HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/1964 . Page 3 COUNCIL HINUTES The regular meeting of Bowmanville Town Council convened at 7:30 p.m. ~n Monday November 16, 1964 in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, with His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs in the Chair. All members present. T LORD'S PRAYER: II ADOPTION OF MINUTES: . TTI . ,..- ~ Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Monday November 2nd, 1964 be received and adopted. "CARRIED" COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Department of Municipal Affairs: "The Province of Ontario on the recommendation of the Cabinet Centennial Committee has extended the deadline for the sub- mission of applications under the programme to August 5th, 1965. It is anticipated, however, that in the near future a further amendment will be made to Ontario Regulation 322/63 requiring every local municipality in a county to advise the Secretary of the Centennial Advisory Committee in writing on or before MarGh 31st, 1965 that an application will be filed, otherwise the county in which the local municipality is situated may there- after apply for a grant Qased in whole or in part on the popu- lation of the local municipality. By this time most munioipalities have been contacted by the Centennial Field Representatives appointed by the Province to assist municipal officials in planning their projects and making their submissions. For your convenience a list of the represent- atives is attached indicating the counties and territorial dis- tricts in which they are working and the addresses at which they may be reached for assistance." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the letter received from the Department of Municipal Affairs respecting Federal-Provincial Centennial Grants Program, dated November 2nd, 1964 be received and that the Clerk be instructed to contact the representative to determine whether or not the proposed Viorks shed would qualify for Centennial Grant. "CARRIED" 2. City Ambulance Service: "I have heard that the subsidy being paid to the Ambulance Operator in your town has been cancelled, with good reason. If this is so, I am wondering if the town is going to call for ten- ders for someone to provide an ambulance service, or what other arrangements have been made. . . . . Page 4 -2- If the town is going to call for tenders, our company would be interested in putting in a tender. We would, of course, guar- antee to operate an excellent ambulance service, if our tender was excepted. de have been operating an ambulance service in Belleville for some time now, and we would be able to provide any number of references from Doctors and from City Councillors here in Belleville. Our idea would be to station a man and an ambulance in Bowman- ville, and to run the business in that town in conjunction with our business here in Belleville. If you, the members of the council, have decided to call for tenders, we would appreciate it if you would write us a letter, sending us the necessary information which we would need to submit a tender.;l Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter from the City Ambulance Service of Belleville, dated October 31st, 1964 be received and reply that we are not calling tenders. "CARRIED" 3. Ontario Good Roads Association: Notification was received fron the Ontario Good Roads Association respecting their 71st annual convention being held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto on February 22nd 23rd, and 24th next. Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Con. Hooper. THAT the letter from the Ontario Good Roads Association, dated October 27th, 19b4 be received and that the Road Superintendent be authorized to attend this Convention. "CARRIED" 4. Georges Valade, M.P.: "Sometime ago, I forwarded to your Municipal Council, through his Worship the rfuyor, a questionnaire for the purpose of gather- ing a concensus of opinion on lotteries. I undertook a national investigation on this question to find out the opinion of the Canadian people that is, to know if the majority is in favour or against legislation authorizing lotteries. It is the first investigation of this nature conducted in our Country. Your opinion wou:'d be of great value to determine the general opinion. I am taking the liberty of enclosing another questionnaire which I respectfully su;;gest could be submitted to your Municipal Coun- cil and returned4uly-filled at your earliest convenience. I would like to underline the non-partisan aspect of this invest- igation. It is not my intention to recruit partisans or opponents on this question, but rather to procure an opinion which would enlighten the Federal Government legislators to act within the wish and interest of the Canadian people as a whole. Thanking you in advance for your kind co-operation and with best regards, I remain," . . . . Page 5 -3- Moved by Con. Hooper, secor~~d by Con. Hughes. THAT the letter from Georges Valade, M.P., dated October 14, 1964 respecting lotteries be received and that he be notified of Council's former action in this respect. "CARRIED" 5. The Ontario Municipal Board: "In the year 1964 your municipality filed a forecast of capital expenditures for the years 1964 to 196e inclusive and after con- sideration a quota was established for your municipality for the year 1964. During the year, as well as having the benefit of a planned capital program, your applications were dealt with more conveniently and more expeditiously than would have been possible under the former system. It is now time to begin preparation of a new forecast if you have not already done so. A new draft for the years 1965 to 1969 inclusive is enclosed. It is very greatly in the interest of your municipality to have your new forecast filed as early as possible in 1965. ~indly bring this letter to the attention of council in order that the necessary preparation may proceed without delay. It is imperative that your new quota be established well ahead of your first application in the new year." Moved by Con. Chant, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT the letter from the Ontario Municipal Board respecting a capital forecast of expenditures be received and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report. "CARRIED" 6. Frank Cowan: "Enclosed is a form sent to me by the Mutual Life in connection with the above-numbered policy (Group Annuity Policy No. GA 393). The new Ontario Pension Act goes into force on December 31st and it is required that all existing pensions be brought into line with the provisions of the Act hence it is necessary to endorse your Pension. If there is anything you do not understand, let me know and I will see that an expert talks to you." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Fice. THAT the letter received from Frank Cowan Company, dated November 12, 1964 be received and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report. "CARRIED" 7. Children's Aid Society: "The Children's Aid Society once more appeals to the citizens of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham for their financial support to enable them to carryon their services to our less fortunate families and children. . . . . ""'~',"". "';'~",'i~~:;,;,,;,- Page6 -4- A Children's Aid Society has as its goal the interest and wel- fare of the child, and works towards that which is best for that child. The work of the Society is composed of many facets - protection services, child care, aid to the unmarried mother, adoptions, juvenile delinquency are among the many services provided to the residents of the United Counties. I sincerely commend to you the work of our Children's Aid Society and seek your support in their financial campaign. Your financial contribution may be left at Rickaby's Ltd., 27 King Street West, or sent directly to the office of the Children's Aid Society." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the letter received from the Children's Aid Society request- ing financial assistance be received and filed. "CARRIED" ~. The Kiwanis Club of Bowmanville: "The Kivlanis Club of Bowmanville would like the permission of Town Council to hold a Christmas Tree light bulb sale on Monday evening, November 30, 1964. We would be selling Christmas tree light bulbs and ordinary light bulbs at retail price. We would hope to cover the whole town. The proceeds of the sale would be used to further our community service." Moved by Reeve Little, seconded by Deputy Reeve Stevens. THAT the letter from the Kiwanis Club of Bowmanville requesting permission to hold a Christmas Tree light bulb sale throughout the Town on November 30th, 1964 be received and permission be granted. "CARRIED" 9. Milton & r~s. Elliott: "~Je send our sincere thanks for the beautiful bouquet of flowers and your personal letter of congratulations sent to us on the occasion of our fiftieth anniversary." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Chant. THATthe letter received from 11ilton and r~s. Elliott, dated November 16, 1964 be received and filed. "CARRIED" IV NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Matters Referred to Roads & Streets Committee: (a) Stuart James: This matter is being considered by the Committee and a report will be presented at the Board of Works session. . e e . Page 7 -5- (b) Parking Meters: Council's decision respecting the relocation of parking meters on ~emperance Street will be effected by the Roads and Streets Department in the near future. 2. Matters Referred to the Public Property Committee: (a) Robert R. Morris: I~. Morris suggested the expansion and improvement of the Council Chambers as a Centennial Project. Committee reported they felt this was not feasable and recommended no action. (b) Storm Windows: The Committee reported that they felt that storm windows should not be installed until necessary painting was done, consequently referred the matter to the 1965 Public Property Committee for early consideration. 3. Bernard Street: This matter is in the hands of the Town Solicitor and as yet nothing further has been reported. 4. Sturrock Road: The Clerk reported that I~. Rehder had been furnished with a copy of the Town's survey of the unopened concession Street Road allowance, and that further word is awaited from him. 5. Park Land: This matter is in the hands of the Town Solicitor and as yet no report has been received. 6. Local Improvement - Highway No. 2 Crossing: ~he following letter was presented from Proctor & Redfern in respect to the sanitary sewer crossing of No. 2 Highway at Simpson Avenue and also pertaining to the West of Scugog San- itary Sewers: "Highway No.2 S"llitary Sewer On the enclosed drawing, No. B-6456-P12, we show the proposed 10" diameter sanitary sewer on King Street, east and west of Simpson Avenue. We have estimated the cost of this sewer to be $e,700. The estimated cost of the highway crossing, which should be charged to the properties benefiting from this sewer, is !?2,750. This total of 'Jll,450., shared by the owners fronting on the sewer (north side only), would result in a frontage rate of $14.19 per foot. If desired, this rate could be reduced to that which the owners in the area west of Scugog Road would be paying if the proposed system is installed in that area. This would reduce the assess- ment by approximately (14.00 per foot which the Corporation would have to assume. (Total: approximately ~~3, 200. ) Page 8 . -6- As discussed with ~tr. Ian Butler, the property owners affected should be contacted with the enclosed proposed plan and be told what the sewer will cost and what depth the sewer will be in front of their property. When the final length of sewer is determined, we shall prepare a revised estimate and an Engineer's Report re Local Improvement for this sewer. Frederick Avenue Area We have re-estimated the cost of the trunk sewer to serve the area west of Scugog Road in its proposed new location through the Hollingshead property. The revised estimate for this trunk sewer from King Street and SC1~Og Road to the west end of Stur- rock Road is the same as for the original proposal along Scugog Road from King Street to Sturrock Road. This amount is $20,700. . As the frontage on Sturrock will no longer be sharing a portion of the owners' 50% of the cost of the trunk sewer, the rate per foot to the remainder of the properties in this area will be increased. This increase will change the rate per foot front- age frOm $2.00 to $2.14. This will increase the estimated frontage charge to $10.31, for properties in this area. We will revise the Engineer's Report re Local Improvement for this sewer and forward it to you along with a revised drawing. We will contact the Railway regarding the exact route of this sewer." Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Leslie. THAT the letter from Proctor & Redfern be held for a future meeting. "CARRIED" 7. Finance Committee: Moved by Deputy Reeve Stevens, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the report of the Finance Committee dated Wednesday November lith, 1964 be received and adopted. . "CARRIED" e. Fuel Oil Tenders: The Clerk reported that three requests for quotations on the Town's fuel oil requirements had been forwarded to local suppliers, and that only one had been completed and returned. Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Reeve Little. THAT the tender for fuel oil received be now opened. "CARRIED" "Thank you for your invitation to tender our price for you Fuel Oil requirements this season. - Esso Furnace Fuel Oil - Esso Stove Oil - 14. 9~ per gal. - 14.9~ per gal. . All quotations are subject to any fluctuations in the posted market price." . e . . Page 9 -7- Moved by Con. Hooper, seconied by Call. Fice. THAT the tender of A. H. Sturrock & Sons Ltd. be received and accepted. "CARRIED" 9. Dog Control By-law: Moved by Con. Hughes, seconded by Con. Chant. THAT the provisions of by-law 1711 as it pertains to dogs run- ning at large be waived for the months of December, January, February, and V~rch and that the dogs be permitted to run at large during this period, subject however, to reconsideration on advice of the veterinarine in charge of this area. "MOTION LOST" 10. Remembrance Day Observance: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT this Council go on record and declare November lith as a public holiday for the Town of Bowmanville in observance of Remembrance Day and that the Town offices remain closed on that date. "I1OTION LOST" 11. Santa Claus Parade Day: Moved by Con. Hooper, seconded by Con. Rundle. THAT His Worship the ji[ayor be authorized on behalf of the Corp- oration to declare Saturday November 2eth, 1964 as Santa Claus Parade day in and for the Corporation and to call upon all re- sidents to support the Santa Claus Parade Committee to ensure a successful celebration on this occasion. "CARRIED" 12. Notice of Motion: Con. Hughes stated for the record that at the next regular session of Council that he would cause to be moved a resolution to reconsider the action taken by Council at this me~ting in respect to the running at large of dogs under item 9 above. v ADJOURm'~NT: The meeting adjourned at e:oo p.m. on" motion of Reeve Little and Con. Hooper.