HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-230-88 DN: 230-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �k y`s t i REPORT File # Res. # - } 6 By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, December 12, 1988 I REPORT #: PD-230-88 FILE #: OPA 87-81/N OP 2.2.1(7) & DEV 87-95 SUBJECT: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT - FILE: OPA 87-81/N NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT - FILE: OP 2.2.1(7) REZONING APPLICATION - DEV 87-95 APPLICANT: TOWNLINE CENTRE INC. & MR. STEVEN KOMAZEC PART LOT 35, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: i 1. THAT Report PD-230-88 be received; and 2. THAT the applications submitted on behalf of Townline Centre Inc. to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, and Site Plan Agreement be DENIED; and 3. THAT the Town Solicitor and Staff be authorized to attend any hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board in support of the Town's position on this matter; and 4. THAT the applicant, the Region of Durham, City of Oshawa, Mr. Robert Hann, Mrs. Mary Shearing, and Mrs. Margaret Polman be so advised. g � 1. APPLICATION 1.1 Four applications have been filed on behalf of the owners of the subject property, Townline Centre Inc. and Mr. Steven Komazec. These are: i ---- --- --- -----_ ----a)--An-appli at-ion-to-amend-the-down of-Neweastl-e-O l- cicial-plan-to redesignate the subject site from "Special Purpose Commercial" and I "Residential" to "Local Central Area" . '/y (�7 ~� REPORT 0O. : PD-230-88 PAGE 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ b) An application to amend the West Cooctioe Neighbourhood Plan to redesignate the subject lands from "Special Purpose Commercial" and "Low Density Residential" to n suitable designation to permit the development of m commercial plaza. n) An application to amend the Town of Newcastle Zoning By-law 84-63 from "Special Purpose Commercial (CG)n and "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ( (B)Bl)" to a suitable zoning to permit the � development of a commercial plaza. d) An application for site plan approval for the proposed development. 1.3 The original applications were submitted in November, 1987. On May lO' 1988, revised applications were received to eliminate the proposed gas bar and to add an office component to the development. The revised application proposes two buildings with a total fIooropaoe of 5650 ogoace metres (60,818 square feet) . A total of 4780 square metres of ground-related retail space is proposed and 870 square metres of office space is proposed on the oeouod floor. Copy of the proposed site plan is attached. (Attachment #l) 1.3 The applicants, by letter dated September 27, 1988, have requested the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to refer the official Plan Amendment application to the Ontario Municipal Board. 1.4 The applicants, by letter dated September 28, 1988, have also filed appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board with respect to the rezoning and site DIau applications. (Attachments #2 and #3) 2. SURROUNDING LAND USES 2.1 The subject lands are located on the north side of Highway #2 between West TownIlue Road and Vacooe Road. The existing laud uses adjacent to the DcoDnoed development ace: .. .3 /�k rr I�EPOIT 00. : PD-230-88 PAGE 3 -^ _______________________________________________________________________________ To the west: Service Station, Veterinary Clinic, Hairdresser and single detached dwellings To the north: Single detached dwellings and vacant land To the east: Single detached dwellings To the south: Across Highway #3 a service station, vacant land and several small plazas. 2.3 In the City of Oshawa on the northwest cncoez of T/woliue Road and Highway #3 is Kiogaway Village Plaza. It contains I4,770 square metres (159,000 square feet) of retail fIoocopone including Zellers and LobIawo. On the southwest corner of Towoliue Road and Highway #2 is a small plaza and several commercial properties. 2.3 The subject site is located within the Couctioe West Highway #2 Corridor Study Area. The Study has the following objectives: i) To determine the appropriate mix of commercial activity and other land ooeo as may be appropriate for this area. ii) To prepare an urban design concept for the development of this area as a distinctive gateway to the Town of Newcastle and the Cooctioe Urban Area. iii) To formulate a set of design criteria covering such matters as aiguage, landscaping, parking and architectural onutcoIo for use in the review of commercial development applications. iv) To provide urban design solutions to prevent traffic congestion as the result of commercial development in the Study Area and the urbanization of Cooctine. The Study is nearing completion of its first phase, being the collection of background information and identification of issues. 3. PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSIONS A Public Meeting on the 9ovnliue Centre application was held on January 18, 1988. Two residents living on Nash Road, Mary Shearing and Mrs. Margaret Polmau spoke in opposition to the DcoDnsol on the basis of increased - - ------ ----'uoioe-aoxd--traffic-amd-tbe''eoco7]­acVmeftt'7YtcoVmerc iaI-Uses-iuto- residential areas. . . .� � ! / REPORT ND. : PD-230-88 PAGE 4 _______________________________________________________________________________ Mc. Robert Bmuo, the President of Valiant Property Management, the owner of Kiugoway \/illage" requested further information at the public meeting and subsequently submitted a letter expressing 0000ecu for the impact of the proposed development on the retail market as it affects Kingaway Village Centre. 4. CIRCULATION COMMENTS 4.1 In accordance with Departmental procedures, the applications were circulated to various agencies and departments for comment. The following is o aonnnacy of comments which have been received. Ministry of Transportation All entrances to Highway #2 must be constructed to the standards of the Ministry and the existing barrier moot be altered to their satisfaction. The Ministry requires that the plan be revised to eoauca that all buildings be setback 14 metres and all canopies be setback 7.5m from the highway road allowance. All buildings, signs and illumination moot be approved through Ministry permits prior to construction. Regional Works tmeot Full moulciDmI services are available to the subject property. There are no financial planning implications under the current development charge policy. Detailed site servicing PIaua moat be submitted to the Regional Works Department for approval at such time as an application for servicing connections is made. Town of Newcastle Public Works Department No objection subject to the following comments: "l. That all works are completed in accordance with the Town of Newcastle Design Criteria and Standard Drawings. ---- ----'--'--'�.-- -Tbot-tbeAeveIoper-wiII bea[''t-he-costs-'[lOOw.)-of-any'works-a-l0nq'-'--''--'-- -- King Street/Highway No, 3 which are necessitated as a result of this development. REPORT NO. : PD-230-88 PAGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. That the developer contribute to recovering costs for the construction of a sidewalk along King Street in accordance with Town Policy. 4. That the developer meet all the requirements of the Public Works Department, financial and otherwise. 5. That the Owner enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the Town and that this Department be kept informed of the status of same at all times. 6. All of the other standard requirements re: Lot Grading, Site Servicing, Schedules of Work, Performance Guarantees, Cost Estimates, etc., should be included in the Development." 4.2 The following agencies and departments have no objection to the proposed development: - Ontario Hydro - City of Oshawa - Town of Newcastle Fire Department 5. STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 As required by of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the applicant has submitted a retail market analysis prepared by Clayton Research Associates. The conclusions of the Study are: - the subject site is suitable for retail, service and office commercial development because it has an ideal location close to a major intersection - the property could form a "gateway" for people entering the Town of Newcastle and could capture some Oshawa-bound shoppers resident in the Town of Newcastle - the market calculations indicate that the proposed Townline Centre could be supported by the current and future market - the market analysis indicates there is support for three good anchors - a grocery store, a restaurant and a drug store - as well as an adequate range of retail, service and office commercial facilities. - the proposed development would have little or no effect on the market viability of the planned Community Central Area at Trulls Road and Highway #2. . . .6 i �W`/ '- REPORT NO. : PD-230-88 PAGE 6 _______________________________________________________________________________ Staff have examined the retail market analysis and have reservations with some of its conclusions. Specifically: - the site location is not ''ideal,` as claimed by being merely close to a major intersection; the ideal site location would incorporate the oocuec of the intersection to have the maximum exposure and accessibility - Staff question the ability of such a centre to physically or architecturally form a "gateway" given that it is setback from Highway #2 and it does not encompass the oozuec parcel occupied by VQlus Service Station - the market calculations to justify the support for the centre are based on some favourable assumptions which are questionable: - m large secondary trade area in Oshawa which extends in Oshawa west of 8imooe Street and north to Taunton Road. The Secondary Trade area does not seem to adequately account for accessibility to the site or the location of competing retail ooutceo in Oshawa. Even with a low market share, the potential market sales are approximately half from Oshawa and � half from Newcastle. � - the market calculations include capturing expenditures from employees working in the area including the Oshawa Industrial Park south of Highway 0o. 401. This does not seem realistic. - the market calculations assume a trade area per capita average income to be equal to (I00%) that of the Toronto CM&. By way of comparison another study recently submitted to the Town used a figure of 830 of the per capita average income for the Toronto CMA. . . ^7 REPORT 00. : PD-230-88 PAGE 7 _______________________________________________________________________________ - the market calculations assume an increased real expenditure per capita on food stores of one half a percent per year over and above inflation. This was not justified. Staff is of the opinion that the retail market analysis is overly optimistic regarding the abVct term market and does not folly address the question of impact on other designated Central Areas and Commercial Areas. 5.2 The subject property is irregular in shape and extends into lands designated as "Residential" in the official Plan and as nImw Density BaoldeotiaI« in the Couctlne West Neighbourhood Development Plan. & Plan of Subdivision submitted by Bedasco Inc. (I8T-87019) has been draft approved for 20 single detached lots on lands abutting the northeast corner of the subject site. This plan of subdivision has been prepared in accordance with the Neighbourhood Development Plan. The extension of the commercial uses into the lands previously identified for residential pocgoaea will interfere with the implementation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan and will complicate the orderly development of the vacant lands for ocbou uses in the interior of the block bounded by 0aob Road, Vacnoe Road, Highway #2 and West Towuliue Road. To the greatest extent possible, it is deaireabIe to have o consistent depth eoroaa the rear boundary of the site to allow for an orderly transition to the residential development in the interior of the lot. 5.3 The application is requesting that the Town of Newcastle Official Plan recognize the site as a "Local Central Area". Central &cemo, as defined in both the Durham and Newcastle Official PIaoov are to serve as focal points of activities at various aoaIeo with Local Central Areas servicing the day-to-day needs of residents. Central Areas are to be characterized by a foII integrated array of activities including shopping, services, office, residential, social, cultural and zeoceotioumI facilities. In other words, a Local Central Area is not simply a retail plaza, it is a mixed-use area of which commercial facilities could be the primary component. REPORT NO. : PD-330-88 PAGE 8 _______________________________________________________________________________ It is Staff's opinion that the subject site cannot serve as a focal point for the Coortioe West Neighbourhood. It does not incorporate e variety of land ooeo in an integrated fashion but serves strictly a commercial function. It does not incorporate any medium or higher density residential development. It dnao not incorporate any community facilities or social/cultural activities. Furthermore, it is noted that there are no plans for the aorcnoudiug lands to be developed to fulfill these other Central Area functions. One important measure of the concept of a focal point is that a Central � Area is characterized by higher intensity of development than the surrounding neighbourhood. To this end the Town of Newcastle Official Plan states that the overall flonrapaoe index shall be 1.35. The ImoaI Central Area proposed by the applicant will only have o floorapaoe index of 0.38. In addition, the surrounding residential area should be planned in a manner to provide increasing densities around the focal point. To the contrary, the immediate area is oozc000ded by large-lot single detached residential development. Lastly, the subject site is located on Highway #2 towards the middle of the block between West Towuline Road and Vocooe Road. & location at the intersection of two major roads is more appropriate both as a focal point and for the siting of substantive commercial development in order to allow for maximum aoueaa and exposure. 5.4 Attachment #4 indicates the existing and proposed developments in the vicinity of the subject site along Highway #2. The existing plazas are as follows: Kiugaway Village Centre 159,000 TovmIiue Plaza (Oshawa) II,500 Kiugsway Carpet I4,400 Dourtioe Court Plazas 40,700 West Castle Plaza 12,000 237,600 .. .9 REPORT 00. : PD-230-88 PAGE 9 _______________________________________________________________________________ In addition, there are three (3) service stations and one (l) existing automotive dealership. Other commercial proposals for the neighbourhood include the following: - retail, office and personal service uses up to 12,000 oq.ft. in conjunction with the approved BoIabood residential condominium project - retail plaza of 27,350 og.ft. proposed by Midwalob Developments on the south east corner of Tzwoliue Road and Highway #2 - several active laud assemblies for retail development are underway. Given the current designation as Special Purpose Commercial and the very active development interest in the area, it has been m concern of Staff and Council that the area is developed with the detailed examination necessary to avoid the undue negative aspects of strip commercial development on small laud parcels. In particular, it will be important to deal with traffic congestion and urban design issues. 5.5 As noted earlier, the Town of Newcastle has embarked on the Cooctlne West Highway 0o. 2 Corridor Study. One of the objectives of this otodl, is to re-examine the land ooea in this area. It is recognized that, provided there be a fully-justified demand for increased retail and personal service commercial tloozopaoe, this should occur within a planning context which allows for a true Central Area to be developed with the characteristics described above. It moot address the concept of n community focal point, integration of a variety of land use activities and relationship with the surrounding residential neighbourhood. The approval of the subject application would jeopardize the outcome of the Study now in progress. . . .l0 l�\�/ REPORT 00. : PD-230-88 P&QD IO �, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the applications submitted by Towuliue Centre Inc. and Mr. Steven Knmazeo to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (OP& 87-8I/0) ' the Courtice West Neighbourhood Plan (O9 2.2.I(7) , the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law (DEV 87-95) , and application for Site Plan approval be DENIED without prejudice. In the event that the applicants are prepared to await the outcome of the Coortioe West Highway #2 Corridor Study and withdraw their appeal and referral cegoaoto' the recommendations of this ceDnct could be tabled for a period of up to one (l) year. & municipal position on this proposal is imperative in the event that the applicants wish to continue with their appeal proceedings. � Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee ` - ---__Vistrative_-_-__-_____- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Lawrence taeff Director of Planning & Development Chief 0ffioez DJC*FW* 'ip *Attach. November 23, 1988 CC: Ma. Kathryn Harrison Jones 6 Jones Barristers 6 Solicitors 58 BuaaIaod Road West 2nd Floor O8EQQWA, Ontario LlB 3\75 CC: Mc. Bob Baoo' President Valiant Property Management I77 0oog000 Road, 20th Floor 0S8AW&^ Ontario LIG 3S2 . . .Il / v 01 REPORT NO. : PD-230-88 PAGE 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC: Mrs. Shearing 1411 Nash Road R.R. #2 OSHAWA, Ontario L1K 1A5 Mrs. Margaret Polman 1431 Nash Road R.R. #2 OSHAWA, Ontario L1K lA5 Landawn Shopping Centre Ltd. 11 Polson Street TORONTO, Ontario M5A lA4 I i i i i I Deve 87-95 0-RA., 87-81 /N PERTINENT SITE INFORMATION u 73� a�o�6 .-'_" `tTPIC�L) �-o#' .c124► -.- . .-. .._�. I _ `' 1 [iS37•o.R.a .. .:.�::. :. is _._ 9 1 q�•167.ns. P,�I..Ib �- OQIVr-'M 9V.'t5.657A - ,! '� -�at.J.• 157�i1•157,,,a (col•ao i6� � I V'1ul�0uc.• a2tr..r- �Q�1 UC L2EQUIG-�'� � . } ` 1 1 I»ut 1 IL1G ,4 1-7 — 49.09 -' � 1 soul IuG ws_ po•91 "' (4780•oo -`ao ) a39 cea-�. 9 O © u7a000 . 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