HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-04-17 Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Clarington Older Adult Board of Directors Friday April 17th 2015 @ 9am oting members Present: Norma Evans, Irene Gourlay, Muriel Moynes, Tim Funchion, Cathie Ward, Elaine Spicer, Alan Bayliss, Alan Tibbles, Barb Singleton Gary Bray and Councillor Ron Hooper Non Voting Members Present: Erica Mittag, Angie Darlison Regrets: Terry Trail and Mayor Adrian Foster 1.0 Call to order President Muriel Moynes called the meeting to order at 9am 2.0 Approval of the Agenda Motion that the Agenda be approved as amended Moved by Tim Funchion Seconded by Barb Singleton Carried 3.0 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes from: Friday March 20th 2015 Friday March 27th 2015 Approved with amendment in March 20th minutes, section 4.2 should read: 1525,000 was included in the Community Services Department Capital Budget for the total project budget at the Courtice Community Complex to renovate the multipurpose room as a dedicated space for COAA and to renovate the current leased space for Community Services Department Programming. This was presented to Council on February 27th with ratification on March 2nd 2015, and was approved" Moved by Alan Tibbles Seconded by Gary Bray Carried Approval of Executive Meeting minutes, held April 1 St. 2015 Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded by Alan Tibbles Carried 4.0 Business Arising from Previous Meeting 4.1 Older Adult Strategy Update (Alan Tibbles) The Board is to work on a plan which will go to Joe Caruana. Alan Tibbles asked Ron Hooper to clarify what was exactly proposed as regards to the Survey. Ron Hooper confirmed that he would get back to us on this information. Erica Mittag also confirmed that she would pass along the Municipal Press Release. There was also a lot of confusion on the wording of the motion that was voted on regarding the Older Adult Strategy during the Municipal Council meeting so Angie Darlison confirmed that she would forward the approved motion to all members of the board as soon as it was received from the Municipal Clerks Department. 4.2 Staff meeting Alan Tibbles and Muriel Moynes had a meeting with staff on Tuesday to reassure them of the Board's continued support. Muriel Moynes suggested that we should meet with the aff-oTTzan an-gang 5.0 Correspondence 5.1 Minister Responsible for Senior Affairs RE: Senior Achievement Award The Municipality of Clarington is inviting our community to put forth names of individuals who they feel are worthy of being nominated for the 2015 award. Nominations are forwarded by municipal councils to the Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade. In order to be considered by Council, they would,like to request that nominations be submitted to the Clerk's Office by 4.15 April 24th. Only those who meet the criteria will be considered for nomination. We have in other years nominated 7 people, but none have been accepted. 5.2 Municipality of Clarington RE: Helping Hands Event We received our invitation to this event late, however Alan Tibbles attended on our behalf. Five of our members received awards, Irene Gourlay, Terry Kelsey, Elaine Spicer, Ron Goddard, Greg Hall and Russ Mayote. 5.3 Letters of Support RE: Older Adult Strategy From: Nancy Kelman, Hans & Barbara Collmorgan, Kay Moore, Diane and Gerald Harness, Donna Osborne, Millie Wagner, Alannah Coles, Steve Coles, Lynda Abrams, Barb Lees, Tim Funchion and Geraldine McArthur. They all sent the same message that they want to keep the COAA as it is. 5.4 Letters of concern RE: Older Adult Strategy From: Jim Boate This was not a very supportive letter. 5.5 Municipality of Clarington Motion to go into a in camera session Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded by Alan Tibbles Carried Motion to come out of camera Moved by Tim Funchion Seconded by Ron Hooper Carried Motion to accept all correspondence as received. Moved by Elaine Spicer Seconded by Irene Gourlay Carried 6.0 Reports 6.1 Fundraising (Barb Singleton) Barb reported total revenue to date is $13,823, total expense is $1,935, and therefore the net income is $11,887. Our Budget is $38,500, so we have to raise $26,612, to meet our target for 2015. Upcoming events are: Scott Woods Concert Tuesday April 21 It tickets $25, COAA and Rotary Auction on May 2nd, tickets $60, Euchre Extravaganza coming up on May 23d, and Ribs and Brews, the first weekend in June. 6.2 Treasurers Report(Alan Bayliss) Alan reported that we still have $55,000 grant money coming from the Municipality. He informed us that the satellite locations are always behind in revenue, as we have to wait for the CDS to reimburse us, however we are always up to date on expenses. There was a suggestion that we have a balance sheet presentation every 3 months, and that was Then wa�s-a-brief-discussion-on chargesfor-non=7rrem s to-the-satethte-drop 6.3 Municipal Report (Erica Mittag and Ron Hooper) Erica Mittag reminded us that bio's for the Senior Achievement Award, have to be in by April 24th, nominee must be 65+. Josie Roberts was suggested. Ron Hooper commented on the discussions that the COAA had on Monday night with the Councillors, and thanked us. Ron Hooper asked about New Horizon Grants, and Angie Darlison explained that although we have applied many times we have never received anything. Ron Hooper also mentioned that he paid a visit to one of the Oshawa Senior Centres, and picked up one of their programs. Angie Darlison said that she has many copies and would loan them out if anyone wants to see them, however would want them back, as she keeps them on file, for ideas etc. Alan Bayliss thanked Ron Hooper for his support. There was a question to Ron Hooper about all the security that was present on Monday night at the council meeting. He reassured us that it was not that they thought the COAA would cause problems, but as they foresaw that there was going to be a lot of people there, they were concerned for everyone's safety. Motion to accept the reports Moved by Tim Funchion Seconded by Cathie Ward Carried 7.0 Other Business 7.1 Garage (Angie Darlison) The Garage roof collapsed, and snow fencing and cones have been erected to keep the garage blocked off. Angie Darlison has approached the Municipality, about this, but has not heard back. She asked that if we are out and about on the weekends could we drive past the centre to check on the garage. We have been told by the Municipality that it will cost too much to repair the garage, but she is hoping that the tennis people will get involved and that something will get done 7.2 Business Plan (Muriel Moynes) We were asked on Monday night to prepare a business plan, and Alan Tibbles is spearheading this. He passed copies of a COAA"Vision" Business Plan. Alan said that he needed help doing this. Each Board member volunteered to take a section and work on it, and if they need more help they can make adhoc committees to help them. Angie also said that she and her staff will be made available for consultation to all of the groups working on the plan. She also said that Jim Abernathy has offered us a page in the June edition of the Clarington Promoter, which goes to every house in Clarington (33,000). 7.3 Alan Bayliss Alan was very encouraged by the energy that sees in the Board now. He felt that for us to develop our business plan, we should do our best to work with the town, as we have been isolated from them for a long time and we must improve that relationship. He had a few ideas how to do this, for example we could invite the councillors to our meetings, and Tuesday lunch etc. He also suggested that the Board meet more than once a month, and it was agreed that we will meet every two weeks, while we are in the process of forming the Business Plan. He suggested that we should include Municipal staff in some of our Business Plan discussions. 7.4 Round Table (Muriel Moynes) Muriel urged the Board members to speak up in our meetings, and reinforced the fact -we-are-cr-te-am;an-d at fTo-ugh there-a-ra-many c-halrenges nn-front o-f us,she—feels th:ir—I . 8.0 Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting Moved by Allan Tibbles Carried Next Meeting will be Wednesday May 20th'h 2015 at 2pm I I