HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-177-85 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # 7�q-SYJ By-Law # (STING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: December 9, 1985 REPORT #: PD-177-85 FILE #: SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS FOR THE MONTHS OF SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, 1985 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-177-85 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: For the information of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, Staff have prepared the attached list of applications to the Land Division Committee for the months of September and October, 1985. This list includes the file number, applicant's name, site location, type of severance requested, Official Plan conformity, By-law conformity, Staff's comments on the applications and the Land Division Committee's decision. spec ubmitted, P T.T. Edwards, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning PBN*TTE*jip November 22, 1985 1985 MONITORING OF LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE DECISIONS SEPTEMBER REGIONAL ZONING STAFF L.D. FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION NATURE OF APPLICATION OFFICIAL PLAN BY-LAW COMMENTS DECISION No objections, subject to lot develop- LD 316/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Conforms ment charge, cash-in-lieu of parkland, APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington removal (H) Holding symbol, minor variance/rezoning final & binding, 0.3 metre reserve to Town, appropriate LD 317/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Conforms melding of properties, approval of the APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington Ministry of Environment with respect t sanitary & storm systems and Owner entering into an Agreement with Town LD 316/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Conforms regarding road improvements, street APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington lights and lot grading and drainage. No objections, subject to lot develop- LU 319/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Conforms ment charge, cash-in-lieu of parkland, APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington removal (H) Holding symbol, minor variance/rezoning final & binding, 0.3 metre reserve to Town, appropriate LD 32U/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Conforms melding of properties, approval of the APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington Ministry of Environment with respect t sanitary & storm systems and Owner entering into an Agreement with Town LD 3'21/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Conforms regarding road improvements, street APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington lights and lot grading and drainage. No objections, subject to lot develop- LU 322/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Does not ment charge, cash-in-lieu of parkland, APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington conform removal (H) Holding symbol, minor variance/rezoning final & binding, 0.3 metre reserve to Town, appropriate LD 323/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Conforms melding of properties, approval of the APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington Ministry of Environment with respect t sanitary & storm systems and Owner entering into an Agreement with Town LD 324/85 DELANEY AND Pt.Lt. 24, C.5 Residential Conforms regarding road improvements, street APPROVED GASCOIGNE Darlington lights and lot grading and drainage. C� 1985 MONITORING OF LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE DECISIONS Page 2 OCTOBER REGIONAL ZONING STAFF L.D. FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION NATURE OF APPLICATION OFFICIAL PLAN BY-LAW COMMENTS DECISION LD 332/85 BEBEE Pt.Lt.13, C.2 Residential Conforms Conforms Approval, subject to Department of TABLED Bowmanville Health approval & lot development charges LD 333/85 BEBEE Pt.Lt.13, C.2 Residential Conforms Conforms Approval, subject to Department of TABLED Bowmanville Health approval & lot development charges LD 334/85 HOAR Newcastle Residential Conforms Does not Approval subject to minor variance, lot APPROVED Village Conform development charges & connection to municipal services LD 335/85 HOAR Newcastle Residential Conforms Conforms Approval, subject to adequate setback APPROVED Village for hazard lands, lot development charge & connection to municipal services LD 336/85 SMITH Pt.Lt.27, C.1 Residential Conforms Does not Approval, subject to rezoning, M.T.C. APPROVED Clarke Conform access approval and lot development charge LD 338/85 PINGLE Pt.Lt.28, C.4 Residential Conforms Conforms Approval, subject to lot development APPROVED Darlington (farm-related) charges LD 346/85 STEVENS Pt.Lt.16, C.1 Boundary re-alignment Conforms No objection, subject to frame barn APPROVED Darlington being demolished & severed lands meld- in Yourth's residence to the south LD 347/85 YOURTH Pt.Lt.16, C.1 Boundary re-alignment Conforms No objection APPROVED Darlington LD 348/85 REKKER Pt.Lt.18, C.2 Residential Does not No objection, subject to a rezoning APPROVED Darlington Conforms application being g a pproved and final and binding L C l r 1985 MONITORING OF LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE DECISIONS Page 3 OCTOBER REGIONAL ZONING STAFF L.D. FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION NATURE OF APPLICATION OFFICIAL PLAN BY-LAW COMMENTS DECISION LD 349/85 REKKER Pt.Lt.18, C.2 Residential Does not No objection, subject to a rezoning APPROVED Darlington Conform application being approved and final & binding LD 350/85 GOLESKI Pt.Lt.18, C.2 Residential - Boundary Conforms No objection, subject to severed lands APPROVED Darlington Re-alignment melding with lands to the west LD 356/85 BALSON Pt.Lt.34, C.2 Residential Conforms Conforms No objection APPROVED Darlington LD 363/85 MILLS Pt.Lt.22, C.3 Residential Conforms No objection, subject to appropriate APPROVED Darlington lot development charge & dedicating road widening to the Town LU 364/85 MILLS Pt.Lt.22, C.3 Residential Conforms No objection, subject to appropriate APPROVED Uarlington lot development charge & dedicating road widening to the Town LO 3b5/85 MILLS Pt.Lt.22, C.3 Residential Conforms No objection, subject to appropriate APPROVED Darlington lot development charge & dedicating road widening to the Town LD 369/85 BOYD Pt.Lt.23, C.1 Boundary re-alignment Conforms No objection APPROVED Clarke