HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-156-85 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE € t 41 REPORT File # � F, di')_ Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: November 4, 1985 REPORT #: PD-156-85 FILE #: 85-42/D SURJECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENT DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN SITE PLAN CONTROL POLICIES RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. THAT Report PD-156-85 be received; and 2. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle objects to the proposed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan in respect of Site Plan Control , as contained in Commissioner's Report 85-146; and 3. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Town would have no objection to an amendment which is limited to encouraging the use of Site Plan Control and identifying right-of-way and sight triangle dedication requirements. REPORT NO. : PD-156-85 Page 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On September 3, 1985, the Regional Planning Committee considered Commissioner's Report 85-146 in respect of Site Plan Control . Said report recommended an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan to incorporate Site Plan Control Policies. This report has been circulated to area municipalities for input. Staff have reviewed the proposed amendment and have the following comments. Site Plan Control is a regulatory tool , provided by the Planning Act, which permits a local municipality to review and regulate site specific development proposals. It is a tool that is under the jurisdiction of local municipalities only, Section 40(2) of the Planning Act, and can only be used if an Official Plan illustrates or describes a site plan control area. An upper tier municipality and it's authority, related to site plan control , is limited to areas abutting Regional roads. In such instances a local municipality may not approve a development until the regional municipality has been afforded a reasonable opportunity to secure, by agreement or otherwise, any road widenings, access controls or parking facilities. Guideline 9 of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides guidance to municipalities considering the use of Site Plan Control . This guideline states in part: "The authority to pass site plan control by-laws is an exclusive local power. Therefore, in most cases, the local official plan can most reasonably show or describe the proposed site plan control area. This would ensure the most straight forward public notice. However, where there is no local official plan, the proposed site plan control area can appropriately be shown or described in the upper tier official plan." . . .3 REPORT NO. : PD-156-85 Page 3 It would appear obvious that the Province intended site plan control policies to be contained within local official plans wherever such plans exist. Given the fact that each of the area municipalities have Official Plans in effect or under consideration, and the fact that, at least five (5) of these plans contain site plan control policies or amendments are being proceeded with, contrary to statements contained in the Regional Staff Report, Staff question the rationale for including policies related to a local function within the Regional Official Plan. In consideration of the foregoing and inasmuch as Regional Staff have stated that the proposed policies are an interim measure only, it would seem more prudent to encourage a more permanent solution by recommending the amendment of local plans which do not yet have the necessary policies in place. If Regional Staff feel that a policy statement is necessary within the Regional Plan, it should be limited in scope and reflect concerns of a Regional nature only. Anything else, in Staff's opinion, would reduce local planning autonomy and authority. * With respect to the proposed Regional amendment, copy attached, Staff have the following comments. Section 16.15.1 - This section contains a general encouragement supporting use of Site Plan Controls. Staff have no objection to this wording and would suggest that similar wording is presently found in Section 16.7.1 in respect of Development Agreements. This is, perhaps, a more appropriate location for a Site Plan Control Policy given the existing format of the plan. . . .4 i i REPORT NO. : PD-156-85 Page 4 Section 16.15.2 - This section attempts to define proposed site plan control areas. Staff have no objection to the use of the first sentence of this section. The remainder of the policy should be deleted. If a local municipality chooses or expects to use site plan control , a local responsibility, then it is incumbent upon that municipality to initiate the necessary amendment to their Official Plan. Section 16.15.3 - This section relates to definition of site plan control exemptions and Staff, again, feel that this should be a matter determined by each local municipality based upon their own expectations for site plan control . Section 16.15.4 - This section merely repeats the provisions of Section 40(2) of the Planning Act and is, therefore, redundant. Section 16.15.5 - This section identifies roads for which road widenings may be required and specifies maximum right-of-way widths and the means of acquiring same. Staff feel that this can be achieved through the local plans. In any event this section and Section 16.15.6, in respect of sight triangles is more appropriately included within Section 13 - Transportation Network, of the Regional Plan where right-of-way widths are already specified. Section 16.15.7 - This section merely reinforces the provisions of Section 40(8) of the Planning Act and is, therefore, redundant since local municipalities are obligated, by legislation, to consult with the upper tier municipalities. . . .5 REPORT NO. : PD-156-85 Page 5 Section 16.15.8 - This section repeats the authority presently contained in Section 40(7)(c) and 40(8)(b) of the Planning Act. Inclusion of this policy is, therefore, redundant. Section 16.15.9 - This section deals with a matter of local concern which can be provided for through the implementing site plan control by-law. The authority to do so already exists in the Planning Act. Based on the foregoing, Staff cannot recommend support for the amendment as proposed by Regional Planning Staff. It is Staff's opinion that substantial portions of the amendment are repetitive of existing legislative authority or address matters of a purely local nature. Staff are, therefore, recommending that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle objects to the proposed amendment. Respect ' ted, T.T. Edwards, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning TTE*j i p *Attach. October 17, 1985 Uh DURHAM PI anni ng Department Commissioner' s Report to Planning Committee Report No. 85146 Date: September 3, 1985 SUBJECT SITE PLAN CONTROL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 40 OF THE PLANNING ACT, FILE: O.P.A. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT the Planning Committee authorize staff to advertise in the appropriate newspapers that the Planning Committee and Regional Council will be considering an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan in accordance with Appendix I to Commissioner' s Report No. 85-146; and 2. THAT Commissioner's Report No. 85-146 be forwarded to the area municipalities for input. REPORT 1. Background 1 .1 On March 5, 1985, Planning Committee received for information correspondence from the Assistant Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing advising that site plan control as provided in the Planning Act, 1983, will come into force on January 1, 1986. At the time, staff indicated that the need for inclusion of policies relative to site plan control in the Durham Regional Official Plan was under investigation . 1 .2 Site plan control allows a local municipality (a Regional municipality is discussed in Section 1 .3 below) to require that development proposals within designated areas be submitted to the municipality for approval and construction be carried out in accordance with approved plans . It provides a means for controlling certain aspects of building and site design and landscaping; it provides for the conveyance of road widenings and easements for services; and it provides for an agreement(s) which will ensure the development will proceed in accordance with the plans that are approved. This supercedes provisions contained in the previous Planning Act for site plan control . 1 .3 Site plan control also provides for Regional involvement in the process. For developments that are Linder site plan control on land abutting Regional roads, the Region may require road widenings, access ramps, curbing, traffic 8 1uCd� Commissioner' s Report No. 85-146 Page 2 4 signals, and other specified facilities. In addition, the Region may require that the owner enter into one or more agreements in regard to these matters. The Planning Act requires that the local municipalities, prior to the approval of plans and drawings, advise the Region to allow a reasonable opportunity for its involvement. 1.4 The Planning Act requires 'that proposed site plan control areas be described in an official plan before a local municipality can designate by by-law site plan control areas. The site plan control areas can be described in either the Regional or local official plans or both. In addition, where either the local municipality or the Region wishes to take road widenings in accordance 1 with the site plan control provisions, the relevant official plans must contain appropriate policies related to the extent of such widening. 2. Comments 2.1 It is appropriate to include provisions in the Durham Regional Official Plan for site plan control in order to: A i ) encourage the use of site plan control for appropriate developments; ii ) designate proposed site plan control areas to allow the use of site plan control in municipalities not having policies in the local official plans; iii ) to enable the Region to take road widenings where development under vsite plan control is contemplated abutting Regional roads; and iv) establish the procedure for Regional involvement. 2 .2 Site plan control can be an extremely useful tool to both the local municipalities and the Region. It is a means by which the policies of applicable official plans can be implemented, design aspects of development can be managed, and impacts of new development can be diminished. 2 .3 At the time of preparation of this Report, only Whitby had initiated an amendment to the local official plan to enable the designation of site plan control areas. In order to facilitate its use in the other local z� municipalities in the interim, it is appropriate to include provisions in the Durham Regional Official Plan which would identify the whole Region as a proposed site plan control area. Such provision would not apply to: residential development of one or two dwelling units per lot as it is generally considered that the subdivision and zoning processes sufficiently provide for such development; or, buildings and structures on farm operations where the existing official plans, zoning by-laws and the Agriculture Code of Practice provide sufficient control . Site plan control , however, could still be applied to farm related uses such as implement dealerships, feed mills, abbatoirs or produce outlets. � b l� Ch). Commissioner' s Report No. 85-146 Page 3 The provisions in the Durham Regional Official Plan will not preclude detailing and expanding of the policies in the respective local official plans. 2.4 A primary reason for including provisions related to site plan control in an official plan is to make landowners aware of the proposed use of site plan control in their municipality. It is appropriate, therefore, that the policies indicate that the local municipalities and the Region will consider these matters in site plan control . These include passing by-laws to designate site plan control areas or uses; the requirement of agreements , and the requirement of road widenings and other related works . 2.5 Of significance to the Region is the manner in which each local municipality will advise the Region of development proceeding under site plan control . The Planning Act requires that the local municipalities advise the Region prior to the approval of plans and drawings and afford a reasonable opportunity to exercise its authority under Section 40 of the Act. Local official plans should also include a provision indicating the Region's involvement in the process. 2.6 A proposed amendment is attached as Appendix I . This proposed amendment will be circulated to the area municipalities for their 'input prior to the amendment being considered by Planning Commit-tee and Council . Dr. M. Michael , M.C. I .P NC/L1( Commissioner of Planning Attachment: Appendix I - Amendment document RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE D. R. Evans, P. Eng. , 87 APPENDIX I TO COMMISSIONER'S REPORT NO. 85- 146 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: To address the provisions of Section 40 of the Planning Act to establish the use of site plan control in the Region. a BASIS: To notify the public regarding the use of site plan control . ACTUAL The Durham Regional Official Plan is hereby amended by adding a `«- AMENDMENT: new Section 16.15 as follows: 16.15 Site Plan Control 16.15.1 The Region shall encourage the local municipalities to utilize the site plan control provisions of the Planning Act to implement the policies and provisions of this Plan and the local Official Plans and to coordinate and enhance the physical development of the Municipality. 16.15.2 Proposed site plan control areas will be detailed in the local official Plans. In the 'interim, until such provisions are included in the local official plans , the entire Regional Municipality of Durham is hereby declared to be a proposed site plan control area. Once such details have been included within a local Official Plan, this section ,is deemed to have been amended to the extent of any conflict. s 16.15.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 16.15.2, and until provisions for site plan control have been detailed in the local Official Plans, the following shall be exempted: i ) residential development of one or two dwelling units per lot; and ii ) agricultural and farm related buildings or structures that are utilized in farming operations . 16.15.4 Local Council may, by by-law, designate the whole or part of the proposed site plan control area within its jurisdiction as a site plan control area. 16.15 .5 For lands developed under site plan control , abutting roads under local or Regional jurisdiction , the Council having jurisdiction may require dedication of lands for widenings to the extent of the maximum planned rights-of-way indicated in the respective Official Plan. The maximum extent of widening of 88 Type A and Type B arterial roads designated in this Plan shall be 150 feet for a Type A arterial road and 120 feet for a Type B arterial road in accordance with Sections 13.2.8 and 13.2.9. Generally such widenings shall be taken equally from both sides of the road. However, where topographical , design or other limitations would not allow the taking of widening equally from both sides, the Council having jurisdiction may take the widening in the proportions required under the circumstances in order to achieve the maximum road width. 16.15.6 At any Type A or Type B arterial road intersection the Council having jurisdiction may require road widenings in addition to the maximum road allowance width for sight triangles in order to provide sufficient sight distance and cut and fill operations in situations of topographical constraints. Sight triangles shall be a maximum of 165 ft. x 50 ft. (50 m x 15 m) . 16.15.7 Where development subject to site plan control abuts a road under the jurisdiction of the Region, the local municipality, upon application for site plan approval , shall advise the Region to enable - the implementation of Section 40(8) of the Planning Act. 16.15.8 Local Council and/or Regional Council may require the owner of lands proposed for development under site plan control to enter into one or more agreements under Section 40 of the Planning Act to address all the matters contained therein. 16.15.9 Unless otherwise specified in the local Official Plans, drawings showing the plans and elevations of each building to be erected may be required for apartments and other multiple family type dwellings of less than 25 units . This shall not include dwellings exempted in Section 16.15.3. " IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this amendment. 89