HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-209-88 DN: 209-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, October 31, 1988 REPORT #: PD-2o9-88 FILE #: DEV 88-39 SUBJECT: REZONING AND SITE PLAN APPLICATION DR. BALENKO AND DR. VANHOOF PART LOT 11, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE OUR FILE: DEV 88-39 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-209-88 be received; and 2. THAT the application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by Barry-Bryan I Associates Limited on behalf of Dr. Balenko and Dr. VanHoof to permit Medical and Professional Offices, be approved and the amending by-law be forwarded to Council upon the execution of the Site Plan Agreement; and 3. THAT the applicants and the applicant's agent be so advised. i 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On July 4, 1988, Committee considered Staff Report PD-147-88 in consideration of an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. The amendment, if approved, would change the present "Urban Residential Type One (Rl)" zoning to permit the development of a two-storey 828 sq.m. Professional Building, to be constructed in two (2) phases. The building would also include a laboratory as well as a small dispensing pharmacy, both located on the basement floor. . . .2 REPORT 00. ; PD-289-88 PAGE 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting, several residents were in opposition to the proposal. 9dueic concerns relate to the incompatibility of the proposal with the existing residential area as well as the increase in traffic, disposal of medical waste, and inadequate parking facilities. At the Public Meeting, there were also residents in support of the proposal who felt that the use would be harmonious with the existing hospital and medical facilities, the churches, schools and multi unit dwellings in the general vicinity. � 1.3 Staff would note for the Committee's information that Staff met with the applicant's architect and solicitor to discuss the nonuecue of the residents. Subsequently, on September 22' 1988 a revised site plan was submitted. 3. THE REVISED PROPOSAL The following table sets out the statistical comparison between the previous proposal and the revised proposal. A copy of the revised site plan is also attached to this report. ( PREVIOUS REVISED PROPOSAL PROPOSAL Area of Site 1924 ag.m. 1924 ag.m. Phase One 645 og.m. 730 og.m. Phase Two 183 ag.m. Deleted (Qcoao Floor Area) Lot Coverage 14.5 % 13.4 % Landscaped Area 18 % 18.8 % Building Height 10 metres 10.4 metres (two storey plus basement) Parking Spaces 35 38 Garbage Disposal External Internal 7� (�y �� REPORT 0D. : PD-209-88 PAGE 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. CONFORMITY TO OFFICIAL PLAN The subject property is designated "Residential" in the Durham Region Official Plan which permits limited office development and limited retail and personal service uses. The proposed development conforms. 4. AGENCY COMMENTS 4.1 The outstanding comments received in respect of the rezoning and ` revised site plan application are summarized below. 4.3 The Regional Planning Department offered no objection noting that the proposal is permitted under Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan. This section states that limited office development, retail and personal services uses are permitted in areas designated as "Residential" in the BovmanviIle Urban Area, provided it is recognized in the Zoning By-law. 4.3 The Regional Works Department noted that full municipal services are available to the property from the sanitary sewers and watecmaioa on ( Liberty and Victoria Streets. In addition, Liberty Street is designated as a Type "B" Arterial Road. The Regional Works Department would require m 3.05 metre (lO ft.) road widening on the total Liberty Street frontage of the site, also noting that there will be no direct aooeao onto Liberty Street. 4.4 The Ministry of the Environment Staff offered no objection to the proposal. 5. STAFF C00MD0T8 5.1 Staff have reviewed the revised DcupooaI and have noted that it has been scaled down from 828 ag.m. to 730 sg.m. floor area with increased g REPORT NO. : PD-209-88 PAGE 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parking spaces and landscape areas. The building will accommodate five (5) practising doctors/dentists with each practitioner employing one or two assistants. Staff noted the parking requirement in the Town's By-law being 5 spaces per practitioner or a total of 25 spaces for this proposal. The number of spaces proposed on the attached site plan is 38 spaces, being 7.6 spaces per practitioner, or 2.6 spaces in access of the current by-law requirement. Staff is satisfied with this increase parking spaces would not cause any on-street parking problem perceived by the residents. 5.2 The issue of medical waste was also a concern of area residents. The applicants have agreed to hire a service that specifically handles medical wastes. The medical waste is placed in sealed containers and removed from each medical suite on a daily basis. The non-medical waste will be placed in bins which are located in an area adjacent to the building and locked. Staff would note that the initial proposal had a garbage bin located at the northeast corner of the property. This has been eliminated as noted. 5.3 The issue of traffic and sidewalks have also been addressed by the applicants. Staff would note that Liberty Street is a major north/south thoroughfare, therefore it is anticipated that much of the traffic to the medical building will use Liberty Street. Staff would note that sidewalks are already located on the east side of Liberty Street, however, there is no sidewalk on the west side of Liberty Street. Staff noted that a 101 road widening is required by the Durham Region Works Department. At this time, we have no indication from the Region as to when Liberty Street will be widened or whether sidewalks will be installed. 5.4 Staff have reviewed the proposal in light of planning merits and is of the opinion that the use is compatible with the uses in the area, particularly the hospital. The proposed building itself is 10.4 metres 5 REPORT NO. : PD-209-88 PAGE 5 in height, certainly not out of character considering the By-law permits a maximum building height of 10.5 metres in a residential zone. In addition, the applicants have submitted a comprehensive landscape plan which provides plenty of screening to the adjacent property to the north, as well as screening around the proposed parking area. 5.5 Given the above-noted comments, Staff is of the opinion that the integrity of the neighbourhood would be maintained with the construction of this medical/professional building. In that regard, Staff would respectfully recommend that the proposed rezoning be approved and the by-law be forwarded to Council at such time as the site plan agreement has been executed. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee JE. Kotseff ---------------- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. - wrence Director of Planning & Development Chief Adtrative Officer CRV*FW*jip *Attach. October 3, 1988 CC: Mr. Ron Strike Strike & Strike Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 7 38 King Street West BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K8 Barry-Bryan Associates Limited c/o Hugh Taylor 500 Wentworth Street East Suite 7 OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 3V9 Dr. Balenko & Dr. VanHoof 52 Concession Street West BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 1Y5 I i . . .6 i i I ` 06e) REPORT 00. ; 9D-209-88 PAGE 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC: Mc. [mzoe Morton 73 8rovmz Street BUWYAyVILLE, Ontario LlC 2R7 Mr. Fred Tippioo 13 Park Street B{WMA0VILLE, Ontario LIC IB3 Mrs. Nancy MiIbec 5 Victoria Street BUWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 1E7 Mr. Bornignld 9 Albert Street BOWYQ\0VZLL8, 0utmciu LIC lQ8 Mrs. M. Wiseman 71 Brown Street � B0WM&yVZLLE" Ontario LlC 28O y8zo. M. Nickerson IO Albert Street BCWM&0VILLE, Ontario LIC lQ9 , Mrs. VauBero1ugeo 7 Victoria Street B0WM&0VILL8, Ontario LIC 1E7 �T11 1 1 ' PARKING i /� C/11 `SUITES N 8+<. PARKING - c w I m I I I I , , 1 TER C ` 12 I L u _'cvu*? r S F- d i SITE �P, G4 �ss:aFi`t�RCpT o a�>