HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-174-85 U <q� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # � �-�/• � Res. # 61.1 ° _-- -�. By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: November 18, 1985 REPOT #: PD-174-85 FILE #: Pln. _7..3 SUB,ECT: SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATIONS FOR THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 30, 1985 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-174-85 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: i For the information of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, Staff have * prepared the attached list of applications to the Committee of Adjustment for the meeting of October 30, 1985. This list includes the file number, applicant's name, site location, type of variance requested, Official Plan Conformity, By-law Conformity, Staff's comments on the applications and the Committee of Adjustment's decision. Respec tted, T.T. Edwards, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning CC*TTE*jip *Attach. November 6, 1985 MONITORING OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT DECISIONS October 30 1985. C. OF A. FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION NATURE OF APPLICATION C. OF A.I STAFF COMMENTS DECISION A 39/85 GASCOIGNE & DELANEY L. 24, C. 5, RESIDENTIAL - CREATION Conditional upon Agriculture (GRANTED I I (.DARLINGTON I SEPARATION FROM AGRICULTURAL BUILDING I and Food approval I I A 40/85 GASCOIGNE & DELANEY IL. 24, C. 5 RESIDENTIAL - CREATION ( Conditional upon Agriculture (GRANTED I I ( DARLINGTON I SEPARATION FROM AGRICULTURAL BUILDING and Food approval I I I I i I I I A 41/85 WILLIAM REID L. 25, C. 7 I COMMERCIAL - CREATION LARKE I LOT AREA I GRANTED A 42/85 WILLIAM REID L. 25, C. 7 I COMMERCIAL - CREATION ROBERT REID ICLARKE LOT AREA I GRANTED i I I A 43/85 CECIL SIMMONS L. 33, C. 2 RESIDENTIAL - ACCESSORY BUILDING i NO OBJECTION IGRANTED GLENNYS SIMMONS I DARLINGTON I IN EXCESS OF REQUIRED AREA I I I I I I I I A 44/85 i 542985 ONTARIO LTD. I L. 15, C. 3 I RESIDENTION - CONSTRUCTION I NO OBJECTION C.F.FLEISCHMANN(AGENT) I DARLINGTON I REAR YARD (GRANTED I I I I I i I I I I i I I I I I I - j I I I I I I I I I I I i i TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT October 30th. , 1985 7:30 p.m. Court Room # 2, Police Building, Bowmanville PRESENT: Chairman T. F. Rehder Member Jean Payne Member J. P. Murdoch Member Arnold Reicheld Member H. C. Muir Current Operations Planner Larry Taylor Secretary Carrol Clemens APPLICATIONS: A 39/85 - Gascoigne and Delaney, Lot 24, Concession 5, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to develope residential lots 167 m from an existing agricultural building, instead of the required 300 m. H. Gascoigne appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Rehder, "THAT as the proposed development would not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan and would appear to maintain the intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law, and due to the type of Agriucltural use located within the Hamlet, this application could be considered minor. Permission is GRANTED to develope residential lots 167 m from an agricultural building. This approval is conditional upon a warning and acknowledgement being registered on title that the site may be subject to occasional odours and noise from existing farms in the area. " "CARRIED" Committee of Adjustment Meeting, October 30, 1985. . . . . A 40/85 - Gascoigne and Delaney, Lot 24, Concession 5, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to develope residential lots 167 m from an existing agricultural building, instead of the required 300 m. H. Gascoigne appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Rehder, " THAT as the proposed development would not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan and would appear to maintain the intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law and due to the type of agricultural use located with nthe Hamlet, this application could be considered minor. Permission is GRANTED to develope residential lots 167 m from an agricultural building. This approval is conditional upon a warning and acknowledgement being registered on title that the site may be subject to occasional odours and noise from existing farms in the area. " "CARRIED" A 41/85 - WILLIAM REID AND ROBERT REID, Lot 25, Concession 7, Clarke. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to create a lot with an area of 1902.2 m2, instead of the required 3000 m2. No person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Muir, THAT as the proposed variance does not appear to offend the intent of the Zoning By-law or Official Plan and as there are two existing commercial buildings, the proposed variance will not physically change the area or have a detrimental effect on the surrounding properties, permission is GRANTED to create a lot with an area of 1902.2 m2, "CARRIED" rV Committee of Adjustment Meeting, October 30, 1985. . . . . A 42/85 -- William Reid and Robert Reid, Lot 25, Concesison 7, Clarke. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to ermit the applicant to create a lot with an area of J 1974.06 , instead of the required 3000 m2 No person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Muir, "THAT as the proposed variance does not appear to offend the intent of the Zoning By-law or Official Plan and as there are two existing commercial buildings, the proposed variance will not physically change the area or have a detrimental effect on the surrounding properties, permission is GRANTED to create a lot with an area of 1974.06 m2. "CARRIED" A 43/85 - Cecil Simmons & Glennys Simmons, Lot 33, Conc. 2, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to construct a 576 sq. ft. accessory building which would thus exceed the maximum requirement of total floor area of all accessory building to be not more than 40% of the main building total floor area. Mr and Mrs. Simmons appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mrs. Payne, seconded by Mr. Murdoch, "THAT as the variance does not appear to offend the intent of the Official Plan or Zoning By-law and would not appear to have a detrimental effect on the surrounding neighbourhood, permission is GRANTED to construct a 576 sq. ft. accessory building. " "CARRIED" COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING, OCTOBER 32, 1985. . . . . . . . . A 44/85 - 542985 Ontario Limited, Lot 15, Concession 3, Darlington. Application was made for relief from zoning by-law requirements in order to permit the applicant to continue the construction of a single family dwelling leaving a rear yard of 14.33 m, instead of the required 15 m rear yard. Mr. Fleischmann appeared in support of this application. No other person appeared in support of or in opposition to this application. Moved by Mr. Rehder, seconded by Mr. Reicheld, "THAT as the variance does not offend the intent of the Zoning By-law or Official Plan and due to the irregular shape of the lot and the required front yard the building was located with this slightly deficient rear yard, therefore, the variance is considered minor and permission is GRANTED to continue the construction leaving a 14.33 m rear yard. " "CARRIED" OTHER BUSINESS: Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Rehder, "THAT the minutes of the last meeting be approved as circulated. " "CARRIED" Appeal date for the foregoing applications is November 29, 1985. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.