies of the plan directly to Mr. Terry Edwards at the Town of Newcastle. REGION OF DURHAM The Planning Department at the Region has been contacted and alerted to the fact that the developer is seeking an amendment to the existing draft approval. The Region has advised that our request will be circulated for comment to the Regional Planning Department and the Regional Works Department. A staff report will then be prepared and considered by Regional Planning Committee and Regional Council. i In order to expedite the Regional processing of this request we have forwarded eight (8) copies of the plan directly to Mr. Franklin Wu at the Regional Planning Department. CONCLUSION We trust that all will be found in order and that we have provided sufficient information to enable an expeditious processing and approval of our request. If, however, any further information is required or if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will assist immediately. Yours very truly The Proctor ac Redfern Group Flenaston Senior Planner i GE/am Encl. cc: Damian Albanese, P.Eng.- Proctor be Redfern Walter Schleiss Terry Edwards, M.C.I.P. Town of Newcastle Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. - Region of Durham Chris Conti, B.A., M.E.S.- C.L.O.C.A. Vic Goad, P.Eng. - Region of Durham I